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关于提单仲裁条款效力若干问题的思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在阐明提单的概念与功能的基础上,依据中国现行法律规定,较为深入地讨论了提单仲裁条款在托运人与承运人之间及其在提单受让人与承运人之间的不同效力,进而还讨论了并入提单的租约仲裁条款的效力问题。同时对最高人民法院于2 0 0 3年12月31日公布的《关于人民法院处理涉外仲裁及外国仲裁案件的若干规定(征求意见稿)》的有关内容提出了修改意见。  相似文献   

近期航运领域船舶融资租赁迅猛发展,在相关法律框架尚有待进一步完善的背景下,司法实践如何应对法律适用问题是一项重要课题。基于实证研究方法,就船舶融资租赁若干法律适用问题进行了探讨,同时对融资租赁司法解释草案也进行了适当评析。  相似文献   

The future Law on Biomedical Research, whose draft bill has been approved by the Council of Ministers and that will soon begin its parliamentary process of approval, will regulate, among other matters, the research with embryos. Likewise, it will make a pronouncement on the so-called therapeutic cloning. This report makes a detailed analysis of different matters that must be borne in mind by the legislator in order to face the process of evaluation and approval of said Law in relation with the aforementioned matters. It makes a special analysis of the legal texts of an international nature to which Spain is unavoidably subjected to, in such a way that the legislative text that will finally be approved is not contrary to the dispositions that are within such.  相似文献   

One of the concerns of e-commerce is the need to maintain users' privacy online. The usage of technical means to track down user's surfing and purchasing tendencies by the use of cookies, and sniffers to capture data while in the course of transmissions, has raised significant privacy issues. These anonymous data minings, although they may not necessarily bring harm to customers, nevertheless are a form of intrusion into one's privacy in cyberspace. In the US, the Federal Trade Commission has submitted a self-regulatory plan to require Web advertising companies to notify consumers of their Internet profiling activities and to give the customers the chance to choose whether information about Web activities and interests can be gathered anonymously. It is for this purpose that the Malaysian legislators devised the Personal Data Protection Bill. The importance of this is made clear in the explanatory statement of the personal data protection bill in Malaysia. The draft bill makes the law in Malaysia closer to the EU regime, which chooses legislation over self-regulation in this area. The purpose of this paper is to examine the nature, manner and scope of personal data protection under the Malaysian Bill.  相似文献   

论运输证券   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
论述了提单的法律性质,分析了关于提单性质的各种学说。认为提单作为证明运输货物交付请求权的有价证券,具有要因、要式、文义、指示、回赎、交付、处分证券的性质,同时提单也具有物权的效力。  相似文献   

Recent years have seen increasing calls to integrate the public's voice into the parliamentary process. This article examines the impact of public reading stage (PRS) on the UK Parliament's scrutiny of a bill. A new stage of the legislative process piloted by the House of Commons in February 2013, PRS invited the public to comment on a bill undergoing parliamentary scrutiny (the Children and Families Bill). The PRS was designed to encourage members of the public to participate in the scrutiny of legislation through a specially designed forum on parliament's website. Over 1000 comments were submitted. Drawing on a content analysis of the comments given by the public to the bill, complemented by interviews with members of parliament, key officials and PRS participants, it was found that although the public reading stage had an impressive response, it failed to make much of a tangible impact on the parliamentary scrutiny of the bill. This was largely due to the choice of bill being used for the pilot and its lack of appropriate integration into the formal legislative process.  相似文献   

法律案的合宪性审查是立法机关在立法过程中对法律案是否符合宪法进行的自我、事前控制形式,是我国合宪性审查机制的重要组成部分。在不存在根本性制度障碍的前提下,先行激活法律案的合宪性审查对于提升宪法实施和宪法监督水平,维护宪法的权威性具有非常重要的实践意义。《立法法》设定的审议程序(包括“前置性”审议程序与正式审议程序)蕴含着对法律案进行合宪性审查的契机。立法机关可以根据我国宪法在内容构造上的特点,立足于本国立法的现实需要并借鉴其他国家的合宪性审查经验,将合宪性审查的对象锁定在法律草案在内容上最有可能涉及违宪的某些具体事项上,如此才能提高审查效率;针对较为具体的审查事项,立法机关需要创造性运用“抽象公益条款的禁止”“平等原则的过滤”以及“比例原则的审视”等方法,有效地排除法律草案中的违宪情形,稳健地推进与我国国情相适应的合宪性审查工作。  相似文献   

立足于提单权利善意取得的特殊性,结合普通动产及票据权利善意取得的既有理论,对提单权利善意取得的存在依据、构成要件等基本问题展开分析。  相似文献   

张燕强 《法律科学》2006,24(1):132-137
背书连续的认定是一项重要的票据业务和司法审判活动。由于背书连续的涵义具有广延性,加上我国认定背书连续的票据法规则存在一定程度上的模糊性,使得认定背书连续的实际操作存在较大灵活性和可调控性,为付款人拒付票款留出了足够的空间,致使持票人票据权利的实现失去预见性,从而阻碍了票据在我国的流通。为此应完善制度,以实现背书连续认定的规范性。  相似文献   

