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Commonwealth of Australia, by Rae Wear, p.214
New South Wales, by David Clune, p.221
Victoria, by Nick Economou, p.226
Queensland, John Wanna, p.5237
Western Australia, David Black and Harry C. J. Phillips, p.245
South Australia, Andrew Parkin, p.254
Tasmania, Tony McCall, p.262
Northern Territory, David Carment, p.270
Australian Capital Territory, Sonia Palmieri, p.277  相似文献   

Commonwealth of Australia, by Rae Wear, p.558
New South Wales, by David Clune, p.564
Victoria, by Nick Economou, p.569
Queensland, John Wanna, p.575
Western Australia, David Black and Harry C. J. Phillips, p.581
South Australia, Vern Marshall, p.588
Tasmania, Tony McCall, p.595
Northern Territory, David Carment, p.602
Australian Capital Territory, Gwynneth Singleton, p.608  相似文献   

Commonwealth of Australia, by Rae Wear, p.544
New South Wales, by David Clune, p.551
Victoria, by Nick Economou, p.564
Queensland, John Wanna, p.572
Western Australia, David Black and Harry C. J. Phillips, p.580
South Australia, Andrew Parkin, p.589
Tasmania, Tony McCall, p.596
Northern Territory, David Carment, p.605
Australian Capital Territory, Sonia Palmieri, p.613  相似文献   

The Commonwealth of Australia January to June 2003 P aul D. W illiams School of Politics and Public Policy, Griffith University
New South Wales January to June 2003 S ean S calmer Politics and International Relations, Macquarie University
Victoria January to June 2003 N ick E conomou Monash University
Queensland January to June 2003 J ohn W anna School of Politics and Public Policy, Griffith University
Western Australia January to June 2003 H arry C. J. P hillips International, Cultural and Community Studies, Edith Cowan University D avid B lack John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library, Curtin University of Technology
South Australia January to June 2003 A ndrew P arkin Political and International Studies, Flinders University
Tasmanian Political Chronicle January to June 2003 R ichard H err School of Government, University of Tasmania
Northern Territory January to June 2003 D avid G arment Faculty of Law, Business and Arts, Northern Territory University
Australian Capital Territory January to June 2003 G wynneth S ingleton Canberra  相似文献   

In the 1990s political leaders debated a constitutional amendment that would make Australia a republic. That debate continues to the present day. Republicans believe that becoming a republic means having an Australian as head of state instead of the Queen. Constitutional Monarchists see no need for Australia to become a republic since Australia, they argue, is already an independent nation‐state. They contend that the head of state, the Governor‐General, is an Australian citizen and has been since 1965, and that the Queen of Australia is the Sovereign. The purpose of this article is to provide a republican response to recent arguments of two leading Constitutional Monarchist, Sir David Smith and Professor David Flint.  相似文献   

The Commonwealth of Australia January to June 2004 P aul D. W illiams Politics and Public Policy, Griffith University
New South Wales January to June 2004 S arah M addison Politics and International Relations, University of New South Wales
Victoria January to June 2004 N ick E conomou Monash University
Queensland January to June 2004 J ohn W anna Political Science Program, Australian National University, and Politics and Public Policy, Griffith University
Western Australia January to June 2004 H arry C. J. P hillips Parliamentary Fellow, Western Australian Parliament; Adjunct Professor, Edith Cowan University L iz K err A/Principal Research Officer, Legislative Assembly, Parliament of Western Australia
South Australia January to June 2004 H aydon M anning Political and International Studies, Flinders University
Tasmania January to June 2004 R ichard H err School of Government, University of Tasmania
Northern Territory January to June 2004 D avid C arment School of Creative Arts and Humanities, Charles Darwin University
Australian Capital Territory January to June 2004 J anine O'F lynn School of Business and Government, University of Canberra  相似文献   

