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Policing Prostitution: Ten Years On   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

十年前的6月,我唱着跑调的《凤凰花开的路口》,在“时光的河入海流,终于我们分头走”的旋律中,拉着行李,从绽放凤凰花的厦门离开,踏上回安溪的班车,开始我与法同行的十年。十年前,通过公务员招录考试,我来到福建省安溪县人民法院,成为这个大集体中的一员。  相似文献   

Abstract: This article will argue that a shift appears to be taking place in the language used within the EU when discussing measures to combat discrimination and to promote equality and equal treatment. The EU appears to be moving from a more formal to a more substantial notion of equality and the need to tackle deep‐rooted patterns of inequality experienced by some groups is recognised. But is this move in the language reflected in the measures taken against discrimination or is it just a change in rhetoric?  相似文献   

Goethe once said, "It passed as though it had never been: those who shook up Russia are exactly the same." I confess that sometimes I think he may be right. Perhaps it is true: the "Gorbachev era" never existed, nor the hopes that flared so brightly ten years ago—the fervor; the rush of excitement; the happy, festive energy that swept up if not everyone, at least the most mobile and responsive segment of that society. That would explain why the results of the last decade seem to bear little resemblance to the thoughts, the expectations, and the plans we had then.  相似文献   

平等就业权初论   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
就业歧视在我国现实生活中日益盛行,形式多样。就业歧视现象侵犯了劳动者的平等就业权,也由此造成了严重的社会危害。我国的就业立法和就业理论研究的滞后与不足,凸现平等就业权理论研究的必要性。如何在立法上明确就业歧视的内涵、判断标准以及法律救济,是确立劳动者平等就业权、反对就业歧视的关键。  相似文献   

广州仲裁委员会成立已近十年,为及时总结经验,明确今后努力的方向,有必要对广州仲裁委员会过去十年的发展情况作一总结性回顾。本文首先简单回顾了广州仲裁委员会的成立与中国仲裁制度改革的关系,然后对广州仲裁委员会近十年的发展情况进行了统计学分析,最后就广州仲裁委员会的成功经验进行了总结,并对广州仲裁委员会未来的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

物权法平等保护原则之探析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
《物权法(草案)》中规定了各类所有权并规定了平等保护原则,体现了物权法反映我国的基本经济制度的立法目的,也使物权法充分体现了我国的基本国情,具有很强的可操作性。  相似文献   

我国《物权法》确立社会主义市场经济条件下平等保护的原则,既体现了世界物权立法走向平等保护的趋势和发展市场经济的要求,也反映了我国社会主义市场经济条件下公有制经济的主体地位与作用,体现了社会主义的基本经济制度与原则。以此为原则所建立的物权保护法律体系反映了中国的基本国情,具有中国特色,也必将能促进中国经济与社会的发展。  相似文献   

论平等权的一体保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙建国 《法学杂志》2012,33(8):111-114
平等是人与人之间的平等,从平等的意识到平等权的确立,反映了人们对平等认识的深化,这是一个不断认识的过程,在这一过程中,有三个需要认真思考并在实践中加以解决的问题,这就是平等权的主体是谁,平等权的范围的确定以及平等权的保护等,弄清了这些问题,就有利于对平等权的一体保护。  相似文献   

This paper had its genesis 10 years ago in the authors’ development of a communitarian ‘three circle’ model of restorative and transformative justice for a pilot restorative justice study used with serious and repeat adult offenders appearing in the Magistrates’ Courts in Western Australia. The model was designed in part to place their crimes within a context, something that rarely occurs within the mainstream adversarial criminal justice system in Australia. The model was primarily designed to provide victims of crime with the best outcome and offenders with the opportunity to provide apology and restitution, as well as take responsibility for their actions. The three circles, each including two facilitators, are: Circle 1: consists of the perpetrator who has pleaded guilty to a specified criminal act together with his/her family and/or friends; Circle 2: consists of the victim(s) of the crime together with their family and/or friends. Circle 3: consists of a combination of the first two circles, tasked to seek, if possible, a mutually agreeable resolution that culminates in a report to present to the Magistrate in court to use in mitigation of sentencing. Importantly, although the 30-month study had socially and economically significant results, 10 years after its completion there is still no restorative justice program in the adult courts in Western Australia. Because of this, the authors also set out to question the state government’s motivation in largely ignoring this successful process.  相似文献   

论行政相对人权利的平等保护   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
行政相对人权利保护的失衡在行政权行使实践中是存在的 ,它给行政相对人应当享有的法定权益造成极大损害。从理论上探讨如何实现行政相对人权利的平等保护就成为当今行政相对人权利保护理论的不可或缺的一个补充。行政相对人权利平等保护的内涵有 :行政相对人权利与法律规范的规定相统一 ;行政相对人权利不因性质改变而易其量 ;行政相对人权利主体对同样权利有相同的权利实现预期 ;行政相对人在相同条件下有相同的权利获取机会。要实现行政相对人权利的平等保护还必须与行政行为理论的完善结合起来。  相似文献   

自2006年《信息网络传播权保护条例》颁布至今,中国网络版权保护已走过十年历程,立法上形成了以《侵权责任法》互联网专条为核心的侵权规则体系,执法上形成了以“剑网行动”为核心的行政管理手段,网络版权侵权形态也从网络服务提供者与著作权人的冲突逐步转向网络服务提供者之间的矛盾.然而展望未来制度变革方向,可以发现对部分版权制度的认知和固守已给版权产业的进步造成制度瓶颈,立法者和主管机关往往过于依赖采取“堵”的方式解决保护问题,却不愿意放手产业主体自行构建授权机制来完善“疏”的途径,致使高效合规的版权市场因授权机制的落后而无法形成.  相似文献   

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