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公司的社会责任具有法律责任和道德责任兼备的性质.我国公司的社会责任包括公司对职工、对债权人,对消费者、对保护环境、对所在社区的社会责任及慈善行为等.公司是社会整体的一部分,其利益的取得与所在的社会密不可分.公司社会责任理论的提出对我国公司的健康发展具有很大的借鉴意义.本文通过分析公司社会责任的定义和理论依据,阐述公司社会责任的必要性,对我国公司的社会责任现状进行一定的法律思考,并在此基础上就强化我国公司的社会责任提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

公司社会责任的重新界定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公司社会责任中的公司应作广义理解,将各类公司、企业、分支机构均包括在内。公司社会责任中的社会应指公司对一般社会公众的责任,可以具体体现为公司对利益相关者承担的责任,利益相关者包含股东和其他利益相关者。公司社会责任中的责任,在形式维度上,既可以表现为法律责任,也可以表现为道德责任;在内容维度上,公司社会责任除公司环境责任、劳工责任等之外,公司经济责任也是公司社会责任的应有之义。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的发展,公司对社会的影响日益加深,公司法理论逐渐开始强调公司的社会责任。而公司捐赠是公司社会责任中的道德义务,是公司承担社会责任的一种重要形式;同时,国家采取税收优惠等政策来激励公司来履行公司社会责任。  相似文献   

公司社会责任理论起源于20世纪初,发展到今天的公司公民概念,公司社会责任已经深入人心。将公司社会责任落实到公司的日常经营实践中,关键是从公司治理的角度来设计相关制度,进行公司社会责任的审计,落实董事相关责任,将信息披露的内容扩展到公司社会责任的实施状况,增加公司社会责任立法的明确化。  相似文献   

建立公司社会责任制度是当今世界各国立法的总体趋势,公司的社会责任也是法的社会化在公司法领域的体现。本文主要探讨了公司应当承担社会责任的对象和内容,从而完善公司社会责任制度,实现公司股东及其利益相关者的双赢。  相似文献   

对于公司社会责任这一舶来品,我国法学界一直对其持有浓厚的兴趣,但却始终没有任何突破。学者往往沿袭了西方学者的观点,即公司社会责任与利益相关者的关系密切相关,却从未从公司的视角考虑,公司是否真的就不愿意承担社会责任?公司利益与社会利益是否真的就是势不两立?本文试图跳出传统的公司社会责任分析方法,从公司的视角来看待公司社会责任,以期能为公司社会责任的厘清提供另一种视角。  相似文献   

公司社会责任是公司对与其有关的利益相关者应当承担的所有责任.我国对公司社会责任缺乏准确的定位,各个公司的社会责任意识也相对缺乏,立法对公司社会责任的规定也相对模糊.为此,在具体制度的设计上灌输公司社会责任,建立符合中国国情的企业社会责任认证体系,并加强政府、行业协会或利益集团等对公司社会责任担负情况的监督作用.  相似文献   

浅探公司的社会责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从对公司社会责任这一概念和特点入手,分析了我国公司承担社会责任的现状,提出我国应强化公司的社会责任。如何强化公司的社会责任,使其合理有效地协调好公司个体利益与其他社会主体利益,既需要营造公司应承担社会责任的社会氛围,同时也需要有法律制度的保障和相应的法律设计。  相似文献   

公司在现在社会经济生产和社会生活中的重要作用决定了公司在承担环境责任方面的正当性以及特殊性,也是把公司作为一个特殊的环境责任主体单独研究的意义所在,公司营利性的本质决定了其趋利性的特征,因此,要使公司能够真正履行相应的环境责任就必须设计一套符合其趋利性特征的制度,只有如此才是促使公司切实履行环境责任的长久之道,也是符合市场经济规律以及公司治理规律的有效机制。  相似文献   

吴东燕 《政法论丛》2012,(2):116-123
公司社会责任在本质上不是个严谨的法学术语,而应隶属社会学范畴,与个人社会责任相呼应,内容包括对于股东之外的、与公司密切相关的主体的社会性义务承担。公司社会责任的有无与公司本质的认定密切相关,在当前的社会环境下应维持公司的营利性本质,公司社会责任的履行须在不违营利性的框架内运转。结合对公司社会责任规制的比较法考察,我国公司社会责任规制问题的合理进路是外部引导督促与内部优化改善相结合,促使公司在接纳社会责任思想的前提下主动承担社会性的义务。  相似文献   

罗海明  汪国华 《政法学刊》2008,25(1):125-128
恶势力违法犯罪团伙,拉拢腐蚀基层治安人员、竭力寻求"保护伞"趋势明显;从其自身规模实力看,抗打击能力低,脆弱性特征明显;从其运转方式看,大多结构松散,雇用式特征明显;从其对社会的冲击方式来看,隐蔽性特征明显。政府对无业人员的管理缺位,法律法规的不完善以及打黑除恶专业队伍建设的滞后,为恶势力团伙提供了滋生发展的空间。应针对恶势力团伙的特点、形成原因入手,寻求对恶势力团伙的打击防范之策。  相似文献   

Respectful treatment may be more consequential for members of stigmatized groups because they are often excluded from society. The present study examined the consequences of respectful treatment in the workplace on job satisfaction for members of stigmatized groups. Among a nationally representative sample of American adults, members of stigmatized groups showed a stronger relationship between respectful treatment and job satisfaction compared to their non-stigmatized counterparts. However, they did not show a stronger relationship between their pay and job satisfaction. The results point to the special importance of respect for members of stigmatized group as a means of reassuring their belonging and value in society.  相似文献   

