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This paper explores the uses of YouTube by Uyghur nationalist movement activists and studies various ideological codes used by different communities to promote their messages. It argues that several ideological codes are produced in order to challenge the dominant ideologies promoted by the Chinese government, which create a ground for Uyghur ‘imagined solidarity’ across physical borders. Analysis of the production of audio-visual messages by the dispersed ethnic group provides an important window into how ethnic identity is forged by means of Web 2.0.  相似文献   

该文在对新疆草原自然保护区进行典型调查的基础上,结合当前自然保护区的情况,讨论了草原自然保护区的重大意义,分析了新疆自然保护区的成绩与问题,并就全国草原自然保护区的建设与管理问题提出建议。  相似文献   

Qingguo Jia 《当代中国》2001,10(27):321-330
This paper argues that now, more than at any other time, the way that China‐US relations evolve will shape each country's interests and affect the development of global politics. Thus, at this critical point, it is important that the two countries develop a mutually beneficial relationship. In this respect Chinese views of US intentions matter because these views translate into policies; policies that influence US domestic politics and shape relations between the two countries. It is ironic, then, that while Chinese understanding of US domestic politics has never been better and its response to it has never been more sophisticated, the criticisms of China in the US have never been stronger than at any time since rapprochement in the early 1970s. And, pointing specifically to the debate in the US since 1994 over the Clinton Administration's engagement policy, Jia analyzes this as a key source of current Chinese frustrations.  相似文献   

In 1995 and 1996, the Taiwan Strait became an area of considerable tension. Relations between Beijing and Taipei deteriorated as a result of perceptions by leaders in the People's Republic of China that Taiwan was moving toward independence, especially after President Lee Teng‐hui made a widely publicized trip to the US in the summer of 1995. An assessment of the differences in perceptions by scholars, officials and the populations on the two sides, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China, are instructive. The author looks at five areas where disparate views are noticeable and divisive: the history of Taiwan (especially its ties with the mainland), Taiwan's legal status, views of the ‘Taiwan issue’ espoused by Beijing and Taipei, current relations between Beijing and Taipei, and the stance of the international community and the nature and structure of international politics. Scenarios are presented regarding the future of the conflict.  相似文献   

The Public Perceptions of Child Welfare Scale measures how the social environment influences child welfare workers, including their job satisfaction and intent to leave. Psychometric studies have validated the scale for private child welfare workers, but there are no validation studies with public agency staff. This study fills that gap, showing stigma and respect are important constructs that also predict worker intent to leave. This research found an additional construct, blame, which was not present in private worker validation studies. The scale provides an important tool for the field as we continue to build evidence for effective recruitment and retention.  相似文献   

文章针对当前我国检察机关的宪法地位问题,从对检察机关宪法地位的理解,存在问题和巩固职能等方面进行阐述,指出检察权的宪法地住与在实践中的弱化之间的矛盾,论证了检察机关宪法地位巩固与发展的途径。  相似文献   

政治文明视角下党内民主的地位与作用表现在:党内民主是坚持党的领导的必要条件,也是社会主义政治文明建设的关键因素;党内民主是人民民主的首要推动力,也是社会主义政治文明建设的重要推动力;党内民主是依法治国的逻辑前提,也是建设社会主义政治文明的先决条件。  相似文献   

邵德兴 《岭南学刊》2009,(3):113-116
对杭州三个典型村落的调查表明,目前农村“夹心层”的生活品质现状令人担忧。必须实施农村“三级求助圈”政策,完善综合求助体系;推进公共服务的城乡一体化,提高农村“夹心层”抗风险能力;加大对农村低收入阶层的扶持力度,促进农村经济社会协调发展。  相似文献   

党的领导体制:地位、现状评估及走势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从增强党的执政基础的要素来看 ,健全完善党的领导体制是增强党的执政基础的根本。要增强党的执政基础 ,必须与时俱进地推动党的领导体制改革。推动党的领导体制改革 ,一要对党的领导体制进行科学的评估 ,二要确定党的领导体制改革的价值取向 ,三要准确把握党的领导体制改革的走势。  相似文献   

我国经济不断发展,日新月异,与经济相关的走私犯罪也瞬息万变。而对走私犯罪的现状与发展趋势的认识和了解是构建走私犯罪防控体系的前提,也是实务部门打击走私犯罪的任务。本文就走私犯罪的现状及其形成原因和走私犯罪的发展趋势三个方面进行论述,以探讨我国走私犯罪的实际情况。  相似文献   

