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In this study, I explore the mediation techniques used by an international organization (IO) to settle an international crisis. Specifically, I have focused on the use of formal and informal techniques with a case study of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO) mediation during the Cod Wars between Iceland and the United Kingdom. My analysis indicates that a combination of both formal and informal mediation techniques was instrumental in resolving the Cod Wars conflict. Further research would clarify whether this finding can be generalized to other cases of NATO mediation and interventions of third parties in addition to NATO.  相似文献   

Insight mediation is the name we have given to the model of mediation that is taught and practiced at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. The name has evolved from our efforts to situate the model in relation to the transformative and narrative styles of mediation. Drawing upon the work of Canadian philosopher Bernard Lonergan and his theory of insight, mediators practicing this model seek direct and inverse insights into what the conflict means to each party by discovering what each party cares about and how that threatens the other party. Insights shift attitudes and create space for collective action. The authors argue that coming to recognize the theoretical underpinnings of our practice helps us become better practitioners.  相似文献   

上海合作组织区域经济合作研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
上海合作组织是第一个由中国倡导建立的、并以中国城市命名的区域性组织 ,加强区域经济合作是推动该组织发展的车轮之一。本文主要分析了上海合作组织开展区域经济合作的有利条件和不利条件 ,利用 Gravity模型分析了该组织成员国在贸易便利化方面的现状、存在的问题及未来的改进方向 ,同时论述了成员国在投资领域的现状、问题及促进投资的主要措施 ,并在此基础上阐述了上海合作组织未来开展区域经济合作的基本原则、中长期发展目标和实施机制 ,以及中国在推动该组织区域经济合作中应持的立场。  相似文献   

Managerial conflict resolution skills such as mediation have often been poorly defined and measured. We used a mixed‐method design to develop a managerial mediation competency scale. In our first study, we used semistructured interviews to identify managerial mediation skills and attitudes, from which we derived a framework for measuring managerial mediation competency. In our second study, we developed scale items and used a quantitative survey to test the scale's psychometric qualities and to gain insight into the theoretical structure of managerial mediation competency. Our managerial mediation competency scale can be used in research questionnaires or organizational surveys as a training, research, and theory development tool.  相似文献   

大连在东北亚区域合作与竞争中的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯辉 《东北亚论坛》2005,14(5):51-53
未来的十年间,大连把建设成东北亚重要的国际航运中心作为目标,这必然会导致相关资源在该区域内进行重新配置,引发新一轮的竞争。面对这种自身主动性变化带来的机遇与挑战,大连要获得更多利益,实现在东北亚区域合作与竞争中的主导地位,就必须不断地构筑在各个领域中的优势。第一,要搞好港口硬件建设,保证港口基础设施有一定的超前优势和先进性;第二,建设大连临港工业区,加强与东北腹地及省内其他港口的合作,拓展货源渠道,保证货源充足和运输顺畅;第三,成立大连港物流集团,通过在东北亚区域设立分支机构或合作、并购等形式,构筑四通八达能保证实现综合运输的集疏运网络;第四,采取积极促进人力资源流入的政策,提高大连整体收入水平,建立吸引人才流入方面的优势。  相似文献   

主权观念对地区合作的影响体现在世界观、原则化信念和因果信念等方面。主权观念有利于建立行为者间基本的信任,推动地区合作。但由于各国的自我保护意识和难以消除的防范心理,国家之间的深度合作也难以实现。在中国-东盟合作过程中,主权观念既为合作的平稳开展提供了前提条件,推动了合作的迅速发展,但也在观念逻辑和现实纠纷上阻碍着地区意识的生成和一体化的深入发展。东亚地区主权观念根深蒂固既与传统价值体系的延续有关,也与近代以来受屈辱的历史记忆有关,同时也受国家发展阶段与现实利益考量的影响。这些因素都具有长期稳定性,因而在主权观念问题上,短时期内地区各国都无意也无力改变。  相似文献   

