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In 2012, the Government of Victoria, Australia, introduced a new form of non-custodial disposition known as the “community correction order” (“CCO”). In 2014, the Victorian Court of Appeal was asked to provide guidance to sentencing courts so that CCOs could fulfil their potential as an alternative to imprisonment. The Court’s guideline judgment concluded that the advent of the CCO had the potential to transform sentencing in Victoria but that this would depend upon the community being properly informed about the capacity of a CCO to operate punitively, as well as to promote rehabilitation. This did not occur, however, and there was strident criticism of the judgment as authorising inadequate punishment of serious offences. Although sentencing courts have utilised the CCO appropriately in the light of the judgment, the Government recently legislated to restrict its availability.  相似文献   

包含名宾心理动词的事件句和非事件句   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
事件句和非事件句是从认知语言学的角度上界定出的一对语法语义范畴.在句法层面上,事件句、非事件句和构句成分有相互的选择关系.在不同的句法结构中,心理动词的语义表现为属性义和非属性义.当心理动词表现为属性义时,由心理动词作谓语述语构成的句子是非事件句;当心理动词表现为非属性义时,由心理动词作谓语述语的句子是事件句.  相似文献   

In comparison to sentences meted out by international tribunalsat Nuremberg, Tokyo and Arusha, and by domestic courts, sentenceshanded down at the International Criminal Tribunal for the formerYugoslavia (ICTY) have been inexplicably lenient. Factors thatmay have contributed to the high proportion of low sentencesat the ICTY include undue emphasis on mitigating factors, particularlythose of particular importance to the Tribunal, the use of pleaagreements, the absence of a separate sentencing hearing followingconviction and the practice of using global (rather than separate)sentences. To make sentences more proportionate to the crimescommitted, the objectives of sentencing should be clarifiedand re-evaluated. Greater weight should be given to deterrence.In assessing the gravity of the offence, the quantum of harmcaused to and suffering experienced by direct and indirect victimsof the crime merits more detailed evaluation. The importanceof mitigating circumstances (such as combating historical revisionism,pleading guilty, expressing remorse and voluntary surrender)should continue to be fully recognized but those factors shouldnot attract excessive weight. Plea bargaining and plea agreementsshould be encouraged because they are indispensable to the Tribunal,an institution with significant temporal, practical and resourcelimitations. The sentencing process should take place afterconviction. A sentencing Chamber should be obliged to statethe starting point of the sentence which it deems appropriateand then quantify the discounts it gives to each mitigatingfactor. Greater consideration should be given to imposing consecutiverather than concurrent sentences. The decision not to adoptsentencing guidelines represents a missed opportunity.  相似文献   

The issue discussed is whether policies of imposing increasingly lengthy prison sentences on serious criminal offenders reduce crime. The empirical evidence for the deterrence and incapacitation effects of incarceration is first examined and found to be of limited help in answering the question whether lengthy prison sentences reduce crime. Conceptual and normative analysis of deterrence and incapacitation suggest that we have little reason to believe that the general use of lengthy prison terms produces more good than harm for society, especially if the burdens of and alternatives to such prison terms are taken into account.  相似文献   

This article examines relationships between local drug policy (as represented by prosecutor-reported case outcomes for first-offender juvenile marijuana possession cases) and youth self-reported marijuana use, perceived risk, and disapproval. Interviews with prosecutors and surveys of 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-grade students in the United States were conducted in 2000. Analyses include data from 97 prosecutors and students from 127 schools in 40 states. Results indicate significant relationships between local drug policy and youth marijuana use and attitudes. In general, more-severe dispositions are associated with less marijuana use, higher disapproval rates, and increased perceptions of great risk. Associations primarily appear to be specific to marijuana-related outcomes. Results are discussed within the framework of both deterrence and broader social norms regarding substance use.  相似文献   

The article explores the concepts of disproportionality and gross disproportionality in sentencing. Several constitutions or human rights documents prohibit grossly disproportionate sentences, either expressly or impliedly. The draft constitution of the European Union has a Charter of Fundamental Rights that includes the right not to be subjected to a disproportionate sentence. The possible meaning and application of this are discussed by reference to the development of related constitutional jurisprudence in other jurisdictions.  相似文献   