Australia’s strategic interests from 1961–1972 were forwarded by the late Portuguese Empire. Portugal and Australia shared a similar problem: both feared the consequences of decolonisation. Portugal was forthright in this stance, attracting much of the world’s ire that could have been directed at Australia. Lisbon routinely stated that Australian and Portuguese interests were in such tight alignment that they were natural partners. Canberra privately acknowledged this but was reluctant to identify with Portugal’s internationally unpopular authoritarian government. Re-inserting Portugal into the narrative contributes to the existing scholarship on Australia’s role in the decolonisation of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea and Portuguese Timor, and Australian support for white minority rule in Southern Africa. This article demonstrates that Portuguese efforts to attain their own security goals aided Australia and shines new light on this neglected aspect of Australia’s foreign policy literature.  相似文献   


This article traces a specific moment when Castellorizian settlers intersected with the racialised and labour-based politics of immigration restriction in the Northern Territory, between 1916 and 1920. Through an examination of a contested labour issue, a political immigration debate and a racialist newspaper dispute, this history aims to demonstrate how a group of ethnically Greek labourers from the Dodecanese island of Castellorizo ushered in a distinctive form of “white” racial preferencing. By examining how Castellorizian labourers were viewed by unionists, politicians and public commentators, this article suggests that confusing, and, at times, porous, national and racial classifications—such as Greek and Turk, and white and Asiatic—predisposed how these distinctive settlers could engage with the society in which they lived. In direct opposition to being classified as, and compared to, Asians, Castellorizians articulated their own distinct attachments to Australia and the white race. An investigation into their articulations offers us a nuanced reading into the making and fluidity of white racial consciousness in Australia. By examining the precarious positioning and self-articulations of Castellorizians in the Northern Territory, we can begin to reflect on how the racialised and labour-based politics of immigration restriction impacted on the making of an early Greek-Australian racial consciousness.  相似文献   

The Burden of White Supremacy: Containing Asian Migration in the British Empire and the United States . By David C. Atkinson (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2016), pp.334. AU$31.50 (pb). Available in Australia through Footprint Books.  相似文献   

This article evaluates proposals in the late 1920s for the creation of an Aboriginal State in either a part of the Northern Territory or South Australia. In the proposals for an Aboriginal State, Aborigines were to own their own land, live according to their own customs, govern themselves, and have Aboriginal Members of Parliament representing them in the Federal Parliament. The study analyses the intellectual foundations of the proposals in the political organisations of the Maori of New Zealand. It examines Aboriginal people's ambivalence to the idea, which arose out of their bitter experience of living through previous plans made supposedly for their benefit by white society.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: “Rats and Revolutionaries”: The Labour Movement in Australia and New Zealand 1890–1940. By James Bennett John Curtin: Guide to Archives of Australia's Prime Ministers. By David Black and Lesley Wallace Ten Pound Poms: Australia's Invisible Migrants. By A. James Hammerton and Alistair Thomson Freud in the Antipodes: A Cultural History of Psychoanalysis in Australia. By Joy Damousi Terms of Trust: Arguments over Ethics in Australian Government. By John Uhr A Trial Separation: Australia and the Decolonisation of Papua New Guinea By Donald Denoon An Indonesian Frontier: Acehnese