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自上世纪90年代中期以来,中欧关系虽取得长足发展,但始终受到西藏问题、人权、市场经济地位、武器禁运以及非洲、伊朗核等问题的干扰,波折不断。中欧关系甚至在2008年陷入历史性低谷。原因固然错综复杂,但在一定程  相似文献   


In the period since the CCAS National Conference we have put on the following: 1. sponsored an anti-Vietnam war teach-in in collaboration with SDS. George Kahin spoke at a meeting attended by about 750 students;

2. presented three separate panels of CCAS speakers on Vietnam during the teach-in — one was given at Cornell and two at the long-neglected Ithaca College;

3. presented a lecture by Don Luce (former Director of IVS in Vietnam) attended by around 200 people on the Cornell campus;

4. Gary Porter and another CCAS member, Jack Fitzpatrick, took the Cornell Vietnam statement and the many signatures collected at the Conference to Washington on April 21. They lobbied extensively, saw Senator Fulbright for 40 minutes, and left, of course, with the conviction that far more needed to be done.


This special section provides a timely reflection on current debates that are of extreme relevance in order to gain a better understanding of the concepts of citizenship and active citizenship in Turkey, by looking at the determinants of civic and political participation, at the patterns of political and civic mobilization and at the orientations of political behaviour. Its originality stands on the specific focus on young people in comparison to other age groups. The different papers remark upon the importance that the reframing of the notions of citizenship and active citizenship have in the Turkish context along with the determinants that make this remark more relevant than ever.  相似文献   

The following is the edited text of a discussion at the Sadat Forum held at the Brookings Institution on September 10, 1998. The cosponsors are the Brookings Foreign Policy Program and the Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development at the University of Maryland.  相似文献   


Drawing on a data base of election results at national, regional and sub‐national level, this paper examines the impact of the German electoral system on the representation of far right parties. While the electoral threshold of five per cent is a hindrance to small parties at all levels, low district magnitude at sub‐national level tends to exacerbate under‐representation and the minority status of small parties while high district magnitude may result in over‐representation, in particular if a party secures around ten per cent. The paper concludes that electoral representation of small parties with limited resources is affected by votes gained, district magnitude and seat distribution at a given electoral level. Depending on the combination of these factors, the system of translating votes into seats may favour or disadvantage small parties.  相似文献   

Research on the fulfilment of electoral promises has been particularly fruitful over the past decades. Most of it focused on examining pledge fulfilment at the cabinet level, and little emphasis was placed on the reasons underlying the level of compliance. As a consequence, core factors in explaining pledge fulfilment have not yet been explored. One such factor might be instability in a government's internal functioning. We argue that ministerial instability is relevant for explaining a government's broken promises, and that its importance increases at the junior minister level and among the most salient ministries. Relying on data on the fulfilment of electoral promises and ministerial instability in Portugal between 1995 and 2019, backed by interviews with former ministers and junior ministers, we provide evidence that the fulfilment of electoral promises is significantly influenced by portfolio volatility, particularly at the junior ministerial level and in the most important ministries.  相似文献   

Starting in the 1990s, reforms aimed at addressing the underrepresentation of women have been implemented in Colombia. However, research on the consequences of these reforms has been inconclusive. This article analyzes the influence of institutional variables on the proportion of nominated and elected women in Colombia between 1962 and 2014, at both the national and local levels of government, in three different institutional environments. Results confirm the influence of institutional change, indicating that decentralizing reforms and the introduction of the gender quota have had a positive impact on the proportion of women's candidacies and elections, but that the adoption of the open list negatively affected the percentage of elected women.  相似文献   

This article analyses the manner in which Helmut Kohl modernised a traditional party of Honoratioren in the Rheinland‐Palatinate. Four main transformations accomplished this: the renewal of party elite, the construction of a strong party apparatus with a high number of members, the renewal of the party programme, and the strategic alliance with the FDP. These transformations, carried out by Kohl at the Land level in the mid‐1960s, were applied at the federal level after 1973 when he was elected CDU president. They have been constants in his leadership ever since. A close look at Kohl's career in Mainz sheds light not only on his past but also on his present and on his future.  相似文献   

Stanford chapter     

The Concerned Asian Scholars at Stanford was organized in March of this years around a nucleus of about fifteen graduate students. Membership has reached about 25 with two or three professors and some undergraduates. Among the activities to be carried on are the following: establishment of new local chapters at those campuses on the West coast which have yet to be organized and plans for the National Conference (both to be done in conjunction with Berkeley); efforts to establish good channels of mass communication in this area and study projects on the ABM and Asia, the history of Asian Studies in America, institutionalized racism in Asian studies and textbooks and teaching materials on Asia in California public schools. Also under consideration are proposals for a photo exhibit on the people of Vietnam with a documentary film. One of the first actions of our CCAS group was to come out publicly in support of the April Third Coalition and its sit-in at the Stanford Applied Electronics Laboratory which seeks to stop all CBW research, counterinsurgency work, war-related scholarship and all classified research on this campus and at the Stanford Research Institute. Many members of the group were active participants in the nine day liberation of the AEL.  相似文献   

Ryukichi Imai, distinguished research fellow at IIPS and formerly Japan's ambassador to Kuwait, Mexico, and the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, considers the impact that increasing population will have on humanity's food and energy needs and on the environment. Imai discusses whether technology, especially nuclear, can solve the problem of sustaining ten billion people. This paper was presented in September 1996 at the Oxford Energy Seminar, Oxford University.  相似文献   

