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“适度法典化”的理论主张包括法典调整范围“适度”、体系化“适度”以及“适度”发展完善。一般法典化理论亦包含了“适度”的意蕴,现有的“适度法典化”理论和一般法典化理论的区别尚未得到充分澄清。学界也没有为环境法法典化提供一套清晰、明确的具体方案。“适度法典化”理论是关照法典整个生命周期的全过程理论,涉及环境法典调整范围、规范体系严密程度以及环境法典发展完善三个基础性理论问题。其具体方案应当包括:在明确应当被纳入法典的立法以及不应当被纳入法典的立法的前提下,妥善安置位于两可之间的单行立法;在确保法典内在体系的统一性和完备性的前提下,形成适度的外部体系效益;在维护法典稳定性和安定性的前提下,遵循特定的规律发展和完善法典。  相似文献   

知识产权法法典化是现代民法法典化运动的重要组成部分。前者的基本任务,一是实现知识产权法与民法典的连接,二是在民法典之外再设专门法典,概称为“入典”和“成典”问题。近代大陆法系国家是以“物权—债权”的物质化财产权结构作为民法典编纂的“范式”;进入20世纪以来,经历了体系化、现代化改造的知识产权法“入典”,成为“范式”民法典的历史坐标。与此同时,知识产权立法从单行法到法典法,已成为法律现代化的一个重要趋向,并表现为先民法典后知识产权法典(或工业产权法典)的法现象特征。中国知识产权法的法典化道路,宜采取“两步走”的方略:第一步,在民法典中实现对知识产权法的“点、面”链接,满足知识产权作为私权的理性回归;第二步,制定专门法典,实行知识产权法一体化、体系化的理性安排。  相似文献   

行政法的法典化旨在通过立法技术实现“完备的法律规范体系”目标,它是一个涵盖部门法意义,体现多层次、具有不同程度法典化过程的概念。应改变过去那种行政法不能法典化的传统观念认知,对行政法法典化抱持一种“有限的理性化努力”态度与行动,针对环境、教育等部门(或领域)行政法编纂部门(或领域)行政法典,针对一般行政法编纂“行政基本法典”。就“行政基本法典”而言,应将其定位为解决一般行政领域(或所有行政领域)共通性问题的“基本”性法典,融实体与程序为一体,将规范控制行政权与保障公民权益相统一,其文本的结构内容宜按总则编与分则编编排,总则编部分应主要规定基本概念、基本原则和基本行政制度,在分则编部分应设计“行政主体编”而非“行政组织编”,在“行政活动编”下分设权力性活动、非权力性活动和行政程序(活动)三个次编,在“行政救济(或监督)编”部分以行政救济为主同时兼顾监督。就领域法典而言,应将其定位为某一行政部门(或领域)的法典,其体系化或统一化的范围应限于该领域的全国性法律,介于一般行政法与单行法之间的“中间”层级,对领域法典的编纂应突出其领域的行政特色,教育法典的编纂应以教育行政为主线,环境法典的编纂应以“环境治理”为主线。为尽快实现一般行政法和部门(或领域)行政法的法典化目标,建议采取“适度法典化”与“分别编纂、协同推进”的法典化路径。  相似文献   

1976年颁布的德国《联邦行政程序法》正处于时代的转捩点上。德国的行政程序法是由总则性法典、部门(领域)法典和特别法以阶层模式构成的体系。法典化理念在立法现实中是动态的和周期性的,立法史随着法典化理念波动,其是以法典化、解法典化和再法典化为轴心的辩证发展过程。法典具有法的统一化、定向和稳定化、精简规范等功能,但同时其自身也具有割裂风险、过时风险、固化风险等弱点。近年来,德国的行政程序法出现了解法典化的趋势,包括水平的解法典化和垂直的解法典化。德国联邦行政程序法在再法典化的过程中,需要再次反思一般行政(程序)法的秩序理念与结构化能力。  相似文献   

关于“法典化意味着什么”的问题,需要从现实的法典化理论进路出发,以19世纪以后的法典化实践为基础,从政治、科学(学理)和技术三个视角进行探讨。首先,法典是政治的产物。近代的法典化有其独特的时代背景和政治意蕴,法典之争的背后总是伴随着政治角力,法典化现象本身则彰显着共和主义和立法中心主义的政治思潮。其次,法典是法学学术积淀的产物。近代的法典是法教义学的结晶和体系化方法的构造物,是形式化和实质化的双重体系的展现。最后,法典也是完备立法技术的产物。近代法典通常以论理体为体裁,既需设计符合民族和时代要求的体例,也需实现逻辑和经验的平衡。法典并非法律发展的终点,法典化是一个生生不息、不断成熟的动态过程,仰赖以法典评注和判例研究为支撑的教义学的发展。  相似文献   