and Other Histories of Sumatra. By Anthony Reid Vestiges of the Colonial Empire in France: Monuments, Museums and Colonial Memories. By Robert Aldrich  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: LOOKING AT DARWIN'S PAST: Material Evidence of European Settlement in Tropical Australia By David Carment. THE EUROPEANS IN AUSTRALIA: A History, Volume One: The Beginning By Alan Atkinson. THE GREAT EXPERIMENT: Labour Parties and Public Policy Transformation in Australia and New Zealand Edited by Francis Castles, Rolf Gerritsen and Jack Vowles. THE WIRED NATION CONTINENT: The Communication Revolution and Federating Australia By K. T. Livingston. WRITING IN HOPE AND FEAR: Literature and Politics in Postwar Australia By John McLaren. THE NEW SOUTH WALES STATE ELECTION 1953 By David Clune. THE NEW SOUTH WALES STATE ELECTION 1927 By Kevin Cosgrove. NEW SOUTH WALES POLITICS, 1901–1917 By Joan Rydon, R. N. Spann and Helen Nelson. THE MIGHTY BEARS: A Social History of North Sydney Rugby League By Andrew Moore. Statistics by David Middleton. VOX RE/PUBLICAE: Feminism and the Republic Edited by Jeanette Hoorn and David Goodman. DIALOGUES ON AUSTRALIA'S FUTURE: In Honour of the Late Professor Ronald Henderson Edited by Peter Sheehan, Bhajan Grewal and Margarita Kumnick. APPRENTICESHIP IN ENGLAND, 1600–1914 By Joan Lane. THE PRISON DIARY (16 May-22 November 1794) of John Home Tooke Edited with introduction and notes by A. V. Beedell and A. D. Harvey. THE REPUBLICAN CROWN: Lawyers and the Making of the State in Twentieth Century Britain Joseph M. Jacob. GERMANY: A New Social and Economic History General Editors: Sheilagh Ogilvie and Bob Scribner. Vol. 11450–1630, edited by Bob Scribner; Vol. 2. 1630–1800, edited by Sheilagh Ogilvie. THE GHOSTS OF BERLIN: Confronting German History in the Urban Landscape By Brian Ladd. A HANDBOOK OF AMERICAN MILITARY HISTORY: From the Revolutionary War to the Present Edited by Jerry K. Sweeney. THE PACIFIC BASIN SINCE 1945: A History of the Foreign Relations of the Asian, Australasian and American Rim States and the Pacific Islands By Roger C. Thompson. REGIONAL SECURITY IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC: The Quarter-century 1970–95 By Ken Ross. TRADITION VERSUS DEMOCRACY IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC: Fiji, Tonga and Western Samoa Stephanie Lawson. POWER BY DESIGN: Constitution-making in Nationalist China By Zhao Suisheng. VIETNAM 1945: The Quest for Power David G. Marr. TONKIN GULF AND THE ESCALATION OF THE VIETNAM WAR By Edwin E. Moïse. BUDDHIST KINGDOM, MARXIST STATE: The Making of Modern Laos By Martin Stuart-Fox. THE POL POT REGIME: Race, Power and Genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, 1975–79 Ben Kieman. WAR AND TELEVISION By Bruce Cumings. CHRISTIANITY AND DEMOCRACY:. A Theology for a Just World Order By John W. De Gruchy. THE CAMBRIDGE ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF MEDICINE Edited by Roy Porter. CULTURES OF NATURAL HISTORY Edited by N. Sardine, J. A. Secord and E. C. Spary.  相似文献   

Diverse questions might be contemplated once we consider the gender implications and impacts of Aboriginal exemption policies. The article traces such questions in relation to a series of distinct episodes in the history of exemption. The first of these focuses on postwar New South Wales, where marital status was core to the application process from the point of its introduction, and the system built upon older policies of ‘training’ Aboriginal girls as servants. The second moment, moving back in time, discusses a petition for collective exemption for a group of women domestic workers in Broome, Western Australia, that was presented to a government enquiry in 1934. The third concerns the quest for release from government controls by several domestic workers brought to Adelaide in South Australia, from the Northern Territory, in the late 1920s. Finally, the article reflects upon the efforts of young women placed in service in early-twentieth-century Brisbane, Queensland, to secure exemptions, and the responses of the authorities. While exemption policies may have been designed to impose Anglo-Australian gender norms of female dependence, Aboriginal women who worked in service consistently subverted these aims, by using the discourses of domesticity to challenge and resist the authorities' power.  相似文献   

