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Since 1982, the remains of 41 victims of the Green River Serial Murderer have been recovered. The majority were discovered as skeletal remains, and 24 facial approximations have been used in attempts to develop leads for identification of nine of these victims. Nine different artists were used. Interpretations of the same victim varied greatly. For those victims subsequently identified, resemblance of the facial approximation to the deceased showed considerable variation, but in some cases was quite accurate. This experience created a unique opportunity to compare different methods of facial approximation techniques and artists, and to comment on their efficacy in aiding identification.  相似文献   

During the course of medicolegal postmortem examinations, forensic pathologists often encounter the sequelae of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) that was administered by medical and paramedical personnel. A wide variety of CPR-related injuries have been described since the institution nearly 30 years ago of this now common-place emergency technique. The forensic pathologist must be aware of both typical and unusual CPR-related trauma patterns in order to differentiate between injury produced during emergency therapy procedures and injury sustained through other mechanisms (for example, during an assault or an accident). This article describes two recent separate and unrelated incidents in which an elderly woman was murdered. In each instance, bony injuries of the anterior thoracic wall structures were identified during the autopsy. Defense attorneys in each case attempted to use these injuries as proof that their accused clients had performed external cardiac massage on their victims, thus indicating that the homicides had not been intentional, and that the perpetrators showed remorse. These cases are presented, with a discussion of the typical features of CPR-related thoracic wall trauma as compared with willfully inflicted injury.  相似文献   

This is the first scientific report on the crimes of the homosexual paedophile sadist Luis Alfredo Garavito Cubillos, based on a research stay of the authors in Columbia, and including discussions with the investigators, and the offender. Between 1992 and 1999, Garavito killed more than 200 children in the core age span between 8 and 13 years (as an exception, 6 to 16 years). His modus operandi remained stable. During daytime, he lured children of a lower social status out of crowded parts of the city into hidden areas that were overgrown with high plants. Garavito promised either payment for easy work, or drugs, or made other socially believable offers. The children were tied up, tortured, raped, and killed by at least one cut in the lateral part of the neck, or by decapitation. During the killings, Garavito was drunk. Even after his arrest (for attempted sexual abuse under a wrong identity) it was not immediately possible to track his crimes since Garavito had frequently changed his places of stay and his jobs. He also grew different hairdos and used wrong names. During his still ongoing confessions, he directs the investigators correctly to all scenes of crime spread over large parts of Columbia. In our report, we give an overview over the course of investigations, hint to similarities in the cases of the German serial killer Denke (1920's) and homosexual paedophile serial killer Jürgen Bartsch (1960's), and give preliminary impressions on the offender's personality. Furthermore, the violent environment and juridical peculiarities in Columbia are discussed. In spite of a total penalty of 2600 years in prison, it is formally well possible that Garavito will be released out of prison within the next 10 to 20 years, i.e. even before the maximum sentence of 40 years will be over.  相似文献   

This paper presents the circumstances surrounding the retrieval and subsequent autopsies of four bodies accidentally discovered weighted down in Missouri's lakes. The bodies, representing four separate cases of homicide, were sunken for a period of three weeks to ten months. The relationship of adipocere formation to the postmortem interval and the problems of injury interpretation are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite strict assault weapons laws shooting deaths are not uncommon in the Federal Republic of Germany. Especially in multiple one-stage homicides shooting is a frequently established cause of death. The described double homicide from the autopsy material of the Berlin Institute of Legal Medicine shows the difficulties in the forensic assessment of gunshot wounds. It is noteworthy under criminalistic aspects how methodically the offender proceeded in the removal of the victims and how extensive the search for the bodies was, which were only found after calling in water search dogs.  相似文献   

The Green River Murder Investigation in King County, Washington, is currently the longest active serial murder investigation in U.S. history. During its course, over 26 separate scenes with from one to five victims each have been processed. The experience of the authors is presented in order to acquaint other agencies with techniques of outdoor scene processing that have evolved during recovery of remains from Green River and other skeletal cases.  相似文献   

A gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric (GC/MS) procedure is described for the detection and measurement of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, 11-hydroxy-delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, and 11-nor-delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid in blood, or 11-nor-delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid in urine. About 50% of all homicide victims and motor vehicle drivers killed in Bexar County in 1985 were tested for the presence of cannabinoids. Of 130 homicides and 69 drivers tested, blood was analyzed primarily in all but 15 and 3 cases, respectively. In these latter cases, blood analyzed after urine was found to be positive. Of the homicide victims, 44 (34%), and of all drivers, 19 (28%), tested were positive for one or more of the cannabinoids. As a separate group, 16 motorcycle drivers tested had 38% positive as compared with 25% of the other vehicle drivers. Ethyl alcohol was present in 55% of the drivers, and in 63% of the homicide victims. Drugs other than alcohol or cannabinoids were found in 10% of the drivers, and in 12% of the homicide victims.  相似文献   


