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李某 ,女 ,2 6岁 ,汝阳县陶营乡人 ,痴呆 ,不会说话 ,平时学穿衣服 ,不出家门。 2 0 0 1年 6月 11日早上 6时许被人发现死在距其家 10 0米的麦场中。尸表检验 :尸体发育中等 ,营养不良 ,两眼球结膜充血 ,胸腹部有 2 2cm× 40cm范围散在擦挫伤 ,触诊肋骨有骨擦音 ;左乳头内外侧分别有 0 .4cm× 0 .7cm、0 .5cm× 1cm排列整齐、呈对称分布的皮下淤血 ,右乳头内外侧分别有 0 .2cm× 0 .8cm、0 .3cm× 0 .8cm排列整齐呈对称分布的皮下淤血 ;右肩胛骨下侧皮肤有 5cm× 10cm范围擦挫伤 ;肛门3点、7点、12点处均有长约 0 .…  相似文献   

闭合性心脏破裂不伴胸部损伤1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张某,男,20岁,既往身体健康。某日晚被十数人用拳脚殴打,致其当场死亡。尸检于案发后5小时进行。尸检所见:死者外着绿色军服一套,外衣裤上可见多处尘土附着。上身内着毛背心及长袖棉衬衣各一件。尸体颜面部见多处的表皮擦伤,最大为3cm×1cm,最小为04cm×06cm。右髂后上棘处见两处大小分别为16cm×02cm及25cm×06cm的表皮擦伤,左胫骨前侧中份见75cm×10cm的表皮擦伤,其余全身体表未见异常。剖验所见:胸腹体表未见表皮擦伤或挫伤痕,胸腹壁皮下组织及肌层无出血,胸骨及肋骨无骨折。左肺下叶前内侧缘见10cm×7cm的挫伤…  相似文献   

某年冬某夜 11时许 ,某县公安局接报称 :城东公路上一人被汽车压死。尸检情况 :尸长 16 7cm ,发育正常 ,营养一般。死者双睑紧闭 ,右眼睑及眼球挫伤 ,左眼角膜混沌 ,球睑结膜苍白 ,唇及口腔粘膜苍白。右额部有 5cm× 5cm头皮撕裂 ,创口哚开。右颧部有 5cm× 4.5cm的擦伤 ,呈暗褐色。解剖 :颅骨未见骨折。前胸第 4肋间处有 2cm长创口 ,创口明显哆开 ,深达胸腔 ,创缘整齐 ,创角较锐。右锁骨第 1,2肋在锁骨中线处骨折 ,其余肋骨自腋中线处骨折 ,断端有出血。腹部有 2 5cm× 8cm擦伤 ,呈暗褐色。胸腔内有大量积血 ,心包前区有 1…  相似文献   

1 案例资料某男 ,2 6岁。身体健壮。 1998年 1月 2 4日 6时许 ,被人用不规则形木棒打伤头部 ,自行行走 2km后倒地昏迷 ,送医院抢救无效 ,次日 2 1时死亡。尸检所见 :尸长 177cm。头额顶枕部有广泛皮下出血 (以右侧为甚 )伴表皮剥脱 ;头顶枕部 4条挫裂创 2 5cm× 0 2cm~ 3 5cm× 0 2cm)和右顶颞部挫裂创 ( 1cm×0 2cm)深达帽状腱膜 ,右顶枕部 1处 9cm× 0 7cm和后枕部 2处 ( 3cm× 0 5cm ,3cm× 0 3cm)的挫裂创深达骨质 ;双上肢有抵抗性损伤 ,头右顶部至后枕部颅骨有 18cm× 7cm的粉碎性骨折 ,右…  相似文献   

1 案例资料1 1 简要案情梁某 ,男 ,4 0岁。 1996年 8月 30日晚车站候车时与人发生纠纷 ,在殴打中被他人用自制木工手锯砍伤致死。1 2 尸检摘要尸长 16 6cm ,发育正常 ,营养中等。额顶部有5cm× 0 4cm竖条状挫裂创 ,深达头皮下 ,创缘不整齐 ,创周伴 0 1cm× 0 3cm挫擦伤 ;右胸部有 4 5cm× 1 5cm条状皮下出血 ;胸背部右肩胛下有 13cm×6 5cm横行弧状切割创 ,深达胸腔 ,创角锐 ,创缘呈“波浪”状 ,创壁粗糙 ,但无组织间桥 ,相应损伤处第 8~ 11胸肋呈横斜行骨折 ,其断面伴有骨细碎片渣。双肺萎陷 ,右下叶有 7cm×…  相似文献   