Churches serve vital roles in African American communities, where disease burden is disproportionately greater and healthcare access is more limited. Although church leadership often must approve programs and activities conducted within churches, little is known about their perception of churches as health promotion organizations, or the impact of church-based health promotion on their own health. This exploratory study assessed perceptions of church capacity to promote health among 27 rural, African American clergy leaders and report the relationship between their own health and that of their congregation. Results indicate a perceived need to increase the capacity of their churches to promote health. Most common were conducting health programs, displaying health information, kitchen committee working with the health ministry, partnerships outside of the church, and funding. Findings lay the foundation for the development of future studies of key factors associated with organizational change and health promotion in these rural church settings.  相似文献   

Yingjie Guo 《当代中国》2012,21(77):723-739
The meaning of class, like many other things, is conferred by historically specific chains of signification or discourses that constitute the identity and significance of class as a social reality. Therefore, much of the conceptual purchase and explanatory power of class will be lost when the concept is taken out of the theories in which it is embedded. This is exactly the case with the use of class in the People's Republic of China in the last two or three decades, when the Marxist approach to class has been rejected and ‘forgotten’ by the social analysts and the Chinese Communist Party—even though the latter continues to pay lip service to Marxism—in favour of alternative concepts, methodologies and theories that sidestep class relations. The point of departure here is not so much sociological as political-ideological.  相似文献   

不断增强全社会的创造活力,是社会主义和谐社会的重要特征,不断增强工人阶级和工会组织的创造活力,是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要内容和重要保证。党的十六大指出,“最大多数人的利益和全社会全民族的积极性创造性,对党和国家事业的发展始终是最具有决定性的因素”,提出把“尊重劳动、尊重知识、尊重人才、尊重创造”作为一项长期方针在全党明确下来。党的十六届四中全会进一步把增强全社会的创造活力作为党的执政能力建设的一项重要任务,提出要“激发各行各业人们的创造活力,坚决破除各种障碍,使一切有利于社会进步的创造愿望得到尊重、创…  相似文献   

新世纪新阶段统一战线工作的一项重要任务,就是要最大限度地把新的社会阶层人士团结起来,充分发挥他们的作用,这是巩固党的群众基础的需要,是巩固和发展新世纪新阶段统一战线的需要,也是构建社会主义和谐社会的需要。  相似文献   

关于工人阶级政治意识的若干研究范式述论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从思想史的角度考察,思想界对于工人阶级的政治意识的研究大概遵循了两个传统,即以卡尔.马克思为代表的阶级分析方法与以马克斯.韦伯为代表的文化解释方法。而从研究范式看,它们又可细分为四个范式,即马克思的“经济唯物论”、卢卡奇的“历史—整体主义”、汤普森的“文化—历史主义”、赖特的微观—宏观“阶级分析”。尽管在马克思之后出现了一些新的范式,但马克思的阶级分析方法仍具有强大的生命力。  相似文献   

在已设有辅导员的大学里,给学生配备班导师,这在我国部分普通高校和部分高职高专院校属于新生事物、正在试行和探索中。本文从班导师制问题的提出出发,借鉴其他高等院校的具体做法,我院试行班导师制度的实践与探索和即将实行班导师制度急需解决的问题等多方面进行探讨,以此推动班导师制度尽快建立,来提升学生专业素养的培养,引导学生对自己专业知识的学习和掌握,增强学生学习的主动性和自觉性,以形成良好学风。  相似文献   

民营企业是我国市场经济的重要参与者,为我国经济发展作出了突出贡献。民营企业的法律地位关系着民营企业的权益保护,也关系着我国民营经济的发展前途。因此,研究我国民营企业的法律地位具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

在铁道部党校成立五十周年庆祝大会上,刘志军部长发表了重要讲话,他指出:“铁路党校要从实现铁路跨越式发展的全面高度,进一步增强做好党校工作的使命感和责任感,继承和发扬铁路党校工作的优良传统充分发挥培训干部主渠道、主阵地、主力军作用,为全面提高铁路领导干部素质和加强党的思想理论建设作出新贡献。”“在新的形势和任务面前,我们必须比以往任何时期都更加重视培养干部,造就符合铁路跨越式发展需要的合格人才。”我们从调查中了解到,铁路企业的各级领导干部置身于改革之中,面临着新的形势,新的任务,新的问题,希望寻求解决问题的思…  相似文献   

社会工作在20世纪80年代后期才重新传入我国。处于起步发展阶段的中国社会工作,面临着一系列的现实问题,但中国社会工作的教育及其发展有着自己独具的优势,有中国特色的本土化的社会工作大有可为,有着广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

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