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质化研究与循证实践:心理学中研究与实践的关联及互动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在心理学中,研究难以满足实践的需要,实践者甚至在某种程度上排斥研究,呈现出研究与实践相分裂的局面。近年来,心理学研究领域出现了适合研究实践的质化研究范式,实践领域出现了关注与使用研究证据的循证实践运动,为实现心理学中研究与实践的良性互动提供了新的思路与方法。文章阐述了心理学研究与实践的概念及其关联现状,并在此基础上介绍了质化研究与循证实践的兴起背景、特征及其对心理学研究与实践的关联与互动所带来的影响与启示。  相似文献   

我国行政伦理研究状况的分析与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对创建行政伦理学学科的呼声与需求,考察了我国行政伦理研究十余年来的发展状况,对研究主题、研究方法、研究者做了描述,并分析了我国行政伦理研究在学术共识、方法运用、问题意识、知识积累方面的问题,同时从学科身份危机与研究路径模糊两方面反思了我国行政伦理学目前存在的合法性与有效性问题。  相似文献   

计算法学作为新法科的重要组成部分,其研究范式的变迁,在于数字信息文明进程中新科技发展的冲击与法学研究范式的影响,因法律与科技相融而形成新的研究方法、领域和命题。计算法学研究范式的整体构建,需要在计算法学初步成形基础上,提炼出计算法学蕴含的主要命题,包括法秩序有序性、整合模式、法治协调共生等,并使计算法学的构造与原理体系化。计算法学研究范式基本课题的构建,既是对人工智能法学、数据法学到数字法学的理论概括,也是对法律与科技在法学方法论、法律规制论、法律数字化层面的转型升级,还是回应数字信息文明中数字正义、数据包容、协同共治的数字法治范式的展示,合力于数字法治建设以及全面提升作为新法科之计算法学研究的说服力和影响力。  相似文献   

江苏省知识产权研究中心成立于2008年9月,是由江苏省知识产权局与江苏大学合作共建的省级研究机构,是江苏省第一家专门从事知识产权理论与应用研究的科研机构,旨在依托江苏大学综合性大学优势和知识产权研究基础,通过深入开展学术研究、理论探讨、咨询服务等,力争建设成为国内外有影响的知识产权研究交流平台和政府决策的重要智库。  相似文献   

法律关系背后的关系——“法律亚文化关系”初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我们应坚持法律及其研究的多元性、坚持视野的广阔与开放,多路径地探求法的轨迹,而不是抱残守缺、固步自封。否则,法律和法学的研究,就不能适应复杂、多元社会的变化和发展。我们的法学研究过于局限在法典范围内的思路,是否应该自省一下了。我的看法是,应进入与活的社会、文化领域,进入与其他学科相交融的领域,否则,法学是没有出路的。  相似文献   

新中国法制史:21世纪一个亟待开拓的中法史研究领域   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新中国已成立 50余年,可是对新中国法制史的研究非常不够。究其原因有许多方面,但归结起来可分为主、客观两大方面。研究新中国法制史应注意处理好通史与部门法史、中央法制史和地方法制史、中国法制史学界与其他学术界等的关系。还有,研究新中国法制史,要改变传统的研究方法,引进新方法。  相似文献   

证据法是诉讼中证明活动的法律规范,对诉讼证明的学习有助于推动证据法的研究。但在学界实际研究中,更多的研究的是民事诉讼证明、刑事诉讼证明和行政诉讼证明,很少对诉讼证明整体进行探讨与研究。文章仅从诉讼证明的含义、过程、特征等方面,简单探讨与分析一下诉讼证明。  相似文献   

李可 《法治研究》2008,(6):22-30
浙江省环境法学研究主要集中在环境基本法与基本制度、环境行政机构与执法、环境污染防治法、自然资源保护法和环境侵权救济等十大领域,其主要以对策性研究为主.并且具有典型的研究类型上的地理学特征。今后要在继续开展对策性研究的基础上.加强基础理论和实证调查方面的研究,同时整合研究队伍,科学配置研究力量。  相似文献   

腾讯网络法律研究中心是由业界领先的腾讯公司筹办的,以互联网领域法律问题为研究对象的学术研究机构。本中心与国内外著名高校、学术团体、公共政策研究机构紧密合作。凭借着互联网行业的资深背景以及专业的专家学者团队的支持,本中心旨在助推国内互联网法律研究的进步,为国内知识产权与互联网法律研究学术界与产业界之间的互动提供交流平台,推动中国互联网法治建设的发展。  相似文献   

