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张晓红 《学理论》2009,(18):191-192
本文作者就如何提高高职英语口语的途径作了阐述。作者在分析语用失误的基础上,借鉴第二语言习得理论,围绕真实交际的原则,拟就英语口语教学途径做简要探讨。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,国际之间的交流日益加强。英语作为一种国际通用的交流工具,越来越重要。船舶口语英语的教学与传统英语口语教学有着明显区别,结合实际的船舶英语口语教学经验,依照加德纳的多元智能理论,逐一讨论如何在船舶英语口语教学中培养学生的多元智能,探索如何发展学生的个性,教师结合船舶英语口语教学特点运用多元智能的教学观、学生观和评价观,多途径、多方式地激发学生智能,从而提高学生船舶英语口语水平。  相似文献   

近年来,随着社会对于高职高专院校学生的英语口语交际能力的要求越来越高,如何提高学生的口语水平已是各高校面临的重要问题之一。合理有效的英语口语测试模式可以有力督促学生提高自身英语水平,提高其英语交际能力,但如何制定合理有效的测试模式,同时能够根据测验反应的问题更加积极有效的进行英语口语教学却是值得思考的问题,正是基于这一点,作者就高职高专英语口语测试模式提高的必要性、口语测试模式现状以及如何提高测试模式等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

目前文秘英语口语的教学和研究还没有引起我国教育界的关注。我国绝大多数高职高专涉外文秘专业既没有开设专门的文秘英语口语课,也没有专门的文秘英语口语教材。提高涉外文秘专业学生的英语口语,教师应致力于文秘英语口语课的教学。文秘英语口语课应该以学生为中心,教师的作用只在于模拟设定涉外秘书的工作场景,指导帮助学生通过相互协作,把相关的涉外文秘知识运用到英语口语中。  相似文献   

根据教育部对高职高专英语教学的要求,高职类院校的英语口语教学是以实用为目的。我国长期以来非常重视英语口语,虽然在教学实践中取得了一定的成绩,但也存在不少问题。通过对交际教学法对高职英语口语教学的探究,结合现有高职院校英语口语教学现状、教学手段与学生心理等问题,得出交际教学法对高职英语口语教学起着十分重要的作用,从而建议学校采用适当教学方法,来提高英语口语的教学效果。  相似文献   

目的:采取国内外先进的教学法和多媒体教学手段,来预防及减轻七年制本硕连读医学生的医学英语口语课堂焦虑,培养其把医学专业知识与英语口语交际能力有机地结合起来并提高其口语测试成绩。方法:采用外语课堂焦虑量表(FLCAS)对2012级七年制本硕连读二年级175名医学生进行调查,并分析其结果。结果:七年制本硕连读医学生医学英语口语课堂焦虑与医学英语口语成绩呈显著性负相关(P0.01)。结论:七年制本硕连读医学生存在医学英语口语课堂焦虑,其焦虑处于中等水平。而且七年制本硕连读医学生医学英语口语课堂焦虑程度越高,其医学英语口语成绩越低。  相似文献   

吴莹 《学理论》2013,(17):261-262
近年来我国英语教学在改革过程中取得了很大的成就,然而在教学过程中,提高高职院校学生的英语口语能力仍然存在很多困难。因此如何提高高职学生的英语口语技能、提高英语教学质量,受到广大英语教师的关注。探讨交互式教学模式在高职英语口语课堂中的应用,力求找到更实用、有效的交互式教学模式,使高职院校英语口语课堂教学有突破性的改观。  相似文献   

周伟 《学理论》2011,(34):224-225
外语教学的最终目的是使学习者掌握目的语,随着交际教学法的提出,英语口语教学在英语教学中越来越受到重视。以大学生口语能力的培养为研究对象,在剖析英语口语教学中存在问题的基础上,探讨了大学英语口语教学的策略。  相似文献   

胡玉婷 《学理论》2012,(11):233-234
目前世界上应用最广泛的语言是英语,随着全球经济的快速发展及各国人民之间的密切往来,英语已成为世界通用语言之一。因此,在世界各国英语教育体制中,英语口语教学是关键,必须增加英语口语课程,不断提高英语口语教学水平。提高中职学生英语口语能力的策略:营造轻松愉快的语言交流氛围;坚持用英语组织课堂教学;加强学生基础知识训练;提升教师素养;开展多样的活动;加大投入。  相似文献   

任务型教学模式在大学英语口语教学中能充分调动大学生的主观积极性,培养大学生在学习过程中通过独立思考去分析问题和解决问题能力的语言教学模式。任务型教学模式以"语言情境创设-语言主题探究-语言输出"的交互模式给当代大学生提供语言学习的理论借鉴。在大学英语口语任务型教学过程中,教师是任务教学的组织者和设计者、英语课堂活动的主观创造者、语言交际过程的协助者,而学生是整个教学活动的中心。运用文献资料等研究方法对大学英语口语任务型教学的构成因素进行分析,指出在大学英语口语课程设计中进行任务型教学应注意的相关原则,为大学英语口语教学提供理论及现实指导意义。  相似文献   

