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一、问题的提出 改革开放和入世以后,我国逐步融入日趋全球化的世界经济。这次金融危机,尽管对我国的冲击程度不如欧美,但对于企业,特别是涉外企业,也带来较大的负面影响。  相似文献   

当前,国际金融危机对我国经济的冲击逐渐增大,造成就业形势越来越严峻。缓解就业压力,实施更加积极的就业政策,成为各级政府关注的热点,也是当前经济工作的重点。面对危机,工会应充分发挥作用,积极完善职工职业技能培训,深入推进就业援助服务,以缓解金融危机对职工就业产生的冲击,从而维护社会稳定。  相似文献   

当前,始于2007年下半年的美国次贷危机已演化为席卷美国、波及整个世界的金融危机。中国作为一个新兴的发展中大国和一个正在高举改革开放大旗并积极融人世界经济和金融体系的国家,自然也无法置身度外。严峻的经济形势让大多数企业,特别是广大中小企业和外向型出口加企业的经济困境直接影响职工权益,特别是对女职工权益的影响更是不可低估。代表和维护职工合法权益的工会组织,必须以全新的思维和理念去审时度势,  相似文献   

自2008年下半年以来,国际金融危机对我国经济发展的不利影响开始逐步显现,从目前来看,这场国际金融危机还在蔓延和深化,国际金融市场仍处于动荡之中,全球实体经济受到的影响日益显现,世界经济增长明显减速。受其影响,我国经济运行也面临很多困难,未来一个时期,经济社会发展的总体环境将可能更加严峻。面对当前严峻复杂的国内外经济形势,如何处理当前的劳资关系问题,保持劳资关系的利益平衡,的确给工会带来了很大的挑战。  相似文献   

<正>受全球国际金融危机影响,闵行区部分企业生产经营困难,企业规模性裁员、减薪和职工待岗歇业现象逐步增多,劳动争议和群体性事件数量激增,进而影响社会稳定。在严峻的经济形势  相似文献   

The transformation of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) into a preservationist regime met with extremely fierce opposition from the prowhaling countries and created an unprecedented and famous polarization of the IWC parties into pro and antiwhaling camps, which can be observed even today. In such a bipolar and harsh process, it would be typically argued that scientific advice would be powerless because it would become subject to heightened scrutiny from both camps resulting in endless technical debate. Our case shows that, on the contrary, the advisory scientists learned to successfully develop a scientific management procedure that was accepted by both the pro and antiwhaling camps. The objective of this paper is to explain this process and examine to what extent collective learning in the assessment process affected the political effectiveness of the management procedure and, more broadly thereby, to contribute to the groundwork of analyzing how the scientists participating in the scientific assessments collectively learn. With a view to cross‐fertilization between institutionalism and science and technology study (STS) approaches, we develop an analytical framework and apply it to the international whaling regime to examine the usefulness of it and provide some general lessons to be learned for making learning assessments more effective. The framework was capable of showing that path dependency and paradigm shift were among the key factors of the scientific assessment's increased effectiveness. Overall, the cross‐fertilization between institutionalism and STS appears to be a fruitful way forward for the next generation of scientific assessment studies.  相似文献   

应对金融危机冲击 切实提高“四个能力”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、金融危机带来的新挑战 随着全球金融危机的加剧,中国汽车市场销售增速减缓,利润下降,现金流明显减少,企业深感经济冬天的寒流。上海汽车工业(集团)总公司职工中也普遍存在着“看不清危机影响深度、吃不准危机持续时间、把不住危机应对措施”的“三不”思想和“怕减产、怕减薪、怕减员”的“三怕”顾虑,部分职工甚至出现了严重焦虑、担忧甚至埋怨的情绪。2008年12月,  相似文献   

2008年,由美国“次贷危机”所导致的国际金融危机席卷全球,我国的实体经济也受到严重冲击,由此而衍生的企业欠薪问题、职工的安置问题、职工再就业问题直接影响广大职工的切身利益,并对工会维权工作提出严峻挑战。  相似文献   

Huw Macartney 《政治学》2009,29(2):111-120
The article argues that amid a cacophony of analyses of the causes of the current financial crisis, those daring to consider its implications and outcomes are decidedly cautious. Fundamentally, crisis managers appear intent on treating this as a minor glitch in an otherwise functioning market. This is a controversial claim. Nonetheless it is the legacy of the perception that neoliberalism is 'the only alternative'; it emphasises the need, however, for truly alternative voices in the ad hoc settlements and negotiations. The article argues that, through the lenses of historical materialism, this crisis is the inevitable result of the prolonged period of credit expansion and financial market reform in recent decades. With this in mind it suggests that the economists and state managers who established these conditions are themselves both unlikely to and incapable of reversing them.  相似文献   

邓集文 《行政论坛》2009,16(6):20-24
国际金融危机对中国金融市场、出口市场、房地产市场和劳动力市场产生负面影响。政府适时适当干预市场是中国应对国际金融危机的一种策略选择,具体策略是实施积极的财政政策、适度宽松的货币政策和积极的就业政策。在政府干预时选择发挥市场作用是中国应对国际金融危机的另一策略,具体策略是推进生产要素、自然垄断行业、利率和汇率的市场化改革。总括而言,在市场与政府的组合间选择是中国应对国际金融危机的策略。  相似文献   