马怀德教授是中国政法大学副校长、教授、博士生导师,中国法学会行政法学研究会副会长,北京市法治政府研究基地主任,我国首位行政诉讼法博士。他曾赴美国耶鲁大学、波士顿大学,澳大利亚悉尼大学、墨尔本大学做访问学者,在行政法学和法理学研究上有很深的学术造诣。他长期从事行政法学、行政诉讼法和行政许可法的研究和教学,曾出版了《行政法制度建构与判例研究》《国家赔偿法的理论与实务》《行政许可》等40余部学术专著,  相似文献   


Connell and Farrington (1997) carried out the first study of the reliability and validity of reports of bullying and victimisation in correctional institutions, using individual interviews. The present research describes the second study on this topic using questionnaire measures of self, peer and staff reports of bullying and victimisation in one Children's Home (N=16 residents, 15 peers, 6 staff, making up to 1440 comparisons) and one Correctional Home (N=19 residents, 18 peers, 6 staff, making up to 2052 comparisons) in Croatia. The present study improved on the Connell and Farrington study by examining the test–retest stability of the questionnaire and using relative improvement over chance coefficients in assessing inter-rater reliability. Unlike in the Connell and Farrington study, self-reports of bullying and victimisation were collected in small groups rather than in individual interviews. Generally, there was significant agreement between residents, peers and staff in identifying bullies and victims, and the test–retest stability of the questionnaire was high. In line with the findings of Connell and Farrington, it is concluded that self-reports provide the most reliable and valid data about bullying amongst institutionalised youth.  相似文献   

魏建国 《北方法学》2014,(2):117-131
当下中国法学研究学术性不强的原因主要在于法学研究者自身,因此需要将视线转向学术本身。基于学术史方法是学术最基本方法的判断,可以发现中国法学研究学术性不强的原因在于学术史方法的缺失,这使得中国法学研究中的学术性与非学术性混淆不清;法学难以确立自己学科的独立地位;法学研究中引证混乱并难以发挥学术评价功能;法学研究中学术传统西化倾向严重。而当代中国法学研究学术性完善之路在于:实用标准与学术标准的适度分离,确立学术的独立性与学术评价的独立标准;增强对学术重要性的认识;加强学术史意识,强化学术规范;自觉推动法学学术传统的中国化。学术性、学术史方法并不是我们对法学研究的更高要求,而只是提醒我们在法学研究中首先要回到学术研究的基本方法然后再谈其他方法。  相似文献   

This article considers methodological issues arising from recent efforts to provide field tests of eyewitness identification procedures. We focus in particular on a field study (Mecklenburg 2006) that examined the “double blind, sequential” technique, and consider the implications of an acknowledged methodological confound in the study. We explain why the confound has severe consequences for assessing the real-world implications of this study.  相似文献   

The present study examines the position of day laborers, a social category still awaiting comparative study by family historians. In 19th-century Slovenian sources these laborers, called gosta?i, were a very mobile group that did not own property; they could be married or single and could be involved in various occasional jobs, agricultural or industrial, skilled or unskilled. By comparing two communities (one agrarian, the other centered on iron production), the study shows that the living and working arrangements of gosta?i were profoundly affected by the economy and by natural resources. They therefore developed different residential patterns, though in neither case did their families constitute a part of the owner's sub-household in the Laslettian sense. The study concludes that in the 19th century this poor social group should not be treated as a homogenous workforce but as flexible and dynamic.  相似文献   

PurposeIt is assumed that juvenile sex offenders (JSO) are tomorrow's adult sex offenders (ASO) and ASO were previously JSO. The current study tests these two assumptions using prospective longitudinal data.MethodsUsing data from the 1984 Dutch Birth Cohort study, the study examines the criminal career of JSO and the continuity of sex offending into early adulthood.ResultsThe study findings show much heterogeneity in the criminal careers of JSO suggesting several criminal career outcomes in adulthood. Put differently, the vast majority of JSO do not become ASO while adult sex offending does not require juvenile sex offending. Against the backdrop of this principle, the study found a small group of JSO recidivist at-risk of persisting into adulthood and a group of chronic juvenile offenders who are at-risk of escalating their offending to sex crimes in adulthood.ConclusionsFor the most part, JSO and ASO are two distinct phenomenon. The vast majority of JSO desist from sex offending while the vast majority of ASO started sexually offending in adulthood. As the frequency of general nonsexual offending increases during adolescence, so is the risk of becoming ASO. This group of youth warrants closer scrutiny for prevention programs.  相似文献   

The use of alcohol increases the risk of dying from unnatural or violent causes. The presented study explored the distribution of age, gender, cause, and circumstances of death in persons who died in an unnatural and violent manner, with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) higher than 0.3 g/dL, and where the cause of death was not alcohol intoxication. We defined the control (0 < BAC < 0.3 g/dL) and study (BAC ≥ 0.3 g/dL) groups, as in subjects with these concentrations, there is a significant risk of gross intoxication, stupor, and death. The subjects from the study group were older, with no difference in gender distribution. Traffic accidents were the most common fatal event in both groups, followed by suicides. Other accidents (choking on food and exposure to fire) were more frequent in the study group. Compared to the control group, subjects from the study group were older persons whose deaths were mainly accidental.  相似文献   



Police departments often use photo lineups for eyewitness identification purposes. A widely adopted lineup reform designed to reduce eyewitness misidentifications involves switching from the standard simultaneous photo presentation format to a sequential format. These two lineup procedures were recently tested in the American Judicature Society (AJS) field study, which was conducted in four different police jurisdictions. The results from two phases of that investigation reached opposite conclusions as to which lineup procedure is superior, and the purpose of our current investigation was to elucidate the role of site variance in shaping those contrasting conclusions.


