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高校对于学生工作的作用一直是肯定的, 但是大多数时候仍然停留在保持“稳定” 上, 尚缺乏对于学生工作与学生学习关系的研究和评价。学生工作者很难明确工作中服务或者实 践内容对于学生的学习影响有多少, 因此在学生学习过程中所起的作用也不能得到认同。在当代 社会背景下,应该强调对于学习本身进行重新审视,强调学习辅导是当前转型发展时期学生工作的 重要内容。  相似文献   

教学评估从本质上说是一种价值判断活动, 价值判断的显著特点是客观性与主体性 的高度统一。评估者的认知结构、主体意象都会影响评估的客观性和准确性, 所以要选择不同的评 估主体从不同角度对同一教师进行评估。我们在评估的方法上应尽量遵循民主的原则, 即将评估 方案、指标体系、评分标准的制定过程透明化, 而评估结果的公布则要注意保密原则。  相似文献   

近年来,随着中泰关系的进一步发展,中国学生留学泰国人数日益增多。据估计,当前在泰国留学的中国学生有五六千人。每年通过各种途径到泰国留学的中国学生上千人,仅中国南部的云南、广西、广东等省区的学生就占一半以上。笔者发现,随着中国学生留学泰国人数的增多,学生在留泰过程中遇到的问题也愈来愈多。如何解决这些问题,让中国学生顺利完成学业,笔者以自己在泰国留学4年(2001~2005)的亲身经历和对中国留泰学生的了解,并根据2005年11月对广西民族学院百名预赴泰国留学的学生进行的调查问卷,分析中国学生留学泰国的原因、现状与问题所在,就…  相似文献   

学习动机是支撑个人学习行为的动力之源,其直接影响第二语言学习效果。近20年(1997~2017年)间针对泰国学生汉语学习动机之探究已有一定积累,现有成果以硕士学位论文为主,但普遍存在统计手段简单化、调查问卷信效度缺乏检验、样本量小、动机激发策略针对性不强、理论探讨浅缺等问题。针对泰国本土学生汉语学习动机之探讨须紧扣泰国学生特点及泰国教育背景等因素,为把握泰国学生汉语学习动机及其变化情况,应充分重视其汉语学习动机激发策略之研究和实践。  相似文献   

双语教学是运用两种语言作为教学媒介语, 并同时用于学科教学过程中的一种教学模 式。其中, 学生的语言技能、态度、动机等是教学效果的影响因子。在《学生关于双语教学的摸底调查 表》数据分析基础上, 提出实施双语教学的四点建议:一是教师在开设课程时要对双语教学的目标、形 式、考核方法等与学生进行交流;二是双语教学应该开设在专业课中;三是不同基础的学生对双语教 学的态度不一致, 双语教学的开展应确立“必修课与选修课并进, 实验班与选修班教学并举”的方法。 教师在授课过程中要把握好双语教学的形式, 避免沦为语言课或全盘用汉语讲解。  相似文献   

她曾经是舞蹈学校最出色的学生,体态轻盈,舞姿优美。  相似文献   

俄语课堂上以教师为主导、以学生为主体,师生密切配合,在和谐、愉快的情境中实现教与学的互动。这种新的教学双边关系,激发了学生的学习兴趣,增强了学生的参与意识、实践意识和竞争意识,使得教学中两个最重要要素的作用得到和谐而充分的发挥,使学生对语言掌握的技能的学习达到最佳效果。这就是我们倡导的交际法教学方式。  相似文献   

建构主义学习观的核心是以学生为主体, 强调让学生在情境、协作和会话中成为知 识的探索者和发现者。合作学习与建构主义学习环境相适应, 重视学习活动中学生的主体作用。 合作学习以学生为中心, 通过学习者主动、积极、互助地共同参与学习, 体现了学习过程中学习者与 学习环境之间的相互作用过程, 有助于知识意义建构的高效实现。  相似文献   

