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"南侨机工"是南洋华侨人力支援中国抗战的重要群体,他们为中国抗战胜利做出了巨大贡献。本文通过对南侨机工与南洋华侨社会关系的考察,发现"南侨机工"在中国能够积极参加抗日运输工作,与南洋华侨社团和机工家属对返国机工的支持是分不开的。南洋华侨对"国"和"家"的观念是分离的。二战胜利后,在东南亚民族主义高涨的背景下,南洋华侨"国"和"家"分离的观念差异成为影响南洋华侨政治认同的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

战后菲律宾的华侨政策和华侨同化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东南亚华侨逐渐同化于当地民族社会是历史发展的必然趋势和归宿。一般来说,华侨的同化进程虽然因国、因地区而异,但是都毫无例外地受到下列因素的直接制约和影响:第一,是否有大量新的中国移民源源不断移入;第二,华侨与当地民族的通婚状况;第三,各国政府采取的华侨政策;第四,中华文化传播或保留的程度(包括华文教育、华文传播媒介的状况)。以上四个因素既互相区别,又互相联系、互有影响。从战  相似文献   

战后东南亚国家的华侨归化政策及其影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
战后,东南亚国家的华侨社会发生了深刻的变化,其中一个主要特点就是华侨已多数归化于当地国家,成为当地国的公民,华侨社会的这巨大变化,同战后东南亚国家对华侨采取加速归化的政策和步骤有密切关系。本文拟就战后东南亚国家对华侨归化战略、政策及其对华侨社会变化的影响作一些探讨。战后东南亚国家的华侨归化的战略和政策战后,东南亚各国先后摆脱了殖民统治,获得了政治独立。东南亚的民族主义在反殖、反帝斗争,争取民族独立中是具有进步性质的。但在独立以后对待异族采取盲目排  相似文献   

广西社会科学院东南亚研究所前身为1979年2月成立的印度支那研究所,当时是我国唯一专门研究印支三国现状与历史的综合性科研机构,1989年5月该所更名为东南亚研究所,研究范围扩大到整个东南亚地区。20多年来,东南亚研究所的研究人员辛勤耕耘,在东南亚研究领域取得了累累硕果,为繁荣我国的东南亚研究,发展和扩大我国对东南亚开放,促进中国与东南亚各国的友好关系作出了重要贡献。 一、东南亚所下设越南、东盟、国际关系、华侨华人、综合等5个研究室及编辑室、资料室。主要研究方向:历史学(东南亚史,中国与东南亚关系史)、国际经济(东南亚经济)、国际政治(东南亚政治与法律)、华侨与华人(东南亚华侨与华人、广西籍华侨华人的历史与现状)、民族学(东南亚民族、壮族与泰族、老族等民族的历史关系)、区域经济(对外开放、边境经济、北部湾经济圈、华南经济)。  相似文献   

东南亚是海外华侨华人最集中的地区,全球80%的华侨华人居住在东南亚。因此,东南亚华人研究从来是华侨华人研究的重点和热点。但是真正有所成就,作者必须具有多学科的综合素质和扎实的科研能力。该项目涉及的问题复杂,难度颇大。 庄国土等著的《二战以后东南亚华族社会地位的变化》,是教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地项目的成果之一,也是福建省社会科学“十五”规划重点项目(第一期)的成果,这是一部由中国学者撰写的有创建、有特色、有份量的学术专著。它的主要价值和特色是: (一)理论“创新”是本书的灵魂。 本书从族群文化视角从总体上探讨…  相似文献   

试论印尼华侨、华人的认同转向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第二次世界大战结束以来的四十五年间,随着东南亚各国及中国的形势发展与演变,印尼华侨华人状况也发生了巨大的变化。他们在侨民属性、国籍、民族、政治经济地位与身份,社团、教育、社区结构性质和作用演变的同时,也逐步产生了“认同”转向的问题。看不看得到或承认不承认战后,特别是近二十五年来印尼华侨、华人认同的大转向,关系到我  相似文献   

