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The mechanism of preventive non-conviction-based seizure and confiscation of assets derived from corrupt acts offers an intricate interplay of criminal and civil law norms. The preventive seizure and confiscation approach is analyzed as to its functions, purposes, and norm-changing effects. The normative change is observed in the preventive confiscation as the decision of the judicial or quasi-judicial organs is based on the degree of danger posed by the relevant person and corrupt activity on a suspicion-based inquiry, thus eliminating the need for criminal conviction. The normative side of the mechanism of preventive confiscation seeks to immunize the lawful economy from a “contamination” by the ill-procured assets through corruption. The approach includes various human rights protections established by the European Court of Human Rights such as the right to a fair trial, the right to property, and the rule of law. The preventive mechanism also focuses on measuring the likelihood to commit illegal acts in the future, and management and usage of the proceeds from the illegal corrupt activity for socially oriented goals.  相似文献   

张力 《法学研究》2014,36(2):73-92
近代以来的民法典编纂促成了民法由综合整体法向一般私法的转型,推动了民法体系边界及对体系外有限开放性的形成,配合了民族国家形成及其与民法社会整体对应关系的建立,但也就此预埋风险。随着民法法源的形式化、法源中制定法优越地位的形成、对以商法为代表的传统多元社会法源的消解,民法的社会组织功能被削弱,国家借助特别民法等手段对民法的整体渗透日益不可量、不可控。危机的实质是,民法的体系化成就掩盖了自身的法源缺陷,反而损及私法自治这一现代民法自定义核心价值的实现。危机的根源是民法控权能力与民主自觉的丧失。民法法源的完善,应向正式宪法移交部分社会整合功能;通过将以商法为代表的亚社会法源渐进释出、拓展司法对社会问题与政治问题的解决途径等方法,提高民法的社会自组织能力,恢复民法对非官方公域的参与调整能力,实现通过民法的社会控制。在此基础上,民法教义学方能安全担当现代民法学的核心。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国公务员法》的颁布是我国行政实体立法的一大突破:该法开始了行政法从程序到实体的转型;将行政法调整对象由外部行政关系向内部行政关系转移,开启了法治社会的先声;尽力避免人治,实现了公务员管理的法制化。但是,该法界定的公务员范围过宽,确立的公务员录用制度、工资福利保险制度及人事争议仲裁制度有待完善。  相似文献   

肖永平  王承志 《法律科学》2003,28(1):103-107
传票、非方便法院原则和禁诉命令是英国国际民事诉讼法中比较有特色的三项制度.体现大陆法系传统的<布鲁塞尔公约>在以判例法为主的英国的实施及其相关判例,展现了各自的法律特征及发展趋势.英国法院在公约的框架之下,不断协调两大法系民商事领域的法律冲突,求同存异,并且形成了颇具特色的国际民事诉讼法体系.  相似文献   

人权保障与我国民诉法的修改   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
廖中洪 《现代法学》2004,26(3):53-61
以人权保障为我国民事诉讼法修改的基本指导思想,既是中国民诉法现代化和履行国际公约义务的需要,也是现实中国人权保障和民诉法自身完善的需要。而在民诉法的修改完善中要全面贯穿人权保障的思想,就应当从立法规定上适当扩大民事诉讼的受案范围;充分保障当事人诉权的正当行使;以及扩大当事人在诉讼中的合意选择权。  相似文献   

本文探讨了大陆系主要国家民法典的理论渊源。作者认为 ,德国民法典创立的潘得克吞体的总则部分掩盖了“人法”的价值。作者提出的我国民法典基本结构包括人身关系法和财产关系法两大部分。在此基础上 ,作者还对我国民法典的若干基本制度提出了框架性意见  相似文献   

民法总论逻辑结构不但使民法总论能够避免沦为概念和原则的简单堆砌,而且还是民法总论"内在体系"和"外在体系"融合的桥梁,它已成为现代民法学的基石。学界对其论述颇多但缺少法哲学基础,拟从伦理人格主义哲学入手来探寻民法总论逻辑结构的发展规律,为构建具有中国特色民法总论,进而为我国未来民法典的制定略尽绵力。  相似文献   