抽象、概括是思维活动过程中不可缺少的重要组成部分。任何一个科学的概念和原理 ,都是通过抽象概念而逐步形成的。只有通过对事物的不断认识 ,经过反复的抽象概念 ,才能达到对事物本质和规律的认识。抽象思维是一种能力。这种能力的高低 ,一方面取决于学生“先天”的素质 ,更重要的还是在于“后天”的培养。当今社会的发展 ,大量功能完善、设备先进的电教媒体进入课堂 ,使很多抽象的理论和概念变得形象具体了。学生在获得大量知识的同时降低了相应的难度 ,然而我们在应用这些现代化的电教媒体组织教学时 ,不能忽视学生进行抽象思维能力的训…  相似文献   

高级英语视听课是为英语系高年级学生开设的一门重要专业课。根据建构主义教 学理论, 学习过程是学习者主动建构信息的过程。高级英语视听课教学应以学生为中心, 充分发 挥学习者认知主体的作用;教师是教学活动的策划者、组织者、指导者和帮助者;提倡教与学、师与 生之间的交互性协作关系, 重视课堂选材, 采用趣味教学、文化教学、互动教学等方式, 使学生主动 获取信息和分析解决问题的能力以及创造性思维能力得到锻炼, 使学生自主学习能力和跨文化交 际能力不断提高。  相似文献   

中韩教育合作与交流的现状、问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张广翠 《东北亚论坛》2006,15(4):117-120
1992年以来,中韩教育合作与交流在人员互访、留学生交流、汉语教学和韩国语教学等方面不断取得进展。随着两国高层的不断互访,中韩教育合作与交流面临着新的历史机遇。针对两国交流人数不对等、信息不对称、合作学科不均衡、来华学生层次参差不齐、两国高教体制差异较大等问题,应采取如下对策:加大宣传力度,增强政策支持;促进强强合作、拉动互补性合作;设立奖助基金,打造合作品牌;形成高层次的合作与交流机制。  相似文献   

中韩建交以来两国文化教育交流综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
牛林杰 《东北亚论坛》2007,16(5):110-115
中韩文化教育交流是中韩全面合作伙伴关系的重要组成部分。中韩建交15年来,两国的文化教育交流取得了丰硕的成果。两国政府签署了一系列的交流协议,中国出现了"韩流"现象,韩国也掀起了强劲的"汉风",中国的韩国问题研究和韩国语教育发展迅速,韩国的汉学研究和中文教育持续升温,来华韩国留学生和赴韩中国留学生的人数稳居所在国外国留学生之首。两国文化教育交流的快速发展得益于政府的支持、经贸合作的稳步增长以及两国文化的渊源关系。  相似文献   

In recent years advocates of educational reform have encouraged and demanded changes in public education at all levels. A teaching method called active learning addresses many such concerns, promising several advantages to both teachers and students. One version of active learning is called problem-based learning (PBL). PBL is a pedagogically sound, scholastically beneficial, and socially desirable response to concerns about educational reform. According to recent research, PBL is the most effective technique for students to learn, apply, integrate, and retain information. Many students also prefer to learn in this style. Many teachers will find PBL a valuable alternative to current teaching practices. This essay is a brief primer on PBL techniques and resources. Abridged sections survey the structure and process of PBL, discuss the role of teacher as facilitator, describe PBL 'in action' in my courses, and address implementation.  相似文献   

While there is a large body of work devoted to interpersonal, intragroup, and intergroup conflict, little has been written about the dimension of the intrapersonal or intrapsychic conflict in the negotiating process. This article introduces the psychodynamic concepts of transference and countertransference and describes how these phenomena play a role in the negotiation situation. By describing the negative transference and how this gives rise to resistance, the author presents an explanation of what works and why in negotiating. The model is then applied to different current models of negotiation, and considers the implications for the organization of the negotiating team and team leadership. With a knowledge of transference and countertransference, the psychodynamic model may provide another perspective that can be used to understand the negotiation process.  相似文献   

