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中新关系:新加坡小国务实外交的一个实例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新加坡虽是弹丸岛国,却以近乎奇迹的经济成就兼灵活、务实和积极的外交而赢得了世人的尊重,它在地区乃至国际事务中发挥的积极作用远远超出一个小国本身的范围。拙文试图从新加坡的角度剖析中新关系的发展,对新加坡的小国务实外交作一管窥。  相似文献   

本文从新加坡的外交文献及外交行为等方面探析新加坡的外交原则,并以过去20年的一些外交事件为案例,分析这些外交原则如何体现其对华政策.本文通过研究认为,新加坡对中国的外交立场主要由其现实主义的视角对世界动态的衡量所决定.新加坡因其有限的地理条件和资源短缺等制约因素,采取务实外交策略.在长期的外交实践中,新加坡制定了以小国生存为主要目标的对外战略,在与中国这个大国的外交关系中,以保持区域稳定与将本国利益最大化为终极目标.  相似文献   

仇朝兵 《美国研究》2007,21(2):83-100
九一一恐怖袭击事件让公共外交在美国对外政策议程中的重要性被再次凸现出来。在推行对印尼的公共外交时,美国既重视短期目标与长期效果的统一,也注意到传统外交与公共外交之间的相互作用与影响。美国加强对印尼这个世界上最大的穆斯林国家的公共外交,首先是出于九一一事件之后国际反恐的需要,意在消解印尼民众的反美情绪,尽可能降低极端主义和激进穆斯林的影响,改善美国的形象;但随着亚太地区形势的变化,美国对印尼的公共外交又被注入更多的地缘政治因素。由于存在各种复杂因素,评判美国对印尼的公共外交时,既要重视其对短期内改善美国形象所发挥的作用,更要关注其长期效果,特别是对形成印尼精英层稳定的美国观所发挥的作用。同时,还应注意传统外交与公共外交的相互作用。  相似文献   

一般认为,小国在外交领域很难有大的作为,所谓"弱国无外交"就是这一思维定式的简单表述。不过,在观察当代国际事务时,我们经常可以看到小国凭借其在自然资源、地理位置以及联合成立组织等方面的优势发挥其外交能量。通过巧妙利用大国对地区主导权的竞争,小国不但可以从中收获经济利益,而且还能实现一定的政治、安全利益。本文通过分析东南亚各国在多边国际组织、自由贸易协议、次区域合作等实践领域中的经济外交行为,总结了其中的经济外交策略及其启示。  相似文献   

学者们对公共外交及其功能有着不同的认知.1943年至1953年,俄罗斯东正教会在苏联政府支持下开展了一系列实为“公共外交”的对外交流活动.苏联的历史经验表明,利用宗教开展公共外交,能为公共外交发起国提供合法性来源;跨国宗教与世俗国家之间并非是必然对抗的关系,跨国宗教能与世俗国家进行紧密的合作;宗教能与社会主义社会相适应,宗教及宗教界人士在对外交往中可起到积极的作用.  相似文献   

战后日本由于政治及军事外交的开展受到国际社会和国际法的极大限制,公共外交就成为其摆脱美军占领体制、发展与邻国关系以及谋求政治大国地位的重要途径.通过人员与文化交流、加强对外宣传、推行外向型的文化教育、经济与文化援助以及动漫外交等手段,日本公共外交在达成外交目标方面发挥了重大作用,但受自身独特政治文化及国内右倾化思潮的影响,并受日美基轴及相关政策的制肘,日本战后以来的公共外交并没有收到预期的效果.  相似文献   

隆德新 《东南亚研究》2012,(4):27-32,38
国家属性的不同导致小国、大国对生存环境与条件的差异性认知。本文通过对小国概念与小国危机意识的透视,提出小国危机意识是影响新加坡战略制定的重要因素。本文首先对小国危机意识的来源进行理论概括,然后以小国危机意识为视角探讨新加坡东盟战略与国家战略的内在关联,从生存平台、发展腹地及安全保障三个方面对新加坡应对生存危机的"东盟第一"战略进行体系解构与理论提炼,这同时也是新加坡经验的意义扩展。  相似文献   

