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本文以国外社会运动中的青年参与者为研究对象,分析了近10年来国外青年社会运动的特点和原因,并展望了其前景。2008年全球经济危机以来,国外青年社会运动的特点主要表现为以新媒体为主要动员媒介、跨地域和跨主题的运动传播、缺乏明确的意识形态诉求和政纲、运动形式的自发性和分散性以及符号化和温和化。网络的普及和社交媒体的迅速发展是国外青年参与社会运动的客观推动因素,民生和教育等问题加剧了青年的不满,青年群体成长背景的变化促使他们参与社会运动。青年社会运动的偶然性和易变性,使它们未能提供明确的替代性选择,也没有开辟通往新体制的道路,它们的现实成果尚需巩固。青年社会运动与左翼运动利益攸关,这两种运动想要有所作为,在未来需要联合起来。对各国政府而言,不仅要妥善处理社会变迁过程中出现的各种问题,还要有针对性地引导青年发挥积极作用,使他们融入现存社会。  相似文献   

德国《马克思主义报》2004年第5期发表了艾克哈德·利伯拉姆(EkkehardLieberam)题为《阶级分析、社会两极分化和阶级形成》的文章,详细地分析了德国统一以来德国阶级结构的变化以及主要特征。现将其主要内容摘译如下。  相似文献   

第二次世界大战后,德国选择了社会市场经济体制,强调经济和社会协调发展,在建立和维护公平的市场竞争秩序的同时,对经济进行积极有效干预,实现经济效益与社会公平之间的均衡,大力推进社会管理和社会建设,将社会政策作为一项基本国策,并不断发展和完善社会保障制度和社会政策措施。在60多年的社会建设过程中形成了一些独特的做法。  相似文献   

俄罗斯社会经济和政治形势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何评价普京执政三年来的俄罗斯,俄社会各界人士众说纷纭。本栏目特编发两篇 从社会学角度分析俄罗斯政治、经济及社会状况的文章,其中基于社会调查得出的 结论或许对研究俄罗斯问题的读者有所帮助。2002年10月21日,俄罗斯科学院综 合社会研究所所长、教授、俄罗斯社会学家协会第一副主席米·康·戈尔什科夫访 问中共中央编译局并作《俄罗斯社会经济和政治形势》的报告。现将报告原文摘译 如下。  相似文献   

4月28日,全国银行贷款全面暂停,万科董事长王石几乎是第一时间在自己的企业网站上作出了反应,他用了意味深长的"认清形势,把握节奏"8个字。作为渐渐脱离业务一线,更多关注社会经济发展的大趋势,大走向的国内房企老大,他面对新政策的积极态度和沉稳心态有其扎实的研究根基。但是,更多的人则是看不清楚形势,也把握不好节奏。从本期系列文章可以看到,一场"有秩序的慌乱"正在中国企业界和各地区蔓延,除了当事者对政策理解的不透彻和应对的不理智之外,也在相当程度上因为有关部门在执行宏观调控的过程中,传递的信息和出台的政策简单而模糊,多元而矛盾,匆忙而短暂……这不是宏观调控之错.一系列扎实的统计数据已经表明,这次调控必要且适得其时。在5月21日国务院常务会议上出台的最新决议是:必须全面地、准确地、积极地理解和贯彻中央加强宏观调控的方针政策。加强宏观调控的根本着眼点,是为了贯彻落实科学发展观,把各方面加快发展的积极性保护好、引导好、发挥好,及时消除经济运行中的不稳定、不健康因素,促进国民经济既快又好地平稳向前发展。宏观调控的基本原则是,坚持做到果断有力,适时适度,区别对待,注重实效。看准了的问题必须采取有力的果断措施,准确把握调控的时机、节奏和力度,从实际出发,分类指  相似文献   

<正>长期以来,德国的经济治理就以审慎和稳健著称,它不仅是德国有别于其他欧洲国家之处,也是德国能迅速克服金融和经济危机后果的关键。本文将从几个方面分析德国的经济治理。社会市场经济:德国经济治理的外部环境德国是社会市场经济理论的发源地和试验场,因此德国的经济治理政策带有明显的社会市场经济特  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,德国社会市场经济缺乏活力已是一个不争的事实.其主要表现是,经济增长缓慢甚至停滞;失业率居高不下,前民主德国地区尤为严重;财政拮据,债台高筑,有些城市和乡镇财政形势"极度恶劣";社会福利陷入慢性危机,国家不堪承受日益增长的重负等等.在上世纪50-60年代曾创造过奇迹的社会市场经济为什么会陷入缺乏生机活力的窘境?  相似文献   

根据德国联邦统计局公布的统计结果,2003年德国国内生产总值较上年下降0.1个百分点,这是自1 993年(-1.1%)以来德国经济首度出现负增长.令德国社会各界更为震动的一个事实是,德经济已连续三年处于"原地踏步"状态--2001年和2002年的经济增长率分别仅为0.8%和0.2%.  相似文献   

德国崛起的社会文化解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖洋 《当代世界》2012,(11):44-47
德国的崛起是以一个"后发"国家的形象出现的,但是它后来居上所表现出来的巨大能量和发展潜力,可谓是近现代史上的一个奇迹。德国崛起背后的重要动力——不仅是经济实力的增强,更来自德国社会文化推动的思想创新。从社会文化的视角解读德国的崛起道路,有助于准确地反观中国式发展的文化内涵,拓宽中华民族的崛起道路。  相似文献   