Research on domestic homicide has focused on risk factors presented by perpetrators such as prior violence, threats to kill, stalking, access to weapons, mental health concerns, controlling behaviour and separation. However, there has been less focus on the barriers that victims face regarding finding support, increasing personal safety and decreasing violence and risk of homicide. The present study explored 20 potential barriers that female domestic homicide victims faced using 183 cases occurring between 2002 and 2012 from the Ontario (Canada) Domestic Violence Death Review Committee to examine the presence and frequency of these barriers within the sample. Using two-step cluster analysis, different profiles of barriers were identified that centred on victims’ fear, social isolation and mental health. The study is limited in being a post hoc analysis of homicides and no causal links can be made. The implications of this finding are discussed in the context of risk assessment, risk management and safety planning.  相似文献   

Criminologists seldom have attempted to measure the severity of physical injury to victims of aggravated assault and homicide, even though it is significant to many of their research efforts. Previous attempts have been neither medically accurate nor medically acceptable. In this paper the author discusses the shortcomings of these efforts and introduces an alternative method which is valid, reliable, and medically acceptable. In addition, the author discusses its applicability to research the impact of medical intervention on violent criminal assault, on factors which contribute to the severity of assaultive injury and the lethal outcome of violent assault, on specific questions regarding the patterns of offending and victimization, and on the administration of criminal justice.  相似文献   

Purpose. The study extends research by Santtila et al. (2008) by investigating the effectiveness of linking cases of serial homicide using behavioural patterns of offenders, analysed through Bayesian reasoning. The study also investigates the informative value of individual behavioural variables in the linking process. Methods. Offender behaviour was coded from official documents relating to 116 solved homicide cases belonging to 19 separate series. The basis of the linkage analyses was 92 behaviours coded as present or absent in the case based on investigator observations on the crime scene. We developed a Bayesian method for linking crime cases and judged its accuracy using cross‐validation. We explored the information added by individual behavioural variables, first, by testing if the variable represented purely noise with respect to classification, and second, by excluding variables from the original model, one by one, by choosing the behaviour that had the smallest effect on classification accuracy. Results. The model achieved a classification accuracy of 83.6% whereas chance expectancy was 5.3%. In simulated scenarios of only one and two known cases in a series, the accuracy was 59.0 and 69.2%, respectively. No behavioural variable represented pure noise but the same level of accuracy was achieved by analysing a set of 15, as analysing all 92 variables. Conclusion. The study illustrates the utility of analysing individual behavioural variables through Bayesian reasoning for crime linking. Feasible applied use of the approach is illustrated by the effectiveness of analysing a small set of carefully chosen variables.  相似文献   

The skeleton of an adult man, recovered from an eighteenth century French fort site in Indiana, exhibited a series of sharp force wounds. The lesions, three cranial and one postcranial, had apparently been made by a heavy metal instrument similar to one of the European ax heads discovered elsewhere at the site. In this paper we describe the wounds, argue that the instrument used to create them was a European ax, and offer the opinion that the manner of death in this case was homicide.  相似文献   

The frequency of serial sexual murder has been widely discussed, and estimates of the number of victims in the United States range from 500 to 6000 per year. This study attempted to quantify the number of serial sexual murder victims in Virginia for a ten-year period. Multiple sources of data were utilized, including Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) case files, FBI's Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (ViCAP) reports, Virginia State Police ViCAP reports, Virginia Homicide Investigators Association, and the Virginia Division of Forensic Science DNA database, to effectively cull out all the known serial sexual murder victims for the given time period. Review of these records revealed a total of 28 victims of serial sexual murder, compared with a total of 5183 murder victims for the same ten-year period. The frequency of serial sexual victimization was 0.5% of all homicides for the given period. These results highlight the unusual frequency of serial sexual murder.  相似文献   

