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In the period between 1983 and 1987 autopsies were carried out on 120 drug victims at the Institute for Forensic Medicine in Hamburg, and 93 cases were serologically tested for hepatitis B. It was found that 50 cases (54%) were positive for anti-HBc, 39 (42%) for anti-HBs, and 5 cases (5%) for HBsAg. The prevalence of hepatitis-B-virus markers was dependent upon the age of the victims. In 81% inflammatory alterations of the liver (including unspecific reactive hepatitis) were diagnosed histologically. The pathogenesis of these serological and pathomorphological findings is discussed. Drug addicts are a group at risk for hepatitis B, and it can spread on account of the epidemiological connection with other risk groups, e.g., prostitutes and homosexuals. Postmortem serological investigations for hepatitis markers proved to be a well-established and reproducible means of differentiating histopathological liver alterations.  相似文献   

Conditions for chromatographic separation of melipramine with aminazine and melipramine with amitriptyline mixtures were stated. Method of chemical toxicological analysis in combined poisonings with psychotropic agents of tricyclic structure (melipramine in combinations with amitriptyline and aminazine) was suggested. Method was tested experimentally using animals.  相似文献   

The entire fatal drug poisoning panorama in Finland is considered in terms of three catergories: accidental, self-inflicted and undetermined (whether accidental or with intent to harm) deaths. The study material consisted of all 500 deaths in 1997 that medical examiners, after examination(s) at the Forensic Toxicology Division (FTD) of the Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Helsinki, officially certified as resulting from drug poisoning. These deaths were matched with data on the same deaths registered at Statistics Finland (SF), the national mortality statistics office. The SF register included 72 additional instances of deaths resulting from drug poisoning. In all but two of these cases, the cause-of-death determination was based on a medico-legal inquest with autopsy and forensic toxicological examination(s) and was certified, in most of the cases, as due to the alcohol component in multiple-toxicant combinations. Reclassifying these deaths at SF to the category of drug component is in accordance with current International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) regulation of coding "to the medicinal agent when combined with alcohol"; the principle and practice, which is recommended to be amended to equalize the status of alcohol and drug when explicitly stated by a forensic examiner as the principal toxicant in combined poisonings. With regard to manner-of-death, the agreement rates between medico-legally proven deaths from drug poisoning and those registered at SF were 79.8% for accidents, 98.5% for suicides and 0% (nil) for undetermined deaths, at the level of three-character external cause codes (E-code). All deaths originally certified as undetermined were re-assigned, most frequently to the category of accidental death. Since within an advanced and sophisticated medico-legal system, a medical examiner's evidence-based statement, even when the conclusion reached is undetermined (as to intent), should be taken as a compelling argument, the practice of reclassification cannot be considered advisable because assembled information is lost. Concerning the assigned drug-specific groups, the agreement according to the manner-of-death between certifications and registrations was fairly good. From among the accidents, however, opioid poisonings were re-assigned in 11 (29.7%) cases, mostly to the drug abuse/dependence categories, i.e. they were considered as natural deaths by the statistics office. The drug-specific observations were possible only by using the codes from the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification of drugs. This is why the incorporation of ATC codes into the ICD system, whenever reasonable, is recommended.  相似文献   

Histological analysis of the viscera in experimental poisoning with psilocybin-containing mushrooms showed nonspecific changes in all examined organs, presenting as expressed hemocirculatory disorders and intracellular dystrophy. Quantitative histochemical analysis showed appreciable shifts in the activities of enzymes involved in the cytoplasmic and mitochondrial redox processes and of specific enzymes involved in nerve tissue metabolism. This may reflect some features in the direct effects of narcotic alkaloids contained in psilocybin-producing mushrooms.  相似文献   

Accidental electrocution during working activities account for a considerable amount of morbidity and mortality. Workers often misjudge the danger of electric wires or high-tension power cables, thereby exposing themselves to electrocution hazard. This article describes a nonfatal case of injuries by arcing from high-tension power-line cables involving a young farmer who was thrashing an olive tree by means of aluminum ladder. The circumstances surrounding the manner of electrocution and the features of electric injuries are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of 218 cases of poisoning with medical substances according to pharmaco-therapeutic groups is presented. Sex-age distribution among victims, their life-span and causes of death are given.  相似文献   

An LC-MS screening method was developed to detect the presence of atractyloside (ATR), the toxic principle of a commonly used medicinal plant in South Africa, Callilepis laureola, in biological matrices such as body fluids and human viscera.  相似文献   

Cases of fatal poisoning among drug addicts (n = 246) and abusers of medical drugs (n = 138) are discussed on the basis of the availability of illicit and medical drugs during the eighties. Propoxyphene was frequently the cause of death among both drug addicts and abusers of medical drugs. Deaths caused by analgesics and psychoactive drugs, mainly barbiturates and antidepressants, predominated among abusers of medical drugs. During the late eighties the number of deaths caused by barbiturates and propoxyphene declined as a result of changes in the distribution regulations for both drugs. Heroin/morphine accounted for only one-third of the poisonings in drug addicts. No trends concerning the prevalence of deaths caused by these drugs were observed throughout the decade. The number of deaths caused by the synthetic opiates methadone and ketobemidone, however, increased during the late eighties, probably due to an increased availability of these drugs in the illicit drug market. Alcohol was detected in half of all the poisoning cases and benzodiazepines in one-third.  相似文献   

An adult man (A) entered a pit to collect seepage at an industrial waste site in Japan. As he suddenly lost consciousness, three colleagues (B, C, D) entered the pit to rescue him. All of these men lost consciousness in the pit. Two workers (A and B) died soon after the accident, one worker (C) died 22 days after the accident, and one worker (D) survived. Since hydrogen sulfide gas was detected in the atmosphere of the pit, gas poisoning was suspected. Toxicological analyses of sulfide and thiosulfate, a metabolite of sulfide, in blood and urine of the victims were made using the extractive alkylation technique combined with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Sulfide was detected in the blood of A and B at levels of 0.13 and 0.11 mg/L, respectively, somewhat higher than in healthy persons. Thiosulfate was detected in whole blood of deceased victims A and B, in the plasma of deceased victim C, at concentrations of 10.53, 4.59, and 4.14 mg/L, respectively. These values were similar to those found in fatal cases of hydrogen sulfide poisoning. Thiosulfate was not detected in the plasma of survivor D. With respect to urine samples, thiosulfate was the highest in the non-acute death victim C (137.20 mg/L), followed by that in the survivor D (29.34 mg/L), and low (0.90 mg/L) and not detected in the acute death victims, A and B, respectively. Based on these results, all four patients were victims of hydrogen sulfide poisoning. The concentrations of thiosulfate in blood and urine were more useful than that for sulfide for determining hydrogen sulfide poisoning. Thiosulfate in urine was the only indicator of hydrogen sulfide poisoning in the non-fatal victim.  相似文献   

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