记名提单作为提单的一种,在海上货物运输环节具有至关重要的功能和作用。从记名提单托运人货物控制权-9收货人提货权这一新视角切入,在中国海上货物运输法律框架下,解读相关法律要素,还原记名提单应有的法定特征及功能,得出记名提单承运人需凭正本记名提单放货的结论。  相似文献   

范晓波 《法学杂志》2012,33(8):97-101
2010年9月29日,美国国会众议院通过了《汇率改革促进公平贸易法案》,试图通过修改其1930年《关税法》,授权主管机关对所谓低估本币汇率的国家征收特别关税。本文分析了该法案出台的背景,简述了其主要内容,并剖析了其立法动向,指出人民币汇率问题对美中经贸关系十分重要,以立法干预贸易是非常危险的动向。  相似文献   

论票据质押的权利担保与物的担保的二元性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
票据作为有价证券,其基本属性应当是票据这张纸和权利的结合。在票据质押中,我们不能只关注票据所表彰的权利的质押,而忽视票据本身作为物的质押担保。作为提示性证券,票据权利脱离了证券的载体物,将对票据权利的行使带来困难。  相似文献   

作为海上货物运输合同证明之提单的功能异化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
航运经济基础的变化和合同概念的历史变迁等诸多因素使然,作为一种为立法所明确的功能,提单是海上货物运输合同的证明这一功能正在得到修正。在特定的条件下,提单就是海上货物运输合同。这就是提单的功能异化。这必然促使我国现行立法关于提单功能的界定发生变化。  相似文献   

"仅供议付"提单的相关问题   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基于在山东和江苏等地的调查研究,对于近年来出现在中日、中韩等短程国际海上货物运输中的“仅供议付”提单及其相关问题作了初步分析。  相似文献   

票据无因性之经济诠释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘秀春  胡海涛 《河北法学》2005,23(5):122-127
票据无因性包括外在无因性和内在无因性。票据无因性的坚持与否端赖其流通性如何。通过对票据无因性的含义及采无因性的经济逻辑进行分析,提出我国票据法的立法缺陷及其完善,从而使我国的整个票据制度更趋合理,与国际票据法接轨。  相似文献   

提单的管辖权是正确处理无单放货等提单纠纷的首要问题。提单的管辖权条款属于协议管辖,是国际私法中“当事人意思自治原则”的产物。无单放货案件存在违约责任与侵权责任竞合的情形,所谓的“侵权纠纷一般不适用协议管辖条款”的规则并不能当然适用。根据现行法以及民事侵权的基本法理,分析中国法院用于否定提单管辖权条款适用的“侵权诉因”及“与争议没有实际联系”两个主要事由,认为以“侵权诉因”排除提单管辖权条款适用的做法不仅于法无据,而且违背法理;而以“与争议没有实际联系”作为否定承运人总部或主营业地之管辖连接点的理由也过于极端。在上述批评的基础上,提出解决提单管辖权条款问题的三点策略。  相似文献   

This article analyzes and dissects SB 375. This bill, which was the result of a unique compromise between environmentalists, local governments, and the building industry, seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by creating incentives for smarter land use and development choices by local governments and developers thereby seeking to reduce vehicle miles traveled. Although proponents and drafters have deemed SB 375 as a bill that will be responsible for reshaping the face of California's communities into more sustainable walkable communities, this article places doubt on these optimistic predictions based on both internal and external constraints that will make achieving its ultimate goal of GHG reduction a demanding task.  相似文献   

Making good on a promise made in December 2002, the federal government has tabled a bill that would decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana. However, the bill would also toughen penalties for growing large amounts. The bill is part of a renewed Canada Drug Strategy that emphasizes the need to discourage cannabis use.  相似文献   

This paper is about the legislative attempt in Singapore to obtain more cadaver kidneys for transplants. It is a brief account of the major features of the bill which has become law since this note was written. The bill and the law are identical in this case.  相似文献   

In 1893, Prime Minister Gladstone introduced the second Irish home rule bill in parliament. The bill broke with tradition in Britain and the empire, as it included provisions from the bill of rights of the United States. Its significance was clear at the time: it was debated for nine days in the committee stage and, with one minor amendment, it remained part of the bill that passed the Commons. However, the bill was defeated in the Lords and, at least in the United Kingdom, bills of rights were dismissed as unnecessary or detrimental to sound governance until well after the second world war. This article therefore tries to understand how this early bill of rights was regarded at the time. Who suggested, or demanded, its inclusion? How did they expect it to be applied? And how did the debate reflect and influence thinking about constitutional law in Britain and the empire?  相似文献   

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