目前,东南亚约有2000多万华侨华人,占海外华侨华人总数的70%。华侨华人在中国与东南亚关系的发展过程中,一直发挥着极其重要的作用。随着东南亚地区形势以及华侨华人自身的不断发展,未来华侨华人在联结中国与东南亚关系中的地位与作用也将发生相应的变化。 一 自90年代以来,中国与东南亚各国都相继建立和恢复了正常的外交关系,东南亚各国也对其华侨华人政策作了相应的调整:一是改变以往对华侨华人强制性的同化政策,普遍采取较温和、宽松的政策对待华侨华人。例如:在入籍问题上,允许华侨自愿选择当地国籍。二是改变  相似文献   

正《东南亚纵横》(月刊)是由广西社会科学院东南亚研究所主办的介绍和研究东南亚各国情况、中国与东南亚各国关系的专业刊物。《东南亚纵横》主要刊登东南亚各国政治、经济、外交、社会、文化、军事、历史、地理、法律、民族、华侨华人,东盟组织,中国与东南亚各国关系,中国与东盟的经济合作,中国—东盟自由贸易区,中国一东盟博览会,大湄公河次区域合作,泛北部湾区域经济合  相似文献   

彭慧  陈衍德 《东南亚》2010,(3):83-87
东南亚地区的民族关系异常复杂,在这一领域的研究过程中,经济分化及政治性的公民归属问题成为必须考量的两个重要相关问题。就前者而言,在全球性条件下,以文化性差异为基础的民族矛盾正在超越经济分化而致的阶级矛盾,成为当地社会冲突的突出表现形式。相应的族群分层以及"中心边缘"式分层格局导致东南亚的民族关系更加复杂;而后一问题,即政治性的归属与文化性的认同之间的关系,亦成为影响东南亚的民族关系的重要因素,多元文化主义为统一政治认同与文化认同提供了可能性。研究全球性进程中当地的经济分化、政治认同,成为全面研究东南亚民族关系的重要条件。  相似文献   

《东南亚纵横》(月刊)是由广西社会科学院东南亚研究所、广西东南亚经济与政治研究中心主办的一份介绍和研究东南亚各国情况的专业刊物。《东南亚纵横》主要刊登东南亚各国政治、经济、外交、社会、文化、军事、历史、地理、法律、民族、华侨华人,东盟组织,  相似文献   

冷战结束后的15年中,美国与印尼的军事合作关系发生了显著变化:由中断到恢复、不断升温。现实主义的权力观根据国际环境发生变化后国家利益的侧重点也会变化这一视角进行解读。建构主义认为,观念会影响身份的建构,美国与印尼观念的变化对它们身份和军事合作产生了重要影响。美印(尼)军事合作关系的恢复和升温,对东南亚地区安全环境将产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

This article examines representations of identity in two British Overseas Territories: St Helena in the South Atlantic and the British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. While local forms of representative government exist here, political authority over several significant areas of political life is retained by the British state. As such, the connections between sovereignty, politics and identity are less clearly demarked than in many states. Based on interviews carried out on the islands in 2011, the article explores the way in which national and local identities in the territories are understood in relation to their link with the United Kingdom. The research identifies the importance of geography and economics as key elements in the construction of identity discourses in these territories. This emphasis points to the importance material factors have in shaping the way communities are imagined, particularly where sovereignty is held externally.  相似文献   

The accession of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland to the European Union (EU) has led to an increase in initiatives on Baltic Sea issues and a degree of enhanced confidence in moving towards solutions. While EU policies and instruments, and the provision of significant financial resources, have increased, one might still ask whether people across the Baltic Sea region are ready for the changes implied by the new Baltic strategy and comparable initiatives. Marko Lehti and David Smith have “tried to show that national thinking is by no means self–evident and that the Baltic can be comprehended as a trans–national space”. Yet, how this position is articulated in the various societies warrants close investigation. This position is closely related to dominant identities and images within Baltic societies. How will the EU’s innovative strategy and the resulting change of images impact upon the conceptual understandings of the Baltic Sea and region, including perhaps the search for a common identity as a successful and a pilot scheme?  相似文献   

This article examines activities undertaken by civil society organisations in Zambia to create gender-transformative change in customary tenure systems. It is based on primary data collected through interviews and group discussions with NGO representatives, lawyers and women’s rights advocates, chiefs, women leaders, and local community members. The findings show that organisations pursue change by leveraging global and national frameworks and discourses and working with traditional authorities, local magistrates, men and women at the village level. Promoting gender transformative change requires multi-level networking and working across hierarchies of power that extend from the household to the state.  相似文献   

