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The purpose of this study was to investigate the associations between parental rural-to-urban migration, caretaking arrangement, and left-behind children’s self-reported delinquency in rural China. The direct effect of parental migration on children’s delinquency as well as the indirect effect through children–caretaker conflict, school bonding, and children’s association with deviant peers are explored. The study uses data from the Parental Migration and Children’s Well-Being Survey, which collected information on parental migration and delinquency from a probability sample of 600 middle school students in southern China. Path models are used to evaluate hypotheses generated from mainstream criminology theories and the literature of immigration and internal migration in rural China. Parental migration and caretaking arrangement has a significant effect on children’s socialization and behavioral outcomes in rural China. Results indicate that pathways to delinquency among left-behind children differ across various caretaking arrangements. Grandparents and other extended family members, when serving as primary caretakers, are challenged to effectively monitor and supervise left-behind children’s interaction with deviant peers, which is the main route to further delinquency. Stay-at-home mothers, on the other hand, have difficulty in developing strong mother–child bonds and in avoiding conflictual and strained relationships with their children. The study highlights the importance of a father’s presence on children’s behavioral outcomes in the context of rural China.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):544-569
Behavioral genetic findings continue to call into question the dominant role of parental influence. Utilizing a sample of twins from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), we assess the association between parenting behaviors and child self‐control, delinquent peer formation, and delinquency. Our results indicate that genetic influences and non‐shared environmental influences account for variation in these outcomes. We discuss these findings as they relate to theorizing about the role and function of parenting in the etiology of unique traits and behaviors.  相似文献   

Drawing upon concepts from prior research that emphasize race and gender stereotyping, the present research compares how delinquent and “neglected” types of offenses (i.e. status offenses, probation violations, youth charged with contempt) are treated across three juvenile court outcomes. Beyond how offense type may directly impact case outcomes, we also investigated whether race and gender influenced juvenile justice processing within each offense type. Using data from two Mid-Atlantic States, results indicated that type of offense, race, and gender resulted in both severe and lenient case outcomes depending on the stage examined. By including different types of offenses that represent a significant percentage of youth that have been relatively neglected in prior research, the current study provides greater insight into the contexts of race and gender disparities in juvenile justice decision-making. The implications of the findings and directions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

Cultural criminology suggests that crime, deviance, and transgression are often subcultural in nature. For this reason, cultural criminologists often focus on the simultaneous forces of cultural inclusion and social exclusion when explaining criminal, deviant, or transgressive behaviors. This is a particularly useful bricolage for examining contemporary gay deviance and transgression—behaviors that are perhaps closely linked to (if not directly caused by) the past isolation, marginalization and/or oppression of homosexuals by Western heteronormative societies. It is also useful for understanding behaviors that are the result of marginalization and oppression from other sources, namely, the gay community itself. Using subcultural theories of deviance—such as those favored by cultural criminologists—this article explores a perspective that can be used for exploring certain forms of gay deviance and transgression. First, some of the more ostensible criminological theories that satisfy a prima facie criminological inquiry will be presented and critiqued: labeling and stigma, and resistance to heteronormativity. To these will be added a new and potentially productive way of thinking that takes into consideration rule-breaking as a form of resistance to homonormative norms, values and rules.  相似文献   

This study sought to provide a more recent and longitudinal examination of the effect of formal processing on status offenders’ subsequent delinquency using data from a large sample of first-time referral status offenders in the state of Florida. Results from semi-parametric group-based trajectory models suggested that roughly half of the status offenders subsequently accumulated delinquent arrests in adolescence following their initial referral for a status offense. Furthermore, the number and type of trajectory groups were more similar than different across sex. Study limitations and policy implications are also discussed.  相似文献   



There have been a number of prior studies that have investigated the relationship between tattoos and crime with most documenting evidence of an association. Specifically, prior research often suggests that individuals with tattoos commit more crime, are disproportionately concentrated in offender and institutionalized populations, and often have personality disorders. Having said this, the bulk of the prior research on this topic has been correlational.


In the current study, we rely on data from a prospective longitudinal study of 411 British males from the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development and employ propensity score matching to determine if the link between tattoos and crime may in fact be causal.