JOOSTE  G. P. 《African affairs》1955,54(215):109-120
This address by the South African High Commissioner in Londonwas given at a joint meeting of the Royal African Society andthe Royal Empire Society on February 24. The Earl of Clarendon,an honorary Vice-President of the Royal African Society, wasin the Chair. The vote of thanks at the conclusion of the addresswas proposed by Sir Harry Batterbee, Deputy Chairman of theRoyal Empire Society, on behalf of both Societies.  相似文献   

This intervention traces how Europe is being (re-)produced through ‘crises’ on three scales. Firstly, at the level of national territory, looking at the crisis-ridden Greek state. Secondly, through everyday border practices on the island of Lesbos and, finally, in the Mediterranean that acts as Europe’s primary locus for its aggregate (and often experimental) bordering practices.  相似文献   

Are party switchers successful at furthering their careers? Most research on party switching focuses on the decision to switch and with which party to affiliate. Less attention is paid to the costs and benefits of switching parties. Moreover, previous research examining the electoral success of party switchers has often ignored how costs vary between the candidate selection process and the general election. This study addresses this gap in the literature by using original data on the careers of Mexican federal deputies to examine the costs and benefits of switching parties at the candidate selection stage and during general elections. The results suggest that party switchers are more successful at winning ballot access than nonswitchers but are less likely to win office. These results help explain why ambitious politicians would switch parties, given the known risks of changing party affiliation.  相似文献   

《African affairs》1951,50(199):123
There were some large errors in the 1950 volume concerning theUnited Africa Company on p. 274, line 12, where the figure quotedfor purchases should have been total trade, and the figuresfor crops raised, the output for all the areas, concerned. Threepages later, on line 16, the Congress of Arabists at Lagos concernedonly Southern Nigeria. In the new volume the footnote on p.6 is misleading, since the Afrika Instituut at Leyden, a scientificbody, did not have any direct hand in organising the conferenceof Arab students, while the industrial mission to Africa wasunder the auspices of the Afrika Instituut at Rotterdam. Forp. 17, I am told that the ‘eruption" at Tsavo is now believedto have been caused by grass-fires. There were one or two misprintsin the review article on The British Presence, the most noticeableperhaps Doornkloop for Doornkof (page 56, line 15). These areall the corrections that have so far come to hand, althoughthere must inevitably be more.   相似文献   

Turning out for elections can be treated as an indication of long-term support for a political system, if citizens perceive that system as legitimate. Applied to the level of the European Union this would suggest that levels of participation in elections to the European Parliament are crucial to the legitimacy of the EU's political system. Due to the multi-level character of these elections, however, causes for relatively low levels of turnout may be located at the national as well as the European level. We will use individual-level survey data to analyse the reasons for voter participation at European elections in Germany. Based on system-theoretic arguments we develop a model of voter participation including both European and national factors. The results of our binominal logistic regression models suggest that participation at European elections depends on individual characteristics like political interest on the one hand and perceptions of the performance of both the EU and the national government on the other.  相似文献   

This debate on the role of women in the Islamic Republic of Iran was conducted early in 2001 as part of the Gulf/2000 project at Columbia University, directed by Gary Sick. Normally these online discussions are reserved for members, but this topic is of such general interest and aroused such intense emotions that two of the participants were asked to edit the discussion for a wider audience. The final version was edited by Nikki R. Keddie, professor emerita of history at the University of California, Los Angeles, based on the selection and organization of the texts by co-editor Azita Karimkhany, alumna of Columbia University and researcher in Middle Eastern studies. For additional information on Gulf/2000, see the project website at http://gulf2000.columbia.edu/.  相似文献   

Nuclear energy, stresses the author, whether used for peaceful or other purposes, is associated with a wide range of complicated and unresolved issues. Efforts to find solutions — indeed, even to take the next steps toward that end — will be successful only when these diverse but closely interrelated issues are clarified and understood. Ryukichi Imai, formerly Ambassador of Japan to Kuwait, to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, and to Mexico; Counselor to the Atomic Energy Commission of Japan; Professor of Social Sciences at Kyorin University; and author of many books and articles on nuclear issues, is a Distinguished Research Fellow at IIPS. He first presented this paper at the Oxford Energy Seminar cosponsored by OPEC and OAPEC at St. Catherine's College in September 1994. Some additions and deletions have been made since then.  相似文献   

The following is the edited text of a Sadat Forum held at the Brookings Institution on February 23, 1999. The cosponsors are the Brookings Foreign Policy Program and the Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development at the University of Maryland.  相似文献   

These contributions were presented at a roundtable of the Conference Group on the Middle East, "Evaluating the Bush Menu for Change in the Middle East," at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, September 5, 2004.  相似文献   

The American University of Beirut's emergence as a hub of Arab national and cultural identity in the first half of the twentieth century has been well documented by historians. The simultaneous Zionist presence on campus has been largely overlooked. Zionist ideas were predominantly promoted by Palestinian Jewish students who formed a small but vocal minority at AUB prior to 1948. Faculty and non-Jewish students also regularly collaborated with and traveled to Zionist institutions in Palestine for academic, athletic, and leisure purposes. For Arab students on campus, therefore, Zionism was not an abstract concept, but rather a national identity embodied by fellow classmates and friends on campus. As the conflict in Palestine increased in the 1930s and 1940s, so too did political activism and tensions on campus between Zionist and Arab nationalist students. This article analyzes this unique period of exchange, collaboration, and friction at AUB, which came to a swift end with the outbreak of the 1948 War. By focusing on the interactions between Arab and Zionist Jewish students at AUB, I seek to extend the ‘relational’ approach towards Jewish-Arab contact beyond Palestine's borders.  相似文献   

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