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The film industry comes back strong in China Beijing movie the aters posted notices around the New Year holiday that reminded audiences to avoid the flood of crowds flocking to the  相似文献   

Coming of Age     
At its annual summit,the Shanghai Cooperation Organization attunes to a changing world The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)’s member states collective position on international issues was spelled out at the organization’s 10th annual summit in Uzbekistan.  相似文献   

A Ripe Old Age     
Seeking the secret of longevity Born in 1885, Luo Meizhen can still move quickly and can see and hear well. Until this year, she had climbed  相似文献   

正Farmers discover the benefits of online sales This is the season of brisk sales for vendors selling watermelons from the back of small vans at road intersections or pavements.Of late,another way of reaching buyers is catching on—through online sales.  相似文献   

许瑶 《理论月刊》2008,(8):136-138
自行政学诞生以来,中西方涉及行政管理的理论研究不断推陈出新,优秀者数不胜数。传统行政组织理论首推马克斯.韦伯为代表的官僚制理论,但随着时代的发展,官僚制的运行出现了各种问题。20世纪70年代以来西方世界纷纷举起政府改革的大旗,开始对传统的行政体制进行创新、实施行政改革。其中最为显著的成果之一便是新公共管理理论。新公共管理理论以提高政府效率为目标,主张减少管制,追求政府的小而美,在全面反思官僚制基础上,提出了一系列政府行政改革的"药方"。这些"药方"至今仍为许多西方国家追随、实践。  相似文献   

正Research and ideas play an increasingly important role in China’s policymaking By Tang YuankaiOn April 19,the National School of Development at Peking University celebrated its 20th anniversary.Six foreigneducated economists,including Justin Yifu Lin,who went on to become the first chief economist and senior vice president of the World Bank  相似文献   

陈平殿 《新东方》2001,10(2):92-95
计算机与现代通讯技术的结合,为人类创造了一个全新的信息网络时代,给图书馆带来了深刻的影响。图书馆正从传统的手工管理向计算机管理转化,从而逐步实现数字化、网络化的管理。信息网络化使图书馆的资源突破了传统的“馆藏”局限而扩展到整个网络,极大地丰富了可提供服务的信息资源。因此,必须全面提高图书馆工作人员的整体素质,改善群体知识结构。  相似文献   

新中国走过了60年的光辉历程,新中国的青年运动也用60年的光阴谱写了一曲激越的青春壮歌.今天我们回顾青年运动60年,就是要在历史的财富中寻找精神的源头,从社会的进步中汲取前进的力量,从一代代青年的奋斗和探索中获得经验和启示;今天我们回顾青年运动60年,更是为了使广大青年能够真正与祖国共奋进,与时代同发展,在新的历史起点上推动中国青年运动不断向前迈进.  相似文献   

THE Wikileaks event, in which hundreds of thousandsof confidential U.S. documents were released on the Internet, created enormous challenges for American diplomatic efforts  相似文献   

正Justin Trudeau’s visit to China puts Sino-Canadian relations back on the productive path For Canadians, the headlines breaking from China in early September seemed to come from a different decade, even a different century.  相似文献   

现代世界已进入了一种新的文明构架,即文化主导的时代.文化在民族国家经济与社会发展中的作用日益凸出.面对这样的文化时代,尤其是面对中国现代化的实际,需要我们建构起一种文化自觉意识.  相似文献   

本文以"性别化年龄"这一概念解析四川一家大型酒楼的"大姐"和"小妹"这两个有一定差异的打工者群体在劳资关系中所处的不同地位.重点在于探讨性别与年龄如何成为女性农民工看待自己工作及处理劳资关系的认知基础和行动源泉.所谓"性别化年龄"指涉及年龄问题的社会性别建构.这时候的年龄问题已经不是一种简单的生物事实,而成为一种复杂的"社会事实".对那些自认并被别人称为"大龄"的打工妹群体而言,这一社会事实往往充当着一种对集体意识和集体行动的限制.对那些所谓"小龄"打工妹群体来说,性别化的年龄尺度常常可以作为工人与老板博弈的空间而存在.  相似文献   

A quarter century after his death,the plays of prominent playwright Cao Yu continue to inspire experiments and cross-border collaborations.A new adaptation by a French director with Cao's daughter,a renowned playwright herself,as the consultant.  相似文献   

正China's baby boom fuels demand for a new class of mother and childcare workers By Xia YuanyuanMa Wenxia has many roles:babysitter,maternal nurse,dietitian and even yoga instructor.But she prefers to be called a yuesao—literally meaning"maternity matron"in Chinese.A typically Chinese tradition,a yuesao is a childcare expert who looks after newborn babies,living with the family usually for a month  相似文献   

侯顺 《理论月刊》2003,(11):123-124
泛文化时代的文学批评过度注重文学的文化内涵,使得文学不再是单纯的语言问题或者美学问题,而成了文化问题,文化批评也成为了文化研究。在泛文化时代,文学批评与文学批评家的“退场”正不易察觉地被认同,甚至被合理化。这要求批评家区分文学批评中的文化批评与文化研究,回归于文学批评,立足于文学本身,注意文学本身的审美特质。  相似文献   

CHINESE employers often ask job applicants to send in a handwritten, rather than a printed, resume. The reason? "One can judge a person's character and attitude by his handwriting." Since ancient times, Chinese people have believed that one's handwriting mirrors one's personality. During the Tang Dynasty, calligraphy was a key  相似文献   

PEI Yuanshun,now 70,taught in a vocational secondary school in Kaifeng,Henan Province before she retired in 1996. Two years later her husband Wu Yingfan retired too.As their grandson was enrolled in an elite high school in Beijing's suburb and far from his downtown home,the couple bought a home close to his campus and moved to Beijing in 2001 to house him while he studied.Two years ago,the boy continued his education abroad and the old couple became empty-nesters.  相似文献   

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