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米兰达规则是美国警察讯问嫌疑人时的一项重要程序规则,也是美国宪法第五修正案"反对强迫自我归罪特权"的延伸适用。米兰达规则的产生对美国司法审判的意义之重大,毋庸置疑。本文通过对米兰达规则的产生,内容,依据,意义等方面的论述,反思该规则与沉默权的关系。  相似文献   

米兰达规则确立的沉默权制度,是美国刑事诉讼法中嫌疑人享有的一项重要的权利,充分体现了程序正义的价值。该规则的产生是建立在美国上个世纪六十年代司法文明之上并有着深厚的现实基础,是美国长期以来坚持程序公正的结果,它是美国宪法第五修正案"反对强迫自我归罪"的延伸。  相似文献   

米兰达诉亚利桑那案确立了著名的米兰达规则受到赞同也有质疑,其内容也随美国社会的发展不断蜕变.本文分析了米兰达规则受到的质疑、蜕变及其原因,并从中发现中国法制建设应当吸取的经验和教训.  相似文献   

徐钝 《法制与经济》2008,(20):130-131
”米兰达规则”源于美国“米兰达诉亚利桑那州案”,对美国的执法、司法影响很大;本文对其进行详细的利弊分析,并从程序文化传统、证据制度、高成本、司法实践等方面分析了其在中国可行性不强,当前我国可以借鉴其精神,规定“有限度的沉默权”,但全盘引进该规则,笔者认为为时尚早。  相似文献   

"米兰达规则"源于美国"米兰达诉亚利桑那州案",对美国的执法、司法影响很大;本文对其进行详细的利弊分析,并从程序文化传统、证据制度、高成本、司法实践等方面分析了其在中国可行性不强,当前我国可以借鉴其精神,规定"有限度的沉默权",但全盘引进该规则,笔者认为为时尚早。  相似文献   

首席大法官沃伦(warren)宣布法院判决如下: 眼前的这些案件直接触及我们对联邦刑事司法的认识基础:在对个人进行刑事指控时,社会必须遵守一些与宪法一致的限制。具体而言,我们处理的是从受到警方羁押讯问的个人那里所获取的陈述的可采性,以及程序的必要性,该程序确保其享有宪法第五修正案下的不得被迫自证其罪之特权。  相似文献   

<正> 国际海事委员会曾于1979年在维也纳召开汉堡规则研讨会,其间对船东责任限制效力问题进行评论。最近,又有专家和学者对船东保赔协会所支付的索赔问题著文进行最新分析,本文拟就该问题的探讨作一简单介绍。 有人认为,在学术的基础上将汉堡规则和海牙规则进行对比比较困难,因为汉堡规则的起草缺陷所引起的不确定性导致这一难度的产生。但是在实际上仍有不少问题,因为起算点并不是一套单一的规则或任何被普遍应用的或被接受的标准。这个起算点是单一法律所规定的规则。对汉堡规则适用效力的评价取决于一国或地区的规定。对此,目前还没有全球统一的做法,因为即使那些规则被统一化,在应用时,不同的国家有不同的做法,这些做法不会被统一的制度所取代。  相似文献   

可以说,不知道米兰达规则(Miranda Rule),就不知道美国的刑事司法制度。而米兰达规则又需从米兰达权利讲起。美国的米兰达权利(miranda rights)原本是一项美国刑事诉讼司法程序权利,后被上升为宪法层次所确认的正当程序中的当事人权利。米兰达权利是指在司法程序中,当事人享有两项权利:一是,当事人有保持沉默的权利,体现不得自证有罪原则;二是,当事人有获得律师帮助的权利。米兰达权利的确立,源于1966年在美国刑诉领域具有里程碑意义的“米兰达诉亚利桑那州案”(Miranda v.Arizona)。  相似文献   

在2013年最新修订的《刑事诉讼法》中,通过比对,新《刑事诉讼法》比以往更加注重保障犯罪嫌疑人和被告人的人权并进一步控制侦查权、羁押权的滥用,但是对法治进程具有重大意义的沉默权制度仍然没有出现。在对沉默权研究的中外比对中,对美国沉默权制度发展成熟的米兰达规则有效提供了有力保障。如果我国能在建构沉默权制度并最终能将沉默权制度上升为中国式的米兰达规则,那么将会在实践中对全面推进依法治国有重大推力作用。  相似文献   

Miranda vocabulary forms the essential foundation for Miranda comprehension and subsequent decisions to exercise or waive Miranda rights. The purpose of the current study is the development of the Miranda Vocabulary Scale (MVS), designed to evaluate key vocabulary words found in Miranda warnings and waivers across American jurisdictions. A preliminary list of MVS words was refined by expert ratings and by each word’s discriminability between failed and good Miranda comprehension. Miranda and other measures were collected at multiple sites on 376 pretrial defendants. With further refinements, the MVS is composed of 36 words with excellent scale homogeneity and interrater reliability (r = .99). It also demonstrated good convergent and discriminant validity for cognitive abilities and psychological impairment.  相似文献   

