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论财产犯中的占有   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
财产犯是侵害他人对财物占有的犯罪,因此,占有在财产犯的认定中具有举足轻重的地位。财产犯的占有包括占有的有无和占有的归属两大方面的内容,涉及刑法占有的特征、要素;具有对等关系、上下主从关系的占有以及包装物的占有;死者的占有和存款的占有等具体问题。在上述问题的认定上,必须结合刑法与民法的不同要求综合判断。  相似文献   

Previous studies have established that repeat victimizations occur more frequently than would be expected if households within a particular area were victimized randomly. This implies that characteristics of the household affect the victimization rate. Even controlling for these characteristics, we find that a Poisson model does not capture the distribution of victimizations because repeat victimizations are more concentrated than it would indicate. This leads us to adopt the negative binomial generalization of the Poisson model. Our analysis uses sociodemographic attributes of the household and community-level characteristics to predict victimizations, with the victimization data being the observed number of property crime victimizations from the 1992 British Crime Survey. The negative binomial generalization is found to be highly statistically significant and the crime concentration it implies becomes much more marked as the predicted number of victimizations increases.  相似文献   

近年来,国际文化财产犯罪呈稳步上升趋势。虽然国际社会已经制定了相关的国际公约,但是并未能有效的阻止日益猖獗的国际文化财产犯罪。就我国而言,我国现行的法律法规也并未能有效的预防和打击我国的国际文化财产犯罪。通过研究国际文化财产犯罪的特点和原因并结合我国的实际情况,有助于提升我国预防和打击国际文化财产犯罪的水平。  相似文献   

金诚  伍星 《犯罪研究》2007,2(5):38-44
环境犯罪学的理论贡献在于揭示了犯罪与时空之间的关系,它在犯罪预防与控制的实践中具有重大的应用价值。犯罪地图则是该理论在犯罪预防与控制实践中运用的成果。通过对抽取的浙江省某市区2006年发生的2050起侵财型案件的犯罪地图描绘,发现了"侵财型"犯罪的热点和活动规律,提出了"侵财型"犯罪模型,并对当前警务运行机制和战略改革提出四点建议。  相似文献   

庞忠云 《政法学刊》2005,22(3):57-58
当前巨额财产来源不明罪在我国被公认为是反腐败的有力武器,然而在司法实践中该罪名适用所面临的一些尴尬也日益凸现出来,例如举证责任、有罪推定、法律规避以及惩罚犯罪的效果等一些问题.  相似文献   

With cohabitation outside marriage becoming increasingly common, the law's response to the problems that arise on separation has become a key issue for public and family policy. This article draws upon the findings of a qualitative empirical study of how property disputes are handled when cohabitants separate. It argues that the unfairness of the current law is best understood as stemming from a failure to recognise the situation that arises as one of unjust enrichment. It shows that the complexity and unpredictability of the law make it difficult to bargain effectively in the shadow of the law. It suggests that the need for reform goes beyond the introduction of a discretionary regime, such as that proposed by the Law Commission, to reform of conveyancing and property law and practice to facilitate initial, as well as post-separation private ordering.  相似文献   

不同罪刑阶段罪与刑设定模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李洁 《中国法学》2002,(3):119-129
法定刑的设定模式 ,一般被认为是立法技巧问题。笔者认为 ,法定刑设定模式虽然是立法技巧问题 ,但却直接影响到立法意图的实现程度 ,同时也折射出立法思想问题。本文试图通过对实务界提出的问题和理论研究之困惑的分析 ,对法定刑设定模式 ,主要是不同罪刑阶段法定刑之衔接式与交叉式模式的优劣进行评价 ,从选择的角度 ,提出我国更适宜采取交叉式的规定模式 ,并对交叉式的缺陷之补救提出了建议。  相似文献   

科学技术日益成为一国经济发展的第一动力,知识产权的保护也因之成为各国法治建设的重点内容.为了对知识产权提供强有力的刑事保护,有效应对我国知识产权犯罪形势的新变化,也为了更好地适应不断深化的知识产权犯罪侦查执法国际合作机制,我国侦查部门有必要对知识产权犯罪的传统侦查方法进行科学化的改革和调整.  相似文献   

对81个非法取回本人所有而被他人合法占有的财物样本案例的定罪、量刑、犯罪数额认定的考察发现,原则上只有造成占有人财产损失的才会以财产罪定罪,而若判处财产罪会导致量刑畸重,所以,样本判决限制财产罪的适用和犯罪数额的认定以实现量刑轻缓。本文认为,优先考虑量刑合理的以刑制罪忽略了定罪的准确性,易消弥财产罪之间、财产罪与其他罪之间的界限;部分判决量刑畸轻、犯罪数额认定混乱、判决书说理不一;样本判决以刑制罪有其实践理性,但缺乏必要的规范约束易导致乱象。由此反思我国刑法对财产罪的定量立法模式,较重的法定刑是导致以刑制罪的根本原因。立法赋予量刑更大的裁量空间将有助于缓解司法上的以刑制罪,也有助于对包括占有权在内的财产法益的全面保护并实现罪刑均衡。  相似文献   

随着知识产权在市场经济中地位和作用的日益凸显,知识产权逐渐成为违法犯罪分子关注的焦点。鉴于此,本文拟从知识产权犯罪的概念、性质和特征出发,对国内存在的知识产权犯罪的成因进行分析探讨,并以此求教于同仁。  相似文献   

