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Effects of the Taser in fatalities involving police confrontation.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sixteen deaths associated with the use of the Taser were examined. All involved young males who had a history of abuse of controlled substances; all but three were under the influence of cocaine, phencyclidine [phenylcyclohexylpiperidine (PCP)], or amphetamine. All were behaving in a bizarre or unusual fashion which necessitated calling the police. The cause of death was an overdose of drugs in eleven, gunshot wounds in three, heart disease and Taser shock in one, and an undetermined cause in one. All were considered to be under the influence of PCP by the police at the time of the incident. All were unarmed, which was the reason a Taser was used instead of a more lethal weapon. The conclusion reached after evaluation of these cases is that the Taser in and of itself does not cause death, although it may have contributed to death in one case.  相似文献   

Presented is a case of murder by means of chloroquine, committed on a 36-year-old male. The wife of the deceased had confessed to have secretely administered chloroquine-containing tablets to her husband. She was lawfully sentenced to life-imprisonment. The toxicological findings of this case are compared to the results of two chloroquine suicide cases and discussed in the context of the referring literature. An additional case where chloroquine intoxication was doubtful is introduced because of the unusual circumstances under which it occurred.  相似文献   

A report is presented on a 47 year old man who committed suicide by hanging himself from a staircase bannister of an apartment house. The man, weighing 144 kg jumped with the noose of a 2 cm thick and 2 m long hemp rope around his neck and was completely decapitated. Death from typical "normal" suicidal hanging is usually due to cerebral ischaemia caused by compression of the carotid (and vertebral) arteries. Except for bleeding at the clavicular insertions of the sternocleidomastoid muscles there are only occasional injuries to the cervical soft parts or hyoid bone and/or laryngeal cartilage. A fall with a noose around the neck, on the other hand, is associated with more frequent injuries to cervical structures through additional axial traction and radial shearing forces of the tightening noose. Complete decapitation can occur in rare cases under extreme conditions (heavy body weight, inelastic and/or thin rope material, fall from a great height).  相似文献   

In a suicide committed using aluminium phosphide (AlP) the liberated toxic phosphine gas was detected in post-mortem specimens using a headspace gas chromatographic procedure with a nitrogen-phosphorous detector (HS-GC/NPD). At autopsy a direct sampling into airtight headspace vials for a later analysis is recommended. AlP has to be considered a potent pesticide and its use and availability should be restricted as much as possible.  相似文献   

Thirteen cases of infective endocarditis (IE) diagnosed for the first time at autopsy or, in those patients with a previous diagnosis of IE, not thought to be active at the time of death, are presented. Of the six patients who died within 24 h of the onset of symptoms, two died of obstruction of a valve orifice, two died of sepsis, one died of sepsis and alcoholic cardiomyopathy, and one died of a coronary artery embolus. Of the five patients with symptoms lasting more than 24 h, three died of sepsis and congestive heart failure. One died from sepsis alone and one died from congestive heart failure (CHF). In two patients whose duration of symptoms is unknown, one died of sepsis and CHF, and in the other the mechanism of death is unknown. Predisposing factors present in 11 of 13 patients included alcoholism (three), intravenous (IV) drug abuse (three), prosthetic valves (three), aortic stenosis (two), past rheumatic fever (one), and nonstenotic congenitally bicuspid valves (two). The reasons for no antemortem diagnosis were a missed or incorrect clinical diagnosis in three patients seen by a physician shortly before death, no signs or symptoms or found dead (four), non-specific signs and symptoms (three), refusal of medical treatment (one), and a solitary lifestyle (one); there was insufficient information about one patient. Individuals with needle tracks, generalized petechiae. Osler's nodes, splinter hemorrhages, intravenous catheters, pacemaker wires, and infected aortic-valve (A-V) shunts are at risk of IE. Blood and the vegetations should be cultured. The attending physician should be notified of the diagnosis in such cases.  相似文献   

Experiments on pigs were made for determination of safe distance to blast center for a diver using the isolating breathing apparatus IDA-71U and aqualung AVM-5. The animals were placed at the distance 12, 9, 7 and 5 m from the blast center. After the explosion, basic physiological parameters and severity of traumas were monitored. Differences in morphological characteristics of the damage done on the earth and under water were identified. Safe distance was 12 m.  相似文献   