A mega-simulation is a complex-negotiations teaching exercise involving complicated issues and challenging conditions that is undertaken by three or more teams of students. In this article, I draw on two decades of teaching with mega-simulations in international business negotiation courses to discuss potential learning goals for this type of experiential exercise, effective ways to organize the experience, challenges for the instructor, and the distinctive educational benefits that justify the substantial investment of time and resources required to implement these mega-simulations. These simulations can help students to develop greater sophistication in basic negotiation skills, become more extensively exposed to complex skill sets, and develop a deeper understanding of negotiation subject matter and complex processes than they would by conducting standard role plays. Mega-simulations offer major opportunities for students to move to advanced levels of negotiation skill not just in international business, but in diplomacy, law, engineering, and a host of other professional arenas.  相似文献   

Education is no longer safe from attacks during times of armed conflict. In many regions of the world, armed groups intentionally target schools, teachers and students and violate the right of children to get an education. Such is the case in Pakistan, where militant violence and continued armed conflict has disrupted the education of hundreds of thousands of children, particularly girls. The present study addresses a call for a better understanding of how non-governmental organisations (NGOs) function and contribute to peace-building and development through the provision of educational services in conflict zones. Based on field research, the study finds that in spite of challenges, NGOs have been playing a vital role in providing educational services to the conflict-affected communities. Disseminating information, solutions for resuming education, improving school enrolment, psychosocial support and promoting quality education lies at the forefront of NGOs’ battle in the tribal areas of Pakistan. However, the state needs a comprehensive policy to protect education from violent attacks.  相似文献   

Tanja E Bosch 《Communicatio》2013,39(2):185-200

Web-based learning has made learning content much more freely and instantaneously available to students who can download course notes and readings with a single mouse click. Facebook is one of many Web 2.0 tools – wikis, delicious, YouTube, podcasts – that are listed as having potential applications for teaching and learning. Moreover, it has been argued that the current generation of youth, often described as Net Geners or Digital Natives, may be resistant to traditional methods of teaching and learning. This article explores student use of Facebook at the University of Cape Town, as well as lecturer engagement with students via the new social media. Drawing on a virtual ethnography and qualitative interviews, this article shows that while there are potential positive benefits to using Facebook in teaching and learning, particularly for the development of educational micro-communities, certain challenges, including ICT literacy and uneven access, remain pertinent.  相似文献   

Constructivism and problem-based learning are two concepts that have recently been embraced by the educational community as teachers and professors are trained to meet the needs and demands of their students and the community at large. We discuss the assumptions and premises of constructivism and problem-based learning, and the findings of a study implementing these concepts with international relations as the content in a high-tech problem-based simulation called ICONS. The findings are discussed in terms of the constructivist problem-based learning model and the application to various content fields in education.  相似文献   

改革开放给高校思想政治工作的发展带来了良好机遇,也提出了更高的要求。面对社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立和完善,信息技术的进步等,不仅对经济社会活动产生了空前影响,对人们的思想观念产生了巨大冲击,而且对大学生思想政治教育也提出了严峻的挑战。大学生思想政治教育工作要在继承党的思想政治工作优良传统的基础上,积极探索新途径、新方法,努力体现时代性,  相似文献   

东南亚华裔留学生汉语学习背景浅探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代语言教学理论特别重视对教学对象的研究。东南亚华裔学生是来华学习汉语的留学生中的重要群体,作为语言教学的“教学对象”,与其他群体相比,他们有自己鲜明的群体特征;不仅与非华裔学生大不相同,而且也明显不同于其他国家或地区的华裔学生。学习者的群体特征是由于居住于不同国家和地区、不同民族传统、不同的语言文化背景等因素综合形成的。东南亚是海外华人最集中的地区,华人华侨的人数占全世界华人华侨总人数的82.4% ①,而且华人移居东南亚时间最早、历史最久,海外华文教育也起始于东南亚。华人华侨普遍重视中华传统文化的学习和传承…  相似文献   

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