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行为人在客观上制造了危险源,被害人进而自陷风险的情形,并不属于被害人承诺,仅仅是被害人自陷风险。被害人自陷风险,不能简单地认定其应责任自负,因此也就不能免除行为人的刑事责任。被害人因自陷风险对危害结果的发生也存在一定关系,可对被告人予以减轻处罚。  相似文献   

不作为参与问题的解决应同时从共犯论和不作为犯论的进路出发,并统合于法益保护原则之下。立足于因果共犯论,只有当参与行为所引起的法益侵害危险在他人的犯罪结果中现实化时,才能让参与人承担共犯的责任,这一原理共通地适用于作为参与和不作为参与。由于不作为参与不具有像作为参与那样的物理促进力,因此不作为参与人原则上成立帮助犯。不作为参与的作为义务来源受制于侵害原理。在不作为参与人、作为正犯、被害人的三角关系中,不作为参与人与被害人的关系决定了作为义务的来源,而不作为参与人与作为正犯的关系决定了作为可能性的有无及其程度。  相似文献   

陈庆瑞 《人民司法》2022,(26):46-49
<正>【裁判要旨】非法吸收公众存款罪与集资诈骗罪难以区分时,可以通过多种学说对认定非法占有目的进行交叉验证。对于通过欺骗手段集资后并未将大部分钱款用于正当的生产经营,而是用于偿还旧债和支付高息,致使集资款不能返还的,应当认定具有财产损害故意和非法占有目的。集资参与人的贪利性不能否定被告人的主观心态。被害人过错理论不能排除实质不法,被害人明知非法集资而参与,不影响定性。  相似文献   

沈励  张燕燕 《人民司法》2022,(26):42-45
<正>【裁判要旨】采取公开宣传、承诺保本返利、面向不合格投资者等违规发行私募基金的行为并非均系非法集资,应从私募基金的募集主体、募集方式、风险揭示、募集对象判断是否符合非法集资犯罪的四个要件,从而认定能否构罪;在此基础上,综合分析集资模式、资金用途与造成投资者实际损失的原因等因素判断被告人有无非法占有目的,继而确定罪名。  相似文献   

陈璇 《法学》2022,(11):74-89
司法实践中涉及危险接受的大量案件表现为,被害人因为自保本能、义务命令或者伦理要求而承受了一定的心理压力,并在这种压力的驱使下实施了自陷危险的举动。在此情况下,能否以及应当在多大范围内认定被害人是自愿接受风险,是司法实践中亟待解决而学界鲜有问津的难题。欲体系性地建构自愿性的认定标准,需要以心理状态和社会价值这两个视角为支柱搭建分析框架。首先,只有当被害人的心理压力源自行为人所引起的某种法益冲突时,它才可能具备排除自愿性的效果。其次,根据举“严”以明“宽”的原理,当被害人的心理压力已经达到足以排除期待可能性的程度时,可以直接否定危险接受的自愿性。最后,当被害人为了保护生命、健康以外的其他法益而自陷危险时,需要综合其自危行为保护的利益、行为方式的合理性等因素,具体地确定自危行为是否具有积极的社会意义。  相似文献   

根据民商法中的债务人保护规定,在一定条件下,债务人的错误给付也具有履行效果,可使债务人和债权人之间的债权债务关系归于消灭。在刑法中,与债务人保护规定相连的典型例子是二维码案、冒领存款案。债务人保护案件应成立三角债权诈骗。虽然这一结论会在"处分行为""认识错误"以及"素材同一性"三个要件上遭遇困难,但通过准确把握这些要件的内涵,困难可迎刃而解。首先,根据被害人自陷风险的法理,被骗人致使债权消灭的错误给付可归属于债权人,因而是三角诈骗中适格的财产处分行为。其次,债务人保护规定并不会影响诈骗罪中认识错误要件的判断,因其成立不以积极的错误想象为必要,单纯的不知已足。再次,即使行为人的财产获利并非直接源于被害人的财产,也不影响素材同一性要件的认定。因为,在经济财产说的语境下,不应再在"对象一致性"的意义上理解素材同一性。只要"财产获利可归属于财产处分行为",素材同一性要件即成立。  相似文献   

朱晓艳 《法学家》2024,(1):27-40+191-192
我国自古就有被害人自我答责观念,或规定于刑律,或作为“司法先例”,其思想渊源在于古代家长制政治文化传统对个人提出的“各爱其身”要求,因此并非舶来品。当前,被害人自我答责的法理基础在于个人自我决定,这在规范评价上将行为人与被害人由侵害关系转变为合作关系。被害人自我决定地冒险,由此带来的损害从刑法任务、基本原则、法益侵害层面来看都不属于犯罪范畴。被害人自我答责在我国刑法中的适用,体现在“准教唆”“准帮助”行为、不作为行为、结果加重犯等问题领域,对行为人的构成要件行为展开逆向的排除检验。  相似文献   

