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张虹 《政法论丛》2004,(5):65-68
本文对《服务贸易总协定》(GATS)及其金融服务附录中有关自由化、审慎措施、以及发展中国家特殊待遇等规定进行了研究 ,指出这些协议在贯彻服务贸易自由化的原则的同时 ,兼顾到金融服务业的特殊性质而赋予成员方较多的监管权力 ;同时考虑到处于不同发展阶段国家的现实情况 ,为发展中国家作了灵活的规定。文章在此基础上提出了中国金融开放与监管所应该做出的政策选择。  相似文献   

刘笋  吴永辉 《现代法学》2004,26(2):42-47
金融自由化与金融有效监管是GATS框架体系在金融服务贸易领域的两大基本目标。为平衡二者之间的关系 ,GATS及其附件规定了审慎监管制度 ,但是审慎例外条款自身规定的抽象性及其优先适用性大大削弱了金融自由化的成果。为弥补审慎例外条款这种实体性规则不足的缺憾 ,GATS为成员方规定了审慎监管标准协调与认可的程序性义务。因此GATS框架下的审慎监管制度身兼二职 ,使金融自由化与金融有效监管在对立统一的基础上达到了动态平衡  相似文献   

WTO协定的国内实施问题   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
文章认为世界贸易组织多边贸易协定的宗旨 ,是通过逐步减少和消除由成员方政府为保护本国产业而设置的关税和数量限制等贸易壁垒实现国际贸易自由化。多边贸易协定的基本功能 ,是约束成员方政府在国际监督下统一、公正、适当地使用协定所允许的国内保护手段。多边贸易协定的法律义务 ,主要依靠成员方政府的国内措施来实现。成员方政府在国内实施多边贸易协定的关键问题 ,是修正国内立法、实行透明度制度和确保实施的统一化。  相似文献   

保障措施作为世界贸易组织体制中的一个例外制度,为各成员方提供了在特定情况下免除协定下义务的条件、程序和后果。保障措施的目的就是在推进成员方贸易自由化的进程中,同时兼顾成员方的经济主权,即通过协调这两个相互冲突的目标,给成员方适度背离义务的宽容,使成员方能够在必要时可以适度维护自己的经济利益和经济安全。  相似文献   

论GATS框架下的“审慎例外”原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了“审慎例外”原则的定义与判断标准,进而论述其在平衡金融全球化和成员方金融主权、金融自由化和金融监管两项矛盾方面的积极作用,指出今后“审慎监管”原则的发展趋势——其定义将获得进一步的明晰,并将与巴塞尔体系产生更为密切的相互配合。  相似文献   

GATT/WTO保障措施研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
“关贸总协定的目标在于,通过其成员国相互提供互惠互利的关税减让,来维持各成员国在实现其贸易自由化方面的努力的平衡。”①为正视各成员方在经济发展水平和贸易利益上的不平衡,吸纳更多成员方加入多边贸易体制,GATT法律体系从其诞生之日起具有法律性与务实性并存的特征。一方面,通过严格的法律约束使其基本原则具有强制性和权威性,另一方面又赋予某些规则的实施以额外的灵活性,并且减轻任何不适宜的僵化,以协调多边贸易体制的共同、长远利益和各成员方暂时利益的矛盾和冲突。保障条款(SafeguardClause)便是GATT这一精神的…  相似文献   

国内规制在WTO服务贸易中具有非凡地位。GATS通过第 1 6条、第 1 7条所确定的多边纪律和第 6条对国内规制的一般性规定来约束成员方的规制权力和自由以谋求服务贸易自由化。目前国内规制一般纪律所面临的主要问题体现在性质与范围、必要性、透明度、等同性与国际标准等方面。WTO关于国内规制纪律的规定通过一定机制对成员方的规制自由具有重要影响  相似文献   

