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面对预防未成年人违法犯罪工作面临着的多重性二难格局,上海创立了以“缓处考察”、“诉前考察”和“社会服务令”为主要内容的违法犯罪未成年人考察制度。通过对考察制度科学的法理分析可知,考察制度作为社会帮教工作司法化的一种有益的抉择,是在现有法律框架下的选择,许多方面体现了深刻的理论意义和巨大的社会价值,同时也存在着一定的局限性。为此,要尽快将区域性的考察制度上升到国家法律的高度来认识和规范,加快违法犯罪未成年人考察制度的立法进程,使考察制度的社会效果和法律效果得到最大的统一。  相似文献   

未成年人的犯罪行为其原因是多方面的,是犯罪人本人,家庭,同伴,学校和社区等多种因素交互作用的结果,因此在未成年人刑事案件处理中就不能只依靠某个单一的机构和采用某种单一的模式。综合个案管理模式给我们处理这类案件提供了一种新的可能性,所谓的综合个案管理模式,是指针对未成年犯罪人所面临的复杂性,由专责个案管理人员联合警察、社工等各行业的专业人士,按个别化的情况对未成年人刑事案件进行介入及跟进,并与他们的家长及相关人士制定社区矫治康复及跟进计划。  相似文献   

针对当前我国未成年人犯罪问题日益突出,未成年人的特殊司法保护工作摆在了一个突出的位置,其中社会工作者在这一领域中发挥着不可磨灭的作用。通过对上海考察教育制度的研究入手,分析上海考察教育制度的内容,分为取保候审考察、诉前考察教育、社会调查、合适成年人参与四个方面的内容;再分析了考察教育制度的服务流程及社工介入的准备、服务、评估三个阶段;最后对社工介入考察教育制度的专业能力进行考量,对社工扮演的角色与承担的任务进行了分析。并对该项工作的发展进行了展望,提出建构“教育为主、惩戒为辅”的青少年犯罪刑事政策,推动“专业过硬、服务卓越”的青少年事务社会工作队伍。  相似文献   

我国未成年人监护的立法受传统的亲权本位思想影响,"国家监护"在理念和制度层面均起步较晚。现实中侵害未成年人权益的案件时有发生,凸显出了我国监护监督考察制度的缺位。探索检察机关参与的未成年人监护考察制度,应当切实发挥检察机关的监督职能,保障未成年人人身、财产权益不受侵犯。明确检察机关的参与地位、建立和加强协作配合机制、细化监护考察职责范围和分工,进而加强监护监督考察制度的刚性和可操作性,切实推进未成年人救助保护工作的开展。  相似文献   

未成年人犯罪刑事诉讼程序所秉承的“教育、感化、挽救”方针要求公安司法机关在审前程序中尽可能通过减少羁押措施的适用、暂缓起诉、不起诉、适用缓刑或非监禁刑等方式对未成年人作出宽缓处理。但这种宽缓处理不能以牺牲社会安全为代价,这就要求辅之以科学的调查评估机制和严密的监督考察机制。审前服务制度正是以完善上述机制为宗旨,从建立审前服务机构、明确审前服务机构职能、构建审前服务机构的诉讼参与程序、完善审前服务人员责任体系等方面,提高未成年人刑事案件审前释放的安全性和刑罚适用的准确性。  相似文献   

未成年人的社会化是家庭、学校、社会共同作用的结果。“机场刺母案”发生后,社会各界纷纷将批评的矛头指向失败的学校教育。分析案件主角的家庭生长环境,此种案件发生具有一定的必然性。家庭作为未成年人社会化的第一道关口,必须重视父母对孩子的社会化功能,不同的家庭教育模式对未成年人社会化的成败具有决定性的作用。通过借鉴香港家庭社会工作的种种服务方法及服务内容,将社会工作内容融入家庭日常环境之中,建立正确的家庭亲子沟通模式或成员互动模式,对于预防类似情况的发生,帮助未成年人顺利社会化具有重要的价值和意义。  相似文献   

《刑事诉讼法》规定的未成年人轻罪记录封存制度是我国未成年人刑事司法制度的重大发展。但该规定过于原则、操作性不强,且与诸多法律法规及行政规章存在冲突,加之受传统观念“标签效应”的渲染,直接影响制度实施的效果和未来走向。在规范和事实之间,需要社会观念的转变、特定环境的支持和配套制度的跟进,并在时机成熟时,将该制度升格为“未成年人犯罪记录消灭”制度。  相似文献   