对向犯是指以存在两人以上的对向性参与行为为要件的必要共犯形态。在两面对向犯的场合,双方的参与人构成必要共同犯罪的正犯,应直接根据刑法分则的规定对双方的参与人定罪处刑,无需适用刑法总则关于主、从犯的规定。在片面对向犯的场合,只处罚一方的参与行为是立法者的意思,而不处罚一方的参与行为只要尚未超出最低必要参与程度,没有创设或者提高法不允许的风险,就不能认定为受处罚一方的共犯;反之,其行为就属于可处罚的参与行为,成立受处罚一方的共犯。在第三人参与、协力片面对向犯的场合,其可罚性之有无取决于被协力一方的行为是否可罚;在第三人参与、协力两面对向犯的场合,应依具体情形作不同的处理。  相似文献   

伴随着人工智能与大数据技术的发展,电信网络诈骗犯罪呈现发案率高、危害性大且犯罪类型多的特征.在司法实践中,并非只要被害人基于错误认识处分财物的行为,均被认定为诈骗罪.行为客观事实是否被认定为诈骗,还需从刑法教义学立场进行检视,从被害人自我保护和刑法最后手段原则展开研究.被害人教义学中的被害人错误认识与法益保护存在着一定...  相似文献   

在认定集资诈骗罪时,对非法占有目的的认定,应该强调坚持主客观相统一的刑事责任原则,避免客观的依结果归罪;对诈骗行为的认定,应该关注行为人的欺诈行为与被害人的被骗行为间的互动。就本文述及的两个典型案件而言,不宜认定吴英构成集资诈骗罪,可考虑以非法吸收公众存款罪对吴英定罪;因涉案数据的真实性、客观性备受质疑,无法认定曾成杰构成了非法吸收公众存款罪还是集资诈骗罪。在集资诈骗罪的死刑适用时,既要避免唯数额论的倾向,又要充分考虑被害人过错和舆情民意对量刑所起的作用,在司法实践中尽量严格限制死刑适用,以尽快推动立法上废止集资诈骗罪的死刑。  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(3):314-335
The underground sex industry in Turkey has increasingly become dependent on the foreign women, predominantly coming from the former Soviet Union. Some of these women became victims of sex trafficking. However, little is known about how they are recruited, transferred to, and exploited in Turkey. This article attempts to enlighten this process and makes use of police-recorded victim interviews (N?=?430), as well as key personnel interviews (N=?18) as primary data. Various methods and tactics are found to be used in sex trafficking operations in Turkey. Most victims are recruited by persons known to them proposing attractive job possibilities, especially in the entertainment business. The majority of victims enter Turkey with legal documents and with various transportation means. Traffickers obtain girls and sell them to customers in public and private settings using methods to control the victims, such as debt bondage, violence, confinement, confiscation of travel documents, and threats.  相似文献   

非法集资活动规制研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
非法集资活动近年来越演越烈,是对非法集资的打击力度仍然不够,还是处理方式有问题?研究发现,现有对非法集资的处理制度不能准确界定非法集资活动,无法明确区分一般的商业交易行为与集资行为;同时,以非法吸收或者变相吸收公众存款定性和处理非法集资行为,实际是以间接融资手段处理了所有直接融资问题,不符合法律解释的逻辑,不能实现保护投资者的公共目标,也无法为民间融资的合法化预留空间。本文建议将更多非法集资活动划入直接融资监管领域,从而既符合法律本身的逻辑,也符合金融实践的现实。为了实现这一建议,需要扩大《证券法》的适用范围,扩大对证券的定义,从而使其能够应对现实中花样翻新的各类集资活动。  相似文献   

对"金融消费者"进行法律定义,应充分挖掘概念与制度之间的理论逻辑,根据制度内容来推导概念的内涵与外延。"金融消费者"概念的提出以及相关倾斜性保护制度的构建,是基于其与金融经营者之间"实力不对等、信息不对称"的理论预设。根据这一制度逻辑,顺应金融消费者保护的国际立法和监管趋势,并考虑我国国情,我国金融消费者应该是指"已经、正在或正打算购买、接受金融机构提供的金融商品或服务的自然人、法人和其他组织,但专业投资者除外"。  相似文献   

