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It is the first time ever in China to see a job fair held in a prison aimed at offering an opportunity for offenders to return to the society; and it was held at a time when the employment situa- tion in the whole country is grave. But the Xingcheng Prison in Chang- sha, capital of Central China’s Hunan Province, insisted on holding the fair as a way to introduce inmates to programs and tools that can help them reintegrate into the community after their release. It turned out to be a succe…  相似文献   

OfWallsinChina-GreatandSmallINTHISissuewewillbediscussingtwotopicsclosetotheheartsofChinesepeopleeverywhere:theGreatWallandth...  相似文献   

The No. 4 Prison in Yunnan Province is resounded with beautiful music every day, striking the note of the care about the cultural life among the inmates inside the high walls. The prison organized the orchestra in October 1999. Despite the tight pocket of the prison, it spent nearly 20,000 yuan buying electronic organs, guitars, drums, violins, saxophones and trumpets and later to the orchestra were added such Chinese musical instruments as Sheng, Gu Zheng, Piba and clarinet. Now the orchestra boasts 53 pieces of musical instruments in 22 categories. The members of the orchestra have increased from the original 23 to 29. The name of the orchestra "Concern" signifies that the prison needs the understanding and support from the society and prison inmate needs social care and assistance in their correction. At the beginning, few of the members knew anything about music. The prison  相似文献   

正So Nikki, she starts. Oh boy, I think. Since you’ve experienced both, she continues. Here it comes. I brace myself for it.Which is better? Shanghai or Beijing? my visiting aunt asks me over dinner.If I had 1 yuan for every person that’s  相似文献   

All the prisons in Henan put on a festive atmosphere as the Spring Festival approached. The red lanterns, colorful door couplets, beautiful China knots, New Year’s paintings and the big red giant  相似文献   

bai quanmin 《人权》2006,5(5):28-29
China protects human rights of detainees in the entire process of the judicial system, from the making of law, to the administration of justice, law enforcement and legal supervision. According to China's Constitution, detainees enjoy the following political rights: 1. All the rights that have not been deprived of just like ordinary citizens, including the right of voting, the right to speech and publication; the right to human dignity and non-humili-  相似文献   

PudongandNewDevelopmentsinShanghaiHowShanghaiplanstorecapturepastglories,bysimplybuildinganewcity.BystaffreporterYOUYUWENSHAN...  相似文献   

This was a bitter line of land- scape in old districts of Shanghai: around four or five o'clock every morning, in front of night soil collection stations, inhabitants with night-stools and spittoons, both old and young, men and women, crowded the small space. Zhang Qingzhi's home was in a dis- trict called 'Ju Yuan' - a shantytown ex- tending over 200,000 square metres in Lujiazui, Pudong. Over a dozen families lived under the same roof: 'Everything in my home, from table to chair to sofa wa…  相似文献   

LIKE many foreigners whocome to China for the longrun, Mr. Jepsen has takena Chinese name: Ye Push-en. Each Chinese namehas a unique meaning - in this case,Ye means "plant," Pu means "general"and Shen is another name for Shanghai.Says Ye Pushen, "I hope to have the vi-tality of a plant and the courage to takeroot anywhere. In other words, I wantour products to be accepted by China'sgeneral public, and Shanghai is whereI live and work! That's the significanceof my Chinese name." Those…  相似文献   

Following the visit to a few prisons in Shanghai, we got the initial knowledge about how the prisons are managed by law and how the rights and interests of inmates are safeguarded and all the gratifying achievements the prisons have made in educating and correcting the inmates. In Shanghai, China's economic powerhouse, all the prisons, old and new, should be most advanced in the country, in terms of both software and hardware. Doubtlessly, the material base has  相似文献   

On February 25, 2004, the United States issued its Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2003, distorting the human rights conditions in China, including human rights in Chinese prisons. As a prison inmate in Beijing, I have a say in the human rights conditions in prison based on my personal experience. 1 wrote an article titled "Human Rights in Chinese Prisons in the Eye of a Prison Inmate," which was published in the journal Human Rights (Issue No. 6,2003 of English Edition). Now I'd like to say something about the right to education in Chinese prisons.  相似文献   

TRADITIONALLY, it wasthe Chinese who left theirhomeland to work, studyor settle down on foreignsoil. Though tens of thou-sands of Chinese still leave these shoresevery year, there's now a growing num-ber of foreigners streaming into China.They come here to study, enjoy a dif-ferent life experience, or in DutchmanMichiel Vandenbroek's case, to work ina private Chinese company in the Su-zhou High-tech Zone and start a newlife.Born in 1968, Michiel Vandenbroekis a wide-framed Hollander …  相似文献   

Haft of the world's population already lives in cities and more are on their way to becoming urbanites. Rapid urbanization is exerting unrelenting pressure on the environment, transportation, energy and employment, pushing countries around the world to work out solutions. China has approached these problems according to its own situation, and historic and cultural foundations. After years of exploration and experimentation some cities are customizing and piloting their own solutions. The import of this goes deeper than "nice and dean"; some say it is publicly and privately revolutionary.  相似文献   

We arrived in Suzhou by boat on the Grand Canalhaving travelled about forty kilometres along itfrom Wusi. The trip on the canal had been full of in-terest with numerous barges on it going towards Suzhouheavily laden with mainly building materials--sand,rocks, timber--or returning empty to collect anotherload. And on every barge, under a shelter between thevigorously noisy diesel engines on the stern and the  相似文献   

Shanghai, the biggest business andindustrial center in China, began to issueits first residence permits topeople from outside the city onJune 15.The permit enables peopleto live and work in the city whetheror not they have Chinese citizen-ship.  相似文献   

ShanghaiandtheNextCenturyHowthismetropolisisworkingtoregainitsleadingPositioninAsia.BystaffreporterLIJIANGUOThelate1980swasat...  相似文献   

FENG JIANCANG 《人权》2011,(5):34-36
Introduction to the Chinese Prison System Prisons are the State’s organ for carrying out criminal punishment.Chinese laws require that criminals sentenced to a fixed-term sentence, a life sentence, or to the death penalty with a two-year reprieve should serve their terms in prisons. China’s highest  相似文献   

On June 22-30, an investigation group made up of Vice-President Chen Shiqiu and a number of executive council members of the ChinaSociety for Human Rights Studies, and experts and scholars on human rights, conducted investigation in Shanghai and Wuxi, Zhenjiang and Changzhou in Jiang-  相似文献   

正Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture staged a series of cultural events, including exhibitions of Tibetan Buddhist artifacts, Tibetan calligraphy and scenic photos, from May 6-12 in Shanghai.The events, held as part of a program entitled "Holy Garze Into Shanghai," aimed to attract tourists and investors to Garze, a prefecture in southwest China’s Sichuan Province. Xiao Feng, head of the Garze Tourism Development Commission, said at a press conference that "Holy Garze Into  相似文献   

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