梁志文 《法治研究》2014,(2):111-121
药品数据保护是美国《特别301报告》的重要组成部分,它在发达国家和发展中国家之间产生了重要的争议,其原因在于它们对TRIPS协议第39.3条的解释持不同立场。从协议的文本解释及历史解释来看,TRIPS协议第39.3条规定的最低保护是:仅对包含新化合物产品的未公开数据提供禁止不正当竞争的保护.成员方并未有义务提供一定期限的专有权保护,还可允许产品上市主管当局对仿制药等竞争性产品通过生物等效性研究来评估上市许可。当然,成员方可以给予更高水平的数据保护,但这属于TRIPS-Plus的保护规则,并不构成TRIPS协议下的成员方义务。  相似文献   

全球金融服务自由化与金融监管法律问题研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以《服务贸易总协定》和《金融服务协定》为中心的一系列金融服务多边规则的达成 ,创造性地采用以最惠国待遇和承诺表为主轴的金融服务自由化多边生成机制 ,使全球金融服务贸易自由化取得了实质性的进展。然而金融服务自由化的推行 ,并未禁止成员方基于审慎目的或特定的国内财政金融困难而实施必要的监管 ,关键在于如何摆正金融服务自由化与金融监管之间的关系 ,即应以推进金融服务自由化为主线 ,金融监管应服务于金融服务自由化目标 ,而不能成为金融服务自由化进程中的障碍。  相似文献   

农业补贴是发达国家进行农业保护、干预农产品贸易极为重要的手段.在世界贸易自由化和各国加大农业支持的背景下,农产品贸易成为世界贸易最为敏感和关注的领域之一,农产品贸易争端愈演愈烈,农产品贸易也成为多哈回合各成员方争议和关注的焦点.因此,研究如何通过运用wTO中的争端解决机制来解决国际农产品贸易补贴争端,对我国农业补贴政策的完善具有实践意义和理论意义.  相似文献   

We aim to get a better understanding of the accountability of central banks in their role of financial stability supervisors, distinguishing between three crucial elements: (1) the legal basis for the financial stability task, (2) providing of information on financial stability, and (3) the formal relationship between the accountable and the accountee. We conclude that in most OECD countries the law does not provide a clear objective for financial stability supervisors. Many central banks nowadays publish a stand-alone financial stability report. In most countries there are hardly any accountability measures in place regarding the objective of financial stability. JEL classification G28  相似文献   

This article addresses the relationship between cameral structure and policy performance in the member states of the OECD for the time period from 1971 to 1996. The empirical analysis shows that bicameral structures act as a significant brake on government intervention and on the expansion of the welfare state. Furthermore, bicameralism is a powerful veto player to block reforms in economic and financial policy. With the exception of the over-representation of small and sparsely populated areas, none of the advantages that classical political theory ascribes to second chambers has actually been confirmed. Bicameral structures pose no barrier to executive dominance, nor do they promote stability within political systems or improve the quality of democracy or economic performance. On the contrary, with regard to social representation, they have a strong negative effect: in comparison to systems with a single chamber, bicameralism significantly reduces women's electoral success.  相似文献   

This contribution argues that the particular relevance of informal circles of ministers lies in their ability to routinise and communise the process of the interpretation of constitutional norms at the intergovernmental level. The informal setting triggers a particular mode of interaction—deliberative intergovernmentalism. In the case of economic policy coordination among the euro–zone countries, which is analysed in this article, this interaction produces common standards for the assessment of the economic situation in the member states and guidelines on appropriate policy responses in particular budgetary and economic situations. In a situation, in which there is growing need for closer policy coordination but European Union member states are reluctant to transfer further decision–making competences to the supranational level, the mediation between diverging interpretations of the rather 'thin' formal constitutional norms governing the coordination process is crucial in order to ensure the overall stability of the coordination framework. Informal circles of ministers can therefore be a way out of the current institutional dilemmas arising from the attitude of national governments to move towards new areas of common engagement while being increasingly reluctant to transfer further formal decision–making competences to the supranational level.  相似文献   

后金融危机时代,各国监管当局都面临着如何实现有效监管的挑战,金融监管方式作为提升金融监管质量的重要组成部分,对其进行相关的研究非常必要。近年来,与传统规则性监管方式相对应的原则性监管方式日益受到金融监管当局和学界的关注。文章基于对国外原则性监管理论和实践的分析,并结合我国金融市场环境,提出原则性监管尽管存在诸多问题,但是作为一种公私融合的监管治理方式,其在监管规范的制定、监管执行、监管文化重塑等三个层面上仍值得我国的金融监管当局吸收与借鉴。  相似文献   