《New Political Science》2012,34(4):527-548
Within months of Barack Obama's election, a putatively grass-roots conservative uprising emerged to challenge the Democratic Party's agenda. In this article, we analyze the role of cable news in the rise of the Tea Party during the current “crisis of neoliberalism”—a moment of political-economic volatility brought about by the Great Recession. We argue that the Tea Party's political purpose is to hold together the New Right coalition of business elites and white working- and middle-class Americans that undergirds the neoliberal political project. In the context of a deregulated corporate mass media, we show that both “right-wing” and “moderate” cable networks mainstreamed the Tea Party by framing it as a legitimate social movement, enabling the widespread projection of right-wing populist discourse in support of neoliberalism. In light of our study, we suggest that democratizing the mass media is crucial for a sustained progressive political response in the United States.  相似文献   

The credit rating agencies that dominated the ratings of mortgage‐backed securities were Moody's and Standard & Poor's. The two agencies rated some 4.3 trillion dollars of bonds as triple AAA, yet within a period of 18 months these same rating agencies downgraded these bonds to below investment grade. This paper seeks to show that the ratings agencies business model, the issuer pays approach, led to major conflicts of interest with both the ratings agencies unable to walk away from a rating. The evidence given by analysts to Congressional Inquiries confirms a cultural revolution within the rating agencies, with analysts feeling unable to question the quality of a rating. Analysts who were described as being awkward by issuers were removed from the rating process. In the meantime, the income for the rating agencies increased from 3 billion dollars to 6 billion dollars, with the CEOs of the rating agencies receiving incomes comparable to the incomes to the CEOs of investment banks.  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的日益普及与发展,我国已经正式进入了网络信息社会。当前,全球经济出现的大范围的衰退,对我国的经济产生了冲击,互联网络安全也受到了影响。同时,网络安全作为社会公共安全中的重要组成部分,在当前情况下出现了诸多问题。本文通过对经济危机背景下网络安全的重要作用以及网络安全存在的问题进行分析,有针对性地提出了成立统一领导机构,加强网络信息监管,严厉打击网络犯罪,加大业内人员管理力度等建议,以确保网络安全万无一失。  相似文献   

Russia’s annexation of Crimea was a major blow to the post-World War II security order in Europe and could well be the start of a new Cold War. This is especially the case since it was followed by the initiation of a proxy war in eastern Ukraine. The two works reviewed here deal the current crisis and provide historical background. Although there are actual concrete “national interests” involved in the Russian-Ukrainian relationship, the differences in how history is remembered complicates any attempt at resolving the issues.  相似文献   


This paper criticizes the ideology of deontological liberalism from the perspective of Marxist thought and employs the idea of temporality as an example of this critique. Deontological liberals like John Rawls argue that the liberal political order should be indifferent to ultimate ends. Consequently, Rawls constructs an "abstract" self that is defined apart from the concrete totality of a real human life. This paper argues, through Marx's essay "On the Jewish Question" that the liberal, bourgeois self is not "abstract" but exists in an instrumentalized society in which individuals treat themselves and others as means, not ends. Following this line of thought, the paper shows that the purportedly "abstract" or "empty" linear temporality of modern thought is actually commodified or instrumentalized time. The paper concludes with suggestions how "leisure" understood as non-instrumental or self-sufficient time could be an alternative to the commodified temporality of bourgeois culture.  相似文献   

公安机关网络舆情危机及其应对   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
公安工作的性质决定了公安机关必然成为社会瞩目的热点和媒体关注的焦点,这就导致互联网上舆论对与公安机关相关的新闻产生了高度关注.这是当前公安机关在面对网络舆情时往往忽略的"后院起火"之盲区.如果公安机关对网民的批评和反映的问题闭目塞听,群众将失去对公安乃至政府的信任,公安机关的执法环境将更加恶劣,民警的任何一个执法行为都将会受到质疑.只有正视公安机关网络舆情危机,积极对网络舆情予以回应和合理引导,才会化解危机,取信于民.  相似文献   

While we know that emotional reactions are important influences on political behavior, we know far less about the sources of these emotions. This paper studies the causes of fear and anger in reaction to a negative stimulus: the financial crisis. Anger should have been experienced among individuals who believed a specific actor was to blame for the crisis. Moreover, individuals should have been particularly angry if they blamed an actor who should be accountable to them, for example the national government. I test these expectations using a panel survey run in Britain between 2005 and 2010. This data shows that British citizens experienced anger if they held an actor responsible for the crisis. Moreover, they felt particularly angry if they held the Labour government (and to a lesser extent the European Union) responsible. These findings underline the importance of studying the causes of emotional reactions and show how these may be linked to common institutional distinctions between political systems.  相似文献   

The 2008 global financial crisis produced very different responses in Ireland and Denmark. While both countries embraced depositor guarantee schemes and recapitalisation programmes, these were designed and adopted in significantly different ways. Crucially, the Irish state initially assumed full responsibility for sector losses and only later defined terms for industry contributions. In Denmark, a negotiated settlement from the outset transferred most of the risk associated with banking failures collectively to the banking sector. The article assesses two explanations for these different responses: (1) variations in domestic exposure to the financial industry, notably its relative size, dominant business models and exposure to real estate markets and (2) variations in institutional features, notably banking sector preferences and legacies of collective action. While limited explanatory power can be attributed to the former, collaborative legacies decisively swayed policy responses in Denmark and Ireland in the hectic weeks of late September and early October 2008.  相似文献   

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