Can "spontaneous," decentralized interethnic cooperation emerge among ethnic groups whose members heavily discount future interethnic relations and do not fear punishment for interethnic noncooperation? Why is it that once the interaction between two ethnic groups evolves along a certain (cooperative or conflictual) path it sometimes becomes harder for the interacting groups to reverse course and seek alternative paths? The answer to these two questions lies in the fact that individual members not only are always calculative and could hence act opportunistically, but also are interdependent and can learn from one another. Because the members of interacting groups operate interdependently they thereby create collective nonlinear path dependence. Using a social game (within evolutionary game theory) the article shows counterintuitively that the emergence of collective, nonlinear path dependence within and across ethnic groups whose members heavily discount the future and face no punishment for interethnic noncooperation makes "spontaneous" decentralized interethnic cooperation a long-run equilibrium. Collective cooperation can thus develop path-dependently among ethnic groups without a Damocles' sword of any sort hanging over their members' heads, even when most individuals are shortsighted and opportunistic.  相似文献   

通过立法手段加强反恐国际合作已成为国际社会的共识。现行反恐国际合作的主要法律武器有联合国、有关国际组织和区域性国际组织主导制定的国际公约。这种立法存在许多缺陷,因此,能够发挥的作用有限。打击恐怖主义,必须从国际社会能够普遍接受的国际合作立法的基本原则和理念入手,制定并完善反恐国际立法、国内立法和其他相关国际立法三者协调一致的法律体系,并建立起相应的反恐国际合作的组织体系,才能有效遏制恐怖主义的发生和发展。  相似文献   

Thinking in narrative terms is proving useful in a number of disciplines. Such thinking has already contributed to a growing body of work in the family therapy field. Here, we seek to demonstrate the usefulness and applicability of the ideas developed by Michael White and David Epston (among others) to the practice of mediation. Distinctions are drawn from the problem-solving approach with regard to both basic theoretical assumptions and method. A transcribed mediation scenario is used to illustrate and comment on the techniques of narrative mediation in action.  相似文献   

中国与俄罗斯互为最大邻国,两国边界线绵延4300多公里,特别是东段边界一衣带水,毗邻地区丰富的自然资源和充沛的水力资源为两国东部地区的经济发展创造了优越的条件。然而,两国近年来高速的经济发展和工业开发,给界河、界湖流域的生态环境带来了巨大的压力,环境污染和生态失衡问题日益加剧。双方毗邻地区生态安全合作迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

黑龙江省对俄远东地区投资合作问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俄联邦远东地区地域广阔,但是经济发展较俄联邦的其他地区滞后。为了改变远东现状,俄罗斯联邦政府一方面在酝酿制定投资开发远东地区的政策,另一方面在积极吸引外资以推动和促进远东地区经济的发展。投资合作是发展黑龙江省与俄远东地区经济合作的重要途径,具有坚实的基础和广阔的前景。  相似文献   

In this article, we review the mediation literature from the past decade, utilizing a cybernetic mediation paradigm to organize the material. In this paradigm, we note that the type of conflict, country, culture, and mediation institutions affect the mediation process. Within this process, the mediator and disputants interact with each other, attempting to reach their own goals. This interaction produces outcomes for the disputants, the mediators, and other parties. The literature — organized using this paradigm — indicates that mediation is frequently practiced in many venues; the literature also provides an exhaustive list of mediation goals, describes many mediation strategies, and reports manifold mediation outcomes. Unfortunately, the number of studies examining the relative effectiveness of specific strategies (e.g., pressing, relational, and analytic) seems insufficient. Few studies have used control groups or reported observations of mediator and disputants' behavior in actual mediations.  相似文献   

Mediation Ethics: A Grounded Approach   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Using insights drawn from mediation practice, social justice scholarship, and debates on ethical thinking in other professional fields, the authors argue that prevailing ethical codes for mediators in the United States stunt the development of ethical thinking in the field. Current codes and even their critiques take a "top-down" approach that proceeds from the perspective of the mediator and gives primacy to abstract principles rather than to the particulars and contexts of disputes. This approach ignores a much richer practice on the ground, depends on an artificial division of procedural and substantive justice, and constricts the scope of ethical questions raised, inhibiting effective systemic solutions. The authors argue for ethics grounded in the context of particular substantive areas, which do not focus on the mediator alone and which remain open to a wider set of social justice considerations.  相似文献   