Results suggest that having tattoos is better considered as a symptom of another set of developmental risk factors and personality traits that are both related to tattooing and being involved in crime rather than as a causal factor for predicting crime over the life-course.


Study limitations and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   



There is a sizable literature documenting the relationship between resting heart rate and antisocial behavior in children and adolescents. Absent from the literature is the extent to which heart rate has long-term prediction into late middle adulthood and the extent to which such effects are specific to certain crime types, such as violence, or whether heart rate effects are more general.


This study uses data from the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development, a longitudinal study of 411 South London males followed through age 50 in order to examine these two research questions.


Results suggest that lower heart rates are significantly associated with total conviction frequency and involvement in violence. This pattern of relationships is not altered by the inclusion of additional risk factors such as early childhood risk factors, adolescent involvement in smoking, body mass index, participation in team sports, binge drinking, or a measure of impulsivity.


Heart rate was found to be a significant correlate of criminal offending. Study limitations and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

"面对,接受,处理,放下。这是任何人面对一起不幸事件时都应有的态度。"李双江之子李天一涉嫌强奸案被炒作得沸沸扬扬。这起事件引发"网民的狂欢",除了对被害人的怜悯与同情外,更多的是对李天一的痛责,恨不得要司法机关立即从肉体上消灭之,还有就是对李双江夫妇教子无方的嘲讽与抨击,等等。面对这种巨大的喧嚣,我援引一个故事来谈"接纳"的观点:国际著名教育专家麦道卫博士的女儿上中学时有一天问他:"爸爸,要是我这会儿怀孕了,你怎么处理?"他回答说:"我是一名布道家,教了一辈子的亲子教育,要是你  相似文献   

大家都说《泰囧》好看,很搞笑的喜剧片,要我去看。抱着用一部喜剧来给我的生日当天划一个圆满句号的想法去看的电影,看完才知道,你把它当一部单纯的喜剧来看,未免太肤浅;你把它当一部人生励志片来看,未免太凝重。徐朗和王宝,是我们这个世界上两类人的写照。一类,不在乎吃饭,顾不上挑水,更忙不到砍柴,他们的心中只有一个老周。若为老周故,吃饭挑水皆可抛。一类,吃饭即吃饭,挑水即挑水,随遇而安,砍柴时若是能见到一抹晚霞简直此生不  相似文献   

《明史·刑法志》:“天顺三年令每岁霜降后,三法司同公、侯、伯会审重囚,谓之朝审.”明朝每年在规定时间内将法司在押的重囚,引到承天门外,三法司会同稿·刑法志》:“秋审亦原于明之奏决单,冬至前会审之.”按清律规定,凡严重危害“社稷”的犯罪,应立即处决的,称“斩立决”.如危害性较小或有可疑者,暂判“斩监候”或“绞监候”,缓期处决,延至秋天由九卿重审.秋  相似文献   

一九八二年十月,吉林省吉林市中级人民法院公开审理了王凤启等四人因运输盗伐的林木,为窝藏赃物,抗拒民兵检查,当场使用暴力致人死亡一案。 被告人王凤启、韩喜生、王凤明、韩景阳于一九八二年六月十八日二十三时许,赶两辆车运盗伐的木材。当行至镇郊公社春田六队时,被民兵翟凤双等人发现截住,令其将木材送到生产队。被告人王凤启用木棒猛打翟凤双头部,  相似文献   

2021年是具有特殊重要性的一年。这一年是中国共产党成立100周年,也是"十四五"规划开局之年。这一年,《江淮法治》已经走过20年的征程。20年来,《江淮法治》从月刊到半月刊,从双色到全彩,从开始的含苞待放到如今的绽放枝头,内容越来越丰富,形式越来越多样,服务读者的功能越来越强大。  相似文献   

第五届全国人民代表大会第二次会议通过的《中华人民共和国人民法院组织法》公布了。这标志着我国社会主义法制建设的新发展。认真学习、贯彻执行人民法院组织法,必将对发展安定团结的政治局面,加速社会主义现代化建设的步伐,起着重大作用。  相似文献   

为了摸清冤错案件的底数,调查研究审判工作中存在的问题,加强对基层法院业务领导,进一步提高办案质量,由省法院和巢湖地区中级法院主要领导同志带队,组织巢湖地区各县法院院长、刑、民庭庭长  相似文献   

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