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数字证据的程序法定位--技术、经济视角的法律分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于证据在程序中的重要地位以及证据与社会发展息息相关的紧密关联,要促进程序法在数字时代的发展,首先要研究的便是数字技术对包括民事、行政、刑事证据在内的程序证据制度的影响.使用"计算机证据"、"电子证据"概念并不能科学地归纳出这种证据的内涵,而"数字证据"概念则更符合其本质特征.在证据类型上,数字证据与书证、视听资料等已有证据类型颇不相同,是一种新的独立的证据类型,并且,在证据规则上,数字证据具有与其数字技术特性相应的新规则.  相似文献   

傅瑜 《人民法治》2021,(6):24-26
本世纪以来,电子信息、互联网技术的普及使电子货币.虚拟货币、数字货币的出现成为必然但没有法律因素介人的电子货币、虚拟货币、数字货币本身并不具有为法律所确认和保障的价值,它们只是一种支付手段或虚拟价值符号.其现实功能仅限于媒介货币支付和价值计量。数字人民币则完全不同。央行研发机构一开始就完全依据现代货币法治的基本理念和原则进行顶层设计和总体定位.  相似文献   

李忠操 《法学杂志》2020,(2):122-132
依托于区块链技术的数字货币为国际商事交往带来了前所未有的变革,已经应用于国际商事诸多领域。但与此同时,数字货币的运用导致国际商事诉讼产生新的困局,即传统证据形式于此类诉讼中作用有限。有鉴于此,区块链技术证据开始逐步进入国际商事诉讼视野。区块链技术证据运用的必要性在于其不仅能够应对数字货币类诉讼的特性,而且能够对传统证据形成有益补充,这正契应了国际商事诉讼的发展需要。区块链技术证据运用的可行性在于,其满足了国际商事诉讼对于证据资格的标准,即满足了真实性、关联性与合法性等标准。区块链技术证据的运用在域外已有诸多实证,但在我国尚处于起步阶段。我国应尽快出台关于区块链技术证据的法律规范,增设"区块链法庭",以此推进区块链技术证据在国际商事诉讼中的进一步应用。  相似文献   

数字证据是我国证据法学研究中一个较新的课题。一直以来,理论界对数字证据概念以及法律地位都颇具争议。本文将数字证据定义为是以数字形式所储存的信息和表达的思想来证明案件事实的证据。在证据类型上,数字证据与视听资料、书证等传统证据类型并不相同,是一种独立的证据类型。  相似文献   

数字社会是用数字技术来表达、交流、储存、分析使用信息,进而展开一系列活动的社会。在这一新兴社会形态中,诉讼法虽未面临颠覆性、根本性的挑战,但也必然发生重要变革,一种不同于传统诉讼法的数字诉讼法正应运而生。互联网法院(法庭)、在线诉讼、区块链证据等带有数字因素的新型诉讼制度与诉讼机制便是数字诉讼法的典型标识。在数字技术发展与诉讼数据“喂养”之下,数字诉讼法有着广阔的生长空间,但同时也受到了传统诉讼法一般原则与机理的约束,且面临着数字技术水平、社会接受度等制约。继续探索在原则、机理等重要方面不同于传统诉讼法的数字诉讼法,正视数字技术在诉讼法变革中的有限性,合理研发数字诉讼的技术产品并通过试点验证,将有助于推动数字诉讼法的良善发展。  相似文献   

数字证据的性质及相关规则   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王芳 《法学》2004,(8):72-79
“数字证据”在概念上区别于“计算机证据”、“电子证据”和“数据电文” ,在类型上不同于视听资料和书证。“数字证据”本身具有高科技性、客观真实性、外延广泛性的特点 ;针对数字证据的特性 ,应建立其相应的规则体系 ,并引入鉴定、公证和保全行为 ,使数字证据的证明力有充分的保障。  相似文献   