A double homicide as a result of chloroform poisoning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Homicidal poisoning using chloroform has been reported infrequently. Presented is a case of a double homicide involving a 29-year-old male and his 23-year-old fiance. Gas chromatographic methodology and tissue concentrations of chloroform are presented. Evidence strongly suggests forced inhalation using an impregnated cloth.  相似文献   

Two cases (involving five murder victims) of multiple homicide by inhalational chloroform intoxication are reported. In the discussion of the findings the valence of toxicological analyses is underlined with regard to the possibility of forcible external suffocation due to occlusion of the respiratory orifices by means of a chloroform-soaked soft covering. In addition storage experiments were performed at +4, +20 and -20 degrees C with cadaver blood mixed with chloroform. The optimal solution for avoiding volatile losses was stored in glass tubes with ground glass stoppers. In cases of unclear death in which involvement of volatile substances is suspected it is, therefore, advisable to preserve an additional blood sample at -20 degrees C in glass tubes that are only opened for the analysis of volatile substances.  相似文献   

The enantiomers of the related substances methamphetamine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine and methcathinone were determined by both gas chromatography after derivatization and by nuclear magnetic resonance using a chiral solvating agent. For GC the substances were derivatized with (R)-(+)-α-methoxy-α-(trifluoromethyl)phenylacetic acid (MTPA) to give diasteromeric derivatives. Resolution (baseline) of at least 1.6 was obtained between all derivatives. NMR determination of the enantiomers was conducted in a chiral environment by the addition of the chiral solvating agent, (R)-(+)-1,1′-bi-2-naphthol, to NMR solutions of the substances. Racemization of methcathinone was demonstrated to be facile by exposure to alkaline solutions for varying periods of time. Enantiomeric ratios of some products derived from the oxidation of ephedrine were determined.  相似文献   

Sudden death in a neonate as a result of herpes simplex infection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes a case of a neonate with disseminated herpes simplex born to a 14-year-old asymptomatic mother. The infant's physical examination was normal at birth, and subsequent abnormalities were so subtle that infection was not recognized during life. Postmortem cultures of liver and spleen grew herpes simplex virus, and immunofluorescent direct antibody typing revealed Type 2. A cervical culture of the mother obtained after the infant's death was negative.  相似文献   

The authors report two cases of diving-related water blast with fatal outcome resulting from nearby underwater explosions. Water blast with fatal outcome almost exclusively occurs in wars at sea. Underwater explosions are extremely rare in diving because of the limited exposure. Forensic findings in both cases reported included expected injuries to gas-filled organs such as the middle ear, lungs, and intestine; some rarely described injuries such as rupture of the liver, spleen, and kidneys; and also some lesions that were not found in a search of the literature: rupture of the heart and contusion of the hypophysis. Injuries caused by fatal underwater explosions should be carefully evaluated in forensic medicine to provide data that may support a criminal investigation.  相似文献   

All deaths ascribed to asthma in the 5-to-40-year age group at the Wayne County Medical Examiners' Office were reviewed from 1975 to 1987 inclusive. Fifty-eight deaths were attributed solely to asthma, and the annual number increased fivefold in the 1980s to a rate of approximately 0.5 per 100,000 per year when extrapolated to the Wayne County population. Blacks were overrepresented to double their proportion in the general population. Almost all cases were known asthmatics, and many had received previous emergency care. Most fatalities occurred at night and did not demonstrate any seasonal variation. The onset of the fatal attack was apparently very rapid in most cases, with many engaged in routine activities and few surviving any length of time in hospital or having sought treatment earlier. Our data reveal a significant increase in sudden death in previously well asthmatics in Wayne County in the 1980s. Similar increases in deaths as a result of asthma have been noted previously in other countries for reasons that remain unclear.  相似文献   

Variations in vitreous humor chemical values as a result of instrumentation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Urea nitrogen, glucose, sodium, potassium, and chloride were measured in common vitreous humor samples using a variety of instruments. There was found to be variation in values obtained by the different procedures for each of these constituents. The variation in electrolyte values between the different procedures can pose real problems in attempting to determine the presence of an antemortem dehydration or low salt condition. Possible reasons for these variations are discussed, and the normal range of values of both sodium and chloride for the different instrumentalities is provided. However, variations in values for both urea nitrogen and glucose would not pose any problems of interpretation for forensic science evaluations.  相似文献   

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