德国青少年刑法的特点及借鉴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《德意志联邦共和国青少年刑法》,包括五编一百二十五条,对未成年犯、少年犯的过错及法律后果、诉讼程序、执行措施等作了详细完备的规定,是一部集实体规范和程序规范为一体的青少年刑事法典,值得研究和借鉴。  相似文献   

This article analyzes neighborhood-based development challenges. The article examines six explanations for such challenges: use value, social status, growth, economic and fiscal, governmental structure, and suburban. Using data derived from several sources (survey, Census, I. C.M.A.), the results indicate that cities with higher housing values and reform government structures are more likely to have neighborhood-based development challenges. The analysis is extended to investigate successful neighborhood-based development challenges. These results indicate that a city's poverty rate depresses the potential for successful challenges and that challenges are more likely to be successful in central cities. Finally, the analysis indicates that those cities in which neighborhood groups are motivated by the desire to protect housing values are more likely have successful development challenges.  相似文献   

The adequacy of income of a household may be defined as the ratio of its income to the income level required to achieve the conventional standard of living in the socio‐economic group to which the household belongs. This concept has greater relevance than that of income for the study of consumer behaviour (e.g. propensity to save) and other social behaviour and pathologies. Income and need for income in a country do not necessarily rise proportionately over time, thus resulting in periods of declining, as well as periods of rising, income adequacy. Furthermore, in spite of the international demonstration effect, the need for income in developing countries is significantly lower than in developed countries resulting in a much smaller gap between income adequacies than between incomes.  相似文献   

和平与发展是当今世界的主题,当前,国际形势总体对我有利,经济全球化与区域一体化并行发展,为我国对外开放和发展外向型经济提供了良好的外部环境和难得的战略机遇期.胡锦涛总书记和温家宝总理在去年召开的第十次驻外使节会议上做出重要指示,要求外交工作要紧紧抓住我国发展的重要战略机遇期,为全面建设小康社会服务;唐家璇国务委员在东北三省外事工作座谈会上强调,在新的历史条件下,地方外事工作的根本任务,就是要更好地为国家总体外交服务,更好地为地方经济社会发展服务.  相似文献   

一次在西伯利亚召开的党代会 2005年11月26日,俄罗斯统一俄罗斯党(简称统俄党)第六次代表大会在克拉斯诺亚尔斯克市举行.该党称,之所以到距莫斯科千里迢迢的西伯利亚召开大会,目的是强调当前推动西伯利亚和远东地区的发展为党的工作重心.  相似文献   

This discussion explains why democracy as is generally understood may not be suitable to meet the challenges of a developing economy and how democratic institutions generally fail to respond to the immediate demands of a population impatient to raise its level of living. It defines the terms economic development and democracy, reviews some theoretical models of democracy which have been proposed in economic theory, proposes an approach to the process of economic development, and considers problems of development. Economic development is a process which calls for huge investments in personnel and material. Such investment programs imply cuts in current consumption that would be painful at the low levels of living that exist in almost all developing societies. Governments need to resort to strong measures, and they must enforce them vigorously in order to marshal the surpluses required for investment. If such measures were put to a popular vote, they would certainly be defeated. Mainstream economic theory assumes the virtues of a market system and the decisions arrived at by the interaction of market forces. This is the economic equivalent of democracy. Yet, mainstream economic theory devotes little attention to the conditions under which a market system generates a just solution. The democratic developing countries have all inherited a class society, with a highly skewed distribution of income. The wealthy minority often seeks to preserve its privileged position and to enjoy the benefits of development. It even seeks the help of the judiciary to preserve the sanctity of private property and to assure that its patterns of conspicuous consumption can continue. This is done in the name of democratic rights. Many developing societies are burdened with outmoded traditions and value systems that are incompatible with the production relations of the new society they hope to achieve. The international exchange of resources is believed by some to be an attempt to control the pace and character of development so that the economic colonization will survive. To end such unfavorable conditions for development, 3rd world governments must demand greater sacrifices from their citizens, and this cannot be achieved by normal democratic means. Recent events in several developing nations illustrate this point.  相似文献   

In this article it is argued that one must distinguish between the arbitrary, short-run power of the state and the long-run, infrastructural power of the state. Game theory concepts are used to illustrate these ideas and successful development is linked to the infrastructural power of the state. The evolution of the latter is related to culture/ideology and this is given operational meeting within the context of simple game theory. The historical experience of Japan is utilized to illustrate these ideas. Dr. Richard Grabowski is a professor of economics at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale. His research interests include the role of the developmental state in economic development. His work has appeared inWorld Development, Journal of Developing Areas, Economic Development and Cultural Change.  相似文献   

This article describes the process of building network organizations that support and foster broad-based economic and social development. Coverage includes phases in the development process, approaches to devising action steps, the nature of network organizations, and action research required to support network development.  相似文献   

Strategic management has become one of the popular managerial techniques emphasized by policy makers and public managers in recent years. Many local government officials are especially interested in applying this technique to improve the effectiveness of their economic development policies and programs. This paper examines issues associated with the application of strategic management concepts to local economic development. The paper first provides an overview of basic concepts of strategic management and special issues of public strategic management. It then focuses on the background of local economic development and the linkage between strategic management and economic development. The paper finally addresses the benefits and challenges associated with the development of strategic economic development.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国的综合国力和国际影响不断提升.据统计,从1978-2004年,中国GDP年均增长9.4%,已成为世界第六大经济体.祖国的发展壮大,为海外侨胞创造了特有的发展机遇.  相似文献   

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