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Qingdao is on its way to becoming a modern,livable and happy international city.Qingdao, a beautiful seaside city in Shandong Province, boasts a mild climate, the vertiginous Laoshan Mountain, magni cent coastlines and many sandy bays. Home to European-style buildings from its colonial past, the city has been called a classic of world architecture. 120 years ago, Qingdao was an insigni cant shing village. It is now a metropolis of 11,282 square km with a populatin of 8.7 million. It has developed greatly since China started its opening-up and reform policy three decades  相似文献   

Qingdao is on its way to becoming a modern,livable and happy international city.Qingdao, a beautiful seaside city in Shandong Province, boasts a mild climate, the vertiginous Laoshan Mountain,magnificent coastlines and many sandy bays. Home to European-style buildings from its colonial past, the city has been called a classic of world architecture.  相似文献   

From June 11 to 16, 2012, together with other members of the CPAFFC fact-finding mission, I went to a mountainous area in southern Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.During the six days we traveled over 1,800 kilometers and visited one city and twelve prefectures and counties.The highlight of our mission was to make on-the-spot investigation in the Xihaigu area, known for its poverty and considered by the United Nations as one of the least  相似文献   

正Space exploration should benefit human development, not worsen conflict On May 30, U.S. space agency NASA in partnership with Tesla CEO Elon Musk's other company, Space X, sent two astronauts to the International Space Station(ISS), the multinational space laboratory in Earth's orbit. Much has been made of the publicprivate partnership represented by Space X playing such a prominent role. In fact, U.S. companies have always manufactured vehicles for NASA. For example, the firms  相似文献   

A Poor Model     
In the midst of an international power shift, Asian nations must find their own way The eighth Asia Europe Meeting(ASEM) took place in Brussels on October 4-5. Leaders from all 27 EU member states,  相似文献   

正The adoption of the General Provisions of the Civil Law at the Fifth Session of the 12th National People’s Congress,China’s top legislature,on March 15 marked a milestone in the rule of law in the country.China urgently needs a civil code which incorporates laws on property,contract,tort liability,marriage and inheritance to suit its contemporary society.The General Provisions,the opening chapter of the long-awaited civil code,  相似文献   

正Annual political gatherings usher in a new era of development The First Session of the 13th National People’s Congress(NPC),China’s top legislature,came to a close in Beijing on March 20.Over the two weeks of its duration,more than 2,900 NPC deputies elected and ap-  相似文献   

<正>This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Finland and China. In September 2004, Finland was granted Approved Destination Status (ADS) by Chinese tourism authorities, which resulted in a boom for the tourism industries of both countries.  相似文献   

China,Japan and South Korea promise a considerable leap in trilateral cooperation at their second summit  相似文献   

王颖 《北京观察》2006,(1):52-52
首都文化产业发展迅速,但也存在不少问题。其中既有思想观念的问题,又有体制机制的问题,也有政策措施的问题,特别是文化事业与文化产业交织,文化、教育、科技三者分离的矛盾突出,制约了首都文化资源优势的充分发挥,影响了文化产业的快速发展。对此,政协委员和各界关心文化产业发展的人士提出建议。  相似文献   

贫困人口的形成,不管是宏观原因还是微观原因,都有着一个从量变到质变的长期积累过程,按我国目前的经济实力,我们不可能在短期内一下子消除贫困,也不可能回头再走“大锅饭”的历史老路消除贫困。要循序渐进地解决武汉市贫困人口问题,政府应在制度建设上进一步进行改革和创新,最大限度地消除贫困,以促进社会的和谐、公平和稳定。  相似文献   

While retarding the conventional economy, the on-going financial crisis has breathed fresh air into e-shopping. Since .September 2008. China's largest C2C e-shopping mall, Taobao, has witnessed the creation of 200,000 new stores each month.  相似文献   

中国共产党的80年 ,是马克思列宁主义普遍原理同中国实际和时代特征紧密结合的80年。富于创新精神的中国共产党人 ,在这一结合的过程中实现了两次伟大的历史性飞跃 ,创立了毛泽东思想和邓小平理论 ,为中国革命、建设和改革的实践提供了科学的理论指南 ,推进了马克思列宁主义的发展。两次历史性飞跃的实践和两大理论成果充分证明 ,与时俱进 ,不断创新的精神 ,是中国共产党永葆蓬勃生机的关键 ,也是马克思主义永葆青春活力的源泉。一、解放思想是开拓创新的不竭动力要创新 ,遇到的第一个拦路虎就是人们头脑当中长期以来自觉或不自觉地形成…  相似文献   

绝大多数国家政府都制订相应的政策和采取相应的措施,鼓励老人居家养老,北京市不应例外。随着人们住房水平的提高,老人们有了较好的  相似文献   

<正>Ecotourism blossoms in the Qinling Mountains Mountains are everywhere, and rivers flow in almost every valley. This is the Qinling Mountains, a major eastto-west range in southern Shaanxi Province,  相似文献   

MANY People have heardthe name Wuyishan(Wuyi Mountain), butfew really know any-thing about it. Those who first seteyes on the Wuyishan site mightthink its being classified merely asa mountain falls far short of doingit justice, as the river girding it isno less impressive than the moun-tain itself. Wuyi Mountain is innorthwestern Fujian Province,bordering Jiangxi Province. Itencompasses a scenic retreat and anature reserve and is imbued witha wealth of natural beauty and cul-tural interes…  相似文献   

Marching Forward     
A series of grand celebrations were held on October 1 in Beijing to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). They included a grand rally at Tiananmen Square where President Xi Jinping, also General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, made an important speech.  相似文献   

正China--Japan relations could take a turn for the better The China-Japan relationship has been in stalemate for the past several years due to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s persistent tough stance on  相似文献   

Moving Forward     
正Although Pakistan is set for changes under Imran Khan,the China-Pakistan relationship will remain as strong as ever When the final result of Pakistan’s general election was announced on July 26,the streets and squares in the country’s two major cities Islamabad and Karachi were thronged with cheering crowds holding aloft the  相似文献   

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