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In March 2011,Liang Shuxin,a marketing planner at online community Tianya.cn and founder of Micro Foundation in Guangzhou,south China's Guangdong Province,started an online fundraising program to sponsor students in Hongban Primary School in Qianxi County,southwestern Guizhou Province.  相似文献   

正Since China helped build the Tanzania-Zambia Railway in the 1970s,it has aided African countries in the construction of over 1,000 projects involving infrastructure,agriculture,medical care and water conservancy.Africa is also a major destination for Chinese overseas investment,which has been continuously on the rise.Economic aid and investment from China have helped boost local economies,provided large numbers of jobs,and improved local living standards.  相似文献   

The creation of a further sovereign wealth enterprise is expected to accelerate restructuring of China’s central state-owned enterprises  相似文献   

Huddle Together     
The European Union (EU) and Japan signed the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement(EPA) in Tokyo on July 17,mark-ing the creation of one of the world's largest free trade blocs covering 600 million people and constituting around 30 percent of the global GDP. Leaders from both sides have high expec-tations for the EPA. European Council President Donald Tusk described it as a "light in the dark-ness" for international trade while Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that the EPA "shows the unwavering political resolve of Japan and the EU to lead the world as flagbearers of free trade amid growing protectionism."  相似文献   

Hanging Together     
No country or region is immune to ravaging diseases. With the global spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), it is urgent to strengthen solidarity to fight the pandemic. Many international organizations have called for unity and cooperation among countries. There should be no beggar-thy-neighbor thinking, selfishness or indifference.  相似文献   

Working Together     
正Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemicToday everything seems hunky-dory in Eyam, a pretty British village of 900 people southeast of Manchester. Children can be seen picking plump blackberries from hedgerows, cyclists amble on roads covered with fallen leaves. But in 1665, this idyllic village quarantined itself, with the residents making the heroic choice to sacrifice their lives to stop the spread of the bubonic plague.  相似文献   

Playing Together     
This year marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of the worldrenowned Polish composer Frederic Chopin.Throughout the world,a range of activities will be held to commemorate the great maestro.Tadeusz Chomicki,Polish Ambassador to China,talked to Beijing Review reporter Yu Yan about China's celebration of the anniversary,as well as cultural exchanges between Poland and China.  相似文献   

Dancing Together     
正India's China policy emphasizes cooperation The outside world has been curious about the future interaction of China and India, given the two Asian giants’s wift emergence as world powers in the last two decades. Meanwhile, debates on the dragon and elephant wrestling catch people’s  相似文献   

Better Together     
正Mechanism for cooperation among Lancang--Mekong River countries matures Our River of Peace and Sustainable Development.This was the theme of the Second Lancang-Mekong Cooperation(LMC)Leaders’Meeting in Cambodia,on which the curtain was lowered on January 10.The conference  相似文献   

Yale University Press (YUP) launched Chinese Silks on September 19.The book is the final volume of the Culture and Civilization of China series,a Sino-U.S.joint publishing project initiated by Yale and China International Publishing Group(CIPG)in1990.  相似文献   

Trading Together     
正Service trade fair drives transformation and brings opportunities Major global financial services provider Ernst Young (EY) was a highlight of the 2021 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS),taking place in Beijing from September 2 to 7.Especially its China Overseas Investment Network caught great attention.  相似文献   

正Economic globalization was a hot topic at the 2018 World Economic Forum(WEF),which closed in Davos,Switzerland,on January 26.Notably,participants at the annual meeting focused on solutions for a fractured world and the creation of a shared future.Even though trade protectionism is rising in some Western states,their leaders refrained from voicing opposition against the theme of the Davos  相似文献   

After a month of control measures,regions outside Hubei Province in central China have begun to report fewer or even zero novel coronavirus infections while the number of cured patients discharged from hospitals is increasing.Businesses and other organizations are restarting work in an orderly and secured way amid strengthened epidemic control.Even in Hubei,the most affected province during the outbreak,the number of newly confirmed and suspected cases is decreasing.  相似文献   

<正>China and Russia strengthen their media ties The China-Russia Media Forum was convened in St.Petersburg,Russia,on June 25,resulting in several major Chinese and Russian media organizations signing a number of cooperation  相似文献   

<正>The signing of China-Australia FTA deal ushers in a new era for Asia-Pacific trade The final signing of the Free Trade Agreement(FTA) between Australia and China on June 18 marks the end of discussions and negotiations that have been ongoing since the mid-2000s.While nowhere near as epic as the 14-year period during which China was working on entering the World Trade Organization up to the time of its entry in 2001,  相似文献   

Sing It Together     
正Online music giants’merger raises concerns over the end of free services Music has always been an integral part of the life of Bai Haixia, a 27-year-old translator at a Beijing-based pharmaceutical company. On weekdays, she listens to music during her one-hour commute to work, making  相似文献   

Better Together?     
正Shortly after the fatal bomb attacks in Brussels,the capital of Belgium and the heart of the EU on March 22,Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel told the public,"What we feared has happened."For weeks,intel igence agencies had warned of the possibility of a large-scale terrorist attack on the  相似文献   

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