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WEN CHIHUA 《人权》2009,8(1):11-12
"Until very recently, 12-year-old Li Xioling drank the spring water that originated from the Longmen Shan, orthe Dragon's Gate Mountains of the Tibetan Plateau. Sitting in a makeshift house set up on the bank of the Yanhe River outside her home town Bailu Township of Pengzhou city, Sichuan Province, Li says, "It tastes a little sweet. We used itto cook and to bathe."  相似文献   

Safe and Sound     
正China is working to enhance the earthquake resistance of rural homes On October 21,Nurman Guli,a woman from Bacu County,northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,got married in her new house.Everyone in the neighborhood was invited to celebrate.This is a community with rows of newly  相似文献   

Safe and Secure     
After four rounds of review and deliberations starting in 2015,the longawaited revised Securities Law of the People's Republic of China finally took effect on March 1.It marks a key moment for China on further liberalizing its capital market and improving the market environment to enhance market appeal and better serve the real economy.  相似文献   

正China's rapid economic growth requires a source of energy to fuel it,which is why the country has to strive to develop its nuclear power sector.  相似文献   

Safe Eating     
Food safety mishaps,both in and outside of China,have put consumers on the alert and prompted closer monitoring of food production and distribution.  相似文献   

Safe Seas     
As China relies more on the ocean,maritime security becomes a greater concern when Chinese navigator Zheng He explored the deep blue ocean on a royal mission for the Ming Dynasty in the early  相似文献   

<正>Seeking economic progress and stability,China is focusing on the financial sector Amidst the rapid stretching out of China’s financial industry,the National Financial Work Conference convened in Beijing on July 14-15,gathering top policymakers to discuss hot financial issues and formulate policies for the sector.Held every five years,the conference is an important event that sets the tone for the country’s financial policies and reform in the  相似文献   

正Chemical-free produce helps an organic food fair in Beijing win over consumers Groups of people carrying shopping bags gathered near the east gate of Chaoyang Park in downtown  相似文献   

In the wake of a series of brutal attacks against children around China, the country tightens its school security Death was the sentence the Taizhou Intermediate People’ s Court handed down to Xu Yuyuan on May 15.  相似文献   

After blazing through the atmosphere,the debris of the retired Tiangong-2 space laboratory splashed into the south Pacific on the evening of July 19,staging a glorious homecoming The space lab,launched on September 15,2016,had hurtled in orbit for morethan 1,000 days before commencing its controlled deorbiting,which is a crucial step since a spacecraft out of control maypose a danger to other spacecraft in orbit and to humans on the ground,said Zhu Congpeng,chief designer of the space lab.  相似文献   

提到奥林匹克公园公共区管委会,大多数人都很陌生。可是,提到北京奥林匹克公园,相信关注奥运的人都很熟悉,这里集中了10家竞赛场馆(国家体育场、国家体育馆、国家游泳中心、会议中心击剑馆、奥体中心体育场、奥体中心体育馆、英东游泳馆、奥林匹克公园射箭场、奥林匹克公园网球中心、奥林匹克公园曲棍球场)和7家非竞赛场馆(主新闻中心、国际广播中心、奥林匹克接待中心、技术运行中心、奥运村、兴奋剂检测中心、奥林匹克公园公共区),  相似文献   

A Safe Bet     
<正>Which mainstream political party will the British public take a gamble on in the 2015 election?With no one party showing overwhelming odds of winning a majority in it,the British general election in May has been seen by many observers as the hardest one to predict the results of over the past seven decades.Since the end of World WarⅡ,UK politics has generally oscillated between the Labor Party and the Conservatives holding power in parliament  相似文献   

SPACE has become more and more woven into our daily lives:Satellites that orbit the earth send and receive signals and data that are used for Internet communication.Satellites also produce the GPS networks that allow us to navigate our streets,pinpoint our locations,and monitor our weather.Meanwhile the introduction of 5G capability will substantially increase the speed of the Internet andthe Internet of things propelled by artificial intelli-gence and the rise of big data.  相似文献   


A substantial body of research indicates that positive school culture benchmarks are integrally tied to the success of school reform and change in general. Additionally, an emerging body of research suggests a similar role for school culture in effective implementation of school violence prevention and intervention efforts. However, little research is available that specifically focuses on the elements of school culture that promote the successful implementation of bullying intervention programs aimed at reducing the most prevalent form of school violence. Therefore, this case study attempted to identify the school culture characteristics that supported or interfered with implementation of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program from the viewpoint of school staff key informants in a junior high school in its second year of program implementation. Data were collected primarily from open-ended, semi-structured interviews along with informal observations and analysis of school documents. Themes emerging from the interviews were examined in relation to the findings from the observations and documents. School culture characteristics that supported implementation included a sense of family, warmth, collaboration, and connections among staff and between staff and students, combined with a central focus on learning as the primary mission of the school. Identified barriers to implementation included the local community served by the district that was slow to change and accept differences. Outcomes suggest that, beyond ensuring fidelity of implementing the core components of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, examining the characteristics of a school's culture that promote or impede implementation efforts might further ensure its success and integration.  相似文献   

Lack of regular migrating bird protection causes rampant poaching T wo poaching incidents involving migrating birds have ignited outrage against poachers and brought on calls for intensified enforcement of wild animal protection laws. A 12-minute documentary posted on  相似文献   

Located 50 minutes by bus from the center of Shanghai is an institution that used to be shrouded in mystery. Its location is better known to Shanghai locals than its name. Over the past decades, its address was commonly used in local jokes or even insults, such as the phrase You'll be sent to 600 Wanpingnan Road.People considered visiting this place, the Shanghai Mental Health Center (SMHC), a disgrace as those suffering from mental illness were labeled as abnormal people. Little was known about what went on within the walls of this place, which has been known simply, and pejoratively, as the mental hospital since its establishment in 1935.  相似文献   

一、气动泰瑟枪简介气动泰瑟枪代表个人防护装置的最新发展; 这种小巧的电子防卫系统向目标发射一对带刺的电镖,通过导线把T波电压传输到目标身上,发射距离可达15英尺远。新的电镖对可以重新装载,所需时间不足1秒种。气动泰瑟枪比普通的电击枪要优越的多,因为它不需要与目标接触。在必要时,也可以把气动泰瑟枪当作1支普通的电击枪来用,其力量足以击倒任何身材的目标。  相似文献   

正Transitioning from importing most of its facilities from abroad to now exporting technologies overseas,China’s nuclear power industry,which was initiated in the early1970s,has achieved remarkable growth.  相似文献   

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