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New circumstances enrich China’s foreign policy while major principles remainconstant In the global village of today’s world, the prosperity of a few countries cannot rest upon other nations’ poverty. Not even themost powerful country can ensure its security without respecting and accommodating other  相似文献   

<正>This year’s International Day of Persons With Disabilities,which falls on December 3,focuses on the theme—Inclusion Matters:Access and Empowerment for People of All Abilities—a notion that has increasingly resonated with Chinese people.In China,there are more than 85 million people living with disabilities.Improving their livelihoods concerns social justice,progress and  相似文献   

Finance for All     
正Technology is helping financial services reach a larger proportion of the population Back in 2013 when Zhang Hui started a financial service company,he believed that such services should be targeted at more than just the elite—they should also ben-  相似文献   

北京是首都,是人们经常说的"首善之区",有着较其他地方更好的信息优势、人才优势和相对较强的财力筹集优势,以及可利用、借助的诸多资源(按照社会学的说法,如果把北京比作一个人的话,那么,他就有着比别人更多的可资利用的"社会资本"),在改革中,北京应是谨慎地"为前驱",还是"拖后腿"?我认为,在一些方面,北京是有能力、有条件先走一步,为全国表率.  相似文献   

January 1, 2006 saw landmark legislation - that of abolishing agricultural tax, levied for the past 2,600 years in China. As the country's economy had been agrarian throughout its 5,000-year history, agricultural tax was the main source of its national revenue. Repeal of this tax is firm indication of the cen- tral government's resolve to improve the lot of agricultural workers. Development imbalances between cities and villages constitute a major obstacle to China's goal of a harmonious soci…  相似文献   

A recent central government directive states that air conditioning tem-peratures in government departments and offices must be no lower than26degrees Celsius.Beijing Municipality civil servants are also excusedfrom wearing suits and ties to the office during the summer months.Theseare just two of the thrift-promoting regulations that emerged last summerin the drive towards a frugal economy.To a truly frugal society,saving resources is a way of life.Since the1980s,China's progress in this res…  相似文献   

EVERY August, Tibetans on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau gather to hold the most important gala of the year - Shoton Festival. In the Tibetan language, "sho" means yoghurt and "ton" means feast. It falls on the end of the sixth month of the Tibetan calendar (usually in August) and lasts for five to seven days till the beginning of the seventh Tibetan month.  相似文献   

Hi-Tech for All     
In 2008, William Cai co-founded Jing-Jin Electric, a company specializing in motor systems and electric drive assembly for newenergy vehicles (NEVs). Its hard to imagine that in just over a decade, the company that started with only 12 employees has become a leader in the field, exporti ng its core comp on ents to global partners like Waymo and Chrysler.  相似文献   

农村全面奔小康进程中社会治安问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放二十多年来,我国农村在政治、经济和文化的各个领域均发生了深刻的变化,进入了全面建设小康社会的新时期。本文分析了当前农村社会政治、经济和文化现状,阐述了农村社会治安问题的现状和特点,并以十六大精神为指针,提出在全面建设小康社会中维护农村社会治安稳定必须夯实农村经济基础、巩固农村政治基础、营造农村思想基础和落实农村工作基础,从而为全面建设农村小康创造良好的社会治安环境。  相似文献   

邓微 《湖湘论坛》2010,23(2):7-9
<正>抵御疾病风险是每个人在一生中都必须面对的问题,也是关系到民众福利水平的问题。在现代社会保障制度的构建中这一风险得到了高度的重视。人类社会产生的第一部社会保险法即1883年德国颁布的《疾病保险法》。由于医疗保险涉及到病患者、医生医院、药物医疗器械等方面的利益,所以利益博弈异常复杂,制度设计和制度实施亦异常艰难。所以,医疗保障制度建设和医疗卫生体制建设一直是世界各国花大力气对待的问题。  相似文献   

<正>The task of providing the largest population in the world with decent and affordable medical services has always been a challenge for the Chinese Government.Chinese urban residents enjoyed nearly free access to basic medical resources for almost 40 years after 1949,until a reform was initiated in the 1980s amid the country's  相似文献   

RAPID industrial development in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, has brought the city great wealth. The city's new development policy, moreover, has been of benefit to all Ordos residents, including herdsmen and farmers living in areas of pastureland."We've been hit by droughts in our banner in recent years," says a farmer in Ejin Horo Banner of Ordos, "so the more sheep we raised, the greater our losses, as they either died or had to be sold at rock bottom prices. A times, all five members of our household lived off the income of our son, who has a job in town. Luckily, the government sent officials to our house to assess our situation, and we were provided with a minimum living subsidy. Otherwise, we would have starved."  相似文献   

正China and the United States are leading the rest of the world in the efforts to develop a vaccine for the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Scientists around the world are working on more than 120 vaccines, while 11 have been approved for clinical trial so far.Of these 11 vaccines, five come from scientists in China and four from the U.S.  相似文献   

正Countries should join forces to prevent a possible global food crisis and protect the vulnerable While the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19) epidemic is well under control in China,it is rapidly spreading in Europe and the U.S.and has begun to affect less developed countries in Africa,South Asia and Latin America.COVID-19 is a global health crisis not seen in decades.Without proper measures,a global food crisis leading to a much larger humanitarian disaster may follow,caused not by a shortage of food,but due to panic that can lead to severe disruptions in the  相似文献   

There are some accusations stigmatizing China made by the international media recently.Coming from a sense of superiority,adopted by some American politicians and media agencies since the outbreak of the pandemic to demonize and stigmatize China,they are now describing Westerners as victims of discrimination in China.Those reports even said that Africa ns,who historically have a deep f「ien dship with the Chinese,have been subjected to acts of'Yacism,*in China.The fact is that some of China's supermarkets,gyms,bars,hotels and other public places do not allow people to enter in groups,neither Chinese nor foreigners,as a measure of pandemic prevention and control.Also,a quarantine period is in place for people entering the country,including Chinese and foreigners.  相似文献   

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