Book Notes     
CHALLENGES FACING ADVANCED EDUCATION: Report of the 1970 conference of the Federation of Staff Associations of Australian Colleges of Advanced Education. Edited by D. J. Golding, P. J. Killingsworth, A. L. Moore and I. Wynd. Melbourne THE ENGLISH POOR LAW 1780–1930. By Michael E. Rose ROYAL CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL MELBOURNE 1870–1970: A History. Melbourne, The Royal Children's Hospital, 1970 MEN WHO GOVERN: A biographical profile of federal political executives. By David T. Stanley, Dean E. Mann and Jameson W. Doig FROM ANARCHISM TO REFORMISM: A study of the political activities of Paul Brousse within the First International and the French Socialist movement, 1870–1890. By David Stafford ARCADY IN AUSTRALIA: The evocation of Australia in nineteenth-century English literature. By Coral Lansbury STATE AND STATECRAFT IN OLD JAVA: A study of the later Mataram Period, sixteenth to nineteenth century. By Soemarsaid Moertono THE ORIGINS OF THE ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. By Jacqueline Gurner  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviwed in this articles. The Seeds of Democracy: Early Elections in Colonial New South Wales. By M.M.H. Thompson “No Fit Place for Women”? Women in New South Wales Politics, 1856‐2006. Edited by Deborah Brennan and Louise Chappell The Hitler Club. By Gary Gumpl and Richard Kleinig Cabinet Government in Australia, 1901‐2006. By Patrick Weller Deported: A History of Forced Departures from Australia. By Glenn Nicholls Behind Closed Doors: Politics, Scandals and the Lobbying Industry. By John Warhurst Capitalist Networks and Social Power in Australia and New Zealand. By Georgina Murray Writing Party History: Papers from a Seminar held at Parliament House, Sydney, May 2006. Edited by David Clune and Ken Turner No, Prime Minister: Reclaiming Politics from Leaders. By James Walter and Paul Strangio Great Mistakes of Australian History. Edited by Martin Crotty and David Andrew Roberts Violence and Colonial Dialogue: The Australian‐Pacific Indentured Labor Trade. By Tracey Banivanua‐Mar Redefining the Pacific? Regionalism, Past, Present and Future. Edited by Jenny Bryant‐Tolalau and Ian Frazer. Builders of Empire: Freemasons and British Imperialism, 1717‐1927. By Jessica L. Harland‐Jacobs The Victorians: An Age in Retrospect. By John Gardiner Thomas Carlyle. By John Morrow Herbert Spencer and the Invention of Modern Life. By Mark Francis The Irish General Thomas Francis Meagher. By Paul R. Wylie Hitler's Bavarian Antagonist. Georg Moenius and the Allgemeine Rundschau of Munich, 1929‐1933. By Gregory Munro Legitimizing Military Rule: Indonesian Armed Forces Ideology, 1958‐2000. By Salim Said Soeharto's Armed Forces: Problems of Civil Military Relations in Indonesia. By Salim Said Democratic Accountability: Why Choice in Politics is Both Possible and Necessary. By Leif Lewin War in Human Civilization. By Azar Gat The Law of Armed Conflict: Constraints on the Contemporary Use of Military Force. Edited by Howard M. Hensel The One and the Many: Reading Isaiah Berlin. Edited by George Crowder and Henry Hardy  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: JOHN MONASH. A Biography. By Geoffrey Serle. DOCUMENTS ON AUSTRALIAN FOREIGN POLICY 1937–49. Volume V: July 1941 - June 1942. Edited by W.J. Hudson and H.J.W. Stokes. JOBS OR DOGMA? The Industries Assistance Commission and Australian Politics. By John Warhurst. STRIKES IN AUSTRALIA: A sociological analysis of industrial conflict. By Malcolm Waters. THE CONSTITUTIONAL CHALLENGE: Essays on the Australian Constitution, constitutionalism and parliamentary practice. Edited by Michael James. AN AUSTRALIAN LEGAL HISTORY. By Alex C. Castles. THE PRISON STRUGGLE: Changing Australia's Penal System. By George Zdenkowski and David Brown. MR SANTAMARIA AND THE