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时代性:中国化马克思主义的生命张力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时代是一定时期经济、政治、文化等状况的总和,它有着相对突兀的主题,是一个客观的历史进程。任何思想理论要想始终保持生命力,就必须与时代发展的进程相一致,反映时代的特征并科学解答时代主题。马克思主义是在科学把握时代主题基础上产生的。中国化马克思主义也是适应时代发展要求而产生的理论成果,它准确把握了时代发展脉搏,清醒认识了时代主题,客观反映了时代特征,体现了时代特性。  相似文献   

容美土司的文化生活及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵琳 《理论月刊》2002,(8):53-54
本文通过对容美土司田舜年引进《桃花扇》等文化生活的主要方面的介绍,论述由于土司重视汉文化在容美的传播,客观上为改土归流的顺利完成创造了条件,起到了积极影响。  相似文献   

Title: The Legendary Life of Soong Ching Ling Author:He Dazhang 346 pages, paperback RMB 46 (Chinese edition) Published by the People’s Literature Publishing House in December 2011 PUT simply, China would not be the same today if Soong Ching Ling, also known as Mme. Sun Yat-sen, had not played such an instrumental role in its founding and development.  相似文献   

Every time I go back to Italy people ask me: How does it feel living in China? I know what they want to hear: Pollution is bad, the food is bad, the people are bad, but the pay is good. Instead I answer simply, It’s normal. It really does feel normal. And it’s not  相似文献   

While the dark clouds of recession continue to hang omi-nously over the world,streaks of sunlight have broken throughChina's economic climate.The Chinese economy grew at aremarkable7.9percent in the second quarter,  相似文献   

<正>A devastating 9.0-magnitude earthquake shaking the ground,acataclysmic tsunami engulfing everything in its path, and a runaway nuclear breakdown still looming large—these scenes spreading across  相似文献   

<正>The widely discredited—but surprisingly durable—rhetoric of"China collapse"has recently once more reared its head.Fourteen years after American author Gordon Chang predicted the downfall of the Chinese Government by 2011,U.S.scholar David Shambaugh sounded the alarm again in early March.Shambaugh asserted that the time has come to give his verdict on a"protracted,messy and violent"regime change in China.While he handpicked a few phenomena to justify his end-of-the-world claims,often twisting them through misinterpretation and speculation,Shambaugh failed to look at how ordinary Chinese on the ground feel about their country and society.  相似文献   

励志教育是现代思想政治教育的重要内容或方式,以榜样的力量对教育对象进行激励或鞭策是其重要特征之一。青年毛泽东的励志对当代大学生具有重要的示范作用和极大的励志教育价值,它能有效地引导大学生树立崇高的人生理想,激发大学生执着勤奋的求知热情,塑造大学生勇于实践的优秀品质,锤炼大学生不畏艰险的顽强意志。  相似文献   

The Chinese Constitution is a living document constantly updated over the past 30 years to reflect monumental changes in the country Thirty years ago on December 4,the current Constitution of the People’s Republic of China(PRC),the fourth one since the PRC was founded in 1949,was adopted at the Fifth Full Session of the Fifth National People’s Congress(NPC),the country’s top legislature.  相似文献   

时代及其变迁从根本上影响和制约着马克思主义中国化、大众化的变化发展,时代化是马克思主义中国化、大众化的内在要求。马克思主义传入中国以来,适应时代主题转换的要求,马克思主义中国化、大众化的内容、形式、方式和手段都在不断地发生改变。  相似文献   

吕植中 《北京观察》2006,(12):42-42
今年是伟大的革命先行者孙中山先生诞辰140周年.孙中山先生一生为我们留下了许多宝贵的精神遗产,永远值得我们继承和弘扬.他一生曾三次莅临北京,并逝世于此,与北京结下了不解情缘.虽然他一生仅来过北京三次,但其莅临北京的时机,却反映了他一生的三个特殊阶段.  相似文献   

孙中山统一战线实践及思想特点初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对孙中山统一战线思想和实践活动进行了简要的探讨,认为爱国是孙中山统一战线思想的基础和核心.在不同历史时期,孙中山都极力倡导具有时代特征的爱国主义,对革命进程起了重大的作用.同时,孙中山统一战线思想在内容上、战略上、思想上和时代性上都具有鲜明的特点.  相似文献   

当今世界 ,知识经济大潮扑面而来 ,科学技术日新月异 ,综合国力竞争愈演愈烈。实施“科教兴国”战略 ,追赶世界知识经济发展的步伐 ,完成民族复兴的伟大事业 ,是当代中国知识分子光荣而艰巨的使命。当代中国知识分子应当抓住难得的机遇 ,勇敢地迎接挑战 ,不断作出适应时代要求的自我调适 ,努力创造无愧于时代的光辉业绩。  相似文献   

张晓明 《理论月刊》2004,1(3):13-15
马克思主义发展史是马克思主义与时俱进的创新史。江泽民同志提出要“不断深化对共产党执政的规律、对社会主义建设的规律、对人类社会发展的规律的认识”,在马克思主义发展史上具有开拓性的历史地位和理论创新的重大意义,它揭开了马克思主义与时俱进的新篇章。“三个规律”实质上是同一规律的三个层次,是一个统一的整体。人类社会发展规律是一般规律,研究社会主义建设的规律和共产党执政的规律需要以人类社会发展规律为指导;社会主义建设规律和共产党执政规律是特殊规律,研究社会主义建设规律有助于深化对人类社会发展规律的认识,研究共产党执政的规律,是研究社会主义建设规律的内在要求,同时,它也开辟了人类社会发展规律研究的新领域。  相似文献   

When Rao Yi,once a chair professor of Northwestern University in the United States,returned to China to become the Dean of the School of Life Sciences at Peking University in 2007,he said it was because he didn't want to just look on the epoch-making changes that are taking place in his homeland.  相似文献   

The Art of Life     
After a lifetime away, a legendary artist returns home to Beijing she's 84 and still wields a paintbrush with energy and vitality, proving the old adage that creativity knows no age barriers. Renowned Chinese-American artist Tseng Yuhe,  相似文献   

WANG Changkai, a student of Wu Guanzhong, graduated from the Beijing Academy of Art in the late 1950s. He spent the next few decades creating his own unique style of Chinese oils, and finally made the breakthrough in the late 1980s.  相似文献   

Middle-class urbanites outsourcing chores and errands abound Instead of booking six-hour train tickets back and forth to Datong, Shanxi Province, to spend what might have been a month to prepare for their wedding ceremony,  相似文献   

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