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WANG YANBING 《人权》2006,5(6):12-14
Kunshan, a county-level city in east China's Jiangsu province, has become known nationwide for howcasing the target of China's economic and social reforms that aim at building up a "harmonious society under socialism," a "society of relative affluence in all aspects." Speaking on the city's achievements, Li Yuanchao, secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, has had the following to say. "Tangible benefits for the people are the point of departure and end result of the reforms." "Old Sixth"  相似文献   

The Chinese government intends to upgrade the governance ability of its officials through training.  相似文献   

It's that time of the year again. As millions of his peers anxiously await the results of their university entrance examinations, the successful investment analyst and author of Essentials of Speculation on Stocks and Futures is busy working out a kink in his 5-million-yuan portfolio. No one expected this. Seven years ago, Xiao Jie was regarded as a demon child: burning his exam papers, fighting in a gang, looting other pupils' pockets to pay for long hours at the Internet cafe. After moving school four times in two years, he quit, at age 14.  相似文献   

When A Billion Chinese Jump:How China Will Save Mankind-Or Destroy It Author:Jonathan Watts 496 pages,paperback £8.46 Published by Faber and Faber THE book’s title comes from a childhood experience of its author in the 1970s. On learning the concept of one billion,he was introduced to the nation with a population of that size,and  相似文献   

A 31-year-old unmarried woman,Xu Zaozao,recently sued a Beijing hospital after it refused to freeze her ova,commonly known as egg cells,so that she could have children later.Xu said she needed to devote her time and energy to her career,having received a recent promotion.It meant greater responsibilities and pressure to perform well.So she wanted to freeze her eggs while she was at the prime of fertility.  相似文献   

“My mother was shat-tered at my choosing a road so opposed to her own political beliefs,”recalls Gao Ying THE Christians that live in China are generally either born into Christian families or are converts. After the "cultural revolution"  相似文献   

THE Left Bank Gallery in the Zhongguancun area of Beijing's Haidian District unveiled "The Left-Wing" in late December 2003. The gallery housed the exhibit two huge concrete floors within a commercial real estate project called Left Bank. Besides founding the Left Wing, Lin Jian is also behind the development of Left Bank. His famous slogan, "When the world  相似文献   

“新经济”的本质,在于“资本”的“核聚变”。“资本”核变在未来的条件:一是通过兼并、收购、联合来生成核效应,来壮大“资本”倍率的放大;二是股票上市、股价暴升,靠信誉,靠制造“天方夜谭”,把泡沫沉下后垒起坚强、雄厚的经济基石。否则,只能是昙花一现,而当今美国长成的“新经济”,几乎还没有出现过“昙花”盛开。 “新经济”的核心是资本。资本的雪球要滚动,必须有赖于股票市场的“生态”,之所以近两个世纪的股票市场,资本却一直没有长大,也没有出现过奇迹,就是因为运行股票的工具没有现代化的电脑加飞跃国界的资本流…  相似文献   

It is common knowledge that China, with its 1.3 billion people, is the most populous country on the face of the earth. Fewer people, however, know that the number of senior citizens in China also ranks first in the world. An internationally accepted definition of an aging society is one where more than 10 percent of the population is aged over  相似文献   

IF, one evening at the theater, you are seated at a table, rather than in a row of seats, and sipping tea and eating peanuts as your neighbors stamp their feet and shout their approval, the chances are you are watching a Peking Opera performance. Nowadays several Beijing theaters show a daily pastiche of extracts from famous operas, featuring acrobatics and martial arts (but not too much singing) that cater to the tastes of Western tourists. Chinese Opera lovers disdain such performances because they lack artistic authenticity. They regard the Westerners that so enjoy such "military" operas as slow-witted children ignorant of the degree of artistry with which Peking Opera is imbued. Theatergoers with a true appreciation of this extraordi-  相似文献   

WHEN 69-year-old Anipa Alimahong was selected as one of the Ten People of 2009 Who Moved China earlier this year, her family decided to throw her a grand feast. But it is the understanding of her 19 children, particularly the 10 without blood ties to her, that there is nothing they could ever do to fully repay the love their mother and father have lavished on them for the past 40 years.  相似文献   

如今生物经济已经开始令人瞩目,大有取代信息经济、网络经济之势。而生物经济贵在生命经济,以解决人的生命问题为出发点和最终目的的生命经济,才是未来经济的根本特质。  相似文献   

Esity graduates has remained a constant headache for the Chinese government since the beginning of the new millennium. MyCOS HR Digital Information Co., Ltd. conducted a survey on the employment situation of university graduates from 2006 to 2008. and its subsequent report, Tire 2009 Employment Blue Book of University Graduates, shows that even when the job market was performing well. the employment rate for fresh graduates remained low. One-third of university graduates and 40 percent of advsnced vocational school graduates only managed to find a job some time after finishing their studies.  相似文献   

AN intellectual property di pute between Microsoft and Chinese entrepreneurs has .been resolved in the Ameri-can giant's favor, landing two men with heavy fines and jail time for spreading "the tomato edition" of Windows XP.  相似文献   

I often think that Chinese women are wiser than we in the West, as they generally don‘t adopt their husbands‘ names upon marrying. There could be something in the Chinese belief that the name given at birth determines the fate of its bearer.  相似文献   

Under the inlluence ot the international financial crisis, the price of many hotel rooms, scenic spots, and flights have been sharply reduced in an attempt to stimulate demand. Travel is suddenly costing about hall what it did in the past, starting a "low-price era" of tourism.  相似文献   

孙韵 《现代领导》2001,(1):14-15
历史从容地步入了一个新的世纪。新世纪带给人们最眩目的一道风景就是起端于上世纪末,而今已席卷全球的“新经济风暴”。  相似文献   

IF you had one million RMB to rent a shop front in an emergent commercial district, what sort of business would you choose?" was the question contestants inthe International Business Contest for College Students, held by OVAL (Our Vision for Asian Leaders) China, were asked. OVAL is an international non- profit student organization. A total of 90 college students from China, SouthKorea and Japan, 30 from each country participated in its eight-day contest. Wudaokou Business District …  相似文献   

FOR over 1,000 years the Chinese have extolled the virtues of reading with the saying: "There are houses of gold and girls of jade in books." That is literally true today, but more so for the writers than the readers.  相似文献   

Every summer, there is a surge of climbers seeking to make use of the precious window of good weather to summit Mount Qomolangma, the highest mountain in the world. With the number of climbers rising every year, overcrowding on the top of the world has given rise to the incredible phenomen on of 'traffic jams"―ong queues of climbers from different countries and regions awaiting their turn to reach the top and then descend. The long wait in below freezing temperatures in the rarified atmosphere is tuming increasingly perilous with some climbers meeting their death due to altitude sickness, excessive oxygen depletion and exhaustion.  相似文献   

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