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Artificial meat welcomed for its environment benefits It was 90 years ago when Winston Churchill thought it was absurd to grow a chicken but eat only parts of it.In an essay titled Fifty Years Hence he published in 1931,he envisioned the meat people would eat in the future.We shall escape the absurdity of growing a whole chicken in order to eat the breast or wing,by growing these parts separately under a suitable mediunm,he wrote in the essay.  相似文献   

Throughout the long history of Xinjiang, the Dolan Muqam has preserved the Dolan civilization through loud, long-drawn- out singing talks about human metaphors. Dolan Muqam contains thousands of years worth of wisdom, through which Dolan people express their desire for oasis and their life persectives in the form of poetry.  相似文献   

Master of Drama     
2010 sees the centenary of Chinese playwright Cao Yu’s birth september 24 marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of the great Chinese playwright Cao Yu.Activities were held across China to commemorate the master of drama.  相似文献   

意象是莎士比亚在其戏剧中运用的重要且典型的艺术手法之一,这种手法在其悲剧<奥瑟罗>中的运用尤其丰富,本文对此手法进行了分析和评论,指出"毒药"、"光亮"、"黑夜"以及音乐方面的意象等在该剧中均具有丰富内涵,应把握住它们,更深刻地理解该剧的主题和思想.  相似文献   

LIVE Chinese drama isnothing if not dynamic,yet in recent decades itsaudiences have dwindled.No matter how well pro-duced and performed a play or operamight be,it is unlikely to attract suf-ficient theatergoers to make it run formore than a few performances.Fromthe Yuan Dynasty(1206-1368)rightthrough to the1960s,stage drama wasthe dominant form of entertainmentin China.Daily performances weresuspended only at times of nationalmourning upon the death of an emper-or,and then for only three da…  相似文献   

Drama Time!     
正1. ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE: An adaptation of Gabriel García Márquez’s magical realistic masterpiece Cien a os de soledad (One Hundred Years of Solitude) is staged by Hong Kong’s Alice Theater Laboratory on September 21  相似文献   

正Ancient female general provides a role model for the 21st centuryThere’s an unusual woman in Nan Yang’s life.The 30-year-old Chinese language teacher with a passion for making classroom teaching vivid and related to Chinese history and culture is under the spell of someone who,according to legend,was one of the60 wives of an ancient king.That is not the only remarkable thing about  相似文献   

庄周故事因其所具有的传奇性、哲理性以及其对人性的深刻揭示而备受历代剧作家的青睐,从金元时期开始,庄周故事剧的演变大致经历了三个阶段:金元时期了无定型的草创阶段;明清时期枝蔓横生的发展阶段;20世纪简练集中的成熟阶段。在不同时代,庄周故事剧传达出了不同的思想内涵,亦体现了创作者不同的审美追求。  相似文献   

首都文化产业发展迅速,但也存在不少问题。其中既有思想观念的问题,又有体制机制的问题,也有政策措施的问题,特别是文化事业与文化产业交织,文化、教育、科技三者分离的矛盾突出,制约了首都文化资源优势的充分发挥,影响了文化产业的快速发展。对此,政协委员和各界关心文化产业发展的人士提出建议。  相似文献   

CHINA Central Television (CCTV) Channel One recently aired a serial, Liu Laogen. Its theme was rural life. Directed and produced by famous Chinese comedy actor  相似文献   

电视戏曲节目的栏目化生存是多重因素作用的结果,其在因应中国电视生态的时代演进与观众审美趣味的岁月变迁中,在传播观念上多有发展,历经专题化、杂志化、综艺化、娱乐化、竞技化、品牌化的衍变,给当代戏曲电视传播实践带来启示.  相似文献   

对元代杂剧人物命名爬梳整理,挖掘其中蕴藏的文化内涵,探讨杂剧人名折射出的元代社会制度、思想文化、时代心理和民族特点。  相似文献   

HAINING (hai means sea, ning means peace) is a small city by the Qiantang River in Zhejiang Province. Its perennial tranquility is disrupted each September when tidal waves from the East China Sea surge dramatical-  相似文献   

董健 《长白学刊》2003,(2):91-93
“现代”所指不仅是一个历史时段,而且也是一个与相应的化观念、思想倾向、价值标准相联系的事物的性质。在中国戏剧的现代化进程中,自始至终存在着不同化观念、思想倾向、价值标准之间的冲突。其中,既有本土化与外来化的冲突,古代传统化与新兴现代化的冲突,也有官方化与民间化的冲突。各种化互有斗争又互有影响,互有排拒又互有吸纳,互有矛盾又互有转化。在错综复杂的冲突中,往往凸显出左翼激进与右翼保守、自由主义与化专制、学院研究与实践突进等各个相同的化立场,中国戏剧的现代化进程也因而呈现出曲折与反复的态势。只有清醒地认识这种冲突,才会自觉地去开拓戏剧现代化的新路。  相似文献   

慈禧在中国近代史上虽以卖国主义的面目遭后人诟病,但也并非一无是处。她在中法战争中支持"黑旗军"援越抗法,并采取了调换中枢,以战促和等手段,终于使法国侵略者签订了鸦片战争以来损害最小的《中法天津条约》。  相似文献   

Jointly sponsored by the CPAFFC, the China International Friendship Cities Association, the Publicity Department of the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee, the Department of Culture of Hubei Province and Hubei International Cultural Exchange Center, The Dream of Helen, a largescale modern dance drama commemorating American friend Helen Foster Snow, was premiered at Qintai Grand Theatre in Wuhan on July 23.  相似文献   

互联网时代的到来,为网络自制剧的产生和发展准备了技术条件和受众基础,在视频网站和政策引导等多重因素推动下,网络自制剧成为了一种将与传统电视剧相抗衡的新兴文化形态.2014年各大视频网站纷纷投入巨资加入到网络自制剧的制作中来,被称为网络自制剧元年.网络自制剧具有制作成本低、周期短、制播合一、题材多元、内容贴近生活、交互性强等特点,深受年轻网民的喜欢.网络自制剧的发展有得天独厚的优势,也存在诸如质量低、格调低俗、同质化严重、盈利模式有待拓展等问题.要实现网络自制剧的健康发展还需要在内容、盈利模式、产业链条等多方面进行探索.  相似文献   

"By the floating mist of the lake,several pink feathered crested ibises are flying slowly across the crimson rays of the setting sun,causing rhythmic ripples with their red feet,quietly and elegantly……"The premiere of a fascinating and poetic dance drama was staged at the Opera House of the National Center for the Performing Arts(NCPA)on December 9,2014.Crested Ibises,jointly  相似文献   

西藏传统戏剧与元杂剧表演艺术一样源远流长。在长期发展过程中,两者都形成了各自极具特色的艺术表演形式。然而,对两者之间的比较研究,成果还较为薄弱。文章围绕"以唱为主的戏剧表达模式""以念白为重要补充的演出体制""对灵活多样做功的不懈追求""对武打场面的设置艺术"等唱念做打四个方面的基本表演形式,做了初步的探讨和比较研究。通过对两者的比较研究,探讨了两者所发展形成的相对程式化的各具特色的表演模式和技巧。论者旨在说明两者间虽具有异同性,但更具交流、通融性。  相似文献   

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