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Since its beginnings, zoning has been at its core a tool for achieving exclusionary objectives. Judge Westenhaver, who wrote the lower court decision in Ambler Realty Co. u. Village of Euclid, 297 Fed. 307, 316 (N.D. Ohio 1924) invalidating the village's zoning ordinance, observed that its purpose “is really to regulate the mode of Living of persons who may here-after inhabit [the village]. In the last analysis, the result to be accomplished is to classify the population and segregate them according to their income or station in life.” In reversing his decision, Justice Sutherland classified apartments as “mere parasites … which would deprive children of the privilege of quiet and open spaces for play, enjoyed by those in more favored localities,” In effect, he held that the state's police power could be used to create different levels of health, safety and genera1 welfare for different classes of people. One level was adequate for the poor and another level could be enforced at the behest of the rich who could afford to buy homes in single-family, low-density districts. Even Justice Douglas, a most unlikely bedmate for Justice Sutherland, reflected the same attitude when he wrote recently.  相似文献   

随着"报应模式"在当今英美刑法领域的衰微,犯罪人在英美刑法中的地位不断提高,刑法适用越来越重视人格.人格评估的方式在英美之间不尽相同,美国通过犯罪史进行评估,英国使用罪犯评估系统.  相似文献   

火灾是对人类危害最为严重的灾害之一,特别是城市工业火灾造成巨大的经济损失与人员伤亡。本文介绍了火灾风险评估的几种模型,评述了这些模型的优缺点。在分析城市工业火灾发生原因的基础上,建立了城市工业火灾评估指标体系,并运用模糊综合判断评估方法对城市工业的火灾安全进行了风险评估,通过评估可得出该工业所属的安全等级,使管理者及时采取措施,以减少工业火灾危险性。  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, a wide body of research has suggested that the accuracy of clinical risk assessments of violence might be increased if clinicians used actuarial tools. Despite considerable progress in recent years in the development of such tools for violence risk assessment, they remain primarily research instruments, largely ignored in daily clinical practice. We argue that because most existing actuarial tools are based on a main effects regression approach, they do not adequately reflect the contingent nature of the clinical assessment processes. To enhance the use of actuarial violence risk assessment tools, we propose a classification tree rather than a main effects regression approach. In addition, we suggest that by employing two decision thresholds for identifying high- and low-risk cases--instead of the standard single threshold--the use of actuarial tools to make dichotomous risk classification decisions may be further enhanced. These claims are supported with empirical data from the MacArthur Violence Risk Assessment Study.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed at identifying the personality factors of Polish Officers preparing for the peace mission in Kosovo using Zuckerman`s Alternative Five Factor Model. The sample consisted of 86 policemen (Mage = 32.9 yr., SD = 4.5) and 58 low risk workers (Mage = 29.4 yr., SD = 5.3). It was found that policemen scored significantly higher on Impulsive Sensation Seeking in comparison to the control group. The policemen scores on other personality traits were more akin to those of the control group.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国高校扩招工作的开展,高校在校学生的数量迅猛增加,校内人口密度成倍加大,校园火灾也逐渐成为威胁校园学生生命财产的一项重大灾害.本文根据大学学生宿舍的实际情况,从学校消防安全管理水平、宿舍建筑物自身状况、火灾危险源三个方面入手建立了大学宿舍的火灾风险评估体系层次模型,采用专家打分法获取数据和指标的权重,制定了高校学生宿舍楼火灾风险评估标准,并以某高校为实例证明了这种评估方法有效性.希望能对高校学生宿舍火灾的预防和消防管理工作具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

The present study reports the development and validation of the Chinese Risk Assessment Tool for Victims (CRAT-V), an actuarial instrument for the prediction of intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization in a Chinese population. Data were collected from a representative sample of 2,708 Chinese women who were married or cohabiting in Hong Kong. All participants were interviewed with a questionnaire assessing their experience of IPV victimization and personal or family factors related to IPV. As measured by the Revised Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS 2), the base rates of preceding-year physical and sexual IPV victimization were 4.6 % and 3.6 %, respectively. Using a cross-validation procedure, the present study developed a 5-factor instrument with one half of the randomly split sample and validated the resulting tool with the other half. The CRAT-V had a sensitivity of 74.0 %, a specificity of 68.3 %, an overall accuracy of 68.7 %, and an area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of 0.75 when administered on the second half of sample. Overall, the CRAT-V may serve as a straightforward, systematic, and easy-to-administer instrument tailor-made for Chinese populations for the assessment of risk of IPV victimization against women.  相似文献   

为满足大量建筑火灾风险评估工作的需要,本文依据火灾风险评估的定义建立一种半定量建筑火灾风险评估体系.通过风险矩阵,由每个火灾场景的火灾发生概率和火灾危害程度,确定每个火灾场景的火灾风险,各火灾场景风险之和为建筑的火灾风险.在确定火灾发生概率时,借助事故控制因子考虑评估对象的特征,从人员脆弱性因子、建筑脆弱性因子和火灾发展阶段危害控制能力因子考虑了影响火灾危害程度的主要因素.在确定因素权重和因子赋值的过程中使用了模糊综合评价法、层次分析法和多属性评价法.最后运用该评估体系对某医院建筑进行了评估.  相似文献   

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