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CHINESE people often derisively refer to the rapidly prepared offerings of McDonald's and KFC as "junk food." Yet it was these two fast food giants that made the common people of China aware of the corporate social responsibilities (CSR) undertaken by transnational companies. When McDonald's and KFC entered China in the 1990s, public toilets were scarce and the facilities in hotels and restaurants were not for public use. But McDonald's and KFC allowed anyone at all. whether or not they were customers, to use their washrooms. The McDonald's and KFC logos consequently have particular significance to members of the Chinese general public, whether or not they eat there. A similar public spiritedness is now being displayed by a number of Chinese enterprises that have begun to make their washroom facilities open to the public. On rainy days, signs can also be seen in certain stores assuring shoppers that they are: "Welcome to take shelter from rain." It would appear, therefore, that corporate social responsibility, a concept introduced by transnational companies, is being taken on by Chinese enterprises.  相似文献   

CHINA sets great store by its social administration, and has made in-depth explorations in efforts to determine patterns and practices that fit Chinese conditions. Administrating a population of 1.4 billion amid rapid economic development, however, presents considerable challenges to China’s work in the social sphere.  相似文献   

论艺术否定性的层次   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王东 《湖北社会科学》2007,(11):127-129
西方艺术思想史上对艺术否定性的认识经历了传统层面阶段、形式——社会层面阶段和本体层面阶段等三个阶段。传统层面可以分为"再现"和"表现"两个相"否定"的连续过程,它们都是从外部功能上突出艺术与现实的否定性关系;而从19世纪开始,艺术以转向"内"的视角"否定"了传统层面的艺术否定性观念,开创了艺术形式至上的现代主义时代;而本体层面是对前两个层面的哲学总结。可以看到,艺术的否定性不仅是面向现实而言,而且也是面向自身历史构筑的传统而作的持续创新的过程。  相似文献   

LUO HAOCAI 《人权》2008,(5):2-7
I am happy to attend this symposium at the invitation of the Tokyo Consortium. China and Japan are close neighbors, separated only bya narrow strip of sea. Exchanges have been frequent between the Chinese and Japanese peoples since ancient times. In striving for modernization,  相似文献   

The history and tradition of Quyi (storytelling with music and periormance) are among the longest and most profound of China's folk art forms. Having evolved over centuries and centuries from folk oral literature and singing, Quyi is the catch-all name of various "art forms of talking and singing" in China. For millennia Quyi has been the vehicle by which Chinese people of whatever ethnic group have expressed their way of life and revealed their inner feelings.  相似文献   

2009年7月23日,“讲·述——2009海峡两岸当代艺术展”在中国美术馆拉开帷幕。此次特展以“讲·述”为主题,涵义十分深刻。“讲述”是传递、对话和沟通,不仅是艺术家用各自的艺术形式向观众讲述他们的感受,也是海峡两岸用当代艺术语言进行的一次深度交流。这次特展先后在台中和北京举办,不仅让两岸民众得以分享当代艺术之美,也让两岸民众对彼此的社会生活和思维方式有更深的认知和体会。特展内容丰富,形式多样,有许多新颖独特的艺术语言。用心去解读,相信你会有不小的收获。  相似文献   

《符号政治经济学批判》一书,是鲍德里亚早期学术理论建构中分量最重的论著之一,也是其“死亡三部曲”的第一步.这部书的第一章“符号—物的社会功能”是承上启下之作,即上承《物体系》和《消费社会》的相关概念和思想,下启的不仅包括这部著作——《符号政治经济学批判》自身,还包括《生产之镜》和《象征交换与死亡》.在“符号—物社会功能”中,他一方面通过揭示“物”在消费过程中蕴涵的双重逻辑——物物交换的实然逻辑及其中隐含的“一种象征性交换体系”的应然逻辑,试图超越“物”的实然逻辑——一种满足需求的功能——使用价值;另一方面,他通过揭示物的炫耀性消费和仿象功能,试图超越物的生产之实然逻辑.在此基础上,他对物的形式符码及其社会实践的阐述,开启了他构建符号批判理论的“工程”.这样,他就“以符号生产和抽象的差异性社会关系彻底取代了马克思所强调的前提性的社会物质生产结构”,进而与马克思的历史唯物主义相背离.鲍德里亚没有从实体性的孤立个人主体出发,而是承袭了海德格尔式的关系本体论,触及欧洲当下现实社会生活中鲜活发生着的大量经济、社会、文化现象.由此,鲍德里亚“符号—物社会功能”理论逻辑的深刻性与局限性是显而易见的.他以人与人之间虚假的象征符码关联替代了物性功用存在之链,其对人类社会未来的展望则必然是悲观的.  相似文献   

第一次听到回湾这个词,是在一个朋友的佛堂。那是一个闹市里茶室的二楼,四面墙上挂满了唐卡,看上去,这些唐卡都是有些年头了,这也是我见过的唐卡最集中最多的地方,好的唐卡,仅仅是一幅就宝贝得不得了,没有想到,一下子见到了这么多,还是让我小小的震撼了一下,我对藏传佛教了解不是太多,只知道唐卡是藏族文化中一种独具特色的绘画艺术形式,题材内容涉及藏族的历史、政治、文化和社会生活等诸多领域,堪称藏民族的百科全书。彩绘的唐卡颜料以金粉、银粉、朱砂、雄黄等矿物颜料为主,  相似文献   

陈旷怀 《友声》2009,(Z1):43-43
<正>6月29日至7月16日,哥伦比亚埃克斯特纳多大学组派的代表团一行67人应对外友协邀请来华,访问了北京、西安、上海、苏州、广州、深圳、香港。代表团在北京参加了在  相似文献   

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