This paper uses a simple dynamic model to describe the evolution of judicial decision making in civil law systems. Unlike the common law systems, civil law jurisdictions do not adopt a stare decisis principle in adjudication. In deciding any given legal issue, precedents serve a persuasive role. Civil law courts are expected to take past decisions into account when there is a sufficient level of consistency in case law. Generally speaking, when uniform case law develops, courts treat precedents as a source of “soft” law, taking them into account when reaching a decision. The higher the level of uniformity in past precedents, the greater the persuasive force of case law. Although civil law jurisdictions do not allow dissenting judges to attach a dissent to a majority opinion, cases that do not conform to the dominant trend serve as a signal of dissent among the judiciary. These cases influence future decisions in varying ways in different legal traditions. Judges may also be influenced by recent jurisprudential trends and fads in case law. The evolution of case law under these doctrines of precedents is modeled, considering the possibility for consolidation or corrosion of legal remedies and the permanence of unsettled case law.  相似文献   

The fundamental requirement of Anglo-American criminal law is that crime must consist of the concurrence of a guilty mind—a mens rea—with a guilty act—an actus reus. And yet, the criminal law is shot through with discordant lumps of strict liability—crimes for which no mens rea is required. Ignoring the conventional normative objections to this aberration, I distinguish two different types of strict criminal liability: the type that arose at common law and the type associated with the public welfare offenses that are the product of twentieth and twenty-first century legislation. Using famous cases as exemplars, I analyze the two types of strict liability, and then examine the purposes served and incentives created by subjecting individuals to strict liability. I conclude that common law strict liability is rational in that it advances the purposes of the criminal law, while the public welfare offenses are at best pointless and at worst counterproductive. I suggest that in this respect the common law contains more wisdom than the results of the legislative process.  相似文献   

公务员惩戒处分的救济制度比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周一涛 《行政与法》2004,(11):44-46,48
公务员对惩戒处分应有充分而适当的救济途径是西方发达国家的普遍做法,代表了公务员法治的发展方向,有利于公务员人权的保障。我国的公务员法制欠缺相关的规定,并且即便是有规定而在实践中不能起到应有的作用,因此,要借鉴公务员法制比较健全的国家的做法,整合现行的申诉、申请复核制度,允许受惩戒公务员提起行政诉讼,并赋予相应的实体权利保障。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the ways in which jurists and law professors applied transnational systems of public law, in particular US constitutionalism and French droit administratif, in their approaches to the state building process in late nineteenth century Argentina. In covering these movements of adaptation of a nascent legal culture to changing ideological and political circumstances, this article attempts to illuminate the strong links between the process of institutionalization of certain academic disciplines or forms of social knowledge, and modern state building in Latin America.  相似文献   

We explore the influential claim that "legal origin"—the historical origin of a given national legal system in the common law or civil law—accounts for a significant degree of cross-national diversity in economic regulation and development. We show that the claim is undermined by problems in index construction and by a misreading of the implications of the common law/civil law divide for the respective roles of courts and legislatures in law making. We argue that a critical factor, instead, was the timing of industrialization in relation to the emergence of legal institutions associated with the modern business enterprise (the employment relationship and the joint stock company). We also show how distinctive "legal cultures" of the common law and civil law have played a part in setting national systems on separate pathways to economic development.  相似文献   

我国民法典:序编还是总则   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
民法典首编的立法例分序编、总则模式。序编模式源于法学阶梯式对逻辑工具在具体规范和制度上的不彻底运用 ,有松散混杂之弊。序编又可分为形式序编和实质序编。总则模式则是概念法学将概念抽象和逻辑演绎发挥到极致的产物。但二者在民法体系的建构上 ,都是运用数学原理和逻辑工具对民事实体规范进行“提取公因式”的必然产物或终极结果。在我国制定民法典时 ,有理由设立包含一般性条款和技术性规定的“小总则”编 ,传统总则中的法律行为、权利客体和诉讼时效等内容 ,在财产法中单独设总则予以规定。  相似文献   

