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非洲环境保护法律机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近30年来,非洲环境不断恶化,自然资源消耗显著.生物多样性锐减,荒漠化严重,大气和水质污染凸显,气候变化影响恶劣.造成非洲环境恶化的主要原因之一,在于非洲环境保护法律机制存在结构障碍和制度欠缺,迫切需要非洲国家从促进环境法政策转型、健全公民参与制度和环境影响评价制度、强化环境行政执行能力等方面加以改善.面对这种环境保护制度的变迁,非洲各国不仅应形成推动制度变迁的激励机制,注意培育拥护制度变迁的社会基础,而且需要借助国际援助,从国内环境法和国际环境法两个角度不断提升环境治理水平.  相似文献   

非洲国际商法统一化与协调化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱伟东 《西亚非洲》2003,50(3):66-72
法律的统一化与协调化是当今国际社会法律发展的大趋势。非洲法律的多样性影响非洲各国之间、非洲国家与其他大陆国家之间贸易的发展 ,且阻碍非洲经济一体化目标的实现。非洲国家应毫不迟疑地排除不利于经济合作的法律方面的障碍 ,且应在经济合作的主要领域实现实体法和程序法的统一与协调。在现实中 ,非洲各国通常采用统一法和示范法进行国际商法的统一与协调。此外 ,还必须重视比较法的作用。相对而言 ,非洲国际商法的统一化与协调化应首先在区域内进行 ,有些事项可在区域内和全球范围内同时进行。截至目前 ,非洲商法协调组织在非洲国际商法的区域性统一与协调方面成果最显著。可以认为 ,非洲国际商法的统一化与协调化之路是漫长的 ,主要任务只能由非洲人自己来完成  相似文献   

一回顾1996年非洲形势的发展,清楚地看到,许多国家政治、经济走向稳定和发展的积极势头进一步得到了加强,已经取得了喜人的进步。前些年,由于冷战结束,世界发生巨变,使得非洲国家遭受猛烈冲击和被国际社会"边缘化"的状况现在已经过去或有所改变。但也很清楚,非洲不少国家当前确实还存在着大量的不稳定因素,有的国家更是处境危难,引起国际社会的强烈关注。近年来,非洲各地区、各国间发展不平衡的现象更加突出,这是非洲形势发展的一个重要的特点。  相似文献   

非洲死刑的存废--现状、态度与国际因素   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
死刑的存废是世界热点问题之一。从世界范围来看,法律上或事实上废除死刑的国家已占国际社会的多数。非洲死刑的存废备受国际社会关注。从现状来看,虽然非洲已有半数国家在法律上或事实上废除了死刑,废除死刑已成为非洲刑法改革的一项重要内容,但要在全非洲废除死刑并非朝夕可成就之事,因为对于死刑是应废除,还是应保留,不同的非洲国家态度相异。在非洲死刑的废除运动中,关键是各国政治、经济、社会、文化、宗教和国家领导者的勇气等因素,但亦不可忽视国际力量的促进作用。  相似文献   

撒哈拉以南非洲的经济形势十分严峻,造成这种形势的原因有:生态平衡遭到破坏,原料出口价格疲软,国内经济政策失误以及人口增长过快等。现在非洲各国以及国际社会正在采取缓解措施。对于这些国家八十年代后半期的发展前景,普遍估计不甚乐观。  相似文献   

宗合 《西亚非洲》2005,(1):15-18
20 0 4年 ,非洲总体形势好转 ,非盟的凝聚力增强 ,非洲在索马里、苏丹达尔富尔、大湖地区联合自强的努力均取得重要进展 ,解决非洲和平与安全这一首要课题探索出较为成功的模式。各国政权建设注重法治化 ,多党大选制度在非洲初步扎根 ,老一辈领导人重视稳妥交权 ,新一代领导人自主探索符合国情的发展道路。各国经济的发展不均衡 ,产油国和资源大国受到更多关注 ,一体化进程缺乏内动力 ,尼日利亚、南非、埃及三国竞争安理会常任理事国席位给非洲大国关系带来新的复杂因素。非洲国家积极利用数量优势、靠集体声势、借助多边机制与大国周旋 ,西方大国也相应调整政策 ,继续在减免债务、增加援助等方面出台新举措。非洲形势发展中积极因素增加 ,但总体上仍处于量的艰难积累阶段  相似文献   