2001年7月10日6时15分,西铜一级汽车专用公路发生一起特大交通事故,一中巴车乘客柳某 (男,30岁)当场死亡.尸检:尸长167 cm,营养、发育正常,体态中等.头部无外伤,睑结膜有点状出血点,下颌处有3 cm × 2 cm挫裂创,下颌骨骨折,胸部塌陷,多根肋骨多发性骨折,左、右锁骨骨折 ,颈部右侧有14 cm × 8 cm擦伤,左肩部有7 cm × 5 cm擦伤,胸部有6处排列整齐、间隔均匀、大小一样(8 cm × 1 cm)擦挫伤,右上腹有10 cm × 1 cm擦挫伤,右髂前皮肤有1 cm × 4 cm表皮裂伤,骨盆骨折,会阴部有10 cm × 13 cm挫裂创,深达盆腔,有肝脏组织外溢,双大腿明显肿胀,挤压右大腿,从会阴部创口处有肝组织溢出;挤压左大腿,从会阴部创口处有大肠及其系膜溢出,背部大面积剥皮创.因家属原因,未作解剖.  相似文献   

1案例案例1:某男,62岁,某日骑自行车时被平板车撞倒并辗压,当场死亡。衣着检验见死者所着上衣呈大面积挫裂;皮带在扣眼处断裂;长裤右裤腿内侧中缝撕裂。尸表检验见死者面部多处擦挫伤,大面积血痂附着;左眼球破裂,左眉弓有一3.0cm×1.5cm创,创内脑组织膨出;鼻腔有肺组织膨出;口腔有大量破碎肺组织、心肌组织膨出,上唇挫碎;左枕颞部有一5.0cm×3.0cm的擦伤;左颈部及胸上部有一16.0cm×4.0cm的擦挫伤;腹部有一15.0cm×13.5cm的擦挫伤;两手背有擦伤,右下肢有多处擦伤。解剖检验见胸部塌陷,双侧多根肋骨骨折;胸腔有大量血性积液,左肺叶破碎,心脏…  相似文献   

案例介绍死者 ,男 ,5 3岁。 2 0 0 1年 2月 9日 8时许 ,被人打伤腿部 ,未及抢救即死亡。现场提取一把方头铁锨 (刃部宽 2 5cm)。尸体检验 :下身着深蓝色长裤 1条 (右裤腿裤线开裂 ) ,内套红色绒裤 1条 (右裤腿前侧见 13cm× 8cm撕裂 ) ,浅蓝色秋裤 1条 (右裤腿前侧见 10cm× 3cm撕裂 )。尸长177cm。右大腿前侧、髂前上棘下 2 5cm处见 4 .5cm横行创口 (创口方向与股骨长轴垂直 ) ,哚开 1.9cm ,创口形态见示意图 1。创缘较整齐 ,创周无挫伤 ,创腔内无组织间桥 ,创深 4 .5cm ,创腔平面呈前方低、后方略高。剖验 :右腿股四…  相似文献   

男11岁,小学生。1992年某日下午1时许因逃学被其父用直径0.6cm的麻绳将胸部连同双上肢捆绑后双足悬空吊在暗楼上,其父外出约40分钟后回家,见其面色苍白,呼吸微弱,将其放下后速送医院,抢救无效于次日凌晨3时死亡。尸检所见尸长134cm,营养中等,发育正常。睑、球结膜苍白,无出血点,右上臂外侧肩峰下10cm处见一3.5×0.2cm的皮下青紫,其下7cm处有一1×0.3cm皮下青紫。右胸乳头下7cm(平第8肋)有一2.8×0.5cm水平走向的表皮擦伤及皮下出血,其外侧2cm处见一2×0.5cm水平走向的表皮擦伤。左胸锁骨中线平第8肋处见一5×0.5斜向…  相似文献   

薄召利 《法医学杂志》2000,16(2):120-121
在伤害案件中 ,因椎间盘突出的原因比较复杂而成为我们鉴定工作中的一个难点。笔者结合在实际工作中遇到的两个案例 ,就鉴定椎间盘突出的有关问题进行初步探讨。1 案 例例 1:某男 ,38岁 ,农民。某年 7月 13日被人脚踢胸部及左上肢致伤 ,伤后感胸痛。于 16日到当地法医门诊就诊 ,查体 :一般情况好 ,胸廓对称 ,左、右胸前区各有 5cm× 2cm、7cm× 4cm的片状皮下出血 ,右腋下第六肋处有 3cm× 2cm的片状紫红色皮下出血。左上臂中下部内侧有 14cm× 4cm的青紫色皮下出血 ,鉴定结论 :“轻微伤”。同年 9月 3日行颈椎、腰椎CT…  相似文献   