In 1969 the Federal Republic of Germany abolished almost totally short prison terms in favor of fines. Between 1968 and 1971 the proportion of prison sentences was reduced by way of penal law reform from 23% to 7%. A corresponding decline in the number of prisoners per 100,000 could be observed within this period, too: whereas about 100/100,000 were incarcerated in 1969, the rate of incarceration in 1971 was 66/100,000. The dramatic decline in the number of prison sentences as well as in the number of prison inmates led to apprehensions that this change in sentencing policy might result in increasing rates of recidivism. A comparative analysis of recidivism after fines, prison sentences, as well as suspended sentences, was carried out in order to provide empirical evidence concerning this question.  相似文献   

When men enter prison the lives of their partners change. This paper looks at men's prison sentences from the viewpoint of prisoners' partners. It examines the financial circumstances women find themselves in as the result of men's prison sentences as well as the social and personal consequences. It outlines the survival strategies women develop in the face of their difficulties and considers why the situation of prisoners' partners remains largely unacknowledged by state agencies and policy makers.  相似文献   

While pleading guilty has become ubiquitous in criminal trial courts, limited research has focused on the plea process and the factors that influence guilty plea convictions. Numerous theoretical accounts of the plea process highlight the importance of the court actors and their interactions. Based on this research, the current study analyzes the impact of courtroom actor familiarity and similarity on the chosen mode of disposition and the time to disposition. The findings demonstrate that similarity among the actors and familiarity between the prosecutor and judge increase the odds of a plea disposition and reduce the days to disposition. However, familiarity of the defense attorney seems to impede on the informal plea process, such that cases are more likely to proceed to trial when the defense attorney is more familiar with the other actors.  相似文献   

Following implementation of the Young Offenders Act (YOA) in April 1984, it was believed that a shift had occurred from an emphasis on rehabilitation and indeterminate sentences under the Juvenile Delinquents Act (JDA) to an emphasis on punishment and determinate sentences under the new legislation, and a subsequent increase in frequency and length of custodial dispositions. Research studies suggest that, while the number of youths charged and the number sentenced to probation has remained the same, committals to custody and average length of detention have increased. Furthermore, victim reconciliation and community service orders are being used more often as dispositions under the YOA, consistent with the principle of accountability of young offenders.

The present study attempts to determine the impact of the YOA on judicial dispositions for 13 to 15 year old young offenders at the Provincial Court (Family Division), Frontenac County, by attempting to control for the nature of the cases and the type of individual brought before the courts. The hypothesis examined is that the YOA has not caused a change in youth court dispositions.

Differences were, in fact, found between dispositions used and it was shown by matching youths under each Act on age, sex, offence, and previous history, that similar youths do not necessarily receive the same dispositions; the probability of receiving a more severe form of disposition is greater for youths under the YOA than for youths with similar background characteristics and current offence under the JDA. Individuals who are given a particular disposition under the JDA and the YOA were also found to differ in terms of background characteristics. A number of reasons for the discovery of a change in dispositions are discussed.  相似文献   

中国死刑复核程序的检讨与改进   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张永江  舒洪水 《河北法学》2005,23(1):97-102
1980年以来,部分死刑案件核准权被下放使死刑复核程序名存实亡,立法上的疏漏和诉讼构造的缺失造成死刑复核程序难以起到最后的程序保障作用。试就完善立法、收回死刑核准权和改进死刑复核程序等三个方面的问题进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

中国古代的死刑复核制度及其思想基础   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
中国古代施行的死刑复核制度,其思想基础是慎刑思想。这一思想起源于先秦时期,以后不断被继承和发展,成为确立死刑复核制度的思想依据。这一制度始于魏晋南北朝时期,唐代使其完备,明、清时还发展为会审制度。中国古代的死刑复核制度与它的思想基础对中国近代的立法,乃至当时的一些东亚国家的立法都产生过很大影响。与古代东方国家的法制相比较,中国古代的死刑复核制度与它的思想基础很具特色。这从一个侧面反映出中国古代法乃至中华法系的一个特点。  相似文献   

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