随着人的平均寿命的不断延长 ,在更年期的调整变化中 ,不少人的内在生理机能出现了复苏现象 ,从而开始生命过程的第二周期。老龄化社会的出现是多种社会生态因素复合作用的结果。老年人繁衍了后代 ,为社会的进步 ,各项事业的发展 ,付出了毕生的精力和智慧 ,他们现在共享社会发展的成果 ,是过去劳动的延期支付。老年人才资源的“二次开发”,既是“科教兴国”的客观需要 ,又可以“为”促“养”  相似文献   

现代国家的治理,主要仰赖政策与法律。促进经济与社会稳定发展是政府不可推卸的责任,由此,也促进了法律的发展,法律对促进经济与社会稳定发展有着独到的优势。现代性法律中具有促进型结构的规范类型的集合,可以概括为"促进型法"。英美法系限制干预型立法以"稳定"促进发展,大陆法系国家依法调控型立法以"鼓励"促进发展。"促进型法"具有内在的促进发展的特定规范结构,是专门促进经济与社会稳定发展的抽象性、类型化的规范概念,既有核心内核和中心体系,又有边缘结构。  相似文献   

The new PRM provisions provide helpful guidance to SNFs in submitting requests for exceptions to cost limits. However, they also make the process more rigid and create procedural traps for the unwary. Accordingly, SNFs are advised to study the PRM sections to assure that their exception requests contain the required information. However, they should not feel bound by the limits in the PRM. When submitting requests, SNFs should think creatively about why their facilities are atypical and how to best quantify their higher costs. They should then protect their rights by including these more creative theories or calculations in the materials they submit to the intermediaries.  相似文献   

We examine police decision making by focusing on police stories and drawing together contemporary thought about identities and police subculture. Our inquiry suggests that police decision making is both improvisational and patterned. Cops are moral agents who tag people with identities as they project identities of their own. They do engage in raw forms of division or stereotyping, marking some as others to be feared and themselves as protectors of society, while exercising their coercive powers to punish "the bad." Due, in part, to the many ways that they identify themselves, cops also connect with people as unique individuals, including individuals whose categorical identities (e.g., drug dealers) put them at the margins of society. Rather than using their coercive powers to repress these individuals, cops infuse them with certain virtues (e.g., good family men) while cutting them breaks. As they complicate representations of themselves, cops also project complex notions of law and legality. Moral discourse seems to infuse their judgments, while they invoke law strategically as a tool to enforce their moral judgments.  相似文献   

孙锐 《法学杂志》2012,(8):170-174
当今中国各个领域的重大转型都根源于国家与社会的二元化和由此所导致的国家、社会与个人关系的转型,即从"国家、社会/个人"模式转向"国家/社会、个人"模式,其实质是从国家本位主义转向社会本位主义和人本主义。中国社会的这一转型导致了刑事诉讼本质观、目的观、价值观、构造观和刑事证明理论的变迁,而这些观念和理论的变迁又反映在《刑事诉讼法》的修改中。  相似文献   

江国华 《法学研究》2014,36(1):56-73
对应于两次历史性社会转型以及第二次转型的三个发展阶段,当代中国的司法价值观发生了四次历史性变迁,即从为阶级斗争冲锋陷阵的政治司法价值观转变到为经济建设保驾护航的经济司法价值观,而后再演变为为社会稳定排忧解难的社会司法价值观,并走向为法治文明注译导航的衡平司法价值观。鉴于前三种司法价值观本质上都是法律工具主义的产物,是人治的变种,故有必要对其做历史性反思。唯此,型塑以"公正、廉洁、为民"为基本内核的多元衡平司法价值观方为可能。  相似文献   

General assessments refer to individuals’ overall judgment of their standing on broad dimensions that have special relevance for the explanation of crime, such as their overall bond to society or their prospects for success. These assessments are partly a function of the independent variables that are commonly considered in contemporary crime theories and quantitative research. But these standard etiological variables are far from fully determinative of general assessments because individuals differ in how they interpret, weigh, and combine their standing along these variables. The social–psychological factors that affect the subjective judgments underlying general assessments have yet to be theorized in any comprehensive, systematic manner. Nevertheless, we hypothesize that the incorporation of general assessments in models of offending will greatly enhance their explanatory power because these assessments are the most proximate, comprehensive, and personally relevant causes of crime. Moreover, we anticipate that once these assessments reach certain threshold levels, such as the view that bonds to society are severed irreparably or success is beyond reach, they result in a nonlinear jump in the frequency, seriousness, and duration of offending (i.e., chronic offending). A consideration of general assessments and their associated thresholds should therefore substantially improve efforts to explain crime.  相似文献   

This study examines how immigrants from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) who have lived in Israel for an average of 10 years perceive white-collar crime. After a survey of the literature about the Soviet economy and how Soviet society regarded white-collar crime, we examine the relationship between FSU immigrants’ tolerance of white-collar crime (relative to their Israeli counterparts) and the degree of their involvement in Russian culture and society. This involvement was analyzed using a system of variables that indicate the subjects’ affinity for Russian culture and society and rejection of (isolation from) Israeli society. The study’s 1,028 participants are a representative sample of the olim (immigrants to Israel) from the FSU between 1990 and 2005. Our findings reinforced the hypothesis that the more involved these immigrants are in Russian culture and society, and the more alienated they are from Israeli society, the more permissive their view of white-collar crime. Nonetheless, our study explains 27 % of the variance in their view of white-collar crime. Hence the question requires further research. Our findings are discussed in terms of the decisive impact of the Soviet process of socialization on the values, perspectives, and behavior patterns of Post-Soviet man and its ramifications for the rule of law and their conception of Israeli democracy.  相似文献   

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