A recent decision of the Danish Complaints Board for DomainNames addressed the issue of hyphenating words in domain namesto get around the word spacing problem, where the domain namein question conflicted with rights in a personal name.  相似文献   

何兵 《中国司法》2004,(8):39-39
律师向法官行贿并非新闻,暗地里向审判官行贿是讼棍们祖传秘术。让人拍案惊奇的是,这位律师竟然将历来暗地里进行的潜规则公开化,合了一句成语——贿赂公行。讼棍并非是我们时代的新产品,它是专制权力的“传家宝”。宋人在《戒讼录》中曾以歌谣的形式唱道:“些小言辞莫若休,不须经县与经州,衙头府底陪茶酒,赢得猫儿卖了牛。”为何赢了猫儿卖了牛?因为牛被松棍和贪官污吏们合伙吃了去。讼棍们是如何工作的?曹雪芹在其名著《红楼梦》一书中介绍了天下第一能干、漂亮的讼棍王熙凤的入道过程。做托的是馒头庵的老尼。案情是这样的:一个大财主的…  相似文献   

This essay is concerned to note the way in which successful trial advocacy seems to stem from the ability to convert legal discourse into a story form. These stories need to be ones with which a jury is familiar. These increasingly come from visual media, particularly film. It looks in detail at one trial where this process of relating a defence to the jury employed the structure of a Mafia film. The essay concludes by examining the reasons why the nature of the novel differs significantly from that of the film and how in the novel-to-film adaptation process a certain simplification is bound to occur.  相似文献   

This article is a contribution to the occasional series dealing with a major book that influenced the author. Previous contributors include Stewart Macaulay, John Griffith, William Twining, Carol Harlow, Geoffrey Bindman, Harry Arthurs, André-Jean Arnaud, Alan Hunt, and Michael Adler.  相似文献   

This case report describes a noncontact traffic accident involving a motor scooter and a tractor-trailer with a focus on the wind-drag effect. We used load cells to measure the drag force acting on a substantially similar motor scooter when a substantially similar tractor-trailer passes by it, taking into consideration various speeds of the tractor-trailer and distances between the two vehicles. A three-dimensional steady-state flow analysis was also performed by using the CFX program for computational fluid dynamics to examine the streamlines and the pressure distribution around the tractor-trailer at various speeds. From the experiment, for a separation distance of 1.0 m (3.28 ft) and a speed of 90 km/h (55.9 mph), the maximum resultant drag force is 124.5 N (28 lb); this constitutes a degree of force that could abruptly disrupt the stability in maneuvering by an operator who is unaware of the approaching tractor-trailer. In addition, a single equation that relates the tractor-trailer speed to the drag force that acts on the motor scooter was derived on the basis of the Reynolds number (Re) and the wind-drag coefficient (C(d)): C(d) = 1.298 × 10(-7) Re.  相似文献   

Abstract: At a recent bushland gravesite that contained a deceased male, a clod of soil displaying a striated toolmark was collected during the excavation of the grave. This clod was preserved, and the mark was cast using Mikrosil?. Shovels and a mattock, which had been discarded by the suspects, were subsequently found at another location. A toolmark comparison identified the hoe end of the mattock head as having produced the striated toolmark.  相似文献   

This technical note describes a practical method for evaluating evidence in the case of a two person conditioned DNA mixture where the defence proposition is that the unknown contributor is genetically related to the suspect. A conditioned mixture is one where the presence of DNA from one of two individuals is accepted by both prosecution and defence. A typical example would be a vaginal swab in an alleged rape case, where the presence of the complainant's DNA would be expected and samples have been taken from the complainant and a suspect. Much has been written about the interpretation of such mixtures and the calculation of the conditional genotype probabilities that must be carried out. In general, such treatments assume that the unknown contributor, under the defence proposition, is unrelated to the known individuals. In this paper, we consider the case where the defence proposition is that the unknown contributor is genetically related to the suspect. We describe a method, incorporating a flow chart and reference tables that facilitate manual calculations of the likelihood ratio for several postulated genetic relationships.  相似文献   

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