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LIKE other cities in China, Beijing is suffocating under the solid waste its residents pro- duce. After decades of racing to enlarge its trash treatment capacity, it now turns to the root of the problem for a longer term solution - controlling the source of waste in the first place. This April, the municipal government designated every Thursday Garbage Reduction Day to raise awareness and promote participation among local citizenry.  相似文献   

<正>China's online shopping frenzy goes global In what is likely the most expensive television advertisement for Singles Day since the shopping festival was founded in 2009,American actor Kevin Spacey—appearing as his character U.S.President Frank Underwood from House of Cards—wished the audience a happy Singles Day and listed the number of items he wanted to buy to celebrate.Singles Day,or Double 11,falls on November 11 every year and is China’s equiva-  相似文献   

On September 19,a special bus pulled out of the Joy City Shopping Center in Beijing.Just before it drove off,a host of fashion models in the latest arrivals of Crocs took people toDestination,the new theme of its autumn and winter show.  相似文献   

正Entering 2016,the global economy is confronted with a number of risks.This has resulted in projections made by different economic institutions being at odds with each other.  相似文献   

THE 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was a heavily anticipated event in China. The Chinese people expect their country to grow more prosperous after such congresses. And prosperity means tangibly happier, healthier-and richer-lives for all. China Today interviewed three random citizens to hear their views on the congress and the policy initiatives they hope the government will pursue in the immediate future.  相似文献   

<正>How a Fujian painter came to call the northwest region his second home Camels in the desert,cows and sheep grazing serenely on grasslands,and beautiful young Uygur and Kazak ladies attired in colorful,traditional clothing.The aforementioned are just some of the typical elements a viewer may encounter in one of Chinese painter Lin Feng’s paintings.From May 20 to June 1,more than 70 of Lin’s works were put on display at an art exhibi-  相似文献   

Thank You,My Son     
BORNonNovember22,1980,Yunfengwasmyonlyson.Istillrememberclearlyhisappearancewhenhewasborn.Helayquietlyinmylap.Thoughhisappearancewasnotparticularlycharming,hewasverypaleandfat.Yunfengshowedhisintelligencewhenhewasstillababy.HecouldrecitesomeancientChinesepoemsandspeakabout30Englishwordswhenhewasonlytwoyearsold.Oneday,Inoticedthatheoftenscratchedhisneck.Ithoughtthathemightbeallergictosomethingandquicklycheckedtoseewhatthematterwas.Itouchedhisneck,anddiscoveredaswellingthesizeofabeau.Iaske…  相似文献   

<正>Libya’s rebels struggle to remain united as factions vie for power When NATO jet fighters dropped the first bomb over Tripoli on March 19, no one expected Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi to doggedly resist a combined force of rebel militia and some of the world’s most  相似文献   

通过互联网调查平台对4030名未育青年的生育意愿进行实证研究,发现大约五分之一的未育青年对生育持有矛盾心态,其中生育是自然规律、满足情感需求、增强婚姻稳定性、外部压力是他们想要生孩子的主要原因,工作挤压、生育能力焦虑、对孩子成长环境担忧是他们不想生孩子的主要原因。研究还发现,对生育重要性的认同、对自己有时间精力去生育孩子和家庭经济收入能够负担起生育孩子的积极评估都显著降低未育青年的生育矛盾性,但对家人能够为生育提供照料支持的评估与未育青年生育矛盾性没有显著相关性。有鉴于此,生育支持政策应该从重塑生育重要性、构建生育友好型工作制度、缓解生育能力焦虑等方面有针对性地消除未育青年的生育矛盾性,促使他们的生育意愿从矛盾型转向确定生育型。  相似文献   

Althouthwebelongtodifferentnationalities,wesharethesamefeeling.FortheChinesenationandallpeace-lovingpeople,May8(Beijingtime)-whentheNATObombingoftheChineseembassyinYugo-slaviatookplace-wasasaddayininternationalrelations.Itmarkedthepinnacleofirrationalviolence.Confrontedwiththechallengeagainstbasicprinciplesofinternationallaw,we,foreignexpertsworkinginChina,expressedourshockandindignation.ThevictimsofthebombingandallChinesethroughouttheworldconsieredthetragedyasahumili-ation.Here,weexpress…  相似文献   

<正>China has been slow to adopt auto recall procedures similar to those in the West,but new regulations are in the works On January 26 this year,Toyota announced a worldwide recall of 1.7 million vehicles fromc ountries including Japan, the United States,the United Kingdom and Germany,because of vehicle  相似文献   

THE U.S.is spearheading economic recovery of the developed world,while China is at the fore of the emerging economies.Throughout this unbalanced,slower than expected resuscitation,China and the U.S.thus remain the two leading engines of global economic growth–a phenomenon that has given rise to debates on which economy is more successful.Quarterly data over the past five years show strong performances  相似文献   

什么是自我设障 你也许大惑不解,人们不是都在为自己的成功清除障碍吗?难道还会有人主动为自己的成功设置障碍吗?事实正是这样,我们都会在某些时候给自己设置障碍.  相似文献   

我今年25岁,大学毕业一年了。现在我感到不快乐,很不快乐,心绪不安,烦乱不堪,胡思乱想,痛苦得要死。先说工作上的事情吧。我大学的时候一直很优  相似文献   

正"There is nothing that can’t be painted;if I can imagine it,I can paint it,and I can imagine a lot."WHEN I think of Ji Dachun,I can imagine him sitting down with Rene Magritte over tea and discussing theories on painting or playing chess with Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray.Dachun is a true surrealist and there are simply not that many contemporary Chinese surrealist painters.He is as unique as the subjects of his paintings that,for all their diversity,are consistently whimsical,irreverent,absurd,and always minimal like the workspace in which they are created.  相似文献   

IMAGINE being promoted to managing director for your company in China.How would that make you feel?Perplexed,pleased,excited,or perhaps a mix of all of these feelings?This possibility might seem pretty remote for most young expats.That is why I am sharing this story to help you prepare for that moment in the future.In 2002 I joined a very reputable recruitment company to establish branch  相似文献   

近代以来,随着科学理性在人文领域中的强劲蔓延,传统形而上学遭受了前所未有的打击.其实,哲学史上存在着三种形态的形而上学宇宙本体论、范畴本体论和意义本体论.科学理性所拒斥的实际上是基于思辨虚构的宇宙本体论.在后形而上学时代,就意义本体论而言,形而上学没有终结,也不会终结.  相似文献   

IN Beijing’s tourist-oriented Jiugulou Street, there is a flower vendor with a difference-he conducts his business dressed up as a clown. Originally from east China’s Shandong Province, Xiao Song is the proprietor of the Beijing Clown Flower Shop. In his nine years living in the Chinese capital, he has had several jobs, one of which was restaurant waiter.  相似文献   

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