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正Restoring period clothing helps people learn about Chinese history and culture Anwa model wearing a red dress restored according to the style of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770-256 B.C.) walked onto the ruy to the music of the xun, an egg-shaped aerophone and one of the oldest musical instruments in China. Her appearance kicked  相似文献   

In Vogue     

<正>The early spring of fashion seasonhas arrived in China In the fashion world,there is a saying:What is more extravagant than flying to Paris just to try on a piece of clothing?Currently in China,only a very smal number of customers own haute couture garments,partially because in a strict sense few designers can label their products haute  相似文献   

To celebrate the traditional Chinese Spring Fes-tival, the CPAFFC held a show of Chineseancient costumes and dance in February this year.Speaking before the show, CPAFFC Vice Presi-  相似文献   

Ancient China had 14 sages.Medical SageZhang Zhongjing and Pharmaceutical Sage SunSimiao stood equal to the more widely knownLiterary Sage Confucius and Military Sage SunWu (or Sun Zi,author ofThe Art of War).  相似文献   

正READING is a long cherished tradition in China.A well-educated family is often approvingly referred to as"a home f illed with the fragrance of books."However,after the market economy swept across the country,frenetic changes in lifestyles began to upend certain long-standing social norms.The number of books read per capita in  相似文献   

Football, also known as soccer, has the reputation of being the "World's No. I Sport." Many countries regard it as their "National Game." There is today about 800,000 football teams that have regular matches all over the world, and around 40,000,000 registered players, including some 100,000 or so professionals.  相似文献   

警察,是国家打击犯罪、管理社会秩序以巩固国家政权的一种武装性的特殊的国家公共权力。军队和警察由于职能对象的性质不同,它们不可能合二为一成所谓“军警不分”。中国古代国家执行国家“公共权力”的警察职能机构与职官设置是独立的专门机构与人员。不要混淆中国古代国家的行政监督执法与刑事执法。警察职能不是“警政合一”,而是“政刑不分”。  相似文献   

LIN Hong, a bank clerk, still has her grandmother's qipao--a snugly-fitting traditional Chinese gown with a high collar and a split skirt. She normally keeps it at the back of her wardrobe, where it stays until summer comes around, when she gives it an an…  相似文献   

CHINA has been home to a myriad of beautiful women throughout the ages, and differing standards of beauty account for its wide aesthetic scope. Some women were lauded for their dancing or singing skills, others for their virtuous nature, and still others for their involvement in political intrigue.  相似文献   

Striking a balance between economic prosperity and inflation remains a problem for China Before being able to catch its breath following two strenuous years of  相似文献   

Talent Returns     
Chinese professionals living abroad are coming home, accelerating China’s integration into the global economy  相似文献   

关于中国古代书院制度的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
书院是中国古代独特的教育机构,书院制度具有独特的办学理念和学规,书院制度不断创新,积累了丰富的教学及办学经验,使书院良好运行,促进了社会文化的繁荣。历代教育家视其为我国古代教育制度中的典范。  相似文献   

在中国历史发展进程中,保密法律制度是历代王朝维护政权不可或缺的重要组成部分,其在维护当朝统治秩序、信息传播、军事等方面发挥了重要的作用。本文主要针对中国古代保密法制的发展沿革进行了叙述,将古代保密法制分为建立、发展阶段和成熟、完善阶段并进行撰写,从中提炼出发展特点及产生的原因,以期对现阶段边防保密工作起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

在不同历史时期,"小说"一词的涵义有着极大的差异,了解"小说"这一概念在不同历史时期的发展演变轨迹.认识其内涵、外延及分类情况,是今天的小说研究者必须要面对的问题.  相似文献   

古代中国为了减少隐案,提高侦破工作效能,一方面通过制定政策法律,鼓励、引导甚至强迫民众协助、参与侦查活动,同时,办案官员因案施策,充分调动民众参与侦查破案的积极性,以实现侦查效能的最大化。这种民众意识的形成,一是由于民众自身的利益需求给司法官员的启示;二是由于历史条件的制约及侦查资源匮乏的客观需求;三是由于后人对前人成功经验的学习和继承。  相似文献   

MA Jianguo often likes to joke that his class resembles the Eight-Nation Alliance, a military coalition that invaded and looted Beijing more than 100 years ago during the Boxer Uprising. But the hotchpotch of nationalities, which includes French, Brazilian, and Dutch, that gather in Beijing’s Xuanwu  相似文献   

将帅理论即关于将帅问题的理性认识.中国古代将帅思想经历了萌生、飞速发展、渐趋成熟、系统完善四个历史阶段.夏、商、周是萌芽时期,《六韬》所记姜尚的韬略理论,开启中国将帅思想史之端;春秋战国时期为迅速发展时期,以《孙子》为代表的兵学经典中的将帅观奠定了中国古代将帅思想和理论的基础;从秦统一中国到隋唐五代,“将将”思想的提出及论将专著的问世,标志着中国古代将帅思想渐趋成熟;宋元明至前清,中国古代将帅思想走向系统完善,宋代武学的兴起及明戚继光提出的“练将”思想,是其杰出成果.  相似文献   

正The classic Taoist treatise Daodejing or Tao Te Ching, written by Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu 2,000 years ago, elaborates the idea of harmony, one of the core values of traditional Chinese culture. Along with other key concepts such as righteousness and good faith, it continues to guide China's international relations, which are based on moral values. In contrast, in the  相似文献   

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