行政法典不是从习惯法到成文法的历史累积,而是功能主义的制度构建,是一种“自我限缩”的特殊的法典化形式。行政法法典化是以行政部门法的划分及其法律逻辑体系的建构为前提,近代欧陆理性主义为此奠定了认识论和方法论的基础。而延续经验主义传统的普通法不存在普遍的法典化形式。行政法体系自创立之初便与民法相分离,并确立了不同于民法的行政法学教义。由此形成的行政法典的建构基础、价值原则、体系框架都不同于《民法典》。在世界范围内,程序法模式已成为行政法法典化的通例。因此,目前我国行政法法典化最现实的选择是行政法典的程序主义。而且,行政法的法典化不应仿效民法典的模式和体例,也不要试图构建整全性的、实体法意义上的行政法典。  相似文献   

周小凡 《法学》2024,(1):35-46
概念法学为“科学的”法典化提供了科学的方法路径。一方面,其法典化立法结果影响到近代欧洲乃至世界私法学的成长,另一方面,其法典化实践经验也为此后的法典编纂与法律实施提供了优化思路。在概念法学之“科学的”法典化路径上,18、19世纪理性自然法思潮至历史法学派对科学体系的追求成为法典化科学方法之滥觞;萨维尼、普赫塔、耶林和温德沙伊德等传统“概念法学”者完成的潘德克顿法学建构成为1900年《德国民法典》的创新之本。法典化并非静止的立法过程,其实践中产生的问题所引发的针对概念法学的激烈学术争论提供了法典化成效的评价依据。梳理论证概念法学“科学的”法典化历程,提炼其对于建构和谐的法典结构体系、孕育法律进化理念以及充分发挥法学家建构功用之经验,有利于发挥概念法学关注体系性、融贯性等天然优势,为我国稳健的法典化进程提供了有益的方法借鉴。  相似文献   

知识产权法典化论证质评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李雨峰 《现代法学》2005,27(6):150-155
在中国知识产权的立法进程中,存在“特别立法”、“单独法典”和“作为民法典的一篇”三种模式,它们基本上沿袭了世界上既有的知识产权三种立法模式。在理论界,多数学者指出,知识产权的法典化是历史发展的必然趋势。在方法论上他们多数采用的是比较、逻辑的进路;在知识资源上多数依赖的是比较法和历史史实的支撑。法典化论者有关制定知识产权法典的论证是不充分的。在中国语境下,与“特别立法”模式相比,“法典化”具有一种比较优势;但它不具有现实性。比较说来,中国当前应当制定一部《知识产权法通则》。  相似文献   

论法国知识产权法典的立法特色及借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏建国 《河北法学》2002,20(6):124-128
法国 1992年颁布的知识产权法典 ,以“法典化”的立法体例独树一帜 ,在内容、结构和立法技术上独具特色 ,对我国知识产权法的建设有一定的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

美国著名法官威廉·道格拉斯曾说:“正是程序决定了法治与恣意的人治之间的基本区别”①。在我国行政法学者探讨中国行政法法典化时,江平教授也曾指出,“中国法制建设发展从民法、刑法法典化的进程看,以诉讼法先行促实体法典的完善是一个规律。②”可令诉讼法学者不好意思的是,  相似文献   

In this article the presence of the rehabilitation goal in the policy of the prison system in the Netherlands will be discussed first. Particular attention will be paid to the question as to why the rehabilitation goal, in spite of the doubtfull status of its impact, still plays a role in the increasing instrumentalist policy of the Dutch criminal justice system. In addition, some limitations of a one-sided 'nothing works' approach of rehabilitation will be discussed. Next, empirical research is examined for what it teaches about the functioning of correctional programmes within the prison system. Special attention will be paid to the attitudes of inmates toward rehabilitation. It will be shown that in spite of a considerable body of research on institutional adaptation, little is known about the dynamics between inmates' attitudes and personal, situational and organisational background variables. In addition, the results of a survey, conducted on the nature and sources of inmates' attitudes towards rehabilitation, will be presented. Finally, this article will offer reflections on the benefits of a process-evaluative approach of correctional interventions.  相似文献   

Numerous international instruments have been developed to promote sustainable chemicals management. However, until recently, a common overarching framework for sustainable chemicals policy was missing. The Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) was developed to address this challenge. This article will provide a short overview of the context and the negotiation process of SAICM, and it will give a short summary and assessment of its content. The article will conclude that SAICM is neither a lost opportunity nor the foundation of a brave new world of chemicals policy, but that it establishes a comprehensive institutional framework that can be further developed into an effective instrument of international chemicals policy.  相似文献   

Although policymakers have recently shown a keen interest in noncompete reform, a gap exists in the literature concerning what the U.S. public's preferences are regarding noncompetes. Therefore, this article presents the empirical findings of a nationally-representative survey of the American public on the noncompete law governing employees. Based on the results of a conjoint experiment within the survey, this article finds that the U.S public prefers that noncompetes be used to protect any types of confidential information, rather than simply customer lists or employee training investments. Additionally, the findings do not show clear support either for or against noncompete exemptions based on an employee's earnings level. However, this article finds that the U.S. public prefers a noncompete exemption for physicians, a shorter maximum duration for the noncompete period, and a legal mandate that departing employees subject to noncompetes receive some compensation from the employer during the noncompete period. Consequently, this article argues that employers should engage in greater self-regulation if they would like to mitigate the risk not only that legislators will respond to public sentiment favoring more employee-friendly policies by enacting a total or near-total ban on noncompetes, but also that judges will find the noncompetes to be unreasonable.  相似文献   

