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An "urban" definition of public policy problems raises great difficulties for the policy maker. If we emphasize implementation as a primary factor in evaluating public policy, we have good grounds for questioning the wisdom of an urban perspective. But urban questions have been and still are major areas of concern in public policy formulation. The ALP federal platform contains a long section on urban policies, reiterating what the Department of Urban and Regional Development (DURD) was striving to achieve under the Whitlam Government. At state level, urban problems have been tackled with varying degrees of success and seriousness, although at this level overall urban perspectives tend to be ignored, for reasons we shall indicate. However urban planning authorities have been tried in most capital cities, and metropolitan plans have been drawn up for all of them. They have concentrated mainly on land use and urban form. By the 1970s a common criticism of such planning was that it left aside many social and economic aspects of urban growth. For example, one (admittedly partisan) government source—the N.S.W. Department of Decentralization and Development—noted "a massive and increasing trend towards socio-economic segregation":
…the remoteness of central city facilities …the cost of commuter transport and the inadequacy of community facilities in low-income outer suburbs are operating to perpetuate economic under-privilege.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes three issues in the economics of earthquake hazard mitigation policy. First, the economic rationale for the public role in mitigation policy is advanced. Second, an efficient level of mitigation is specified. And third, the deficiencies of current measures of losses are examined. Proper measures of losses are identified and the need for a regional economic model is developed. Unless losses can be properly measured it will be impossible to develop an efficient mitigation program for earthquake hazards.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine patterns and predictors of local government economic development in one state. The approach uses data from local governments and various statistical analyses to derive common dimensions of local government power and examine predictors of these dimensions. The results suggest that state policies on development strat-egies have to be developed and effectively exercised to increase the power of the local government in the multiple constituent network .  相似文献   

The Urban Development Block Grant (UDAG) program evolved from preceding programs in aid of distressed communities, including permitting local officials and private businesses wide berth in making deals for UDAG utilization and actively recruiting small cities to participate. This case study examines the impact these evolutionary departures had in two small cities—Follansbee, WV, and Farrell, PA—which received multi-million dollar UDAGs for steel projects in 1984 and 1988, respectively. Although the two cities had much in common economically, their use of UDAG funds was quite dissimilar. Outcomes were vastly disparate, raising questions about the ability of small communities, particulary those dominated by one declining company, to make appropriate decisions regarding program participation, as well as larger issues of federal intervention.  相似文献   

Consultants are an integral component of development aid. Their involvement is based on an assumption of the transferability of knowledge to clients and beneficiaries. However, this role, its efficacy and the concept of knowledge transfer have all been questioned. Although research has shown interest in northern development consultants in recent years, detailed processes and practices of southern consultants' engagement with knowledge production are less analysed. Drawing on debates about knowledge, power and managing development interventions and on extensive fieldwork exploring a Bolivian consultancy company's assignments for northern development agencies, we analyse the ‘knowledge engagements’ between clients, consultants and beneficiaries. The results suggest a novel theorisation: knowledge engagements are shaped by power relations exercised through discourses and financial aid on one hand and shared and unshared lifeworlds and backgrounds of actors on the other. They are also characterised by collusive behaviour with the discourses and practices of aid on the part of consultants and beneficiaries, which in turn influences outcomes. Southern consultants, although aware of these issues, are in a difficult position to challenge these relationships. A greater recognition of the tensions could lead to a new role for consultants if collective action were to renegotiate their terms of engagement and aim for a new mutuality. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of financial incentives to industry to promote urban economic development. It describes the types of incentives offered and sumniarizes the research on the effects of these incentives on firm location. It then examines and contrasts the costs and benefits of incentives to various political jurisaictions—municipality, state and nation. Finally, it aadresses the question of whether incentives, as currently designed, can solve urban unemployment and income problems. It considers the types and intrastate locational preferences of inciustries typically sttracted by incentives and concludes that current incentives may be of limitea effectiveness in promoting urban development. The discussion is particularly relevant in light of continued federal emphasis on introduction of enterprise zones as the major tool of urban economic development policy.  相似文献   

As cities compete for jobs and capital in the context of limited federal aid and increasing global economic competition, a new and potentially high‐risk public policy strategy for stimulating local economic growth has emerged. This megaevent strategy entails the quest for a high‐profile event to serve as a stimulus to, and justification for, local development. How and why do American cities commit their resources to seeking a mega‐event? And, if a city lands a megaevent, how does that event affect local development policy? To address these questions, we examine the experiences of three American cities which have bid for and organized the Olympics in the contemporary era: Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Salt Lake City.  相似文献   

Abstract. The concept'Civil Association'in Oakeshott contains two discrepant elements, namely the quality of civility and the institution of the state. This conflation is the result of Oakeshott's idealist mode of reasoning which consists in the method of one-sided abstraction. Civil association, in its abstract presentation, appears as a purely moral association, sharply distinguished from the pursuit of substantive aims in enterprise associations. Analysis of its postulates, however, reveals civil association as being insubstantial and only a particular expression of a given world of enterprise associations. Without substantive inequality and conflict civil association could not be made intelligible, and it is these features only which, although not ostensibly present in Oakeshott's abstract concept, endow it with its distinctive character: morality by itself is not a sufficient explanation. Idealist abstraction is, on a certain level, common to opposed ideological trends; the content of Oakeshott's concept does not meaningfully distinguish it from the ideal vision of Utopian thought.  相似文献   

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