赵国玲  王海涛 《河北法学》2007,25(11):22-30
在对1387例自然人和591例法人进行调查的基础上,探讨著作权犯罪被害人的相关被害特征、被害人与犯罪人的互动关系、被害人对被害发生的促成性因素、被害人对其自身责任的认知状况、被害人被害之后的权利维护等问题,并从对被害进行控制的角度检讨现行的知识产权政策,力图以被害人为中心构筑控制著作权被害和保护著作权权利人合法权益的对策体系.  相似文献   

This article focuses on individuals suspected of hate crimes with xenophobic, Islamophobic, and homophobic motives. The objective is to fill a gap in the knowledge left by existing research, which has primarily focused on victims and definitional problems. This article's genuine contribution to new research is the comparative perspective and the study of co-offending and specialization in offences for persons suspected for hate crimes. To find persons suspected for hate crimes, register data relating to hate-crime-motivated assault and unlawful threats/molestation offences from 2006 have been used. The study is based on a total of 1,910 offence reports together with information from the Registers of Suspected and Convicted Offenders for 558 persons suspected for hate crimes. Xenophobic hate crimes are over-represented in the material by comparison with homophobic and Islamophobic hate crimes. In the reports that have information about the relation between victim and perpetrators, it is more common for the perpetrators to be known than unknown to the victims. In cases where a suspected person has been identified, males are in a clear majority. Those suspected of homophobic hate crimes have the lowest mean age. Only a small number of offence reports include information on suspected co-offenders. Fifty-five per cent of the suspected people have prior registered convictions. It is very uncommon for them to be specialized in violent offences or unlawful threats/molestation, however. It is not possible to generalize the results to perpetrators of hate crimes, because 70% of the offence reports did not have information of suspected persons.  相似文献   

集资诈骗罪一方面被认定为特殊诈骗罪,与诈骗罪表现为一般与特殊的关系,另一方面又被当作“加重型”非法吸收公众存款罪。因此在刑事司法过程中出现了“骗”与“被骗”的构成要件缺失却依然构成集资诈骗罪、非法吸收公众存款罪中的“欺骗”与集资诈骗罪中的“诈骗”混淆不清、两罪以“非法占有目的”为区分标准的主观化趋势的问题,从而导致“非法占有目的”在被扩大化的同时又被弱化,进而造成集资诈骗罪被矮化、限缩。应从金融秩序法益的立场,回归集资诈骗罪的金融犯罪属性,重塑诈骗罪与集资诈骗罪的关系,明确“欺骗”“诈骗”的同质性,增设“骗取集资款罪”,调整非法吸收公众存款罪的规制范围,构建体系化的集资诈骗罪罪名群,化解集资诈骗罪刑罚供应过度与不足并存的尴尬。  相似文献   

Historically, victims once had an active participatory role in the criminal justice process and were responsible for not only initiating but also for prosecuting offenders. In common law countries, victims were gradually sidelined and by the 20th century, their role was reduced to that of a witness to a crime against the state. The exclusion of victims from the criminal justice process is a major source of dissatisfaction for victims as many of them want to participate in the criminal justice process. This has fuelled initiatives with restorative justice that claim to more fully include victims than conventional criminal justice. This paper examines three different approaches found in the literature on how to let victims participate. One view is that victims should leave the criminal justice system and that criminal justice should be replaced by alternative, restorative justice schemes in which victims are granted full recognition and respect for their dignity. A second approach is to integrate restorative practices such as victim-offender mediation in the criminal justice process. The third approach is to integrate victim participation and respect (so-called restorative values) in the criminal justice system. These three approaches are discussed and compared with one another. The paper closes with recommendations for criminal law reform.  相似文献   

Patterns in sharp force fatalities--a comprehensive forensic medical study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A ten-year series of 142 homicidal fatalities caused by sharp force injury was studied with the aim to systematize information inherent in the characteristics of the victim and the pattern of injuries. The population of victims consisted of 112 males (79%) and 30 females (21%); among perpetrators, 125 (88%) were males. Among victims as well as among perpetrators, persons of non-Swedish origin were overrepresented in relation to their share of the nonselected population. In 82 cases (58%), one or two wounds had been inflicted; in 23 cases (16%), ten or more wounds. In the latter group, eleven victims but no perpetrators were female. In the majority of cases victim and perpetrator were known to each other, and in instances of multiple wounding, a close relationship between the two was clearly more common than in the group of one- to two-wound fatalities. Tests for blood alcohol were positive in 86 of 116 victims (74%), the majority being in elimination phase. Furthermore, 96 of 120 perpetrators (80%) had positive tests or were known to be drunk at the time of the killing. In multiple wound fatalities, alcohol inebriation was less common both among victims and perpetrators. In these cases, the two persons involved were usually closely related or intimately known to each other, and in the absence of psychiatric disorder in the assailant, the motive was of a passionate type.  相似文献   

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