基于锦赤铁路的区域经济战略合作问题研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王刚 《东北亚论坛》2011,20(1):121-129
区域经济一体化是指一些地理相近的国家或地区间通过加强经济合作,为谋求风险成本和机会成本的最小化和利益的最大化。在国家加快推进东北亚区域经济一体化背景下,以锦赤铁路为依托的区域经济合作,成为东北三省和蒙东加强合作的重要支撑点之一。从"港腹联动"与"蒙煤入海"双向需求为出发点,以锦赤铁路为辽蒙的纽带和桥梁,从战略和系统的角度,多层次构建和优化铁路沿线经济带的区域分工,拓宽合作渠道,以促进辽蒙经济实现可持续发展和区域一体化。  相似文献   

黑龙江省东部旅游区域合作涉及伊春、鸡西、鹤岗、佳木斯、七台河、双鸭山等六个市。它们都是黑龙江省重要的资源型城市,而且多数与俄罗斯远东地区接壤,旅游业发展不仅关系到资源型城市转型,还影响着边境繁荣稳定、中俄友好往来。虽然东部掀开了黑龙江省旅游区域合作的篇章,但是合作的效果并不理想。深入分析这一过程、原因,并提出相应的对策建议,对资源型城市、边境城市发展旅游具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,中国与印度尼西亚媒体及相关产业合作发展迅速,取得了一些合作成效,但也存在一些问题,如印度尼西亚国内环境有所局限,与基础设施建设等行业相比,媒体及相关产业合作优势不明显,相关主体的参与力度和意愿不足,合作模式不够系统和深入,且合作平台和人力资源等方面也存在一定问题.为了推动一带一路下中印(尼)媒体及相关产业合作,中印(尼)双方应从民心相通、投资与合作领域、合作主体性与对外宣传、合作模式、合作平台及跨学科人才等多方面做出改善.  相似文献   

俄罗斯是世界上的科技大国,在世界级102项顶尖技术中,俄罗斯掌握57项,有27项具有世界一流水平。我省应充分利用毗邻俄罗斯的地缘、历史渊源和人才优势,全面实施对俄科技合作发展战略,促进全省科技和经济跨越式发展。  相似文献   

山东半岛与韩国经济合作的战略研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
为了顺应跨国公司向中国新一轮的产业转移趋势, 山东省提出“承接日韩产业转移,打造半岛制造业基地”的发展战略。因此,分析韩国未来对山东半岛的投资趋势,合理规划山东半岛未来需重点发展的主导产业,促进山东半岛有效承接韩国的产业转移,对于加速山东半岛制造业基地建设至关重要。  相似文献   

2008年爆发的全球性金融危机使哈尔滨市对俄经贸合作受到影响,出现贸易额下滑、出口加工业发展受阻、对俄劳务输出下降等问题。同时,新的内外部环境为哈尔滨市对俄经贸合作升级增添了新的难点,为企业开拓俄罗斯市场提高了难度。哈尔滨市应根据俄市场受危机影响出现的政策变化制定具体可行的应对措施,加大对俄出口加工企业的扶持力度,以参与俄远东地区开发建设为契机,扩大对俄劳务输出,深化双方的务实合作,从而推动哈尔滨市在金融危机环境下对俄经贸合作取得新的进展。  相似文献   

Over time, many fields of work - law, medicine, and teaching - matured from informal bodies of knowledge and skills, passed from one practitioner to another, into professions. In the process each began enumerating and affirming their intellectual and practical roots. Each also began testing practitioners to insure comprehension of relevant knowledge and an ability to demonstrate relevant skills. Family mediators in Canada have moved in this direction. In the United States, people who mediate interpersonal disputes also feel pressured to take additional steps to assure the quality of our work. This article summarizes what mediation organizations in the United States have done and could do to vouch for work in our field. But, taking additional steps calls for a clearer understanding of what a mediator should know and what they are expected to do. These two critical pieces of information remain nebulous. So, this article goes beyond describing ways of insuring accountability by also describing a recently completed job analysis, a tool frequently used in other fields of work to describe the skills and knowledge relevant to a particular job.  相似文献   

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