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First of all, I'd like to extend my thanksto you for your good magazine. I am a se-nior engineer and interpreter at a factory inBaotou. I got my degree in forging in 1988.As the factory lacked English interpreterswith technical expertise I took an Englishcourse at the Beijing Foreign Studies Uni-versity from 1997 to 1998. Since returningto work at the factory, I have acted as in-terpreter on many major projects, and havehad the opportunity to visit factories in citiesoverseas. Up to now, …  相似文献   

As a Chinese student studying in America,I am eager to know everything about the Beijing Olympic Games. I think China Today has done a wonderful job covering the Otymplcs and Paralympics.  相似文献   

As one of those who wants to work as a country teacher in an impoverished school, I'm very interested in the article “IKG: The joy of Giving,” which has strengthened my resolve. It is a pity that children in remote regions desperately need assistance to meet their basic needs. But what is most important is that they thirst for knowledge. As to the first problem, I believe that anyone, whether rich or poor, can do something affordable for the less well-off.  相似文献   

China's economy especially needs“Grey-collars,”in Shanghai andelsewhere.I would like to call your attention to “Keys for EconomicUnderstanding”listed at www.ask.com,which illustrates the common groundbetween the US and China.and howskilled labor is a source of economicdevelopment for para-professionals.  相似文献   

Experiencing the Real ChinaMany tourists believe that they haveabsorbed the culture of a country merely bydressing up in ethnic costumes and having a pic-ture taken. How wrong they are!At the invitation of the local council ofLonglin, Greg and Betty Lupton, English teach-ers from Australia who work at the BaiseCampus of the Youjiang Medical School forEthnic Minorities, were invited to visit the cityon the occasion of an ethnic minorities Song andDance Festival.Leaving the border town, …  相似文献   

The article titled "High Score-Low Ability" in the April issue of 2007 made a deep impression on me. And I'll be the first to admit that I'm a "dumb" English speaker, even after studying the language for ten years. There are many people who have achieved a TEM 8 certificate, but they still cannot speak English fluently. But why does this phenomenon exist? It is a matter that deserves deep consideration.Furthermore, what about our own language? These days, students start to study English in kindergarten. We pay more attention to English than we do our own language. I suggest that people start to put the same amount of effort into studying Chinese as they do into their English classes.  相似文献   

My name is Mary Z. Phillips, Dr. Jordan M.Phillips was my husband. I am very honored to have him profiled in your magazine. It brings back much joy as well as great memories of the 80 trips we took to China. I consider China my second home.  相似文献   

I am an Australian living in Quanzhou, Fujian Province. I am employed as an English conversation teacher in a local middle school.  相似文献   

The Shanghai World Expo is imminent, and as a native
of Shanghai, I feel quite proud, The Bird's Nest and Water Cube have become iconic Beijing sites since their debut at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Almost every person coming to the capital pays a visit to these structures, seeing the sites of the opening and closing ceremonies, Linglong Tower, and the eye-catching Water Cube. According to the media, after the stadium opened to the public, the number of tourists received every day reached nearly 30,000, bringing in proceeds of RMB 210 million. This result is heart-stirring. As a tourism management major,  相似文献   

At the request of you, our readers, this year we are introducing a "Letters to the Editor" column. We value your comments, positive and negative, on our layout, content and pictures and will make continuous efforts to improve our magazine. We welcome your comments and views on all  相似文献   

As a Chinese blogger, I read with particular interest the article "Slogging Today" in the February issue of China Today. The Internet provides a platform for Chinese people to express themselves and show their individuality. It has even produced a number of influential  相似文献   

专家点评处理好地方债考验政府智慧曾康华:中央财经大学财政学院财政系主任、财政税收研究所所长、教授地方债的问题由来已久,2011年6月27日国家审计署发布第35号公告显示,从地方政府债务的形成到发展的进程来看,早在1979年,我国某些地方政府就进行了举债。然而,引起地方债急剧扩大的时期是在20世纪90年代,1994年分税制改革加强了中央政府的财力,而事权的重心却在下移,由于县级政府财权与事权不匹配,造成县级政府财力的紧张,这是形成县级地方债务的体制原因。时至今日,县级地方债务面宽、量大,已经严重影响着县级财政的运行机制,尽管总体上县级地方债可控,不少县级政府面临债务风险却是事实,如何化解县级地方债问题,已  相似文献   

When I told some colleagues at lunchthat I was going to learn Kunqu Operaa form of performance art harking back tothe 14th century, older than Peking Opera, Ireceived stares as if I was off to live with thedinosaurs.I definitely wouldn’t have gottensuch a reaction if I had said I had enrolledin a piano class.Here, in a nation boasting  相似文献   

I was much delighted to read your reports on China-Africa ties. The articles are very informative and I think it is helpful for younger generations to get to know these relationships. As a Chinese working in Tanzania for years, I have witnessed China’s contribution to the country which has greatly improved the economic and social and cultural wellbeing of Tanzanians. I can always feel locals’ appreciation of Chinese help and their deep affection for China. Exchanges between the two countries exist not only in the fields of  相似文献   

We have received the free copies of China Today I requested in a previous letter. Thank you. Both the faculty and students at my school love them. Your prompt reply shows your kind support for the education of ethnic groups in border areas. We welcome you to Tibet to view its marvelous landscape and culture whenever you have the chance.  相似文献   

One day, I was channel surfing and came across a dating prognam. I stopped to watch. The bachelor was from a company where a neighbor of mine works, so I immediately shot off a text message to him, checking that his colleague really did earn RMB 400,000 a year as claimed.  相似文献   

Spending ten hours to visit only three Pavilions, that was my experience at the Shanghai Expo.
The first site we chose to visit was the enormous Saudi Arabian Pavilion. Prior to jumping into the long snaking lines, I figured that the wait to get in would be for only two or three hours, so we decided to cram ourselves into the queue. In the end it took nearly four hours of handwringing under the intense sun before we were able to enter the pavilion. What impressed me most during that long wait was that very few people attempted to cut in the line.  相似文献   

正People with good sense all agree that China has grown stronger in terms of innovation,though it is indisputable that globally the country still ranks well below the top-tier innovators.On this issue,attention always focuses on research institutions and industries,which stand at the forefront of innovative ideas and practices.In fact,we need to examine the upper streams of creativity–in education.June is exam season:9th graders take the exam to enter senior  相似文献   


Nowadays, we are no strangers to the phrase "Chinese Dream." As I see it, this "Dream" has to be based on building a government of the people, by the people and for the people, because deep down the true strength of a nation does not come from the might of its army or the scale of its economy, but from the enduring and unyielding power of its people.There are rising concerns about food safety. There are parents who lie awake after their children have fallen  相似文献   

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