BISHOPS. By Gerard Henderson. AUSTRALIAN CAPITALISM IN BOOM AND DEPRESSION: Options for the 1980s. By Robert Catley and Bruce McFarlane. COMMONWEALTH GRANTS COMMISSION. Report on State Tax Sharing and Health Grants 1982. AN INTRODUCTION TO AUSTRALIAN POLITICS. By Dean Jaensch. GOVERNING THE CITIES: The Australian Experience in Perspective. By Andrew Parkin. AUSTRALIA AND THE NEW RIGHT. Edited by Marian Sawer. WORTH HER SALT: Women at work in Australia. Edited by Margaret Bevege, Margaret James and Carmel Shute. BLACK AUSTRALIANS: The Prospects for Change. Edited by Eric Olbrei. INTRUDERS IN THE BUSH: The Australian Quest for Identity. Edited by John Carroll. INVASION AND RESISTANCE: Aboriginal-European Relations on the North Queensland Frontier 1861–1897. By Noel Loos. EARLY MAN IN NORTH QUEENSLAND: art and archaeology In the Laura area. By Andree Rosenfeld, David Morton and John Winter. A NEW PROVINCE? The closer settlement of Monto. By W. Ross Johnston. FAR COUNTRY: A Short History of the Northern Territory. By Alan Powell. THE NAC ELECTION IN THE NORTHERN TERRITORY 1981. By P. Loveday and D. Jaensch. SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL: Parliament in the Northern Territory. Edited by Richard Herr and Peter Loveday YUGUL: An Arnhem Land Cattle Station. By Steven Thiele. NORTH AUSTRALIA RESEARCH BULLETIN NO. 8. Edited by Alistair J. Heatley and P. Loveday. STATE, CAPITAL AND RESOURCES IN THE NORTH AND WEST OF AUSTRALIA. Edited by Elizabeth J. Harman and Brian W. Head. VALUES AND VOTES: The 1980 Western Australian Election. By D.W. Black and A. Peachment. VICTORIAN HISTORY AND POLITICS: European Settlement to 1939. A Survey of the Literature. By Joanna Monie. INDONESIA: Australian Perspectives. Edited by James J. Fox A CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS FOR NEW ZEALAND: An Idea whose Time has Come? By Stephen Levine. THE CROSS OF LORRAINE IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC: Australia and the Free French Movement 1940–1942. By John Lawrey. LAND AND POLITICS IN NEW CALEDONIA. By Alan W. Ward. THE DYNAMICS OF CHINESE POLITICS. By Lucian Pye. CULTURE AND SCIENCE IN CHINA. Edited by John Merson. WHY HAS JAPAN ‘SUCCEEDED’? Western technology and the Japanese ethos? By Michio Morishima. THE TRANSFER OF POWER 1942–47. Volume X, The Mountbatten Viceroyalty: Formulation of a Plan 22 March-30 May 1947. Edited by Nicholas Mansergh and Penderel Moon. PAKISTAN: The Enigma of Political Development. By Lawrence Ziring. GODS AND POLITICIANS. By Bruce Grant. TOM MBOYA: The Man Kenya Wanted to Forget. By David Goldsworthy. BRITISH ECONOMIC AND STRATEGIC PLANNING 1905–1915. By David French. FABIANISM AND CULTURE. A study in British socialism and the arts c. 1884–1918. By Ian Britain. POLITICAL COMMUNICATIONS: The General Election Campaign of 1979. Edited by Robert M. Worcester and Martin Harrop. THE POLITICS OF THE LABOUR PARTY. Edited by Dennis Kavanagh. PROPERTY AND POLITICS 1870–1914: Landownership, Law, Ideology and Urban Development in England. By Avner Offer. CUSTOM, WORK AND MARKET CAPITALISM: The Forest of Dean Colliers, 1788–1888. By Chris Fisher. THE POLITICS OF SECRECY. By James Michael. THE PROTEST MAKERS: The British Nuclear Disarmament Movement of 1958–1965 Twenty Years On. By Richard Taylor and Colin Pritchard. THE LEO AMERY DIARIES. Volume I: 1896–1929. Edited by John Barnes and David Nicholson. JOHN HENRY NEWMAN: Friends, Allies, Bishops, Catholics. By Edmund Campion. FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE: Reputation and Power. By F.B. Smith. JOHN AUSTIN. By W.L. Morison GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS OF NORTHERN IRELAND. By Paul Arthur. THE PRESIDENTIAL QUEST: Candidates and images in American political culture, 1787–1852. By M.J. Heale. CRISIS IN THE MAKING: The political economy of New York State since 1945. By Peter D. McClelland and Alan L. Magdovitz. THE TRANSFORMATION OF VIRGINIA 1740–1790. By Rhys Isaac. MISSING. By Thomas Hauser. MODERN FRANCE: Mind, Politics, Society. By Barnett Singer. THE RADICAL BOURGEOISIE: the Ligue de L'enseignement and the