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The telephone, light bulb, steam engine,levision... many revolutionary new technologies have debuted at World Expos over the past one anda half centuries.  相似文献   

THE plum blossom, flower of the Prunus mume, is a prominenticon of traditional Chinese culture and one of the most loved subjects in Chinese  相似文献   

WHILE many Westerners would not dream of living in other than Western-style housing, I like to try somethingdifferent. I was lucky enough to find a courtyard situated in a park. Every day,  相似文献   

<正>At the end of 2013,theGraduate School of theC h i n a U n i v e r s i t y o fPolitical Science and Laworganized a symposium on HumanRights Construction and Reform andactivities at the university in com-memoration of the 65th anniversaryof the adoption of the UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights.LuoHaocai,who was vice chairmanof the 10th National Committeeof the Chinese People’s PoliticalConsultative Conference and presi-dent of the China Society for HumanRights Studies(CSHRS),PresidentHuang Jin of the China Universityof Political Science and Law,andnearly 50 scholars from the Civil andCommercial Law School,China-EUSchool of Law and the InternationalInstitute of Confucianism also at-  相似文献   

On February 25, the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, the National Committee on United States-China Relations and the Committee of 100 co-hosted an event, both online and offline, marking the 50 th anniversary of the signing of the Shanghai Communiqué. Seasoned diplomats including Dr. Henry Kissinger as well as other public figures examined how China-U.S. relations should evolve over the next 50 years building upon the legacy of the landmark document.  相似文献   

"One million private businesses arrange for the placement of and help one million people who have been  相似文献   

MEN of the Yiethnlc groupliving in theLiangshanMountainsof SichuanProvince have for the past 2,000years followed the convention of  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries(CPAFFC), Mr. Dario De La Fuente, vice chairman of the Chilean-Chinese Institute ofCulture (CCIC), and his wife paid a visit to Shanghai, Guilin, the Yangtze River Three Gorges,Wuhan and Beijing from June 4 to June 17. During their stay in Beijing, CPAFFC Vice-presidentXu Qun met with and entertained them. On separate occasions they had discussions on questionsthey were interested in with the leading officials of the China National Publications Import and Ex-  相似文献   

Having severely compromised the electrical systems in south China, recent snowstorms have buoyed the resolve of top Chinese leaders to reform the nation's power networks The strategy and plans for electric power are not yet keeping pace with climate change,"said Wu Zhonghu, Director of the China Energy Research Society.  相似文献   

IN August this year, the StateCouncil chose ShuanggangTown in Tianjin, out of allthe other 26,000 towns inChina, as the experimentalM site for comprehensivereform in small towns. This is astrategic decision by the Chinesegovernment to revitalize its ruraleconomy by supporting smalltowns. Shuanggang has thus beenselected as trail-blazer in ruralreforms.Only two kilometers to thesouth of downtown Tianjin,Shuanggang is right at the hub of atransport network: 26 kilometerseast of Tianjin Har…  相似文献   

The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Environmental Protection stipulates that every unit and individual is obliged to protect environment. The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Marine Environment provides that those who are held liable for marine pollution that causes damage should eliminate the hazard and repay the losses. An example is the case of fishery pollution in Leting County, Hebei Province. The Case With a coastal line of 98 kilometers and a total area of beach land of 43,300 hectares, Leting at the Luanhe River Delta by the Bohai Sea claims the best beach land shell farms in China. In early October of 2000, the industrial  相似文献   

In September this year, I visited Yinchuan, capi tal of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. We now set off on a journey of discovery through the fascinating though little explored south and western parts of the Hui region.Several hours by bus southwest from Yinchuan and close to the border with Gansu is Zhongwei, a small pleasant town centred on a highly ornate red and green drum tower ('gulou'). The main attraction is the carefully restored 15th century Ming Dynasty (1368~1644) structure the Gao Miao Temple Originally completed during the rein of Emperor Yongle  相似文献   

<正>Wang Fumin locates his painting in western China, depicting the residents as his heroes and heroines.Such preference results in a unique quality of strength and spontaneity captured in his art,which fully interprets the soul of western China.  相似文献   

FifteenYearsofReforminChina'sCountrysideIN1993China'sgrainoutputbrokeitsownrecord,anachievementthatcaughtworldChinabeganinits...  相似文献   

Advancing the reform of SOEs and the development of non-public econo- mies.Led by the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Finance, the reform will speed up the restructuring of central enterprises,establish and im- prove structural optimization and strategic adjustment mechanisms of state capital, and promote the flow of state capital to major industries,key areas and basic public  相似文献   

The work of the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau centers on social administration, democratic political construction at grass roots level, social relief and welfare, care and support of servicemen and their families, and national defense construction. It guarantees the people's basic rights, particularly those in difficulty, and maintains social stability. Effective management of civil affairs is crucial to the construction of a well-off society.  相似文献   

ZHANG XUEYING XIN XIN 《今日中国(英文版)》2008,57(12):10-16,18-20,22,24-32,34-39
A Western journalist covering the Beijing Olympic Games said that what touched him most were the smiling Chinese faces he saw, and that remark highlighted the fundamental changes that the past three decades of reform and opening-up have brought to the country. Indeed, compared with the smiles, which beam an increasing confidence, the sprawling cityscape of high-rise buildings has become an old story.  相似文献   

MOSTChinesepeoplehaveseenrealchangeintheirdailylivesfthehousingconditionsofurbanresidentshaveimnroved.moreandloreordinaryhouseholdshaveelectricalaPpliances,ndthetelephoneisbeingusedmorethaneverbefore.Exceptinafewremoteareas,thecountry's900mil-onpeasantshaveacomfortablelife.Todayshopsarewellstockedwitharticlespeoplewanttobuyandthegeneralstandardoflivinghasimprovedgreatly.Intermsoffood,clothing,hous-ingandtransportationpeoplearebetteroffthanbe-fore.Sucharethefruitsof20yearsofreformandopen-ingt…  相似文献   

ack home in Scotland I was a 'weekend mountaineer' -most weekends were spent climbing mountains and experiencing the great outdoors. Compared to China Scotland's mountains are small (mostly under 1000 metres high). Many times I thought I would love to see the highest in the World - the Himalayas. Recently that dream came true when I flew south from Beijing to Lhasa.  相似文献   

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