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and the way in which it works can be seen as a microcosm of how a multilingual, multicultural supranationalisation process and legal order can be constructed—the Court is a microcosm of the EU as a whole and in particular of EU law. The multilingual jurisprudence produced by the CJEU is necessarily shaped by the dynamics within that institution and by the ‘cultural compromises’ at play in the production process. The resultant texts, which make up that jurisprudence, are hybrid in nature and inherently approximate. On the one hand, that approximation can lead to discrepancies between language versions of the Court’s case law and thus jeopardise the uniform application of EU law. On the other hand, that approximation and hybridity define EU law as a distinct, supranational legal order. This paper analyses the operation of the CJEU and considers whether a linguistic cultural compromise exists within that institution which exercises a formative influence on the character of its ‘output’—i.e. its jurisprudence—and what that may mean for our understanding of the development of EU law.  相似文献   

This study aimed to further clarify the association between interrogative suggestibility and Miranda rights comprehension in adolescents; in particular, we examined whether intellectual ability (IQ) serves as a mediator of this relationship. Participants completed Grisso’s Miranda Instruments, the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence, and the Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale. Many youth demonstrated poor comprehension of their rights, particularly younger and less intellectually capable adolescents. Both yield and shift components of interrogative suggestibility were inversely related to rights comprehension; however, IQ fully mediated these relationships. Neither demographic variables (gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status after controlling for IQ, and English as a second language (ESL) status) nor previous police experience were significantly associated with rights comprehension in the present sample. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Miranda warnings enshrine the constitutional rights of custodial suspects against self-incrimination. However, the wording and sentence complexity of Miranda warnings and waivers vary dramatically from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. This study is the first extensive investigation of Miranda warning variations examining 560 Miranda warnings from across the United States. With Flesch-Kincaid reading comprehension as a useful metric, Miranda warnings varied from very simple comprehension (i.e., grade 2.8) to requiring postgraduate education. Miranda warnings are composed of five components (e.g., silence and evidence against you); marked variations were also observed in the comprehensibility of individual components. On average, the Miranda warning component on "continuing rights" requires a reading comprehension level six grades higher than the comparatively simple expression of the right to silence. Similar analyses were conducted on Miranda waivers. The content of these warnings differed on such issues as communicating (a) when access to an attorney would be granted (e.g., 45.9% specified only "during questioning") and (b) explicitly that indigent legal services were free (e.g., 31.8% directly informed suspects). Finally, the study identified representative Miranda components at different levels of reading comprehension as a template for further research.  相似文献   

A conservative estimate is that 695,000 mentally disordered offenders are arrested and Mirandized annually in the United States. Past research has focused almost exclusively on cognitive factors affecting the comprehension of Miranda rights. The current study broadens the scope by including diagnostic variables and by extending the investigation to basic elements of Miranda reasoning. A sample of 107 mentally disordered defendants was administered two research measures, the Miranda Statements Scale (MSS) and Miranda Rights Scale (MRS), in addition to standardized tests. Most defendants lacked good comprehension of all but the simplest (Flesch-Kincaid<6th grade) Miranda warnings. Defendants with the poorest understanding (i.e., comprehending about 25% of the warnings) had marked deficits in multiple domains including cognitive abilities (intelligence and comprehension) and general adjustment. Different background and clinical variables predicted defendants' abilities to generate reasons either to exercise or waive their Miranda rights.  相似文献   

In a laboratory experiment, 72 participants who were guilty or innocent of a mock theft were apprehended for investigation. Motivated to avoid prosecution and trial, they were confronted by a neutral, sympathetic, or hostile male "detective" who sought a waiver of their Miranda rights. Later, 72 other participants watched videotapes of these sessions and answered questions about the detective and suspect. Strikingly, results showed that although the detective's demeanor had no effect, participants who were truly innocent were significantly more likely to sign a waiver than those who were guilty. Naively believing in the power of their innocence to set them free, most waived their rights even in the hostile detective condition, where the risk of interrogation was apparent. The conceptual and policy implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

对加快转变经济发展方式的理性思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加快经济发展方式转变,促进国民经济又好又快发展,是党的十七大对全面建设小康社会提出的新要求,是实现科学发展的重要举措。因此,只有全面理解经济发展方式和经济增长方式的内涵,掌握转变经济发展方式的现实要求,科学选择转变经济发展方式的路径,才能实现经济的可持续发展,才能更好地满足广大群众日益增长的物质文化需求。  相似文献   

Spanish-translated Miranda warnings are administered annually to thousands of Hispanic custodial suspects. In examining 121 Spanish translations and their English counterparts from 33 states, the lengths of Miranda warnings were generally comparable but marked differences were observed in the reading levels for individual Miranda components. The adequacy of Miranda translations varies markedly from minor variations to substantive errors. The most serious problems involved the entire omission of Miranda components; several omissions were observed in the Spanish translations for even the basic rights to silence and counsel. More commonly, Miranda discrepancies involved dissimilar content with a substantial trend toward more information in English than Spanish versions. Findings related to the Miranda translations, different word lengths, and varied reading levels are discussed using the totality of circumstances as its framework.
Richard RogersEmail:

Research shows that the police subculture can be characterized by a distinct set of values and beliefs. Much of the police subculture research has focused on common characteristics and values found among a sample of police officers. Fewer studies have considered how the police, as a group, are similar to citizens. In this study, attention is given to similarities and differences in how the police and the public perceive the Miranda warnings. Attention is also given to whether type of neighborhood (low crime versus high crime) is related to attitudes about the Miranda warnings. Findings suggest that while the warnings are perceived in different ways there are similarities that could bridge the gap between the police and public. Implications are suggested.  相似文献   

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