于韵 《行政与法》2012,(9):124-129
私法自治是民法的理念,决定了民法理论体系的构建和制度生成。民法的理念决定了民法理论体系的立场是个人主义。私法中所坚持的是个人主义立场,因此决定了个体主义方法论是民法的基本研究方法。自然人与法人是最重要的民事主体类型,是民事主体制度的重要内容。法人是一个组织,但其行为需要由法人机关实施,因此如何合理设计法人法律制度,促使法人内部团体意志有效形成并通过法人机关实现,与第三人实施法律行为参与法律交往,实现法人的利益,同时能够有效约束法人机关,防止其利用代表权谋取私利损害法人的利益,对促进民法体系的完善与成熟,意义重大。本文从个体主义方法论的视角对我国《民法通则》中有关法人人格、法人分类、法人机关等法律制度进行评析并提出完善建议。  相似文献   

民事诉讼目的理论是民事诉讼法学的核心研究课题,中村民事诉讼理论从法规出发型诉讼和事实出发型诉讼立场,将大陆法系民事诉讼制度的目的定质为实定法的权利保护:将英美法系民事诉讼制度的目的解释为解决纠纷,并从诉讼方法论上剖析了两大法系民事诉讼制度的本质性差异。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国海商法》(简称《海商法》)的修改应重视民商法基本理念的指导价值,借鉴最新民商事立法的成果,克服海商法自体性的缺陷,协调《海商法》与民商基本法相关制度的设置,在民商法体系内形成一个概念协调、逻辑自洽、制度和谐的有机法律整体,以实现水上货物运输制度的统一、船货双方权利义务的衡平、海运单证制度以及承运人责任制度的完善。在完善《海商法》特有制度的同时,兼顾国际化,坚持本土化的基本原则,使《海商法》适应中国航运经济发展和海事司法实践的需求。  相似文献   

我国商事诉讼制度的解析与重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于民商实体法之间的显著差异,导致商事诉讼在许多方面均区别于民事诉讼。无论是否设有独立的商事法院,商事诉讼仍以不同的形式在各国得以存在。重构我国的商事诉讼制度,应以既有的民事诉讼制度为基础,同时建立若干适应商法特性的特别诉讼制度来实现商法的功能。  相似文献   

马俊驹 《中国法学》2020,(1):106-125
中国民法的现代化进程,特别是数次编纂民法典的曲折而艰辛经历,印证了中国学习和借鉴西方近现代民法的理性依据,以及中西法律文化整合的历史必然性。从性善与性恶、整体与个体、契约与身份、人情与法律、社会转型与弘扬传统美德等相互排斥又相互关联的法律文化理念和价值体系维度看,民法是保护善意人之法、聚个体间合作之法,民法不能忽视对身份关系的调整,具有辩证的情法观,道德精神是民法内在价值的根基。实现民法和传统文化、民法和现代文明的良性整合,需寻求他们之间的共通处和结合点,建立既尊重人性、彰显权利,又崇尚社会公益、弘扬社会公德的民法新格局。  相似文献   

American Civil Law Origins: Implications for State Constitutions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examine the effect of initial legal traditions on constitutionalstability in the American states. Ten states were initiallysettled by France, Spain, or Mexico and had developed civillaw legal systems at the time of American acquisition. AlthoughLouisiana retained civil law, the remaining nine adopted commonlaw. Controlling for contemporaneous and initial conditions,civil law states have substantially higher levels of constitutionalinstability at the end of the twentieth century. We speculatethat this effect is attributable to instability in propertyrights caused by the change in national governments and to thelegacy of the civil law system.  相似文献   

法哲学视野中的民法现代化理论模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
民法现代化的理论模式主要有从身份到契约、从契约到制度 (身份 )以及近现代民法模式 ,它们都有一定的不足之处。私权的社会化的结果是私法公法化、私法社会法化与私法社会化。民法现代化的核心观念与理论模式是私法社会化 ,其具体内容包括 :民法以社会为中心 ;个体性与社会性的统一 ;民法应注重对弱者的不对等保护。私法社会化并不是对私法自治的否定 ,它以私法自治为前提与基础  相似文献   

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