While the use of psychological autopsies has at least a 50-year history in the investigation of equivocal deaths and suicides, we report a case where, after the discovery of a woman who died of natural causes, a subsequent search of her home found three deceased newborn infants. The infants were born on three separate occasions; the most recent was delivered approximately 2 weeks before the death of the mother. Using her own diaries and interviews with family and friends along with the physical autopsy and scene investigation data, we built a psychological autopsy that addressed the mother's mental state over the period of time when the infants' deaths took place. While the use of the psychological autopsy was not employed to distinguish the manner of death of the mother, it did provide explanatory power over circumstances of the crime scene and the behavioral disturbance of the mother.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to explore the possibility of predicting the presence of a criminal record in the background of a homicide offender on the basis of victim characteristics. Eight victim characteristics, as well as the presence or absence of offender criminal record and offender violent criminal record, were coded for 502 Finnish homicides. A configural frequency analysis (CFA) showed that it was possible to predict the presence of a criminal record on the basis of the victim variables. The practical significance of the results for police investigations is discussed.  相似文献   

For the purpose of studying homicidal violence from a victiminologic point of view, we have examined the number and nature of injuries inflicted on homicide victims examined at the Department of Forensic Medicine in Stockholm during the periods 1976–1978, 1986–1988 and 1996–1998. Evaluation of the total number of injuries (both lethal and non-lethal) revealed a break in the earlier trend during the last of these periods, which demonstrated a clear increase in the number of injuries probably caused by intense and prolonged violence. Thus, there were 14 victims with 40 or more injuries (the maximum being 101 injuries) in the 1996–1998 period, whereas there was only one such victim in each of the two earlier periods. Furthermore, the proportion of victims exhibiting multiple lethal injuries was greater during the last period than during the two preceding periods. These findings indicate a general enhancement in the level of aggression exerted by violent offenders, as well as an increase in the number homicide victims with injuries apparently inflicted by acts of aggression characterized by outrage.  相似文献   

For the purpose of studying homicidal violence from a victiminologic point of view, we have examined the number and nature of injuries inflicted on homicide victims examined at the Department of Forensic Medicine in Stockholm during the periods 1976-1978, 1986-1988 and 1996-1998. Evaluation of the total number of injuries (both lethal and non-lethal) revealed a break in the earlier trend during the last of these periods, which demonstrated a clear increase in the number of injuries probably caused by intense and prolonged violence. Thus, there were 14 victims with 40 or more injuries (the maximum being 101 injuries) in the 1996-1998 period, whereas there was only one such victim in each of the two earlier periods. Furthermore, the proportion of victims exhibiting multiple lethal injuries was greater during the last period than during the two preceding periods. These findings indicate a general enhancement in the level of aggression exerted by violent offenders, as well as an increase in the number homicide victims with injuries apparently inflicted by acts of aggression characterized by outrage.  相似文献   

As part of a wider research project into paraphilic disorders and homicide, a case is presented of a piquerist who achieved sexual satisfaction through the infliction of stabbing wounds. Against a background of sexual domination with willing and unwilling sexual partners, the offender stabbed four men to death. A study of the resulting autopsy reports, in association with the offender's testimony and crime scene documentation, was undertaken to discern a piquerist crime scene signature. An excessive number of stabbing wounds, the targeting of sexual areas, and a variation in wound size and depth were found to be evidence of piquerism. Although there was opportunity to commit a sexual assault upon victims, the preference was to penetrate them with a knife. It is contended that, even without any evidence of sexual assault at a crime scene, a knife wound analysis can reveal a sexual motivation in some cases of homicide.  相似文献   

Five homicides are described that had remained unexplained as to the causes of death after gross pathology. Although general signs of asphyxiation were present, they were lacking injuries specific of strangulation or oro-nasal occlusion. The diagnoses of asphyxiation were established by microscopical investigation of the lung and confirmed by subsequent police inquiries. An oro-nasal occlusion was involved in three cases, a strangulation or an oro-nasal occlusion, in another case. The victims were young and healthy. Toxicological investigations remained negative in four cases; one victim was anaesthetized by bromazepam and ether and had a blood alcohol concentration of 80 mg/100 ml. Lung histology and electron microscopy revealed acute emphysema, the development of a haemorrhagic-dysoric syndrome and a microembolism syndrome. With regard to the haemorrhagic-dysoric syndrome, the development of alveolar-interstitial edema is particularly important. This finding may also be diagnosed by light microscopy in semi-thin sections. It is emphasized that the combined action of several pathomechanisms is responsible for the rapid manifestation of the pulmonary lesions. Especially, the haemorrhagic-dysoric syndrome is brought about by the combined action of inspiratory intrapulmonary vacuum and raised intracapillary pressure. The complex pattern allows to compile the diagnosis of mechanical asphyxia even if there is no corresponding injury.  相似文献   

The problems and errors in personal identifications in rescue work after accidents with a large number of human victims are considered. The order of actions of forensic medical experts in personal identification in emergency situation is proposed.  相似文献   

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