华文教育形成之初目的比较单一,即教育华裔子弟不忘民族语言,传承中华文化。但随着中国对外交流与影响的日益增强,其所承载的功能已经逐渐多元化,不再是单纯意义上的语言文化教学活动,而逐渐上升为以华侨华人为媒介,以对话、沟通、交流、信任为原则的侨务公共外交行为。本文在归纳华文教育与侨务公共外交内在联系的基础上,分析了华文教育发挥侨务公共外交功能的主要表现,提出华文教育彰显侨务公共外交功能的三个路径,并进一步指出,通过华文教育与侨务公共外交的双向互动,可以更好地塑造包容、民主、多元、开放的中国形象。  相似文献   

全国政协主席汪洋强调,政协工作要为服务中国特色大国外交贡献智慧和力量,要对外讲好中国故事,维护国家主权、安全和发展利益,推动构建人类命运共同体。他多次指出要进一步加强理论学习,准确把握世界格局演变中我国的地位和作用,提高为新时代对外工作建言资政的水平。要进一步发挥政协人才荟萃、界别构成、公共外交资源等优势,积极开展对外友好交往、广交深交海外朋友,讲好中国故事,增进国际社会对中国的认知和认同。  相似文献   

20世纪末,韩国逐步意识到国家"软实力"的重要价值,开启了其追求公共外交突破的新阶段。基于塑造一个良好、健康和正面的国家形象目的,韩国政府和韩国民间组织拉开了在公共外交领域的耕作的序幕。随着信息技术的高速发展,韩国文化逐渐被定位为韩国公共外交的主要工具之一。韩文化在传播过程增进了韩国对外交流以及加强了国际社会对韩国的认同感,同时,韩国公共外交所面临的国内外形势、技术变革等限制因素也不容忽略。  相似文献   

俄罗斯在叙利亚乱局中的表现,近期再次成为国际热点。自2011年介入不断升级的叙利亚危机以来,俄罗斯目前已经成为主导叙政治进程的主要外部力量。在俄罗斯此次应对叙利亚危机的外交中,东正教因素起到了重要作用。早在帝国时期,俄国就持续介入叙利亚事务。俄罗斯与叙利亚自古以来的东正教文化交往,影响着沙俄对安提阿教会和叙利亚东正教徒的情感,成为沙俄加入中东大国角逐的突破口。此次介入叙利亚危机,是历史的延续。俄罗斯东正教会领导人的公开发言、其附属机构在国际组织对叙基督徒问题的宣传以及提供人道援助,起到了公共外交的效果,一定程度上使俄罗斯的介入和军事行动合法化,获得了俄罗斯国内外民众的理解与支持。东正教因素的上述多重影响,是俄罗斯介入此次叙利亚危机、并成功实现其外交策略和目标的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

为提高韩国国家形象和国际地位,适应国际外交环境的变化,李明博政府确立了文化外交向公共外交转换的发展战略,并通过各种途径,积极开展公共外交的实践活动,其中有许多值得我们借鉴的经验。但是,近些年韩国与中国民间关系龃龉丛生的现实,却折射了韩国公共外交进一步发展的深层障碍。如何超越障碍是韩国公共外交面临的重要课题。  相似文献   

This paper examines the Chadian government’s overwhelming preoccupation with state security, rather than individual security, as evidenced by its huge expenditure on arms rather than on poverty-alleviating development projects following the unprecedented influx of petrodollars in the years since production began in 2003. This overemphasis on state security demonstrates a mismatch between the availability of natural resource wealth and ongoing low levels of socioeconomic development in Chad. The country has instead used its enormous oil wealth to boost its standing in the turbulent Central African and Sahelian regions where terrorism is rife. The country’s international diplomacy, which consists of deploying its well-equipped military in international peacekeeping missions and in the fight against terrorism, is a strategy of achieving international recognition while simultaneously diverting the international community’s attention from the country’s democracy deficit and poor human rights record. Internally, authoritarianism and political instability are accompanied by conflict, poverty and underdevelopment, which in turn perpetuate the challenges facing the country.  相似文献   

Yufan Hao 《East Asia》1992,11(3):25-46
The environmental aspect of Chinese foreign policy has been neglected in the study of Chinese foreign relations. Yet it has become increasingly important since the late 1980s. Beijing’s increased interest in environmental diplomacy is closely linked with its security, economic, environmental and foreign policy interests. Recognizing the seriousness of its deteriorating domestic environment, the growing international attention on the ecological threats, and the need to improve China’s image and international status, Beijing has begun to pay special attention to environmental diplomacy. Yet China’s priority of economic development, its limited resources, its concerns about sovereign infringement, and trade barriers determine the features of China’s practice in this area.  相似文献   