张进 《法制博览》2013,(4):192-194
新《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》增设了未成年人附条件不起诉制度。在未成年人案件中,刑事和解制度和附条件不起诉制度存在着一定的交叉重合,应当扩大未成年人保护范围,设立听证程序,建立制约机制和帮教考察制度,才能避免未成年人附条件不起诉制度被架空。  相似文献   

探讨违法犯罪未成年人的个性结构与特征,目的在于揭示未成年人在个人社会化过程中形成的知识、性格、情绪体验等方面的严重缺陷。本文考察和分析了未成年人违法犯罪的比较稳定的个性特征以及道德教育的缺失与违法犯罪的关系,提出了个性矫正的观点与思路。  相似文献   

未成年人保护是一个重要课题。通过对我国和德国有关交通事故中未成年人侵权责任认定的考察可以发现,我国有必要采纳未成年人责任能力肯定主义,我国未来《民法典》对未成年人在交通事故中的侵权责任应作出提高其责任能力的规定。  相似文献   

The failures of governments of both parties in the 1970s had prepared for radical changes in the nature of government under Margaret Thatcher. Among them were that ministers resumed greater power over their civil servants. While various aspects of the relationship between ministers and officials changed and despite the introduction of special advisers, close partnership — the Haldane relationship — was largely retained between them until the end of the 1980s. In the 1990s ministers began to operate less closely with the civil service, largely because they found they had less time for departmental work under the Major and the first Blair administrations. Many of the skills for which civil servants had been trained became less in demand because of the ending of the Cabinet style of government, the reduced importance of ministers appearing before parliament and the greater involvement of spin doctors and media handlers in preparing public documents. However, new skills were required: more rapid accessing of information and more skill in implementation and responsibility for it. The Wilson reforms of 1999 were in large part aimed to remedy these shortcomings. There remains a question whether enough of the Haldane relationship survives for government not to be driven towards greater definition of the rules in which civil servants operate.  相似文献   

The binding decisions of the Federal Service Impasses Panel are examined through logistic regression and discriminate function analysis. A sample of eighty-four issues decided by the Panel between 1987 and 1999 were coded for content to identify factors influencing Panel decision making. Seven standards are posited as having influence over Panel decisions. The article concludes that the decision processes of the Panel are subject to various arguments used by labor and management, and the impact of these processes on Panel decision making varies by party. Further, final offer procedures are the dominant procedure used by the Panel. Finally, it appears the Panel may weight the arguments of the parties differently depending on the issue in dispute.  相似文献   

Civil servants are perceived to possess altruistic motive known as Civil Service Motivation (PSM) which promotes public interest as confirmed in some developed countries. Using the Ejisu-Juabeng Municipality as a case study, this article assesses the existence of PSM in the Ghanaian public sector and finds that PSM exists in the public service but its existence does not ensure maximum output. The workers professed having motives such as sense of social justice, compassion, commitment to public interest, self-sacrifice, and sense of civic duty but indicated their unwillingness to commit their future to the public sector because of poor working conditions.  相似文献   


Are organizational characteristics, such as agency type, size, and growth, linked to female representation in the Korean civil service? This study analyzes the aggregate data regarding the female workforce in the Korean civil service in 2001 through multiple regression analysis. Findings indicate that the Korean women are likely to be underrepresented in most national agencies and severely underrepresented at higher‐level grades. While the Korean women doubled in the civil service for the last two decades, employment of women at the highest grade levels did not improve significantly. Redistributive agencies are directly linked to female representation in the Korean civil service regardless of grade levels, whereas agency size and growth are not related to female employment representation. To achieve gender equality and to expand female senior executive feed levels, the Korean government has provided the quotas for successful female applicants in the civil service entrance examinations at the lowest through middle level grades since 1996. The use of quotas and policies for gender equality could lead to changes in the entire public workforce, particularly fair representation at higher‐level positions as well as the elimination of agency and occupational segregation.  相似文献   

This article develops a measure of user capacity called Public Service Efficacy (PSE), which is applied to four sectors: hospitals, elementary schools, day care, and higher education. Tests of validity and reliability indicate good properties and consistent patterns across three of four sectors. The measure differentiates between users of the same services, and it increases with level of education. This indicates that PSE can enable us to identify individual users with low capacity and sectors with low average user capacity and thus improve our ability to address equity concerns and harvest potential benefits from user involvement in public service provision.  相似文献   

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