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The clay statures are great,but there are other brilliant sites to see in Xi’an.Here are three places you must visit  相似文献   

China Colors     
THE color red was that mostbeloved in the CelestialKingdom long before itsassociations with the Com-munist Party and the na-tional flag.Over the course of centuries,Chinese people have linked red with joy,happiness and auspiciousness.Bridesdressed in red.chunlian(Spring Cou-plets,a traditional facet of Spring Fes-tival,or Lunar New Year)decorations,are written on red paper bands,and redis the color of envelopes containing giftsof money at weddings and New Year.As regards the current econ…  相似文献   

Scientists decode the full-body color patterns of a small-sized dinosaur on March 10, the Beijing Museum of Natural History (BMNH) announced  相似文献   

THEvenueoftheSixthAsianFolkArtsFestival,YunnanProvinceinsouth-westernChina,ishometomanyndnorities,includingvi,Miao,BaiandHaniethnicgrouPswhosewis-domandhardworkhavecreatedsplendidcultures-Yunnan'sarthasbasicallygrownoutofthetfaditionalfesti-valsoftheethnicgroups,includ-ingthe"Torch,"MountainFlower,"TravelingAroundtheMountain,"Hilts,"Water-Splashing"and"Munaozongge"festivals.Thesetfaditionalfestivi-tieshavebeenhandeddownfromgenerationtogenerationandre-mainanimPortantpartofthelocal…  相似文献   

<正>China announces a curtailing of its military while increasing the performance of the troops By Wang Hairong On September 3 before the grand military parade commemorating the70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World AntiFascist War,Chinese President Xi Jinping,also Chairman of the Communist Party of  相似文献   

浅析红军团结改造神兵的历史经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地革命战争时期,活跃在湘鄂川黔边区的神兵有几十万之众。红军在创建湘鄂边、湘鄂川黔革命根据地的同时,依据党的统一战线理论和民族政策,对神兵实行团结改造的政策,取得良好的效果,争取数千神兵参加红军,使神兵成为红军的主要兵源之一,神兵为红军的壮大和根据地建设作出了贡献。  相似文献   

AS northern China withers under freezing temperatures in the winter months, the country’s southern provinces, which enjoy a milder climate, retain many of the colors normally associated with the warmer seasons.  相似文献   

Mulan,"alongballaddatingbacktotheNorthernDynasties(386-550),continuestobepopulartoday.Mulanwasanordinary,hard-workingweaverwholovedherfatherverymuch.WhenChinawasbeingthreatenedbyoutsideinvaders,theimperialgovernmentcalleduponherfathertojointhearmytodefendthecountry.Butbecauseherththerwasoldandinpoorhealth,shedecidedtodisguiseherselfasamanandjointhearmyinherfather'splace.Afterfightingsuccessivelytbrtenyears,shereturnedhomeintriumph.OnlywhenMulanchangedfromhermilitaryunitbrmintoherformerfemini…  相似文献   

MUSIC and art are not exclusive to professional artists or musicians;they can be appreciated by all who love life.  相似文献   

本文通过对色彩翻译的例证进行分析,指出尽管从物理学角度来说,同样的色彩具有同样的物理属性.但是,由于各个民族、国家的地理环境、民族心理、宗教信仰等因素的影响,同一种颜色对于不同民族的人所引发的联想和象征意义却不同.我们翻译时不能只局限于概念意义更要注意颜色的社会属性和联想意义.  相似文献   

Forestland use right reforms are allowing forest farmers to freely transact their land and reap new profits Hubei Province farmer Huang Huabing contracted 30 hectares of land  相似文献   

WORDS for colors often have social and cultural implica- tions. In France blue is reserved for the king, but travel abroad to other cultures and this is not the case. We have an expression in French "I am turning black," an equivalence of "seeing red" in English. In Japan inexperience is described as having a "blue butt"  相似文献   

A 600-pound armored general from China has invaded New York City.He has come in peace,along with a few warriors of his army,some livestock,a horse,kitchen supplies and even an acrobat.Nearby,a kneeling archer practices his aim,with a spray of arrows fanning out on the wall ahead.The entourage seems appropriate,since it is the 2,200-year-old general's first trip to the United States.  相似文献   

The Lost Army     
正Stone armor excavated from the tomb of China’s first emperor The Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang(259-210 B.C.),the location of the famous Terracotta Warriors,is regarded as the largest and most complicated underground tomb in the world.At the time of its construction,Qin’s tomb was unprecedented in its  相似文献   

当代 ,以信息技术为核心的高新技术的发展 ,带来了一场广泛而深刻的军事变革。这场变革不仅要求我军加快发展高新技术武器装备 ,实现国防现代化 ,而且要求加快我军的政治工作改革 ,以实现政治工作的现代化。改革的举措之一 ,就是把握依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家这一时代脉搏 ,努力推进军队政治工作法制建设的进程。面对军队政治工作内容的“传统性” ,军队政治工作方法的“柔弱性” ,军队政治工作行为的易“偏向性” ,需要在军队政治工作领域充分运用现代的治军措施———法律的特有的功能 ,以推进我军政治工作的改革、发展和完善。  相似文献   

人才成长的效益很大程度上取决于把握和遵循人才成长的规律。在军事领域,青年军人的成才既有与一般人才成长共同的规律,也有自身的一些特殊规律。综合起来看,这些规律主要有顺势成才规律、聚焦成才规律、积累成才规律、互动成才规律、实践成才规律等。掌握和运用这些规律,对于青年军人提高成才效益,加强军事人才的培养开发工作具有重要意义。  相似文献   

China's third excavation of the famous terracotta army site yields new archaeological findings  相似文献   

中国共产党经过早期的酝酿和大革命时期的斗争 ,逐渐从思想、组织、群众、实践等方面为创建人民军队作了较为充分的准备 ,为人民军队的产生奠定了坚实的基础。随着第一次国共合作的失败和国民党新老右派加紧反共活动 ,中国共产党坚定地走上了创建人民军队、武装夺取政权的道路。  相似文献   

在意识形态领域的斗争日益复杂、意识形态安全日益重要的情况下,以马克思主义为指导,进一步深化意识形态问题的研究,有着极其重要的理论意义和实践意义。意识形态是一个庞大的观念体系和复杂的精神现象,我们必须进行多维度的研究。就层次而言,从不同主体看,可分为总体意识形态、群体意识形态和个体意识形态;从高低水平看,可分为理论化的意识形态和日常观念性的意识形态。意识形态自身具有的层次性,为军队加强意识形态工作以确保意识形态安全提供了多方面的启示。  相似文献   

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