二、抢劫罪及其认定 抢劫罪是司法实践中一种较为常见的财产犯罪。随着刑法的修订和抢劫行为方式的多样化,抢劫罪在司法认定中的疑难问题日益增多,尤其是在入户抢劫等抢劫罪的加重处罚形态以及转化型抢劫罪的认定中存在较大的争议。限于篇幅,在此,我们着重探讨转化型抢劫罪问题,并通过一则案例加以展开。 [案例]  相似文献   

龚培华 《犯罪研究》2002,(3):14-19,48
侵犯财产罪是司法实践中一类较为常见的传统犯罪。尽管刑法理论界对侵犯财产罪有着广泛而深入的研究,刑事立法对侵犯财产罪的立法也较为完善,司法解释对侵犯财产罪也较关注,司法实践中对办理侵犯财产罪案件积累了相当的经验。但是,不容否认,由于侵犯财产罪与民法财产权相关理论和立法交织,各种具体的侵犯财产罪相互之间边界模糊,司法实践中,在侵犯财产罪的认定上仍存在不少的疑难。在此,我们试图通过对侵犯财产权一些共性问题的分析,进一步明确侵犯财产罪的概念及构成,并对具体的抢劫罪、诈骗罪司法适用中的重点问题作一番探讨,以期进一步明确侵犯财产罪的构成。  相似文献   

犯罪是加害与被害之间互动的产物,对知识产权犯罪的研究应当引入被害人责任的视角.通过对知识产权犯罪单位被害人的调查,分析被害人对被害现象产生的影响,指出通过被害预防实现知识产权保护的可行性.  相似文献   

The need for an international regime to protect intellectual property creations can be traced back in history to the Industrial Revolution during which new manufacturing techniques and new industrial products were developed and exported, thus increasing commercial and cultural relations between countries. For most people, intellectual property is either an unknown, misunderstood, or mysterious term. Technology and creative arts pervade modern society, yet few actually realize that their daily lives are surrounded by intellectual property creations from which legal rights of all sorts, including their own, arise. Building public awareness of the role of intellectual property is key to fostering a broad understanding of what intellectual property is and respect for the system that promotes and protects intellectual property rights. This article provides a survey of the current worldwide response to intellectual property crime and raises policy considerations for the future.  相似文献   

知识产权犯罪刑罚完善论要   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我国知识产权犯罪刑罚设置中存在着刑种配置不当、罪刑设置不均衡等问题.在新一轮的知识产权法律变革中,应当取消管制刑,采用限额或者倍比罚金制,完善单位犯罪中有关责任人员的刑事责任,降低销售假冒注册商标的商品罪、非法制造、销售非法制造的注册商标标识罪的法定刑.针对不同的商业秘密犯罪行为规定不同的法定刑.  相似文献   

关于财产刑适用与执行问题的调研报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了准确评估江苏省财产刑的适用与执行状况,充分发掘财产刑应有的价值潜能,实现刑罚的科学化、合理化、个别化,使财产刑的刑罚功能实然化于刑罚适用的司法实践过程,2004年,江苏省高级人民法院对财产刑的适用与执行问题展开了专题调研。调研组以5年为时间跨度,以全省各市、县、区两级法院为调研对象,首先调取了全省两级法院1998年-2003年间审理的所有适用财产刑经济犯罪案件①的相关统计资料;其次,还重点抽查了苏北、苏中、苏南共7个中级法院、7个基层法院2003年间审理的1038件一审生效刑事案件,并和上述法院的部分同志进行了座谈;此外,还对…  相似文献   

恩格尔定律与财产犯罪数额标准之确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对财产犯罪的历史性考察,以恩格尔定律为基础建立了确定和调整财产犯罪数额标准的理论模型,指出应以家庭平均年剩余财产数额作为财产犯罪的数额标准,并应在家庭平均储蓄余额等于当前年度家庭平均年剩余财产数额时将财产犯罪数额标准调升为当前年度家庭平均年剩余财产数额;并根据模型论证了财产犯罪与财产侵权的区别,对实定刑法上贪贿犯罪数额标准和法定刑的设置失当进行了反思。  相似文献   

This article presents 10-year trends (1998–2007) on some common crimes: homicide, assault, rape, robbery, car theft, domestic burglary and drug offences. In addition, a few less common offences in police statistics, such as money laundering, corruption, offences against computer data and systems are discussed, even though trends of these crimes are not available. Trends are shown from Western, Central and Eastern Europe, where significant sociopolitical changes have occurred. Although police data actually describes more the recording practices of the officials than the amount of crime, police data is highly valuable for research purposes. Most countries continuously collect information about police activity, and the police is mostly the starting point for proceeding with a case in the criminal justice system. In the USA, all common offences recorded by the police have decreased during the recent years. In Europe, property crimes, homicide and robbery have decreased in most countries, but violence and drug crimes have increased. According to the crime victim surveys, the increase in assault cannot be explained by the increasing reporting activity of victims; the increase seems real. The level of crime differs considerably in different areas: for instance, homicide is most common in Eastern Europe, but assault is much higher in Western Europe.  相似文献   

论知识产权犯罪控制中的道德要素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识产权犯罪控制与社会道德存在着一定联系。我国控制知识产权犯罪的刑法规定融入了道德内容,控制知识产权犯罪的法律实施也需要社会道德的支撑。积极守法观是知识产权犯罪控制与预防的高级境界。  相似文献   

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