This paper examines how mainstreaming of urban climate change resilience – a crucial consideration in an increasingly urbanised world – is occurring at both the city and national scale, using the case of an internationally-funded resilience-building initiative in India. Surat city's newly-established Climate Change Trust illustrates the importance of an institutionalised mechanism for coordinating and sustaining climate initiatives. Concurrently, climate resilience is being mainstreamed into the national urban development agenda, through a network of Indian institutions. These two nascent mechanisms offer avenues for local city-level experiences to inform national directives, driving and sustaining the urban climate adaptation agenda across India.  相似文献   

Feyzi Baban 《Global Society》2013,27(2):217-235
In recent years European politics has witnessed two simultaneous developments, which are indicative of two contradictory trends. The first is an emphasis on the idea of a cosmopolitan Europe, as facilitated by further European integration. This accelerated integration is said to be creating a cosmopolitan Europe in which citizenship is decoupled from its national bearings and supra-national European institutions facilitate the emergence of new identities and belongings that are not necessarily national in origin. The second trend points towards an increasing visibility of right-wing parties and movements expressing hostility towards cultural multiplicity and an official denunciation of multiculturalism, accompanied by a closure of borders and denial of rights to non-European nationals. This article will argue that these seemingly contradictory trends are not necessarily contradictory but instead complimentary in erecting real and imaginary borders around Europe. The article further argues that growing transnational populations within Europe such as immigrants, refugees, non-residents and non-status individuals act as a corrective to this false perception of a cosmopolitan Europe by bringing the “outside in” and challenging the notions of European borders and established identities.  相似文献   

俄罗斯的社会转型模式具有转型路径的“突变性”、治理体制的个人集权与地方分离主义并行发展性、社会发展的间断性与跳跃性共存以及发展方向“西化”与“东方化”摇摆不定性等特点。这与俄罗斯独特的区域地理环境、独特东西文明交融而成的文化、独特的国民性格和民族意识有密切的关系,任何西化或东化的模式照搬都不适用于它。  相似文献   

Through a textual analysis of national election manifestos, this paper critically discusses political parties' discourses towards Europe and European integration in three European Union (EU) member states: Germany, which has always promoted further integration; the United Kingdom, which has consistently been a keen supporter of intergovernmentalism; and finally the Netherlands, one of the original six and a willing, yet cautious, supporter of supranational cooperation. By analysing how political parties frame European integration in their discourses, we aim to investigate the variance in national political cultures with respect to identity and self-identification with Europe as a determining factor of support for the process. This paper concludes that although European integration is structured around a framework of interests in all the six party discourses under analysis, the construction of national identities and hence the articulation of national interest in EU membership as well as the visions for the political structure of the union varies significantly.  相似文献   

1998年7月,越共八届五中全会决议提出“建设和发展具有浓郁民族特色的先进文化”,文化是社会的精神基础,既是经济社会发展的目标,又是促进经济社会发展的动力。在日益深刻的国际经济融合的背景下,越南把保护文化安全作为一项重要和复杂的任务,把保存和弘扬民族传统文化价值作为文化工作的指南。2007年,越南围绕着建设和发展具有浓郁民族特色的先进文化的主题,“全民团结建设文化生活”运动进一步深入开展。文化乡村、文化街区、文化机关建成日益增多,文化家庭建设成为重中之重。  相似文献   

This study sheds light on the relationship between local and national elites during political transitions. Examining local councils in post-revolutionary Tunisia (2011–2013), it examines why and when the composition of councils changed in the absence of local elections. The study yields two important lessons. First, changes in councils resulted from a power struggle between national and local elites. Councils were more likely to remain in place when local parties and unions helped council members resist pressures from above. The interplay of local and national actors, and not the council’s competencies, explains when changes took place. Second, all councils became politicized in the process. Far from being caretaker councils impartially addressing local needs, the councils were institutions playing important roles in the struggles between local and national political elites. Councils were arenas in which political power, and notions of legitimate representation, were contested in the absence of elections. The argument is supported by quantitative analyses of original data and four comparative case studies based on qualitative fieldwork. The findings highlight the importance of local councils in transition processes and provide a basis for further work exploring local-national engagement in democratization.  相似文献   

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