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Compliance with the AFSP (Association of Forensic Science Providers) Standard [1] which concerns the formulation of an evaluative opinion requires consideration of the defence case. This can be problematic for forensic scientists working with or for law enforcement agencies. Among the aims of law enforcement agencies is to secure a conviction while in many jurisdictions the forensic scientist owes an overriding duty to the Court. This casework report demonstrates that early consideration of the defence case by a forensic scientist complying with the AFSP Standard may help rather than hinder the prosecution. The dichotomy as to a conflict of interest for the scientist between supporting the police/prosecutors and being scientifically objective is shown to be a false dichotomy. Compliance with the Standard ensures that science is a better servant of justice.  相似文献   

Law enforcement agents are asked to help solve problems involving alcohol abuse in a society exhibiting reluctance to change its attitude about drinking and driving. As the public’s concern over drunken driving intensifies, use of the sobriety checkpoint is becoming a major law enforcement/public policy issue. Recent case law upholds use of the checkpoint in order to deter and detect the drunken driver. Although the United States Supreme Court has not directly ruled on the constitutionality of the sobriety checkpoint, there is a considerable body of state case law upholding its validity. Generally, with some exceptions, sobriety checkpoints appear to be constitutional if law enforcement agents follow proper guidelines and procedures. This paper analyzes case law pertaining to checkpoints, and gives law enforcement agencies direction in establishing constitutionally sound sobriety checkpoints, in conclusion, the article synthesizes roadblock and sobriety checkpoint law to provide law enforcement officers a plan for proper checkpoint construction.  相似文献   

Ketamine deemed as a psychoactive substance has gained popularity for recreational use owing to its hallucinogenic and dissociative effects. Understanding the synthetic processes of ketamine can provide essential clues for law enforcement officers against illicit ketamine manufacturing. In this case report, a chemical company was being monitored by law enforcement officers due to its importation of precursors and materials that could be used for the synthesis of illicit drugs. After materials and products seized from this chemical company were employed for analyses using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry, and nuclear magnetic resonance analyses, ketamine, hydroxylamine, 2-chlorophenyl cyclopentyl ketone, and cyclopentanone p-toluenesulfonylhydrazone were identified. In addition, a novel process for the synthesis of ketamine precursor 2-chlorophenyl cyclopentyl ketone from cyclopentanone p-toluenesulfonylhydrazone and 2-chlorobenzaldehyde was validated. This is the first report to uncover this novel process for the synthesis of 2-chlorophenyl cyclopentyl ketone and can be used to increase awareness among law enforcement officers and forensic practitioners about these novel starting materials for the synthesis of ketamine.  相似文献   

公私协作执法是公共执法和私人执法基于各自特点进行协作的法律执行模式,可以有效弥补公共执法动力不足、腐败和信息劣势的缺陷,也可以有效弥补单纯私人执法过程中的执法过度、缺乏强制力等缺陷.长期以来,我国法律执行活动被公共执法机构垄断,公私协作执法的制度空间不大.为此,应当通过扩张诉讼当事人资格、建立罚金分享制度、增加惩罚性赔偿规定以及放宽风险代理诉讼限制等方式为公私协作执法开辟空间,使公私协作执法能够成为我国法律执行机制改革的重要方向.  相似文献   

由于基层公安机关自身的问题和民警法律意识淡薄等深层次原因,目前,全国公安机关掀起了以执法规范化建设为重点的"三项建设"战役,迫切要求其改进工作方法,树立执法为民、以人为本的执法理念,杜绝执法执勤过程中存在的"重实体,轻程序"的不规范行为,防止执法者滥用权力,以此促进社会主义和谐执法建设的进程。  相似文献   

执法办案过程中的有效沟通是提高执法水平和办案质量的重要基础。本文通过分析工商行政管理执法办案过程中存在的问题及沟通不足带来的危害,针对执法办案人员存在的沟通障碍,提出了实现有效沟通的对策和措施及执法人员在执法办案过程中应注意的事项。  相似文献   

论农村环境保护法的实施机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
法的实施机制关系法的有效性,现行单一化的环境保护法实施机制影响了其有效性的发挥。农村环境保护的现实状况决定了农村环境保护法的实施机制必须从实然的单一化走向应然的多元化,构建共生互补、协调配套的多元化实施机制。  相似文献   

