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知识霸权与美国的世界新秩序   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄凤志 《当代亚太》2003,75(8):10-14
信息革命的迅猛发展 ,正在拉大民族国家间的数字鸿沟 ,制造人类社会知识发展和知识分布的不平衡 ,产生知识霸权效应 ,并对国际关系产生强大影响。美国凭借信息革命的领导地位 ,以高科技知识为武器 ,对 2 1世纪的国际关系进行整合 ,大力构筑以美国世界霸权为主要目标、以维护西方发达国家利益为基本内容的国际新秩序。  相似文献   

论新世纪世界地缘政治的历史性重组   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冷战结束后尤其是世纪之交,地缘政治以崭新的时代内涵和多维的现实视角,开始勃现新的理论生机,国际关系中的地缘政治战略开始了历史性重组.本文在把握地缘政治理论发展的历史轨迹、分析世纪之交时代背景的基础上,重点研析了地缘政治的新范式和新特征.本文认为,地缘政治战略的全球化、经济化、多元化、交错化与伙伴化,是地缘政治趋向新范式的构筑中显出来的新特征.新世纪地缘政治重组新特征的强化,将为21世纪初世界战略格局的形成奠定基础.  相似文献   

温特制:美国新经济与全球产业重组的微观基础   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
上个世纪七八十年代至 90年代初 ,学界普遍关注美国经济实力的相对下降。但是进入 90年代中后期 ,美国经济持续高增长 ,而日本经济却在 90年代停滞不前。作者认为 ,是温特制使美国公司扭转了对日本的竞争劣势 ,并最终创造出了 2 0世纪 90年代美国经济近 130个月繁荣的奇迹。温特制与美国创新能力突出、人才储备强大、金融市场灵活、消费者偏好新产品等优势结合起来 ,以高新科技为基础 ,塑造了一大批新兴企业 ,使得美国公司在 1990年代国际竞争力列世界前茅。温特制是经济全球化的必然结果 ,它使美国成为经济全球化的主导。  相似文献   

新多极伙伴世界中的中欧关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷战后,中国与欧盟及其成员国的关系不断升温,双边合作在层次和领域上日益加深,使得一些学者一度声称中欧轴心已经出现。然而,随着美国在伊拉克战争中国力不断遭到削弱,其构造单极世界的梦想陷入破灭,新多极世界的突然面世给中欧关系带来震荡,所谓的中欧蜜月宣告结束。在全球金融危机爆发、美国奥巴马政府上台、欧盟《里斯本条约》正式生效以及中国国力继续快速上升的背景下,一个新的多极伙伴世界正在形成。在经历了过去几年的阵痛后,中国和欧盟的关系应有新的开始,放弃过高的期望,而寻求更加成熟的和实质性的伙伴关系。  相似文献   

俄罗斯对世界新秩序的构想是同俄在当前国际体系中的地位和大国复兴的历史使命联系在一起的。俄国内对于当今世界和世界新秩序有四种观点,其中"多极世界"论和"美国单极世界"论对俄外交影响最大。独立以来俄在如何融入西方主导的国际体系方面,外交政策选择存在三种取向上的论争,并在事实上构成了俄外交政策演变的三个阶段。普京外交的实用主义即"利用对手的力量为我所用",这同普京的国家利益观相关联,也是俄罗斯从现代国家向后现代国家转变进程中的必然产物,这决定了它的两重性和矛盾性。对"多极世界"构想的预期是多方面的,但叶利钦时期的多极化外交无论从主观动机还是客观反应均被更多地赋予了对抗性和制衡性,普京执政后开始将其转向理性而务实,更加注重大国协调和多边合作。  相似文献   

自1989年以来,后苏联国家呈现出不同的沿革轨迹。这些国家大体上可以分为四个群体:欧盟新成员国(NMS)、独联体在欧洲的成员国、独联体在亚洲的成员国和中国。这四个国家群体对于当今世界经济政治体系的参与和依附程度各不相同。需要对它们在工业和贸易方面的能力作出界定,而这些能力对其经济的全球化和金融化产生着影响。国家群体对于世界体系的特定联系决定了其特定的经济(以及政治)能力和依附水平。通过考察它们各自不同的投资模式、贸易伙伴和金融依附情况,以及2007年以来世界金融危机造成的金融压力方面的影响,可以看到:一方面,欧盟的后苏联国家坚定地融入世界经济体系;另一方面,大型经济体(如俄罗斯和中国)有可能建立起本国的市场及网络,因而其经济自立水平要高于欧盟新成员国。存在着三种对于世界经济危机的主要反应方式:更深地融入占支配地位的世界资本主义制度、走向一个较少新自由主义色彩而较多协调主义的世界体系、形成以"对峙力量"和区域集团为标志的更加多元化的世界体系。  相似文献   

Arab History and the Nation‐State: A Study in Modern Arab Historiography 1820–1980 by Youssef M. Choueiri. London and New York: Routledge, 1989. Pp.xix + 238, appendices, glossary, index. £35.00.