In previous analyses, the field study data were either (1) aggregated across all four study sites or (2) drawn from only one study site (Austin, Texas). Here, we analyze the data separately for the Austin study site, where 69 % of the eyewitnesses were tested, and the other three study sites combined, where 31 % of the eyewitnesses were tested.


The results indicate significant site variance between the Austin and non-Austin study sites. In addition, the results suggest that aggregating the data across sites played a determinative role in creating the apparent disagreement about which lineup procedure is diagnostically superior.


Once large differences across the AJS study sites are taken into consideration, there is no longer any disagreement about which lineup procedure is superior. The simultaneous procedure is diagnostically superior to the sequential procedure, but the sequential procedure sometimes induces more conservative responding (a result that can and often does masquerade as diagnostic superiority).

This research demonstrates the value of laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) as a research tool in osteological studies, and diagenetic studies in particular. LSCM combines properties of light and scanning electron microscopy using laser light to excite fluorophores throughout the z-axis, developing a 3-D image. Using differential staining and selecting for specific wavelengths of light, one can image targeted materials. This research is divided into two parts: visualizing bone structures such as proteins and their decompositional products and visualizing diagenesis. Part one of this study utilized pig bones as a means of testing the overall ability of LSCM to fluoresce bone. Twenty-three samples were imaged, including 13 samples from a decompositional study conducted 5 years previous, and 10 “fresh” samples collected from a commercial butcher. This part of the study determined that protein and organic components of the bone could be fluoresced and diagenetic alteration could be imaged. The second part of the study used human samples as a means of imaging and mapping diagenetic alterations. The second part of the study used 13 samples, including 4 clinical, 7 ancient, and 2 modern controls. The pig study used Basic Fuchsin and SlowFade Gold stains, while the human study used toluidine blue. Images were also taken with unstained elements. The results of the non-human study found that a fresh bone fluoresced differently than that of a 5-year subset, while the results of the human study confirmed these findings and determined that the bone diagenesis can be mapped using LSCM.  相似文献   



To assess the impact of a positive behavioral reinforcement intervention on psychosocial functioning of inmates over the course of treatment and on post-treatment self-reported measures of treatment participation, progress, and satisfaction.


Male (n?=?187) and female (n?=?143) inmates participating in 12-week prison-based intensive outpatient (IOP) drug treatment were randomly assigned to receive standard treatment (ST) or standard treatment plus positive behavioral reinforcement (BR) for engaging in targeted activities and behaviors. Participants were assessed for psychosocial functioning at baseline and at the conclusion of treatment (post-treatment). Self-reported measures of treatment participation, treatment progress, and treatment satisfaction were also captured at post-treatment.


The intervention affected female and male subjects differently and not always in a way that favored BR subjects, as compared to the ST subjects, most notably on measures of depression and criminal thinking.


Possible explanations for the results include differences in the male and female custody environments combined with the procedures that study participants had to follow to earn and/or receive positive reinforcement at the two study sites, as well as baseline differences between the genders and a possible floor effect among females on measures of criminality. Limitations of the study included the inability to make study participants blind to the study conditions and the possible over-branding of the study, which may have influenced the results.  相似文献   


Begun in 1939, the Cambridge-Somerville Youth Study (CSYS) is recognized as the first delinquency prevention experiment and the earliest example of a longitudinal–experimental study with criminological outcomes. This paper aims to develop a historical understanding of the origins of the study’s research design.


The present study is guided by the socio-historical approach and informed by past historical research in criminology. It draws upon a wide array of archival records and published works from the late nineteenth century to the present day.


Richard Clarke Cabot designed and directed the CSYS. Major influences on the study’s research design can be traced to Cabot’s medical practice and research, his advocacy for social work practice and research, and his professional relationship with the Gluecks. The beginnings of experimentation in the social sciences during the early twentieth century may have also played a role. Joan McCord’s early involvement in the study proved instrumental to its longitudinal component.


The rigorous and innovative research design of the CSYS marks an important chapter in the history of experimental criminology, and its influence continues to this day. New experimental studies on the prevention of crime and delinquency must continue to strive to advance scientific knowledge and improve public policy.


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