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A Long Way to Go     
正Anti-Domestic Violence Law has seen results but challenges still persist From being a smiling 25-year-old who was expecting to become a mother,Li Hongxia,a resident in Beijing,became part of a grim statistic in February when her husband strangled her while she was hospitalized.It was the culmination of a period of documented battery.  相似文献   

A Long Way to Go     
The remedial policies taken by various countries in the wake of the financial crisis have helped relieve part of the pressure on the global economy.Vigorous economic indexes indicate that the dreadful financial chaos has gradually been clearing up. But Wang Zili,Vice Chairman of the Graduate School Committee of the People's Bank of China, reminded entrepreneurs and policymakers that the global economy is still far from a total revival. He published an article in People's Daily Overseas Edition. Edited ex...  相似文献   

Long Way to Go     
More than two years have passed since the outbreak of the financial meltdown and now one question is on everyone’s mind:How much longer will these uncertain times last?Li Yang,Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Social  相似文献   

无论是从两岸综合实力对比,还是从台湾人民的利益出发,两岸的统一都注定要实现.但两岸统一之路却是任重而道远.美国的"以台制华"政策是一个巨大阻碍.一个中国是两岸关系的原则,两岸统一的路径可以多样灵活.两岸实现统一的根本保证是大陆的全面发展.  相似文献   

WUYUN Sandan and her family live a spartan life in Inner Mongolia, relying mainly on the crops and animals they raise on their 20 mu (1mu=1/15 hectare) of land. With a little investment, this land could provide 44-year-old Wuyun a much more comfortable life,  相似文献   

校园文化是社会主体文化的亚文化,它的职能是对人的精神,心灵、性格的塑造。在校园文化建设中,人们往往从实用的功利主义角度来理解和实施校园文化建设,忽视精神文化建设,使高校校园文化在貌似轰轰烈烈的表面下渐渐显露出偏离其价值意义的真实面貌。  相似文献   

一、新的历史机遇期的国家战略选择(一)北京提出建设世界城市意义重大博鳌亚洲论坛秘书长龙永图认为,北京提出建设世界城市时机很好,立意很新,意义很大,目标很高,底气很足.北京建设世界城市不仅仅是北京的事,应该成为全国人民的事.建设世界城市是在中国发展的一个重要时刻,特别是中国迅速崛起,成为世界强国的历史性关键时刻提出来的,它不仪是北京发展的重要举措,更是国家发展战略的一个重要组成部分.  相似文献   

In the early hours of the morning in Shanghai,2004,a man pulling a three-wheel cart cycles through the streets.Hunched over his handlebars,he meanders through the jumble of alleyways crowded with furniture being sold by elderly couples.  相似文献   

陈第华 《桂海论丛》2009,25(4):20-23
价值冲突是公共行政领域的一个普遍现象,解决价值冲突是行政人员的基本职责之一.行政伦理妥协以择恶弃善、择小善弃大善为基本表现形式,是行政人员面临价值冲突时的一种特殊的行为选择.从起源上来考察,行政伦理妥协的存在有其客观的必然性与一定的合理性,然而它却真切地威胁着行政系统的良性运行.减少乃至消除这些冲击.关键在于通过提高公共行政人员的素质以及创设良好的外部条件,内外兼施,实现对伦理妥协的超越.  相似文献   

<正>Micro-charity through the Internet makes giving more accessible and affordable Boiled rice with an egg and kidney beans were the first free lunch forstudents in Hongban Primary School in Zhongjian Township of Qianxi County in China’s Guizhou Province.The meal was served on April1.Though  相似文献   

<正>Northeast Asia’s major stakeholders forge closer ties without a formal mechanism Boasting the world’s second and third biggest economies,China and Japan,northeast Asia has been the most dynamic region in the world in recent decades, said Chae Wook,Director of the South Korea Institute for International Economic Policy,at the Seventh China Jilin-Northeast Asia Investment and Trade Expo held on September 6-11 in Changchun,capital of northeast China’s Jilin Province.  相似文献   

正A TV series reflects Chinese parents’hesitation over whether to send their children to study abroad at a young ageThree couples from different social strata,whose children vary in terms of academic performance,are wrangling over the same question:Whether to send their children  相似文献   

IN1995,theChinesegovern-mentcreatedanewdevelop-Chinathroughtechnologyandeducation."Thisstrategymakeseducationthebasisforoveralldevelopment.Newemphasishasbeenplacedonimprovingthenation'sscientificandtechnicalstrength,turningthemintoapro-ductiveforceandusingadvancedtechnologyandspecializedlabortofurtherChina'smodernization.Beforethenewplanwasmadepublic,afewprovincialgovern-mentshadalreadyresearchedandenactedsimilardevelopmentstrategies.In1988,JiangsuProvinceincreasedinvestmentandinputsofrawma…  相似文献   

Good to Go     
<正>A new car sharing service brings increased convenience and environmental benefits Unlocked!Please fasten your safety belt!Let’s go!Those were the messages that 32-year-old white-collar worker Ma Yizhen heard when he sat down in a two-seat hatchback Benz Smart car.Ma had rented the car through an app called TOGO  相似文献   

2003年2月14日《文汇报》以《全国普通高中新课程试行方案定稿———高中“学分制”呼之欲出》为题,对明年将在全国各个试点高中进行“学分制”改革的情况做了介绍,高中学分制改革开始引起社会的关注。2月26日该报又以《高中生开读大学课程·进才中学与三所大学签订合作协议》为题,报道了上海市进才中学将大学课程引进校园,尝试构建大学与高中的课程通道,使大学学分向高中延伸的改革措施。由此而在社会上引起了强烈反响。于是,高中学分制改革问题,吸引了社会众多的眼光,是肯定?是犹豫?还是持反对意见?笔者对此作了追踪调查,仁者说仁,智者说…  相似文献   

China will strictly regulate margin trading and short selling to prevent risks to the capital market  相似文献   

<正>作为一个新兴领域,现代口述史于上世纪70年代后期被引入中国大陆。刚开始只有少量先行者在倡导和实践,因经费不足和录音带太贵等原因,他们做得往往不够规范。进入21世纪,随着中华口述历史研究会的成立和相关学术会议的频繁举办,口述史工作逐渐规范起来。近几年,随着数码录音笔、相机、摄像机和智能手机等工具的普及,以及一些专门机构、组织的倡导,口述史工作呈现万马奔腾之势。  相似文献   

After the remarkable success in digitalizing payments nationwide, China is ready to unveil its next financial innovation by launching its own digital currency(CBDC).  相似文献   

In recent years,China’s fiscal revenues have shown leapfrog growth.According to the Ministry of Finance(MOF),the country’s fiscal revenues grew 24.8 percent year on year in 2011 to hit a record high of 10.37 trillion yuan($1.63 trillion),of which the central fiscal revenues reached 5.13 trillion yuan($807 billion),up 20.8 percent from the previous year.Meanwhile,local govern-  相似文献   

ON April 14 this year, to mark the second anniversary of the Yushu earthquake and honor lost families and friends, 162 Tibetan students from disaster-affected areas in Qinghai Province held a series of activities at the  相似文献   

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