origins of the Third Republic 1866–1886. By Katharine Auspitz. FRANCOIS MITTERAND: A Political Odyssey. By Denis MacShane. THE POLISH AUGUST: The Self-Limiting Revolution. By Neal Ascherson. CANDLE FOR POLAND: 469 Days of Solidarity. By Leszek Szymahski. KAISER WILHELM II: New Interpretations. The Corfu Papers. Edited by John C.G. Röhl and Nicolaus Sombart. MUSSOLINI. By Denis Mack Smith. THE CONTEMPORARY SPANISH ECONOMY: An Historical Perspective. By Sima Lieberman. LENIN: Revolution and Power. A History of the Soviety Union 1917–1953. Volume One. By Hélène Carrère d'Encausse. STALIN: Order Through Terror. A History of the Soviet union 1917–1953. Volume Two. By Hélène Carrère d'car;Encausse. RUSSIA AT THE CROSSROADS: The 26th Congress of the CPSU. Edited by Seweryn Bialer and Thane Gustafson. SOVIET MILITARY THINKING. Edited by Derek Leebaert. SOVIET RISK-TAKING AND CRISIS BEHAVIOR: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis. By Hannes Adomeit. AGRARIAN POLICIES IN COMMUNIST EUROPE: A Critical Introduction. Vol. 1. By Karl-Eugen Wädekin. BLUE-COLLAR WORKERS IN EASTERN EUROPE. Edited by Jan F. Triska and Charles Gati. MAKING THE DIFFERENCE: Schools, Families and Social Division. By R. W. Connell, D.J. Ashcnden, S. Kesslcr and G.W. Dowsett. EDUCATION, POLITICS AND THE STATE: The Theory and Practice of Educational Change. By Brian Salter and Ted Topper. SCHOOLS IN CONFLICT. By Frederick M. Wirt and Michael W. Kirst. A MODERN INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL LAW. Fourth edition. By Michael Akehurst. THE IMPACT OF PARTIES: Politics and Policies in Democratic Capitalist States. Edited by Francis G. Castles. UNIONS OF STATES: The Theory and Practice of Confederation. By Murray Forsyth. THE PATTERN OF IMPERIALISM: The United States, Great Britain, and the late-industrializing world since 1815. By Tony Smith MEDIEVAL KINGSHIP. By Henry A. Myers ROOM FOR MANOEUVRE: Writings on History, Politics, Ideas and Play. Selected and edited by Leonie Sandercock and Stephen Murray-Smith. CONTEMPORARY POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY: Radical Studies. Edited by Keith Graham. PHILOSOPY AND IDEOLOGY IN HUME'S POLITICAL THOUGHT. By David Miller. SOCIAL JUSTICE. Edited by Randolph L. Braharn. THE STRATEGY OF EQUALITY: Redistribution and the Social Services. By Julian Le Grand. ESTRANGEMENT: Marx's Conception of Human Nature and the Division of Labor. By Isidor Wallimann. A HIGHER FORM OF KILLING: The Secret Story of Gas and Germ Warfare. By Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman. ESTIMATING FOREIGN MILITARY POWER. Edited by Philip Towle. WIT AND WISDOM: A Public Affairs Miscellany. Compiled and edited by Colin Bingham. TRADE UNIONISM IN GERMANY FROM BISMARCK TO HITLER, 1869–1933. By John A. Moses.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The Brotherhood in Saffron: The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and Hindu Revivalism By W. K. Andersen andD. S. Damle
Dominance and Mobilization: Rural Politics in Western Uttar Pradesh 1930–1980 By Zoya Hasan
The State, Political Processes and Identity: Reflections on Modern India Edited by Zoya Hasan, S. N. Jha and Rasheeduddin Khan.
The Indian Ocean: Explorations in History, Commerce and Politics Edited by Satish Chandra.
The Indian Ocean and The Superpowers By Rasul 8.
The Troubled Region: Issues of Peace and Development in Southeast Asia Edited by Parimal Kumar Das.
Postwar Vietnam: Dilemmas in Socialist Development Edited by David G. Marr, and Christine P. White. Ithaca, N. Y.
Historical Dictionary of Vietnam By William J. Duiker.
Historical Dictionary of Bangladesh By Craig Baxter and Syedur Rahman.
A Culture in Search of Survival: The Phuan of Thailand and Laos By Snit Smuckarn and Kennan Dreazeale.
Filipino Politics: Development and Decay By David Wurfel.
Singapour 1959–1987: Genese d'un nouveau pays industriel By Jean-Louis Margolin
Legends of People, Myths of State: Violence, Intolerance and Political Culture in Sri Lanka and Australia By Bruce Kapferer.
John Fairbank and the American Understanding of Modern China By Paul M. Evans.