近几年来,在新冠肺炎疫情、乌克兰危机及粮食安全、能源危机等多重因素影响下,非洲地区的安全问题增多,形势更加严峻。国家内部冲突外溢、军事政变回潮导致政局动荡、恐怖主义扩散、气候异常变化等一系列挑战凸显非洲地区人的安全与国家安全的脆弱性,区域安全秩序严重失衡。与此相应,非洲区域安全治理机制建设出现变化,和平与安全架构不断完善,其与区域治理架构以及非洲联盟与次区域的经济共同体等机制之间的协调不断增强,安全治理范围和功能不断拓展等。但是,非洲安全治理机制的自主运行能力仍受到诸多因素的制约,“非洲问题非洲解决”方式无法充分运用,持续不断的冲突未能得到有效遏制。有鉴于非洲国家的国情和区域形势,非洲安全治理需要以增强国家治理能力为导向,进而动员非洲国家的资源,加强国家之间的合作,以提高非盟安全治理的自主性。  相似文献   

夏新华 《西亚非洲》2006,7(1):64-68
法律文化现代化,既是文化现代化的一个重要内容,也是社会现代化的组成部分。非洲的现代化与发展相互依存、相互包容。现代化是一个社会变革过程。与其他地区相比,非洲法律文化的现代化更显迫切,也是所有非洲国家都面临的问题。非洲法律文化的现代化变革包括习惯法文化的现代化和法律制度的现代化。非洲法律现代化的成败得失引起世人的深刻反思,如何发掘固有法的现代价值,如何理性地认识非洲的伊斯兰法治,如何实现非洲国家的法制统一等问题,是非洲法律文化现代化进程中亟待解决的现实问题。  相似文献   

朱伟东 《西亚非洲》2013,(1):102-115
在当前全球经济存在不确定性因素的情况下,非洲各国进一步认识到必须加强非洲地区贸易与投资的发展。为此,非洲许多次区域经济共同体都提出了加强合作、建设更高层次一体化的目标。但是,如果非洲各经济共同体不关注本区域内法律的一体化,地区经济一体化的发展就会因各成员国之间法律的多样化而受到影响。非洲在法律一体化方面取得了一定的成就,但仍然面临许多的困难和问题。为了保障地区一体化的健康发展,非洲各经济共同体必须大力推进成员国间法律的一体化,特别是贸易、投资方面的实体法以及有关管辖权、法律适用、判决承认与执行等程序性事项的国际私法的统一化与协调化。  相似文献   

加强国际合作,促进经济与社会发展是联合国的主要职责之一.近年来,非洲经济与社会发展问题的严重性和迫切性使其成为联合国工作的优先事项.联合国为此制定了《1990年代联合国非洲发展新议程》等一系列行动纲领和计划,并加以实施,取得了可喜成就.联合国促进非洲发展的活动具有多领域、多层次、综合性等特点.论坛机制、协调机制、发展援助机制构筑起联合国促进非洲发展活动的主体框架.但是,联合国促进非洲发展的活动也受到了不少因素的制约,影响到有关活动的深化和拓展.在进入新世纪后,非洲的发展问题更需要国际社会来普遍关注,联合国作为世界上最重要的国际组织,有责任有义务在这一方面发挥更为积极的作用.  相似文献   

The paper argues that the increase in official development assistance to South Africa following its transition to majority rule was largely at the expense of other countries in the region. While this refocusing of aid has been aimed at disadvantaged black groups, it will also reinforce the regional dominance of the South African economy. Aid to Botswana, Lesotho, and Namibia has also become far more concentrated on human resource investment than on, for example, assistance for industrial development. It is argued that this will create a skill base which will benefit South African business expansion and which, when placed in the context of liberalised trade regimes, will tend to favour those already well placed in market terms who will often be white, male, and South African. Only a properly coordinated gender- and poverty-sensitive regional aid programme will help to counterbalance the polarisation in favour of established South African business interests that seems the likely consequence of present policies.  相似文献   

Musa Ndlovu 《Communicatio》2013,39(1-2):297-311

This article examines the commercial advancements of the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) into the African regional media markets. In this examination, the focus is mostly on the SABC's Africa-orientated channels, SABC Africa and Africa2Africa, as a case study. The article posits that the SABC's regional commercial expansion is paradoxical in the sense that it is both advantageous and disadvantageous at the same time. At the theoretical level, the article identifies some limitations to applying theoretical and analytical frameworks such as the dependency paradigm, media and cultural imperialism in explaining regional expansionism driven by Southern-based national media organisations.  相似文献   

J. Peter Pham 《Orbis》2021,65(3):420-431
Long treated as marginal to United States strategic interests, political, economic, and security, developments on the African continent have forced a reconsideration of Africa's geopolitical (and geoeconomics) significance in the twenty-first century. Moreover, the success of efforts to lower carbon emissions and other measures to combat the effects of climate change are highly dependent on access to Africa's mineral reserves—another factor driving both global and regional powers increasingly to become engaged on the continent. Criticism of former President Donald Trump's reported statements about African countries notwithstanding, the significant shift towards analytical realism under that administration—including not treating Africa in isolation from global trends—should be a lasting legacy.  相似文献   