在当前利益主体多元化、利益矛盾加剧的背景下,推进和完善行政决策听证需要解决的一个关键性问题,在于如何协调差异和矛盾,聚集民意,以便为政府决策提供价值前提。协商共识理论为深化行政决策听证的研究提供了新的指向;行政决策听证的功能在于为理性论辩提供建制化空间以集结民意,制约行政决策;在听证议题的形成、听证代表的遴选、话语规范的确立及其制度保障等主要环节中,通过制度程序的建构,排除权力和金钱的侵入,在平等协商对话中整合利益,集结公共意愿。  相似文献   

耿娟娟 《学理论》2009,(9):176-177
从语言与文化之间的关系和目前学习者的英语现状的角度,论述了外语教学中文化知识传授的必要性。教师可以结合各种教学技巧来培养学生的跨文化交际能力,但同时也要处理好文化教学和语言教学,母语文化和目的语文化之间的关系。  相似文献   

Marketing maverick J. Wannamaker's famous dictum has been hovering over marketing effectiveness ever since the late nineteenth century. Providing tentative answers to such a tantalizing question does not rest solely with the media-mix of a brand campaign. As argued in this paper, even more fundamentally than budget allocation lie issues about the semiotic structure of an intended brand positioning. By drawing on structuralist semiotics and particularly by focusing on the operations of structuration, homologation, isotopy, reduction, redundancy, recurrence, it will be demonstrated that what is dominantly conceived as “waste” does not concern merely media integration, but equally importantly message integration. Furthermore, communicative waste as aberrant positioning is not only the outcome of aberrant decoding, but also aberrant destructuration, both posing considerable threats to brand coherence and communicative consistency.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a corpus of email messages known as “419 scams”: a form of financial fraud in which huge offers of money are being made to people provided they pass on bank details and other personal information to the perpetrators. This kind of message presents us with a typical instance of “globalized” communication: they are produced in the margins of the world (the term “419 scam” is Nigerian) and sent to other places; they are electronically mediated; and they are written in varieties of “world languages”, mostly English. In the messages, authors claim particular identities and relationships, and have to do so using specific, generically regimented forms of communication. Investigating such forms yields a complex view of what it takes to communicate in a globalized environment: at least three different forms of communicative competence seem to be blended. First, authors require technological competence, the capacity to control, explore and exploit the communicative opportunities offered by global email systems. Second, they require cultural competence: they need some awareness of genres and genre expectations among their addressees in order to stand a chance of success. And thirdly, they need linguistic competence: the capacity to actually produce linguistic messages that are congruent with the projected identities and relationships in the transaction. We see that whereas the first two forms of competence appear to be well developed, the third is often problematic, yielding rich indexical signals pointing towards fraud. The genre of email fraud thus yields insights into the changing nature of communication in the age of globalization.  相似文献   

Drawing on a database of 26 hours of video-recorded Finnish conversations from three different settings – everyday conversations among family and friends, instrumental lessons and church workplace meetings – we consider the ways in which singing can be used as an interactional resource to enact the three basic communicative motives of humans: requesting, informing, and sharing. Singing has the potential to initiate joint activities, which allows the participants to share their emotional stances. The usage of singing is, however, more limited in requesting or informing – a disadvantage which people, especially in musical settings, need to deal with. There are, nevertheless, situations where the possibility to choose to perform such actions through singing can help maintain mutual solidarity between participants. We argue that people's distinct ways of interpreting spoken and sung utterances can be best understood from the perspective of participants' orientations to agency and accountability.  相似文献   

吴鸣岐 《学理论》2012,(16):76-77
发展低碳旅游是旅游业发展的必然趋势,指出大连发展低碳旅游存在着诸多问题,例如,旅游业经营过程中对环境造成的污染;政府对低碳旅游缺少系统性的规定以及旅游者环保生态意识淡薄。并分析提出了发展大连低碳旅游,应当打造低碳旅游设施,制定完善有利于大连低碳旅游发展的制度和标准,引导旅游者使用低碳旅游消费方式。  相似文献   

语言测试在学界的不断论证之下,经过多个阶段的发展已经形成几类测试方法。通过进行语言测试发展不同阶段的比较以及交际性语言测试特点的分析,发现交际性语言测试是以就业为导向的高职英语口语教学要求相适应的有效的测试方法,并提出有效可行的测试方式和评分方法。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the reasons why the current official U.S. poverty measure is outdated and nonresponsive to many anti‐poverty initiatives. A variety of efforts to update and improve the statistic have failed, for political, technical, and institutional reasons. Meanwhile, the European Union is taking a very different approach to poverty measurement. The paper ends with four recommended steps that would allow the U.S. to improve its measurement of poverty and economic need.  相似文献   

多元智能理论下的大学英语大班教学策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪冬瑾  宫建蓉  杨佳 《学理论》2010,(5):187-189
针对目前大学英语大班教学存在的问题,本文引入多元智能理论“因材施教”的个性化教育理念,尝试将其应用于大学英语大班教学的课堂实践中,通过多元课程设计,将智能目标落实到教学实践中,从而探索在大班教学环境下有助于促进学生学习和智能发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

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