Victims of sexual assault are often advised to seek postassault medical care to have a forensic exam, which includes evidence collection (termed a sexual assault kit [SAK]). After the exam, law enforcement personnel are supposed to submit the SAK to a crime laboratory for analysis. However, recent media reports suggest that in many communities throughout the United States, thousands of SAKs are left untested. Few studies have examined the rate at which law enforcement submits SAKs to crime labs or the factors that may predict them to do so. Thus, the purpose of this exploratory study is twofold: (a) to examine the percentage of SAKs law enforcement submits to crime labs in cases in which a sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) performed the exam with adult victims and (b) to explore whether assault and law enforcement characteristics predict whether SAKs are submitted to a crime lab. This study found that only 58.6% of the SAKs were submitted to the crime lab within a large Midwestern county. Using binary logistic regression, this study found that kits were significantly as likely to be submitted when there were documented physical (nonanogenital) injuries compared with kits that did not have documented physical injuries. In addition, kits that were handled by a law enforcement agency that had a high level of engagement with the SANE program were significantly as likely to be submitted as law enforcement agencies with a low or medium level of engagement. Kits were significantly less likely to be submitted when victims cleaned themselves after the sexual assault (e.g., bathing). No association was found between kit submission and the victim-offender relationship, suspected drug-facilitated sexual assault, anogenital injury, and when the victim consumed alcohol or drugs before the assault. This article concludes with a discussion of the implications for research and practice.  相似文献   


Policymakers, school officials and the law enforcement community have expanded legal tools and other strategies to address bullying in recent years. This has resulted in a larger and more challenging role for law enforcement officers working in school settings. The present study seeks to understand the ways in which local law enforcement officers interpret this new role and their efforts to prevent and respond to bullying. We draw upon Routine Activities Theory as a lens to view officer perceptions of promoting guardianship and reducing target suitability of young people most at-risk for bullying victimization. Data collected from qualitative interviews of law enforcement officers working with local schools, suggest that officers see a role for law enforcement in promoting guardianship around this health and safety concern, but recognize the limitations of using arrest authority. They emphasize promoting trust and building relationship in efforts to support potential and current bullying victims.  相似文献   

北京市城管综合行政执法的发展困境及解决思路   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
北京市城管综合行政执法工作已经开展十余年,在北京城市管理中发挥了重要作用。目前该领域存在的职权界定标准模糊、执法物质保障缺乏、执法队伍结构不合理、职权配制不科学、执法理念、执法方式简单化等障碍直接影响了城管综合行政执法效能的发挥。对此,首先应科学划定城管综合行政执法的权限范围,其次加强城管执法物质保障和执法队伍建设,再次建立城管执法多项职权的协调体制,最后转变执法观念,改进执法方式,提高执法能力。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between sheriff law enforcement officers' characteristics and their use of force. Official records were utilized to collect data on the sworn law enforcement officers of the Florida Polk County Sheriff's Office and their self-reported use of force for 1999. The findings of this study indicated that White, male law enforcement officers, thirty-five years of age or younger, with less than 145 months of service, and assigned to patrol duties were more likely to resort to the use of force. Given that sheriff law enforcement officers are an integral part of policing, it is recommended that more studies be conducted of the use of force by these public officials.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,道路交通管理领域也迎来了自动化执法时代。闯红灯、超速等各类交通技术监控系统的引入将传统街道执法空间改造成一个"全景敞视"规训平台,大幅提升了交通违章查处效率。然而,作为被规训一方的行政相对人并未真正享受到"科技+行政"的发展红利,其根源在于信息技术赋权不均衡导致交通执法"便行不便民",使得"电子警察"饱受诟病。面对非现场执法这一新生事物,司法裁判应跳出传统现场执法的固有逻辑,运用行政过程论对非现场执法行为进行全流程、动态审查,对非现场执法的不同行为阶段采取不同的司法审查方法和审查强度,兼顾行政执法方式革新与行政相对人权益保障的需求,实现工具理性和价值理性的有效融合。  相似文献   

“警察人性化执法”刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伍玉功 《时代法学》2007,5(5):87-94
警察人性化执法,是指警察在执法过程中,在依法保障当事人合法权益的前提下,依照法定的职权和法定的程序,改变执法观念和执法方式,以人为本,实现执法公正的一项专门活动。在警察人性化执法中,严格执法是前提,依法保障当事人的合法权益(包括警察自身的合法权益)是核心内容,人文关怀是方式,实现执法公正是终极目标。而"懦弱执法"、"人情执法"、"不平等执法"和"首次不罚"的执法都不是警察的人性化执法。警察人性化执法实现的途径主要有三:一是完善公安法律制度;二是提高人民警察自身的素质;三是加强监督,从严治警。  相似文献   