Baytun fi Baghdad, a novel by Ishaq Bar‐Moshe, with an introduction by Shmuel Moreh. Jerusalem: Association for Jewish Academics from Iraq (Dr David Sala's Library for Jewish Authors from Iraq) 1983. Pp.424.

Ayyam al‐'Iraq, a novel by Ishaq Bar‐Moshe, with an introduction by Mahmud ‘Abbasi. Shefaamru: Dar al‐Mashriq, 1988. Pp.392.

al‐Khuruj min al‐'Iraq: dhikrayat 1945–1950, by Ishaq Bar‐Moshe. Jerusalem: Council of Sephardi Community, 1975. Pp.600.

Deltio Kentrou Mikrasiatikon Spoudon, Vol.6, 1986–87, edited by Paschalis M. Kitromilides. Athens: Centre of Asia Minor Studies, 1988,470 pp.  相似文献   

The American Forces who occupied Germany in 1945–46 had hoped that popularising jazz music might assist in the redemocratisation of Germans under the age of thirty. The Amerika‐Häuser established by the US State Department to build a cultural foundation for democracy amongst younger Germans, and American Forces Network radio each contributed to the gradual emergence of a West German jazz culture which was marked by a series of jazz festivals and the development of a viable recording industry. However most strata of German society neither understood nor cared about jazz. Jazz became confused with — and diluted by — rock ‘n’ roll. Both were rejected as unwanted “Americanization”. Fewer than ten percent of teenagers acquired any taste for jazz. Its appeal was confined to the more privileged and educated. Hence the jazz culture which did recruit itself from the surviving remnants of the Third Reich did not provide an impetus toward democracy.  相似文献   


Despite the admonishments of the 2003 Extractive Industry Review, the World Bank Group (WBG) has continued to promote the expansion of mining activities in resource-rich client-countries. While maintaining its mantra on the economic benefits of the sector in cash-strapped countries, in recent years poverty reduction and environmental sustainability have become the new buzzwords to justify the need for the WBG to remain actively involved in the sector. Building on the cases of the Philippines, Papua New Guinea and Lao PDR, this paper analyses this new socio-environmental narrative in conjunction with the highly political nature of the role played by the WBG in the mining sector of its country-clients. The cases demonstrate that the World Bank has played a key role in influencing a wave of new mining regimes in the region. Further, these new regimes, which comprise multilateral social and environmental safeguards, circumscribe the risks faced by industry, rather than by local populations. While successful in stimulating foreign investments in the sector, these regimes might prove ineffective in taming local and national resentment against mining activities. Crucially, the engineering of mining regimes and norm-settings in multilateral arenas raises concerns about the legitimacy of the transformations of roles and responsibilities assigned to local mining stakeholders and the possible subsequent contraction of local political spaces.  相似文献   

储昭根  任东来 《美国研究》2005,19(2):152-158
当今世界最重要的双边关系不外乎美欧关系了。这对盟友一个是昔日的世界霸主,另一个是当今世界的盟主。它们同是世界最发达国家和地区,发源于共同的西方文明,又都是“启蒙运动的孩子”,有着共同的价值观、相同的宗教、相似的文化背景和相近的生活方式。在处理世界事务、制订外交政策时,似乎有着“共同的理念与理想”。至少从表面上看,它们都倡导立宪民主,主张多党政治,强调个体人权,赞成自由贸易,反对恐怖主义和防止大规模杀伤性武器扩散。然而,这么多表面上的相似,却无法掩盖双方越来越多的分歧,这一分歧最终在对伊拉克战争问题上,形成了水…  相似文献   

Arnold Toynbee's ambitious work A Study of History was a phenomenal publishing success in its day, but it came under severe criticism from academic historians. In recent years, there has been something of a Toynbee revival among the proponents of the growing discipline of world history. This article suggests that Toynbee makes a somewhat unlikely founding figure for the broadly liberal and cosmopolitan world history movement, and investigates the very particular origins of Toynbee's vision of world history in the intellectual world of the pre-1914 British Empire, and especially in Toynbee's education at Winchester and Oxford.  相似文献   


1. From 1985 to 1993 the World Bank funded the Sardar Sarovar (Narmada Dam) Project in western India despite overwhelming evidence of the social, environmental, and economic unsoundness of the project, as well as the massive opposition of local farmers and tribal people who are being forcibly displaced from their homes and villages.  相似文献   

频繁的世界危机凸显出全球化时代下国际问题不可阻挡的跨国溢出与无序的世界治理秩序之间的深刻矛盾。从能源到气候变化问题,从大规模杀伤性武器的扩散到传染性疾病的防治,从国际金融系统的稳定到跨国宏观经济协调,政治、经济、安全问题复杂交织,世界越来越陷入动荡不安之中。当前处于世界新秩序重构的重要转型时期,中国不断增加的国家实力、声望和影响力赋予其在世界新秩序的构建中举足轻重的地位。本文旨在阐述中国在新秩序构建中的力量平衡、制度融合与理念引导作用。  相似文献   

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