Europe faces major health challenges in addition to its well-reported economic and financial difficulties. Despite the overall improvement in population health, significant inequalities remain, with a growing gap between rich and poor. WHO Europe, covering fifty-three member states, is committed to helping European governments meet the complex challenge posed by the "silent epidemic" of noncommunicable diseases. In September 2012 WHO launched Health 2020, an ambitious new health policy framework and strategy. Its success requires a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach to improving health and well-being, informed by the latest evidence on cost-effective interventions. This review considers the prospects for success.  相似文献   

李安安 《北方法学》2012,6(5):149-157
金融危机过后,欧美对其金融监管法制进行了重大变革,尤其是在金融集团、信用评级、影子银行和场外金融衍生工具的监管方面。变革后的金融监管法制更加注重对金融创新的原则监管,更加重视金融监管的全球合作,更加凸显金融安全的价值目标取向。作为一个新兴加转轨的经济体,我国一方面要打破对欧美金融监管模式的顶礼膜拜,另一方面要用更加理性务实的态度与开放的心态借鉴欧美金融监管法制变革的经验,处理好金融创新与金融监管的关系,实现金融安全、金融效率与金融公平之间的竞争性平衡。  相似文献   

TONI WILLIAMS 《Law & policy》2007,29(2):226-256
Financial regulators in many states recently have obtained statutory mandates to enhance consumer financial literacy. This paper investigates the development of policy pursuant to such mandates in the UK and Canada to identify how national regulators represent the role of the literate consumer in the financial market place. It finds that regulators in both countries represent financial education as empowering consumers but that each embeds in its policy an implicit normative ordering of responsible consumer behavior. The paper relates the tension between empowerment and responsibilization aspects of literacy enhancement to policy goals of expanding financial markets and assisting financial regulators to manage consumers' expectations of protection. It raises questions about regulators' use of consumer education to responsibilize consumption of financial products and calls for further research on the international growth of financial literacy education as a regulatory project.  相似文献   

Ten countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean region joined the European Union in 2004. Two more new members from southeast Europe (Bulgaria and Romania) joined in January 2007. Given the diverse range of political, economic, social, and cultural contexts of these nations, EU enlargement and integration processes have entered a new phase of complexity. In this article, I analyze the cultural policy developments in eight of the new EU member states (the Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Slovakia, and Slovenia), examine in detail state and nonstate cultural funding patterns, and assess the influence of EU policy—especially with regard to the Culture Program, Structural Funds, and European cultural cooperation initiatives—for its impact on cultural policy development in the new member states. Next, I discuss the new forms of pan-European cultural cooperation, focusing on the development of networks, foundation initiatives, and observatories. Finally, I explore issues in development of cultural policy in the new member states and conclude with recommendations for the future of the enlarged EU.  相似文献   

The implementation of European Union directives into national law is at the discretion of member states. We analyze incentives for member states to deviate from these directives when the European Commission may sue a defecting member state and rulings at the European Court of Justice (ECJ) are uncertain. We find that higher uncertainty about the preferences of the ECJ increases policy deviation, irrespective of whether a case is taken to court or not. If decisions of member states to deviate are interdependent, the incidence of filed cases decreases while for those policies reaching the ECJ deviations increase.  相似文献   

白艳 《时代法学》2003,1(1):64-70
世界贸易组织(WTO)与国际金融组织(IMF和世界银行)之间在重叠的权限方面的协调与合作是维护世界经济健康平稳发展的基本要求。由于国内政策能够对贸易产生巨大和快速的影响,全球性的政策管理变得越来越重要,这要求WTO这个管理多边贸易体制的机构必须加强与国际金融机构的合作,共同维护国际经济秩序的稳定发展。为此,本文探讨了WTO与国际金融组织关系的协调与发展问题。  相似文献   

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