元宇宙中虚拟数字人对《著作权法》带来新的系统性挑战。作为元宇宙社会的基本主体,虚拟数字人构建了“AI创作”与“人类创作”的二元创作主体。对于虚拟数字人的创作物可版权性,现行《著作权法》尚未作出明确规定。本文认为,虚拟数字人创作物若符合“独创性”标准,可纳入法律保护范围。本文首创提出区分虚拟数字人“最小可识别单元”的概念,构建最小可识别版权单元标准对规范AIGC创作物起到基础性作用。规范元宇宙中版权保护需要重视虚拟数字人侵权行为,并紧密结合技术发展,对符合独创性标准的虚拟数字人作品予以版权保护。  相似文献   

从计算机的出现、互联网使用到数字化生存 ,技术的进步在改变我们生活状态的同时也成为我们生存方式的一部分。对于如此重大的社会变化 ,法律制度因此也需要有相应的调整。本文以技术进步与司法实践的关系为基点 ,讨论与数字证据有关的证据法律制度。   一、技术进步与法律制度法律制度的发生、变化和分野 ,不能完全用法律制度自身的逻辑变化来解释。对社会进步有重大影响的技术的普及 ,推动着法律运行的变革 ,甚至会推动一套全新的制度产生。随着互联网的出现 ,数字证据现在已经被许多国家接受为法律证据的一种形式 ,关于数字证据的一套…  相似文献   

与数字证据相关的概念很多,但它们的内涵和外延存在一定差异,从提出概念的出发点、载体、表现形式、研究范围等角度分析数字证据、电子证据、科学证据、电子记录等概念的差异,并进一步提出对数字证据进行专门研究的科学性和必要性。  相似文献   

区块链技术能够准确、及时、完整地记录数字版权产生、使用、交易、许可及转让等一系列过程,解决数字版权确权、交易问题,也为侵权行为的追踪提供支撑。因此,区块链技术的出现,为当前数字版权管理提供了新的选择:构建了分布式账本区块链技术登记确权共信机制、智能合约区块链技术的数字版权交易履行机制、时间戳区块链技术版权电子证据存证溯源机制、智能合约区块链技术数字版权监管机制等四大机制,探索出版权确权、交易和维权一体化的版权管理模式创新路径,并从法律、技术、标准等角度建立统一的数字版权保护管理创新模式。  相似文献   

The use of search engines and associated search functions to locate content online is now common practice. As a result, a forensic examination of a suspect's online search activity can be a critical aspect in establishing whether an offense has been committed in many investigations. This article offers an analysis of online search URL structures to support law enforcement and associated digital forensics practitioners interpret acts of online searching during an investigation. Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and DuckDuckGo searching functions are examined, and key URL attribute structures and metadata have been documented. In addition, an overview of social media searching covering Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube is offered. Results show the ability to extract embedded metadata from search engine URLs which can establish online searching behaviors and the timing of searches.  相似文献   

The increasing popularity of cryptography poses a great challenge in the field of digital forensics. Digital evidence protected by strong encryption may be impossible to decrypt without the correct key. We propose novel methods for cryptographic key identification and present a new proof of concept tool named Interrogate that searches through volatile memory and recovers cryptographic keys used by the ciphers AES, Serpent and Twofish. By using the tool in a virtual digital crime scene, we simulate and examine the different states of systems where well known and popular cryptosystems are installed. Our experiments show that the chances of uncovering cryptographic keys are high when the digital crime scene are in certain well-defined states. Finally, we argue that the consequence of this and other recent results regarding memory acquisition require that the current practices of digital forensics should be guided towards a more forensically sound way of handling live analysis in a digital crime scene.  相似文献   