In 2009, the Singapore state prosecuted a string of businesses for listing fictitious local workers on their books in order to stretch their foreign worker entitlement. These “phantom” worker scams, prevalent since the 1980s, appear out of place in Singapore – a country with a strong international reputation for its government’s efficiency and strict legal enforcement. This paper examines the state’s prosecutions of the phantom worker scams in the context of the exceptional economic and political stresses in 2009, when Singapore was most severely affected by the global economic crisis, in order to address the employment regime in Singapore. It argues that the belated efforts to tackle the phantom worker scams reflected the pro-business state’s reluctance to tackle illegalities crucial to facilitating employers’ otherwise unlawful access to wealth and resources in Singapore.  相似文献   

Japan’s Quest for “Soft Power”: Attraction and Limitation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lam  Peng Er 《East Asia》2007,24(4):349-363
Japan is seeking to project its “soft power” through the allure of manga and anime in its public diplomacy. The production, diffusion and global consumption of manga and anime are driven by market forces and consumer tastes and not by the Japanese state. However, the latter is seeking to harness this popular culture to burnish Tokyo’s international image. Despite the attractiveness of Japanese pop culture and other more traditional forms of public diplomacy, Tokyo’s pursuit of “soft power” and a good international image is undermined by its failure to overcome its burden of history.
Peng Er LamEmail:

LAM Peng Er   obtained his PhD from Columbia University. He is a Senior Research Fellow at the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore. Lam has published in journals such as the Japan Forum, Asian Survey and Pacific Affairs. His books include: Green Politics in Japan (London: Routledge, 1999) and Japan’s Relations with China: Facing a Rising Power, edited (New York and London: Routledge, 2006).  相似文献   

Kenya matters regionally and globally. It is the economic powerhouse of East Africa and a long-standing hub for multilateral diplomacy; its positioning in a turbulent region has fashioned its profile as an anchor state in African peace and security. Until recently, Kenya's foreign policy orientation has situated it as a benign regional leader, but pressing developments in the regional and international environments have edged it towards a more assertive foreign policy position. This study constitutes a multilevel review of Kenya's foreign policy in the period 1963–2015, beginning with Jomo Kenyatta through to the current president, Uhuru Kenyatta. After evaluating contexts pertinent to the analysis of Kenya’s foreign policy, the fundamental principles, objectives and pillars of the current foreign policy are unpacked.  相似文献   

With South Africa having declared itself a developmental state, this paper posits that if a developmental state is one that drives development, then the foreign policy of such a state should pursue development as one of its most important goals. Similarly the diplomatic corps of such a state should prioritise economic, commercial, para- and public diplomacy as drivers of diplomacy. In answering the question, ‘What should be the foreign policy and diplomatic attributes of a developmental state?’, the authors, through an exploratory approach, seek to analyse how well the state has fared in achieving this objective. To be a successful developmental state, a strategic capacity should exist and a clear strategic conception of the state's national interest should be formulated. Old paradigms about the role and functions of the diplomatic corps are challenged and a meritocratic diplomatic corps is strongly advocated to support the state's declared developmental goals.  相似文献   

As questions concerning international development climb the international agenda, so countries find themselves drawn into a burgeoning number of negotiations on issues ranging from the future shape and direction of the post-2015 development agenda to ‘aid effectiveness’ and international development cooperation. Moving from the position of a ‘beneficiary’ state in the traditional donor–recipient aid hierarchy, South Africa is looking to define its own niche within the wider development diplomacy context as a development partner. This paper provides an assessment of South Africa's evolving approach towards international development cooperation, with a particular focus on trilateral development cooperation, and what this means for Pretoria's foreign policy in bridging the divide between developed and developing country positions within the international development regime.  相似文献   

从跨学科的视角出发研究公共外交,公共外交既有其国际政治的特征,又有其国际传播的特征。世界主要公共外交强国在进行这项活动的时候,往往是以国家利益为主体,借助新闻传播手段取得了巨大的效果。本文主要就公共外交的主要模式进行了研究:首先梳理了公共外交研究的主要模式演变,试图探索公共外交的学科框架构建;其次结合公共外交实例,根据不同的传播目的,对公共外交的传播模式进行了归纳,将其划分为修复模式、建构模式、影响模式、渗透模式和颠覆模式,并对每一种模式的传播主客体关系、传播渠道、传播过程以及传播效果的有效性进行了分析。  相似文献   

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