J. A. Hobson: A Reader Edited fry Michael Freeden.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this issue. Aboriginal Dreaming Paths and Trading Routes: The Colonisation of the Australian Economic Landscape. By Dale Kerwin Australia: William Blandowski's Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia. Edited by Harry Allen Radical Sydney: Places, Portraits and Unruly Episodes. By Terry Irving and Rowan Cahill The Frauenstein Letters: Aspects of Nineteenth Century Emigration from the Duchy of Nassau to Australia. By Kathrine M. Reynolds Not Quite White: Lebanese and the White Australia Policy 1880 to 1947. By Anne Monsour Stanley Melbourne Bruce: Australian Internationalist. By David Lee The Australian Road to Singapore: The Myth of British Betrayal. By Augustine Meaher IV. Imposing Peace and Prosperity: Australia, Social Justice and Labour Reform in Occupied Japan. By Christine De Matos A Three‐Cornered Life: The Historian W.K. Hancock. By Jim Davidson The Biographical Dictionary of the Australian Senate, Volume 3 1962–1983 with an introduction by Harry Evans. Edited by Anne Miller and Geoffrey Browne Learning to be a Minister: Heroic Expectations, Practical Realities. By Anne Tiernan and Patrick Weller Labor's Conflict: Big Business, Workers and the Politics of Class. By Tom Bramble and Rick Kuhn All That's Left: What Labor Should Stand For. Edited by Nick Dyrenfurth and Tim Soutphommasane The Quest for Justice. By Ken Crispin The Politics of Human Rights in Australia. By Louise Chappell John Chesterman and Lisa Hill Australia. The State of Democracy. By Marian Sawer, Norman Abjorensen and Phil Larkin. What Were They Thinking? The Politics of Ideas in Australia. By James Walter with Tod Moore Throwing off the Cloak: Reclaiming Self‐reliance in Torres Strait. By Elizabeth Osborne Pacific Ways: Government and Politics in the Pacific Islands. Edited by Stephen Levine The Moral, Social and Political Philosophy of the British Idealists. Edited by William Sweet Churchill's Secret War. The British Empire and the Ravaging of India during World War Two. By Madhusree Mukerjee Redefining British Politics: Culture, Consumerism and Participation, 1954–70. By Lawrence Black Confronting Hitler. German Social Democrats in Defense of the Weimar Republic, 1929–1933. By William Smaldone Italy Today, the Sick Man of Europe. Edited by Andrea Mammone and Giuseppe Veltri Resentment in History. By Marc Ferro, trans. Steven Rendall Power and the Past: Collective Memory and International Relations. By Eric Langenbacher and Yossi Shain (editors) Science for All: The Popularization of Science in Early Twentieth‐Century Britain. By Peter J. Bowler  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this issue Historical Records of Australia, Resumed Series III Despatches and papers relating to the history of Tasmania, Volume X, January‐December 1831. General Editor: Peter Chapman, Co‐editors Peter Chapman and Tim Jetson The Ambitions of Jane Franklin: Victorian Lady Adventurer. By Alison Alexander Where is Dr Leichhardt? The Greatest Mystery in Australian History. By Darrell Lewis Conspiracy of Silence: Queensland's Frontier Killing Times. By Timothy Bottoms Indigenous Crime and Settler Law: White Sovereignty after Empire. By Heather Douglas and Mark Finnane Forgotten War. By Henry Reynolds Dancing with Empty Pockets. Australia's Bohemians since 1860. By Tony Moore The Baby Farmers: A Chilling Tale of Missing Babies, Shameful Secrets and Murder in 19th Century Australia. By Annie Cousins Eilean Giblin: A Feminist between the Wars. By Patricia Clarke Silences and Secrets: The Australian Experience of the Weintraub Syncopators. By Kay Dreyfus Big Coal: Australia's Dirtiest Habit. By Guy Pearse, David McKnight and Bob Burton Employer Power and Weakness: How Local and Global Factors have shaped Australia's Meat Industry and its Industrial Relations. By Patrick O'Leary and Peter Sheldon Trust Me: Australians and their Politicians. By Jackie Dickenson Australian History Now. Edited by Anna Clark and Paul Ashton J.C. Beaglehole: Public Intellectual, Critical Conscience. By Doug Munro The Habsburgs: The History of a Dynasty. By Benjamin Curtis The Pursuit of the Nazi Mind: Hitler, Hess, and the Analysts. By Daniel Pick Before the Nation: Muslim‐Christian Coexistence and its Destruction in Late‐Ottoman Anatolia. By Nicholas Doumanis A Companion to Woodrow Wilson. Edited by Ross A. Kennedy Kennedy: A Cultural History of an American Icon. By Mark White America's Right: Anti‐Establishment Conservatism from Goldwater to the Tea Party. By Robert B. Horwitz Hanoi's War: An International History of the War for Peace in Vietnam. By Lien‐Hang T. Nguyen. The Rise of China vs. the Logic of Strategy. By Edward N. Luttwak Antarctica: a Biography. By David Day The Author's Hand and the Printer's Mind. By Roger Chartier, translated by Lydia G. Cochrane  相似文献   

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