The majority of the fear that exists about the cloud arises due to the lack of transparency in the cloud. Fears have persisted in relation to how the data are frequently transferred in a cloud for various purposes which includes storing and processing. This is because the level of protection differs between countries and cloud users who belong to countries which provide a high level of protection will be less in favour of transfers that reduce the protection that was originally accorded to their data. Hence, to avoid client dissatisfaction, the Data Protection Directive has stated that such transfers are generally prohibited unless the country that data is being transferred to is able to provide ‘appropriate safeguards’. This article will discuss the position of the Data Protection Directive and how the new General Data Protection Regulation differs from this Directive. This involves the discussion of the similarity as well as the differences of the Directive and Regulation. In summary, it appears that the major principles of the cross border transfer are retained in the new regulation. Furthermore, the article discusses the exceptions that are provided in the standard contractual clause and the reason behind the transition from Safe Harbor to the new US-EU Privacy Shield. This article subsequently embarks on the concept of Binding Corporate Rule which was introduced by the working party and how the new regulation has viewed this internal rule in terms of assisting cross border data transfer. All the issues that will be discussed in this article are relevant in the understanding of cross border data transfer.  相似文献   

Abstract: One of the main factors in ensuring the widespread support for accession to the European Union amongst the various populations of Central and Eastern Europe is the perception that it will serve to entrench and strengthen the process of democratisation after the fall of Communism. The purpose of this article is to examine this claim, that accession will provide a ‘democracy dividend’ in this fashion. To this end, the article begins by examining the political conditionality of the accession process, and the extent to which the process of democratisation can be understood as a result of ‘external’ pressures. It also discusses the extent to which the effectiveness of political conditionality is likely to survive after the accession takes place. The article then moves on to consider the effects of accession upon democracy in the states of the region by looking in detail at three areas that have been particularly important: the role of national parliaments, the new constitutional courts, and the tendency towards decentralisation and regionalism. The article concludes by noting that, although not all of the developments discussed are necessarily good for democracy in the region, the real dividend coming from the accession process lies in the fact that, on a macro‐level, membership in the EU will make the democratic transition in Central and Eastern Europe practically irreversible.  相似文献   

Property Law modules have a number of deficiencies at present. This article outlines the problems associated with Property Law modules, including the perception that Property Law is a difficult and boring module to study; overemphasis on the historical background of real property; lack of contextualisation; fragmentation of interests in real property; difficulties due to crossovers with other subjects; problems with resources; and issues concerning assessment. These problems should be remedied so that students can enjoy their study of Property Law and gain valuable skills that will enhance their employability. Moreover, given the recommendations contained in the LETR Final Report and recent proposals for changes to legal education from the SRA, this article provides a timely review of one of the Foundations of Legal Knowledge subjects. Accordingly, this article will make several recommendations in order to address the problems identified with Property Law.  相似文献   

本文从学术史的角度,梳理了区位论和社会区位思想的发展演变。发现它们虽然源于不同的学科,但相互采借,相互影响,在“体系”、“区位”和“中心——边缘”等基本概念外延的扩展和内涵的抽象方面,逐渐走到了一起,形成了一个关于社会结构的区位性研究的统一理论——社会区位论。这一理论用以分析和表达社会结构性质,尤其是中国社合结构性质,将是一个很有解释力的工具。  相似文献   

一般行政监督制度比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李亚梅 《现代法学》2000,22(4):105-108
一般行政监督 ,是行政系统进行自我监督的方式之一。世界各国的行政机关内部 ,都普遍存在这种监督制度。但在不同国家结构形式的国家中 ,这种监督呈现出不同的形式及特点。本文选取部分典型国家 ,分别论述其一般行政监督制度。  相似文献   

This article examines how drug felons will be impacted by marijuana legalization in the United States. What will happen to drug felons whose charges would be legal under current law? Can drug felons work in the newly developing legal marijuana industries? In this article we will overview the statistics on arrests and convictions with their high rates of racial disparities. The war on drugs has inspired the development of more repressive criminal justice tactics such as asset forfeiture, high rates of re-incarceration during parole for marijuana violations, drug courts and their further reach into lifestyles, and the difficulties of prisoner reentry, especially for drug felons, who are barred from many jobs and social services. We will look at the regulations of felony offenders working in the cannabis industry. And we will consider the outcomes of retroactive ameliorative relief for this case of marijuana possession felonies under legalization.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been increased societal concern regarding the dangers posed to children by sexual abuse and other related acts. For the main part, this article examines the new offence of meeting a child following sexual grooming under Section 15 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003. I will address the question of whether the introduction of this offence is likely to meet the Government's aim of providing greater protection for children against behaviour associated with sexual abuse. In particular, I will consider how difficult it will be to prove the existence of a harmful ulterior intent in order to make out the offence and why the Government has opted to create this specific offence rather than utilise the existing law of criminal attempt. I will argue that the new offence is a step in the right direction and that the current protection offered to children will be significantly extended by its introduction.  相似文献   

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