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Tan Jianming graduated with a master's degree in refrigeration technology when he was 25 years old in 1989, a time when postgraduate students were a rare thing thing in china. He gave up many job opportunities in big cities and went in stead to work in a small factory in Zhuhai, a city in south Chna's Guangdong Province. Developing from a little fishing and salt-producing town, Zhuhai was officially established as a city in 1979.  相似文献   

"Localization" is a big word in business. It means the tailoring of a product to a particular culture, to tap into a local market, and it's mentioned in a few of the articles in Beijing Review's special package on Internet use in China.  相似文献   

In 1999,volunteers in Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou in south China were told to walk into a bare room each to test if they could survive 72 hours inside without venturing out.The rooms contained just a bed,a roll of toilet paper,a sum of money in cash,an equal amount in digital currency and a dial-up Internetnet.  相似文献   

Beautiful Life     
WAWA is a makeup artist working in the wonderful world of fashion. She can repaint a model's face faster than a Formula 1 team can change four wheels in a pit stop. Originally from Harbin, Wawa has been living in Beijing for five years. She showed a talent for fashion from an early age and delighted in daubing her face with makeup and parading around in her mother's dresses and high heels  相似文献   

Closing the urban-rural education gap becomes a focus of school reform Gong Weiquan is the headmaster of a middle school in a village in Yunnan Province in southwest China. But last October, he was given a task。  相似文献   

For almost a month,China has been engaged in a heroic fight against the novel coronavirus.While the problem is principally in Hubei Province in central China with most cases,other provinces such as Guangdong in the south,Zhejiang in the east,and Henan in central China,have also been affected,though to a much smaller extent.  相似文献   

LOCATED in northern Guizhou Province,southwest China,Zunyi is famous for its liquor and a crucial meeting in the history of the Communist Party of China.During a crisis in the Chinese revolution,CPC leaders held a politburo meeting in Zunyi from January 15 to 17,1935,which has gone down in history as the Zunyi Meeting.  相似文献   

<正>New film reflects a man-nature tragedy in vast Chinese grasslands decades ago Back in 2008,French director Jean-Jacques Annaud returned to his home in France after wrapping up shooting in the Sahara.There,from a large number of books his friends had mailed to him,Annaud picked up Wolf Totem,a novel by a Chinese author,and was immediately drawn in.Soon after,Annaud un-  相似文献   

Ilanded a job in a Beijing bank in :2OLO after graduating with a master's degree. I was lucky. A job in a bank in the metropolis is well paid with bright career prospects,and consequently much sought after. But it didn't appeal to me. I found that sitting in a cubicle clad in a sharp suit from nine to five, five days a week was slowly eroding my ambition and spirit. I soon felt isolated in this cell of cement, steel and glass. I itched for the freedom of a great wilderness - a world of clear blue skies and lush meadows strewn with wild flowers extending to an open horizon. Although devoid of modern amenities, to me the wild blue yonder teemed with promise and opportunities that would renew my youth and vigor.  相似文献   

A Cry for Help     
Rescue of newborn trapped in sewer becomes clarion call for unwed mothers On the afternoon of May 25,the muffled cries of an infant echoed from the sewage drain of a public toilet on the fourth floor of a residential building in Pujiang County, east China’s Zhejiang Province.Police officers and firefighters jointly extracted the 2.3-kg newbom covered in sores and swiftly sent him to a local hospital.But how did he end up in the sewer? Who would abandon a baby boy in a toilet?Police identified the baby’s mother as a 22-year-old woman with the pseudonym Xiaofei who lived in a nearby apartment,but she was initially reluctant to admit  相似文献   

Both in their mid-70s, Shan Baorui and his wife are now living at a model home for the aged in north China.The couple lives in a single room with heating in winter and an indoor toilet. Outside is a garden-like compound with flowers colorfully bright in the refresh- ing breeze.  相似文献   

WHEN word spread about a Leonids shower in mid November 2009, there was a flurry of excitement among young Chinese, astronomy fans or not. The event appears once every 33.5 years, meaning a mortal can watch three of them in a lifetime at best. But a rarer occurrence is now on the way - the Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day fall on the same day in 2010, a happenstance of once in 38 years.  相似文献   

<正>COLLEGE GRADUATE SCAM VICTIM Li Wenxing,a 23-year old college graduate,was found dead in a pond in Jinghai District of Tianjin on July 14,after he was lured into a pyramid scheme disguised as a software company on a recruitment website.Born in a farmer’s family in Dezhou,Shandong Province,Li was admitted by Shenyang-based Northeastern University in 2012.He once considered giving up the opportunity to go to college  相似文献   

Chen Chen used to be a veterinarian in Yanqing,a suburban district in northwest Beijing,the city that is going to host the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 together with Zhangjiakou in Hebei Province.When China won the bid for the Winter Games in 2015,Chen's enthusiasm for winter sports was ignited.He developed an interest in skiing and bought the entire paraphernalia,including a helmet and a ski suit.  相似文献   

Hu Xiaofei, a moral education teacher in Binjiang Middle School in Fengdu County, southwest China's Chongqing Municipality,established a special educational institute in Daxi Village in Fengdu in 2018,where his role changed from educating children to teaching their parents.  相似文献   

IT is never more inconvenient to fall ill than in a foreign country. It can feel a bit like having a medical emergency in a public place-lying helpless while someone yells,  相似文献   

Du Haotian first visited Tsinghua University, a prestigious seat of learning in China, in the summer of 2013 to install air conditioners. At the time, he was a high school graduate with a part-time job in Beijing, awaiting his enrollment notification from Shenyang Agricultural University in northeast China.  相似文献   

<正>An integrated transportation grid will connect Beijing,Tianjin and HebeiProvinceRen Aifan,a 28-year-old who works in downtown Beijing and dwells in Yanjiao,a town in neighboring Hebei Province,has to spend four hours in commuting every day."I get on a bus at 6:50 a.m.and take Beijing’s Subway Line 1 around 8:00a.m.When I get off at Chongwenmen Station and arrive in my office,it’s usually almost 9:00a.m.,"Ren told Beijing Review,complaining about the crowd in the bus enveloped in  相似文献   

IN Darwaz a misstep means certain death. The word is straightforward, meaning "walking on a rope in the air" in the Uygur language. Tightrope walking is a traditional sport of this ethnic group in China.  相似文献   

I am a Chinese having done business in America for many years. I am very proud of being a Chinese especially when China has such a rapid development in recent years. I see from various mediathat person like me who wants togo back to China to start business is in urgent need in China especially in Beijing. I have a tentative idea of opening a company in Beijing engaging in the design and delivery of advertisements, but I do not know what formalities we shall go through. I sincerely hope you can give me a detailed reply.  相似文献   

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