南非加入“金砖国家”合作机制探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南非申请加入金砖国家合作机制,是南非与其他金砖国家的历史联系,及经济与战略合作关系的持续深入等综合因素影响的结果,符合南非推动国内经济发展、注重对非其他国家间关系与参与全球治理等利益诉求。作为非洲大国与世界主要新兴经济体之一,其他金砖国家看好与南非在增强相互关系的经济社会基础、促进世界经济发展的均衡与完善全球治理机制等方面的合作潜力。作为金砖国家合作机制的新成员,南非将在推动金砖国家间的经济合作、倡导非洲议程与深化金砖国家合作机制等方面扮演积极角色。  相似文献   

非洲汉语推广的现状、问题及应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非洲国家的汉语教学始于20世纪50年代,自中非合作论坛成立以来,非洲的汉语推广进入了一个快速发展阶段,但在层次、师资、教材和资源等方面面临一系列挑战。推进非洲的汉语推广,要积极争取非洲国家的支持,充分发挥孔子学院的重要作用,加快非洲本土汉语教师的培养,实现非洲汉语教学的本土化,同时还要加强非洲汉语推广的研究。  相似文献   

New communication technologies may be a mixed blessing for tropical African states. They could foster development, by promoting health, education, agriculture, entertainment, business and tourism; and also enhance international trade and regional cooperation. However, these technologies might accentuate the gap between the rich and poor, creating a society characterised by an information-rich elite and an information-poor under-class. In an age when information is power, this could devastate countries that are facing the problems of poverty, disease, hunger, and political instability. Ultimately, these technologies might also jeopardise the sovereignty, security, human rights, and, consequently, the development of countries in tropical Africa.  相似文献   

Despite the lofty objectives set out in the treaties of African intergovernmental organisations, such as the African Union, ECOWAS, SADC and the East African Community, legal harmonisation in Africa is still underdeveloped. Apart from a push towards harmonisation in the protection of human rights and the environment, mainly driven by a global agenda, some progress has been made with regard to legal harmonisation linked to economic integration at the sub-regional level. However, the process is slow and measures to ensure implementation of agreed norms at the national level and ensure consistent interpretation are still underdeveloped. This is illustrative of the lack of political will and the big gap between political rhetoric and reality on the African continent.  相似文献   


For decades (perhaps, centuries) global media outlets have framed and represented Africa in a negative light. These media representations have tended to overlook the diverse political, economic, social and cultural experiences of individual African countries – a situation that has led to the uncritical lumping together of African nations under the appellation of ‘Africa’. When this happens, the specific and unique conditions of her 55 nations are squeezed into a one-size-fits-all media frame. Historical and ideological forces, both from within and outside the continent, have conspired to impose this fate on Africa. The philosophies of negritude and the Organisation of African Unity were among the complicit internal forces helping to sustain such views. To evaluate this phenomenon, this essay examines the underpinnings of the framing and representation of ‘Africa’ in global media through a review of the literature, and seeks to answer the question of whether the continent can speak for itself, using four country-specific examples. Current media practices within the African continent, enabled by local media policies and infrastructure, have tended to rhetorically position countries primarily in accordance with their national identities, while attributing the African appellation as a secondary frame of representation.  相似文献   

This article discusses the role played by the European Union, African Union and Arab League in the recent revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. It focuses in particular on the use and impact of political and economic conditionality, the decision-making processes within each organisation and the inter-regional forums created to deal with the crisis. The analysis acknowledges the increasingly active and vocal role played by regional organisations in the so-called ‘Arab spring’, but it highlights not just that they had few legal powers to intervene in these crises, but also that they seemed very reluctant to use any form of political or economic conditionality. It also reveals that the main purpose of inter-regional forums was arguably not to generate consensus internationally but rather to manage dissent. As such, the article encourages a reflection on the specific challenges and opportunities that North Africa and the Mediterranean region pose to regional conflict management.  相似文献   

北非动荡不仅对中东阿拉伯世界造成直接的冲击,而且对撒哈拉以南非洲政局也构成潜在的影响。在此背景下,由于确实存在诸多有可能引发动荡的社会政治经济因素,撒哈拉以南非洲局部,即某些国家的政局动荡或许难免,但总体稳定的态势不会改变;即便一些撒哈拉以南非洲国家发生动乱,在性质上亦有别于北非国家,更不会像北非地区那样产生扩散效应,覆盖整个次区域,原因在于撒哈拉以南非洲国家在民族结构、宗教信仰、文化传统,特别是政治改革和政治治理等方面均与包括北非在内的中东阿拉伯国家存在较大差异。总体稳定、局部动荡仍不失为非洲政局之常态。  相似文献   

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