论我国反垄断执法机构的设置--对现行设计方案的质疑   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张炳生 《法律科学》2005,23(2):113-121
反垄断执法机构的科学设置 ,事关反垄断法的命运 ,其重要性是显而易见的。发达国家和地区的反垄断法在对该机构的性质定位、职能设置、程序安排诸方面都进行了周密的设计 ,赋予该机构显要的地位和超强的权力 ,以保障其执法的有效性。我国的特殊国情决定了我国反垄断法的主要使命将是如何消除和防范行政垄断 ,其斗争将是异常惨烈的。反垄断执法机构也将经受严峻考验。反垄断法讨论稿设计的反垄断执法机构设置方案 ,存在着严重缺陷 ,据此而行 ,反垄断法实施的效果是令人疑虑的。我国反垄断执法机构的设计必须废弃作为现有行政机关下属机构的思路 ,凸现其权威性、独立性和专业性  相似文献   

既有理论框架难以全面解释违建执法的困境.实际上,违建执法的困境反映执法领域国家能力的不足.从执法的结构和过程看,国家能力不足表现在多个层面:执法机构的"孤岛现象"普遍,不同机构之间难以有效合作;一线执法人员的素养欠缺,且其工作难以被执法机构有效考核;执法人员在进入社区空间、处理执法事务时受阻严重.由于国家能力的不足,执法人员常常接受执法对象的讨价还价,违建执法表现出"日常惰性—专项治理"的循环结构,强力执法与违法不究处于共生状态.改善社会治理,需要在执法领域强化国家能力,需要从执法机构、执法人员及其与社会的互动等多方面着手.  相似文献   

姜涛 《行政与法》2012,(5):23-25
依法治体是建设体育强国的基本方略和现实需要,本文在分析现阶段依法治体存在的主要问题的基础上,提出建设体育强国必须牢固树立依法治体的理念,选择正确的路径,即加快体育立法,完善配套法规,加强体育执法队伍的建设和管理,提高体育执法的能力,强化体育法治意识和普法宣传,完善体育法律和执法监督体系,寻求多种体育法律服务和救济途径等依法治体的路径。  相似文献   

The advent of cloud computing has led to a dispersal of user data across international borders. More than ever before, law enforcement investigations into cybercrime and online criminal activity require cooperation between agencies from multiple countries. This paper examines recent changes to the law in Australia in relation to the power of law enforcement agencies to effectively investigate cybercrime insofar as individuals and organisations make use of cloud infrastructure in connection with criminal activity. It concludes that effective law enforcement operations in this area require harmonious laws across jurisdictions and streamlines procedures for granting assistance between law enforcement agencies. In conjunction with these mechanical developments, this paper posits that law enforcement officers require a systematised understanding of cloud infrastructure and its operation in order to effectively make use of their powers.  相似文献   

Supply reduction efforts by drug law enforcement departments are a significant factor in improving the effectiveness of drug control policies. The performance of drug law enforcement departments is one of the most important concerns for policy makers. Therefore, improving the performance of these departments is crucial in order for governments to constrict illegal drug markets and prevent illegal drug distribution. The literature suggests that social capital may have significant impacts on organizational performance. Using survey data from 12 city law enforcement departments in Turkey, this study examines the effects of three social capital dimensions (structural, relational, and cognitive dimensions) on the perceived performance of drug law enforcement departments by using structural equation modeling. The results of this conceptually grounded and empirical study suggest that drug law enforcement departments should pay close attention to promoting social capital among officers in order to fight effectively against drug trafficking.  相似文献   

县域社会违建执法需要一定的组织载体,但在不同农村类型中,体制层面执法资源配置不均和社会层面违建个体情境差异共同塑造了不同类型的政府执法组织,并产生不同治理绩效。在城中村,正式化执法组织具备常规执法权且执法密度大,虽能够强化执法效果,但在执法过程中始终存在政府与征拆居民的利益博弈;在城郊村,正式化与半正式化相结合的执法组织有助于强化政府执法力量和权威,但受信息制约和人情关系影响容易产生灰色利益空间,进而侵蚀执法目标;在远郊村,半正式化执法组织本身没有专业执法权,政府常在一定时期内通过组织动员手段来补强执法力量,但执法绩效具有不稳定性。三类农村违建执法组织的治理绩效差异,反映出国家法律在县域城乡社会落地的非均质性。  相似文献   

This article examines the role of NGOs in wildlife law enforcement, drawing on empirical research conducted within UK environmental law enforcement but also drawing on a review of the academic literature and policy debates concerning NGOs and pressure group activity. It examines the theoretical basis for NGO actions and different policy perspectives, the ideologies employed by NGO's and how these manifest themselves in law enforcement policies and practice. While the focus of this essay is UK and US NGO activity with its professional enforcement activity and policy networks, the impact of wildlife and environmental NGOs is significant in a range of jurisdictions and is a vital component in effective policing of wildlife legislation.  相似文献   

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