As digital evidence now features prominently in many criminal investigations, such large volumes of requests for the forensic examination of devices has led to well publicized backlogs and delays. In an effort to cope, triage policies are frequently implemented in order to reduce the number of digital devices which are seized unnecessarily. Often first responders are tasked with performing triage at scene in order to decide whether any identified devices should be seized and submitted for forensic examination. In some cases, this is done with the assistance of software which allows device content to be “previewed”; however, in some cases, a first responder will triage devices using their judgment and experience alone, absent of knowledge of the devices content, referred to as “decision‐based device triage” (DBDT). This work provides a discussion of the challenges first responders face when carrying out DBDT at scene. In response, the COLLECTORS ranking scale is proposed to help first responders carry out DBDT and to formalize this process in an effort to support quality control of this practice. The COLLECTORS ranking scale consists of 10 categories which first responders should rank a given device against. Each devices cumulative score should be queried against the defined “seizure thresholds” which offer support to first responders in assessing when to seize a device. To offer clarify, an example use‐case involving the COLLECTORS ranking scale is included, highlighting its application when faced with multiple digital devices at scene.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(6):761-770
Many criminal investigations maintain an element of digital evidence, where it is the role of the first responder in many cases to both identify its presence at any crime scene, and assess its worth. Whilst in some instances the existence and role of a digital device at-scene may be obvious, in others, the first responder will be required to evaluate whether any ‘digital opportunities’ exist which could support their inquiry, and if so, where these are. This work discusses the potential presence of digital evidence at crime scenes, approaches to identifying it and the contexts in which it may exist, focusing on the investigative opportunities that devices may offer. The concept of digital devices acting as ‘digital witnesses’ is proposed, followed by an examination of potential ‘digital crime scene’ scenarios and strategies for processing them.  相似文献   

数字货币是以区块链技术为支撑并以电子化方式记录的,不代表实质商品或货物,发行者亦没有兑现实物义务的通货.按照数字货币是否由有权机关发行可以将数字货币分为法定数字货币和非法定数字货币.法定数字货币的法律属性为货币,非法定数字货币通常简称为数字货币,其虽然可以在功能上满足货币的交易媒介要求,但在法律属性上不构成法定货币.按...  相似文献   

Recently, “Speed” is one of the hot issues in digital forensics. Thanks to a recent advanced technology, today we can get bigger hard drive disks at a lower price than previously. But unfortunately, it means for forensic investigators that they need tremendous time and effort in the sequence of process of creating forensic images, searching into them and analyzing them. In order to solve this problem, some methods have been proposed to improve performance of forensic tools. One of them getting attention is a hardware-based approach. However, such a way is limited in the field of evidence cloning or password cracking while it is rarely used in searching and analysis of the digital evidence. In this paper, we design and implement a high-speed search engine using a Tarari content processor. Furthermore, we show feasibility of our approach by comparing its performance and features to those of a popular forensic tool currently on the market.  相似文献   

Recently, “Speed” is one of the hot issues in digital forensics. Thanks to a recent advanced technology, today we can get bigger hard drive disks at a lower price than previously. But unfortunately, it means for forensic investigators that they need tremendous time and effort in the sequence of process of creating forensic images, searching into them and analyzing them. In order to solve this problem, some methods have been proposed to improve performance of forensic tools. One of them getting attention is a hardware-based approach. However, such a way is limited in the field of evidence cloning or password cracking while it is rarely used in searching and analysis of the digital evidence. In this paper, we design and implement a high-speed search engine using a Tarari content processor. Furthermore, we show feasibility of our approach by comparing its performance and features to those of a popular forensic tool currently on the market.  相似文献   

由于目前计算机专业取证人员数量的不足,当前司法实践中对于现场中正处于运行状态的计算机大多采用“二步式”取证的方式来搜集数字证据。即先由侦查人员对涉案计算机实施关机分离和保全。尔后再移交专业机构进行数字证据司法鉴定。这种方式虽然保障了数字证据的原始性和证明力。但无形之中造成了存储在RAM中的“易挥发”数据以及其他形式的潜在数字证据的丢失。而计算机信息系统中的这些“易挥发数据”可以为案件的侦破提供重要线索和潜在的数字证据。因此通过对侦查人员的专业培训.实现“易挥发数据”的现场动态获取和合理保全对数字案件侦查取证意义重大。  相似文献   

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